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Thai Girls Being Offered Generous Jobs In Singapore For 'Modelling'


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So me and my Thai girlfriend are on the rocks. Shits me to tears, acts jealous, insulting and I have several reasons not to trust her. I'm supposed be flying into Thailand tomorrow to see her, but basically I've told her that I don't want to see her if she keeps acting manipulative and possessive.

I told her we would talk when I got to Thailand.

Miraculously, today, I got a text message along the lines of 'are you going to see me or not? I've been offered a job in Singapore'. Alas, she is mounting the pressure, but I shall not prevail. This is either a) an act of manipulation or B) she is actually going to Singapore. She is good looking, yes, but she is not monumentally good looking. Singapore is packed with pretty girls. Why would a modelling agency dish out money + accomodation for a Thai girl who I think is beautiful (When she isn't acting insane) when there would be an inexhaustible quantity in Singapore itself? I have a mounting suspsicious that her venture into Singapore would be sponsored by a hapless male who is completely unaware of what he is getting himself into.

What do you say? Anyone else's GF's lucky enough to get international modelling contracts?

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Is this the Four Floors "Modelling" Agency by any chance?

But given what you tell us anout her behaviour and the fact you don't trust her, why do you even care.

Her in Singapore while you are in Thailand seems to me like a result.

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Tell her no problem and you have a modelling job in Soi Cowboy as well.....

Sorry for the other guy who has her on his neck now.....

Don't put any weight on that Singapore information. Maybe just the other guy from Germany comes or she thinks she better find a new farang at the bar. But tells modelling in Sing, so just in case it doesn't work well she can come back later.

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Lol @ modelling job. Oh lordy, lordy, lordy.

I'm in Singapore today. I was in a bar in the Orchard Road area and was surrounded by dozen of Thai models. Quite a few Vietnamese ones too . .

I suspect her modelling contract is limited to a month though .

Its a bit early for that, isn't it? Does the boss know?

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Two major players. I would estimate between them about a million or so models and photographers and others in the business who advertise or respond to advertisements. It would be easy to pick up work in Singapore or anywhere else for that matter.

One of the sites is on the up and up and the other less so doing a lot of adult casting.

If I was a good looking lady I could pick up work anywhere in the world in a matter of minutes.

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Maybe members could make better judgment If you told us where you met? And abit about her history? I would say even if she takes a job where she believes she will be modelling could actually turn out to be much more. If this is the case I think she would have an inkling also.

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Human trafficking not modelling. An acquaintance of mine went to Singapore on what was supposed to be the deal of a lifetime and it turned out to be just that, for the pimp. She worked for a month and came back with nothing, as the trip organisers relieved her of every penny prior to departure for Thailand.

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Human trafficking not modelling. An acquaintance of mine went to Singapore on what was supposed to be the deal of a lifetime and it turned out to be just that, for the pimp. She worked for a month and came back with nothing, as the trip organisers relieved her of every penny prior to departure for Thailand.

Not trying to be funny, but it appears she went voluntarly and was "stiffed" on the business deal (forgive the pun) is this really human trafficking ? I mean she wasnt doing this against her will and one assumes she knew what she was getting into

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Human trafficking not modelling. An acquaintance of mine went to Singapore on what was supposed to be the deal of a lifetime and it turned out to be just that, for the pimp. She worked for a month and came back with nothing, as the trip organisers relieved her of every penny prior to departure for Thailand.

Not trying to be funny, but it appears she went voluntarly and was "stiffed" on the business deal (forgive the pun) is this really human trafficking ? I mean she wasnt doing this against her will and one assumes she knew what she was getting into

Maybe human trafficking is a bit strong, but she was relieved of her passport on arrival. She did not know what she was getting into as she was tricked into going with the lure of big money, she thought that she would be working freelance. She was introduced to many other Thai girls upon arrival, who fell for the same scam.These trips are nothing more than organised crime.

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Human trafficking not modelling. An acquaintance of mine went to Singapore on what was supposed to be the deal of a lifetime and it turned out to be just that, for the pimp. She worked for a month and came back with nothing, as the trip organisers relieved her of every penny prior to departure for Thailand.

Not trying to be funny, but it appears she went voluntarly and was "stiffed" on the business deal (forgive the pun) is this really human trafficking ? I mean she wasnt doing this against her will and one assumes she knew what she was getting into

Maybe human trafficking is a bit strong, but she was relieved of her passport on arrival. She did not know what she was getting into as she was tricked into going with the lure of big money, she thought that she would be working freelance. She was introduced to many other Thai girls upon arrival, who fell for the same scam.These trips are nothing more than organised crime.

Check her passport and see how many Singapore stamps are on it. Get what I am saying? There are probably 10,000 Thai women working in Singapore. Easy to check before a woman goes. Every Thai lady I know, knows someone working in Singapore.

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Maybe she is going to get a quilted dressing gown and model herself as a mattress.

Yet another woman winding one of us foreigners up with petty demands / threats.

Sounds like another of these women who are beautiful outside and very ugly inside from the OP's description :)

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Human trafficking not modelling. An acquaintance of mine went to Singapore on what was supposed to be the deal of a lifetime and it turned out to be just that, for the pimp. She worked for a month and came back with nothing, as the trip organisers relieved her of every penny prior to departure for Thailand.

Not trying to be funny, but it appears she went voluntarly and was "stiffed" on the business deal (forgive the pun) is this really human trafficking ? I mean she wasnt doing this against her will and one assumes she knew what she was getting into

Maybe human trafficking is a bit strong, but she was relieved of her passport on arrival. She did not know what she was getting into as she was tricked into going with the lure of big money, she thought that she would be working freelance. She was introduced to many other Thai girls upon arrival, who fell for the same scam.These trips are nothing more than organised crime.

Check her passport and see how many Singapore stamps are on it. Get what I am saying? There are probably 10,000 Thai women working in Singapore. Easy to check before a woman goes. Every Thai lady I know, knows someone working in Singapore.

Agreed Kerry. I warned her against going, but got the usual 'farang tink too muts'

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Human trafficking not modelling. An acquaintance of mine went to Singapore on what was supposed to be the deal of a lifetime and it turned out to be just that, for the pimp. She worked for a month and came back with nothing, as the trip organisers relieved her of every penny prior to departure for Thailand.

This has been going on for 100s of years. Many Thai girls where sold by there parents, thinking that they where going to a better life, but they where put to work in brothels. But the underlying thing with this story is Money, if some one genuinely cares for you they never give you an ultimatum. Just say not. bye.

Edited by Thongkorn
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Why on earth would you even consider seeing her again?There are lots of girls who will treat you with respect and not try to dominate you.

This sounds like a recipe for disaster!

Don't the dominant ones cost more?

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Why on earth would you even consider seeing her again?There are lots of girls who will treat you with respect and not try to dominate you.

This sounds like a recipe for disaster!

Don't the dominant ones cost more?

Only if you marry them...........:(

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