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Fitness First Personal Trainer

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I would like to know if anyone has been training with a personal trainer in Fitness First.

I recently joined Fitness First for a 5 months contract (2000baht/month).

I've been working out a few days now at Central Rama 9 branch. And I would like to get some support from a personal trainer, just to push it a bit further and helping me out.

Now I've asked my personal trainer (that I got for free the first 2 sessions) what their fees are for extra sessions. She couldn't reply for herself, she said her manager will help me out calculating it.

Then they came with this typical bargain salestricks of huge discounts and all... This is what I got from them:

30 sessions x 1440 baht = 43200 baht after 43 procent discount = 24624 baht or 820 baht per session


12 sessions x 1440 baht = 17280 baht after 37 procent discount = 10861 baht or 905 baht per session

800-900 baht for a session from approx 1-2 hours isn't that too much?

Anyone who can give me some usefull info ? Appreciate the help! Also people who had a personal trainer in another gym could give me their info.

Grtz and thanks

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All Fitness First trainers are graded dependent on Qualifications, skill sets and experience from Silver Trainers to Platinum trainers. The latter (platinum trainers) being the most expensive.

Fitness First pride themselves on employing only degree level candidates and there is a waiting list of applicants, who all undergo a long apprenticeship before being allowed to conduct any personal training. They then must continue their education in the business to maintain grading and employment.

The discounts are standard and non negotiable across the country, and are strictly against the amount that is bought. Simply put one session is much more expensive than multiple sessions. That is what the discount is against.

While the amount you mention may seem expensive, it offers good value when combined with the clean, friendly facilities and the well trained and customer driven staff. It is also well within the normal parameters for PT pricing in Thailand and well below the cost of some other countries across the region.

Beware of taking any PT outside of a recognised club chain, Insurance, education and safety control issues can not be guaranteed. Nor can you be sure of any recompense should your trainer have any issues in conducting the sessions.

What is the new Rama 9 club like?

I hope that this helps,



hmm who signs up to add the above for a 1st post, looks like spam

beside, all that insurance, long apprenticship, the platinum level stuff , I just dont believe it.

having someone who understands your language (90% atleast), diet, sports played or playing and cultural aspects might count too, not likely with a Thai national is it?


hmm who signs up to add the above for a 1st post, looks like spam

beside, all that insurance, long apprenticship, the platinum level stuff , I just dont believe it.

having someone who understands your language (90% atleast), diet, sports played or playing and cultural aspects might count too, not likely with a Thai national is it?

I second that, just signed in today, and posted twice on a subject about Fitness First ... looks more like an insider of FF.

In reply if Rama 9 branch is ok. I'm satisfied yes for what I get for my money. Not overcrowded.

But I rather get some replies about people who had some experience with PT. And also what they paid for it.


Unless fitness first trainers are a world above True Fitness and California Wow trainers I have never seen a competent trainer in any "western" gym here. And my by world around i truly mean that, I actually get angry seeing these trainers with clients doing the most pointless light weight exercises and sometimes extremely dangerous exercises.

Every gym has that group of people that go constantly and they are generally all willing and able to give correct advice and many times will spot/pair with you. If you have more money then then go for it, but if you wish to look like the average stringbean/beer gut thai which is all true or cali seem to employ then go for it.

Go find a big bro at the gym, talk him up and ask if he knows a good trainer, many times there are members that are also trainers on the side. Might be a bit more than a Thai but you wont be wasting your time and $.

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I've been living in Bangkok for almost 7 years and have 20+ years training in the gym. My training partner is a top level IFBB pro bodybuilder and neither one of us has EVER seen a trainer in any gym in Bangkok be it either Fitness First, True Fitness or California Wow worth one single baht. One of the easiest ways to answer your own question about using a trainer is simply to look at his physique. If the "trainer" doesn't look like he has ever lifted a kg in his life, how is he going to teach you anything? If you rely on what management at the gym has taught him or any school here, good luck. Most of them spend more time playing with their phones then paying attention to the customers.

Have you ever seen anyone from your gym break a sweat after using a "trainer"? I know the answer and it is never.

The only thing I have witnessed first hand is countless useless exercises, bad form, long breaks and using much too light weights for anyone to get even the slightest results.

