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Is There Hormones And Chemicals In Thai Food ?


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After being tortured to go see a doctor ,i finally went

i had a few spots on upper back that havent went away for 2-3 months

i and others have guessed its probably diet (i eat a lot of fried meat ,dairy products etc )

7-11 snacks full of chemicals , roadside meals with a healthy load of MSG thrown into

the pan for extra flavour/addiction value etc

so i goes into a famous hospital this morning ,thinking a modern hospital will diagnose and treat quickly

the doctor doesnt ask for any tests ,instantly prescribes 2 types of acne medicine and said come back in a few weeks if that

doesnt work :)

i know it isnt acne ,i have never even had a spot due to anything hormanal (even as a teenager ) but my wife says thats normal precedure for a hospital to not actually do any testing until about the 3rd visit ? is this really true ?

has anyone else noticed any effects from eating either 7-11 foods or MSG etc ?

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someone told me that moo yang (grilled pork for anyone who just arrived in thailand this morning ) is dipped in msg which when barbequed become very carcinogenic

what is safe to eat then ? sad.png

Edited by wana
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someone told me that moo yang (grilled pork for anyone who just arrived in thailand this morning ) is dipped in msg which when barbequed become very carcinogenic

what is safe to eat then ? sad.png

I read somewhere the any barbequed meat which is blackened/burnt/charred is carcinogenic, so dont think it just the MSG

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someone told me that moo yang (grilled pork for anyone who just arrived in thailand this morning ) is dipped in msg which when barbequed become very carcinogenic

what is safe to eat then ? sad.png

Most food is pretty safe to eat as long as you eat a wide variety of food which results in any negative effect of certain food being balanced by the positive effects of other food.

Chang and BBQ lacks variety.

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someone told me that moo yang (grilled pork for anyone who just arrived in thailand this morning ) is dipped in msg which when barbequed become very carcinogenic

what is safe to eat then ? sad.png

An advanced option would be to buy your very own barbeque and make the food yourself. whistling.gif

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someone told me that moo yang (grilled pork for anyone who just arrived in thailand this morning ) is dipped in msg which when barbequed become very carcinogenic

what is safe to eat then ? sad.png

An advanced option would be to buy your very own barbeque and make the food yourself. whistling.gif

Most run down a Big mac or a Whopper with cheese, but l would eat them any time and wake up in the morning. Noooooooooooo question. biggrin.png

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someone told me that moo yang (grilled pork for anyone who just arrived in thailand this morning ) is dipped in msg which when barbequed become very carcinogenic

what is safe to eat then ? sad.png

An advanced option would be to buy your very own barbeque and make the food yourself. whistling.gif

And an even more advanced option would be to buy your very own baby piggies and chickens, rear them on your condo balcony fed only on the best corn and what ever else they eat and then cook them on your very own barbeque....yummy

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Here's a thought...stop eating all the cr*p from 7/11 and see if it goes away ?

dont think i havent thunk about that one tommy smile.png

Sometimes its a choice between junkfood and no food sad.png

Humans can stay without troubles 1 week without food.....

I ate yesterday evening, as there was just junk food around I had my next food today in the evening.....whats the problem?

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Food in the West is full of toxic substances, in spite of some pretty stringent rules about pesticides, hormones, additives, genetic manipulation and God knows what else.

What is the chance of the rules being either more strict or better implemented here? Zero, I suspect.

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Modified and preserved food is of course full of toxic chemicals. However food industry lobbyists get the FDA regulators on side pretty quick as so Big Pharma. Perfect symbiosis really, the foods companies poison you then you buy the drugs to suppress the symptoms thinking you are cured, everyone's a winner, well almost.

At any rate food and diet is a bit like religion, you fall into a camp and then defend your choice. If you love Big Macs and are happy to knock off a few years then do so, same with smoking, drinking etc. If quality of life is an issue, exercise, eat fresh wholesome foods, don't overindulge in the booze, you'll look and feel younger. Or go the other route, your choice. More likely to find good info online rather than a boozy expat forum, just saying...

