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You Know It'S Hot In Thailand When...


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You know its hot in Thailand when you realize that you perfectly understand the Thai word, "Rawn" when you hear it, because you here it 100 times a day.

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you know its hot in thailand ...When the cheap charlies buy two bottles of Leo and sit out side the 7/11 all day

Just because some Thais are poor it is no reason to make fun of them. Maybe all they can afford is one or 2 bottles between the 3 or 4 of them.

Just because you are a westerner with more money doesn't give you the right to insult Thais who don't have any.

Perhaps you should consider moving on to a different country.

To be honest, wherever you live and whatever your social standing, if you are spending the last of your money on beer and wasting your day, ridicule and contempt should be expected.

A day spent drinking beer with your friends is not wasted.

I would value contempt more, coming from someone who's opinion I respected.

Out of interest, what would you spend the last of your money on, and how would you rather spend your time than enjoying the company of your friends? Its easy to be negative, but harder to be be constructive.

Perhaps I would be more worried if they spent the first of their money on beer.


Last of your money in the world? or just until pension day?

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..you buy groceries including meltable items such as chocolate and butter from the supermarket, stick it in your bike box, and find that short journey really wasnt short enough. Next time silly me is going to be buying some ice at the same time.

Its hot in Thailand when my peasant neighbours sleep outside of their wooden houses.

Miss my old apartments big balcony, because i used to enjoy just that whenever it was really hot. Balcony camping. Had electric sockets out there too, so could plug in a fan if needed. Loved it. (Yes, i had aircon, just that i prefer natural air).

And Mozzies?

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