Do not waste your money on a trainer from any gym in Thailand. Save your money and do what feels right for you. Also look at what others do and as the poster before mentioned, feel free to ask anyone in the gym about any exercise you have a question about especially the ones who are actually in great shape. I have never said no to anyone who has asked for help in the gym and all the guys I know gladly offer guys help if they need it.

100% spot on. clap2.gif

I'm shocked when I see the trainers at California Wow doing induction with new members and showing them how to use the elliptical "step" machines. They're utterly useless. The new member pounds away on the machine with their head bobbing up and down like crazy oblivious to the fact that they're just using their body weight instead of pushing with their hips and thighs. There's one bird at my gym at Asoke who's not lost an ounce in 6 months; she's there three or four times a week and uses a personal trainer who's always on his phone.

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I would recommend you to ask Fitness First or the PT him/here if they are certified by an International recognized Fitness organization like ACE or ACSM.


my information is about 3-4 years outdated but from memory 3-4 years ago the rates were about 400 baht per session at California Wow and True

I would suggest to visit both the WOW and True, have both right across the road from each other at Asoke and ask the rates, it should give you a better indication if the pricing is fair at Fitness First(though i believe is over priced by a double at least)


I've been living in Bangkok for almost 7 years and have 20+ years training in the gym. My training partner is a top level IFBB pro bodybuilder and neither one of us has EVER seen a trainer in any gym in Bangkok be it either Fitness First, True Fitness or California Wow worth one single baht. One of the easiest ways to answer your own question about using a trainer is simply to look at his physique. If the "trainer" doesn't look like he has ever lifted a kg in his life, how is he going to teach you anything? If you rely on what management at the gym has taught him or any school here, good luck. Most of them spend more time playing with their phones then paying attention to the customers.

Have you ever seen anyone from your gym break a sweat after using a "trainer"? I know the answer and it is never.

The only thing I have witnessed first hand is countless useless exercises, bad form, long breaks and using much too light weights for anyone to get even the slightest results.

Do not waste your money on a trainer from any gym in Thailand. Save your money and do what feels right for you. Also look at what others do and as the poster before mentioned, feel free to ask anyone in the gym about any exercise you have a question about especially the ones who are actually in great shape. I have never said no to anyone who has asked for help in the gym and all the guys I know gladly offer guys help if they need it.

100% spot on. clap2.gif

I'm shocked when I see the trainers at California Wow doing induction with new members and showing them how to use the elliptical "step" machines. They're utterly useless. The new member pounds away on the machine with their head bobbing up and down like crazy oblivious to the fact that they're just using their body weight instead of pushing with their hips and thighs. There's one bird at my gym at Asoke who's not lost an ounce in 6 months; she's there three or four times a week and uses a personal trainer who's always on his phone.

You have to be willing to go the extra mile if you want to get into good shape. Also for loosing weight diet is much better its real hard to loose weight by just training. Its 90% diet.


also to just toss it out there as some self help, there is an application for iphones and maybe droids called bodybuilding.com. Along with this there is a section to click on exercises. This will pop up a huge list for each body part of possible exercises, their difficulty levels, how to do them step by step inc a video. Ive had more than 1 of my routines tweaked or movements adjusted by just looking at whats possible and trying it out.

You have to be willing to go the extra mile if you want to get into good shape. Also for loosing weight diet is much better its real hard to loose weight by just training. Its 90% diet.

It's said that all you need to do is burn more calories than you take in but I work at home so, without the training, I'm sure I'd be a lot fatter than I am. I try to lay off the carbs but it ain't easy in this country. I'm on Atkins which is good for me because I love most of the foods you're allowed to eat but I do miss fruit a lot. sad.png


Only a VERY few of the trainers at any of the commercial gyms really know what they're doing. If you really think they might help you, you should already know enough to see if THEY know how to do the lifts, etc. - especially the back-related lifts.

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Only a VERY few of the trainers at any of the commercial gyms really know what they're doing. If you really think they might help you, you should already know enough to see if THEY know how to do the lifts, etc. - especially the back-related lifts.

For most trainers its easier to say, don't do squat, don't do deadlifts they are dangerous then to teach you proper form. My avatar is a joke but i also like doing squat as it is a great exercise. Burns a lot of calories and gives you a testosterone boost (according to some research)

You have to be willing to go the extra mile if you want to get into good shape. Also for loosing weight diet is much better its real hard to loose weight by just training. Its 90% diet.

It's said that all you need to do is burn more calories than you take in but I work at home so, without the training, I'm sure I'd be a lot fatter than I am. I try to lay off the carbs but it ain't easy in this country. I'm on Atkins which is good for me because I love most of the foods you're allowed to eat but I do miss fruit a lot. sad.png

I am not on any kind of diet, i just restrict my calories and after years of training and research i know what foods are good and what are not. (just internet research on bodybuilder sites). I got fat during the flooding because my gym that is in one of my bedrooms was filled with stuff from the ground floor. I could not exercise, then add the stress and the fact that i strarted drinking heavily. Now im back below my normal weight, lost around 12 kg already. I need to loose 6 more for a 6pack.. or at least i hope its only 6 more.

I do moderate my carbs and avoid bad carbs like white rice but in the morning i take a nice bowl of oatmeal and milk.

But the point is that its easier to diet and eat 500cals less then to burn it. I am not saying training does not do a thing but it just does not burn as much as we like. It does have many other benefits like bone density and cardiovascular health and many more. Plus the muscle makes you look better. What i am saying is you won't get anywhere if you don't adjust your diet too.

You did it atkins style but other styles would help too. Just eating healthy foods and making sure you burn more then you eat will give you results. Also dont forget its a slow process those 6 kgs im talking about would cost me 3 months. Its easy to loose weight if your really overweight, it gets harder if you are already on your normal weight.


For a certain period I did try out a trainer at one of the gyms (not Fitness First, to be fair)- and he *was* one of the few that knew what he was doing, and I knew it. Once for awhile, we were waiting for a machine to be ready and watching a pair of guys getting trained by one of the other 'trainers'- and he was letting them do horribly bad form with squats- and I commented on it, and *my* trainer's response was, 'Oh! You can see that!' :P:D


Personal thoughts, all this personal trainer crap really is a money earner. Do your Internet homework and use your loaf (head)

Agree, I dislike fitness clubs. Music is annoying and the whole atmosphere does not seem to be appealing imho. But realising that I got fat after 10 years in LOS I did my reading, then watched on youtube how to do it the right way, went to the gym room in our condo and lost more than 20lbs in 3 1/2 months with a mix of dietary changes / cardio / strength. It's easy if you read and understand the theories behind it. I'm now at a point where cardio becomes less and muscle build up becomes more important. That changes the diet etc. But for all of this I do not need a personal trainer, I just have to look up the information and then cross check it. If the information on several websites is identical then... you go with it. And the money saved is good for some burgers and beers because if your diet is right you still can have some without missing your goals.


Personal thoughts, all this personal trainer crap really is a money earner. Do your Internet homework and use your loaf (head)

Agree, I dislike fitness clubs. Music is annoying and the whole atmosphere does not seem to be appealing imho. But realising that I got fat after 10 years in LOS I did my reading, then watched on youtube how to do it the right way, went to the gym room in our condo and lost more than 20lbs in 3 1/2 months with a mix of dietary changes / cardio / strength. It's easy if you read and understand the theories behind it. I'm now at a point where cardio becomes less and muscle build up becomes more important. That changes the diet etc. But for all of this I do not need a personal trainer, I just have to look up the information and then cross check it. If the information on several websites is identical then... you go with it. And the money saved is good for some burgers and beers because if your diet is right you still can have some without missing your goals.

I agree, there is so much information available. Just be sure to find the right information, but many people are willing to help for free. I have been training so long and lost loads of weight. This time i want to be in the best shape of my life. I might make it i might not but its fun to do and to set goals. Getting older does not mean you can't do something it might take more time to reach but its still doable.


Personal thoughts, all this personal trainer crap really is a money earner. Do your Internet homework and use your loaf (head)

Agree, I dislike fitness clubs. Music is annoying and the whole atmosphere does not seem to be appealing imho. But realising that I got fat after 10 years in LOS I did my reading, then watched on youtube how to do it the right way, went to the gym room in our condo and lost more than 20lbs in 3 1/2 months with a mix of dietary changes / cardio / strength. It's easy if you read and understand the theories behind it. I'm now at a point where cardio becomes less and muscle build up becomes more important. That changes the diet etc. But for all of this I do not need a personal trainer, I just have to look up the information and then cross check it. If the information on several websites is identical then... you go with it. And the money saved is good for some burgers and beers because if your diet is right you still can have some without missing your goals.

Well I took that step as well for now, I skipped the personal trainer. Asked a good friend,who is more experienced then me, for setting up a week workout shedule with all needed exercises. After I've been looking them up on youtube for the perfect execution of it.

Now it's just a matter of finding the perfect weights to begin with.


I train with Khun Ae at Central Bangna... Choose Muay Thai(it's cheaper) I pay 12,568 for 12 sessions inc VAT or 19,321 for 20 sessions. This guy has helped me lose over 20 kilos and my BF% has dropped from 43% to just under 14, in a year...

Unlike other on here, I like Motivation and to be motivated, some can do it by themselves others need someone(which are you).. I found it difficult to motivate myself after an ACL reconstruction following a sports related injury. I have been a team player and had coaches all the way through to my mid 20's. Coaches that pushed me physically and mentally 5 days a week.... to train on my own was boring.. I gave up and put on weight....

In the end I cut out the booze and the MacD's and put the money towards a PT.... worth every penny in my opinion... I am fitter and healthier than I have been in my LIFE(36 now). I am doing my first Dualthalon next month and am starting my PT certification course in September.... I just wish I had done it all earlier


As you said chillem now you just need to find the right weight. Please please start low/mid range for lifts, you can always go up and you will but technique is the most important part of lifting by far. Its actually painful to see these guys who clearly dont know what their doing load up 45s on the bench and then do 1/4th of the motion or just do it with horrible form. Its going to benefit you more to do low weight and perfect form rather than medium weight and not even hit any of the muscle.

Cant do it slowly and with proper form cause its to heavy? Stop and go down 5-10lbs, still cant? Go down some more.

Good luck


As you said chillem now you just need to find the right weight. Please please start low/mid range for lifts, you can always go up and you will but technique is the most important part of lifting by far. Its actually painful to see these guys who clearly dont know what their doing load up 45s on the bench and then do 1/4th of the motion or just do it with horrible form. Its going to benefit you more to do low weight and perfect form rather than medium weight and not even hit any of the muscle.

Cant do it slowly and with proper form cause its to heavy? Stop and go down 5-10lbs, still cant? Go down some more.

Good luck

I don't really agree, for bench press its hard to go wrong and its all about lifting hard and fast (you cant go really fast with heavy weights anyway). Muscles are build for explosions. Of course you have to do the whole range. You won't see me doing bench slow i drop it and push it out but a full range of motion.

Glbv could you explain bad form in bench to me ? I mean its almost impossible to do wrong. If you were to say squat or deadlift in bad form id agree with you as there is a lot more that can go wrong there but bench ?.


As you said chillem now you just need to find the right weight. Please please start low/mid range for lifts, you can always go up and you will but technique is the most important part of lifting by far. Its actually painful to see these guys who clearly dont know what their doing load up 45s on the bench and then do 1/4th of the motion or just do it with horrible form. Its going to benefit you more to do low weight and perfect form rather than medium weight and not even hit any of the muscle.

Cant do it slowly and with proper form cause its to heavy? Stop and go down 5-10lbs, still cant? Go down some more.

Good luck

I don't really agree, for bench press its hard to go wrong and its all about lifting hard and fast (you cant go really fast with heavy weights anyway). Muscles are build for explosions. Of course you have to do the whole range. You won't see me doing bench slow i drop it and push it out but a full range of motion.

Glbv could you explain bad form in bench to me ? I mean its almost impossible to do wrong. If you were to say squat or deadlift in bad form id agree with you as there is a lot more that can go wrong there but bench ?.

I have been a member of California, Fitness First and True Fitness. I started out in California paying 15,000 for life time members. At fitness first it was 2000 baht a month for 6 months contract. And now at true It only costs me around 1200 baht a month (a special deal, PM me if you want to know more).

Overall I enjoy True the most, fitness first at Pinklao and Chaengwattana were good and quiet a few years ago but now its getting just as crowded. California is a joke.

You do not need a personal trainer, as said earlier just read online, check youtube videos to see correct techniques and form, and start from low weight, slowly working yourself up. Remember everybody was a beginner at some point.

Check out this forum


Thats 6 exercises you can do three times a week, and if you do them properly you will see results. The big three would be squats, benchpress and deadlifts.

Bodybuilding.com forum is great for advice, logging your results and even searching up diet and food recipes advice.

As for robb, I would say there are plenty of bad bench press habits that newcomers do, and instead of working on proper form they just load up as much as they can. For example, bouncing the barbell off the chest, using a wrong or suicide grip, bringing down the bar too low or too high to the chest, not doing a complete ROM, not squeezing the back muscles, so on and so fourth.


As you said chillem now you just need to find the right weight. Please please start low/mid range for lifts, you can always go up and you will but technique is the most important part of lifting by far. Its actually painful to see these guys who clearly dont know what their doing load up 45s on the bench and then do 1/4th of the motion or just do it with horrible form. Its going to benefit you more to do low weight and perfect form rather than medium weight and not even hit any of the muscle.

Cant do it slowly and with proper form cause its to heavy? Stop and go down 5-10lbs, still cant? Go down some more.

Good luck

I don't really agree, for bench press its hard to go wrong and its all about lifting hard and fast (you cant go really fast with heavy weights anyway). Muscles are build for explosions. Of course you have to do the whole range. You won't see me doing bench slow i drop it and push it out but a full range of motion.

Glbv could you explain bad form in bench to me ? I mean its almost impossible to do wrong. If you were to say squat or deadlift in bad form id agree with you as there is a lot more that can go wrong there but bench ?.

I have been a member of California, Fitness First and True Fitness. I started out in California paying 15,000 for life time members. At fitness first it was 2000 baht a month for 6 months contract. And now at true It only costs me around 1200 baht a month (a special deal, PM me if you want to know more).

Overall I enjoy True the most, fitness first at Pinklao and Chaengwattana were good and quiet a few years ago but now its getting just as crowded. California is a joke.

You do not need a personal trainer, as said earlier just read online, check youtube videos to see correct techniques and form, and start from low weight, slowly working yourself up. Remember everybody was a beginner at some point.

Check out this forum


Thats 6 exercises you can do three times a week, and if you do them properly you will see results. The big three would be squats, benchpress and deadlifts.

Bodybuilding.com forum is great for advice, logging your results and even searching up diet and food recipes advice.

As for robb, I would say there are plenty of bad bench press habits that newcomers do, and instead of working on proper form they just load up as much as they can. For example, bouncing the barbell off the chest, using a wrong or suicide grip, bringing down the bar too low or too high to the chest, not doing a complete ROM, not squeezing the back muscles, so on and so fourth.

When i do my bench press.currently i use 120kg i cant really bounce it of my chest because if i misjudge it id do some serious damage. But on the other hand i do tip my chest with the bar and do it explosive. But i go full rom.

I did do the big 3 for a while 3 times a week i stopped it for now because it was starting to become to strenuous. Now im back to split again and love it. Does not mean i wont go back to the big 3 at 5 x 5. I made great progress then, but split is fun too. That is what it is all about having fun while working out.


1000 thb / hour is regular price.

But it seems that Fitness first selling tactics are not better than at Cwow...


1000 thb / hour is regular price.

But it seems that Fitness first selling tactics are not better than at Cwow...

I can do it for 999baht. smile.png

  • 2 weeks later...

Hello, sorry if this has already been covered somewhere, but I'm thinking of joining fitness first, mainly for the scheduled classes as I actually use the gym in my apartment block! In the UK I did fitness classes like combat/kickboxing, dance and zumba and they offer these in the membership....

So I was quoted the following prices (which were 'knocked down' from much higher starting prices):

Joining fee 499 thb

Admin fee 1600 thb

Body First (personal trainer) 1600 thb for first month only

monthly membership 2065 + 7% vat

Looking at your other posts, this looks quite normal, but I really don't need a personal trainer and was told that the 'body first' thing was not optional. Is that right? Has anyone else been told that?

Basically, I think it's a lot for what I want, as I really don't think I'll be going every day (possibly 2 classes and 1 workout per week) but she offered for me to come in a try 2 classes so I can see if they're worth it.

Does anyone have any other suggestions for fitness clases etc apart from fitness first/california wow?

Thanks in advance.


Btw to everyone thinking of fitness first they are just about to finish the one in Terminal 21 if that's closer to you. Im currently an Asoke True Fitness member and if the FF in Terminal is even a little better ill switch.

FF is slowly turning into a California type gym, blasting techno and kpop, broken machines for months, the only upside from FF to Cali is I no longer have to here guys porking each other in the showers.

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