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More likely to find good info online rather than a boozy expat forum, just saying...

well ,yes and no

most healthy forums suggest only eating things thats not even sold in the big C for example

and in thailand ,when you live in an apartment without a kitchen ,cooking for yourself is more or less out anyway

you are at the mercy of the food vendors if you work a lot and need to eat quickly

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I know a team who operate one of the health department mobile laboratories. It's common for them to detect higher than allowed levels of pesticide on fresh salad sold with cooked food.

They personally shy from buying watermelons at roadside stalls due to very high levels of pesticides used during the growing cycle. Other other items they avoid are shogun oranges unless they've been thoroughly washed.

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my guess about the spots forming around your back of 1st stages of bad cholesterol. don't need to be over weight to get it. yup Thailand is getting more and more crap on the market and quite difficult to find foods untreated for that healthy.. i try my best to find foods that help detox like Almonds, avicardos , green tee, i boil my veggies for 2 hrs. and try to get the best suply of fish oil caps , lemons squeezed in 2 letters of water. sorry to go or health freak on ya. but before ya pig out at 7, just force water down your throat.

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If you don't actually **need** to keep eating shit, then stop for a while and see how you go.

Go to the local fresh market every 2-3 days and buy heaps of good stuff, as little flesh as you're willing to obvious common sense - my household of 5-6 lives on average < B150 per day, plus a bit more if I splurge on more milk and eggs for the kiddies, the Thais spend that much just on their unhealthy snacks.

If you don't like to cook, hire in a maid that does and teach her how to do what you like, you'll cover her salary in the difference.

Fast for two days first, drinking plenty of water, maybe small amounts of fruit and veg only if you feel you need to keep your energy levels up.

Nothing prepared outside the house, definitely no factory food for 2-3 weeks. Keep drinking lots of water, get good regular sleep, go for massages, get a little exercise - away from concentrated traffic fumes if you can, even just walking's better than nothing.

See if you can cut out harmful substances, if you've been abusing yourself with them and find this difficult, then don't try to quit at this point, maybe once these new habits have become routine, 3-5 months.

Bet you'll see a lot more benefits than just clearing up your skin. . .

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someone told me that moo yang (grilled pork for anyone who just arrived in thailand this morning ) is dipped in msg which when barbequed become very carcinogenic

what is safe to eat then ? sad.png

Finely ground glass. Its not very nutritious or tasty, though.


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lol johnny with his 12k baht/month "close to bts" 5 story shop house and

"Go to the local fresh market every 2-3 days and buy heaps of good stuff, as little flesh as you're willing to obvious common sense - my household of 5-6 lives on average < B150 per day,"

150b/5.5 = <30baht a day

u need a reality tv show or something.

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Food safety in Thailand is one of my favourite bleats.

I agree what with Darrel has said above. Food safety is a concern the world over, but if we can't regulate it and monitor it in the west where we have both government and and non government agencies acting to do so (The NGOs are probably more trustworthy) then what chance here in Thailand.


Talk to Thais and they are concerned about food safety - particularly chemicals from production and storage.

Talk to Thais in rural communities and they are really concerned - They know what is going on with chemical contamination

Talk to Thais who supply food to the main markets/industrial food processors and you will find they very often have two crops - THe chemical soaked crop for sale and the organic crop they grow to eat themselves.

Then look at the aggro chemical business hooking up with the Thai government to attempt to ban traditional (organic) pesticides in Thailand and you get the picture.

And we haven't even got to food producers and food vendors adding preservatives to food or the excessive use of any additive/chemical.

If one measure kills bugs and raises crop yield by 10 % lets raise it by 50% by adding more chemicals.

And then the whole trade in illegal/banned chemicals - Imagine now that Thailand actually bans some chemicals and they still come over the borders - into our food.

Thailand food safety is a huge huge issue that gets nowhere near enough attention.

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someone told me that moo yang (grilled pork for anyone who just arrived in thailand this morning ) is dipped in msg which when barbequed become very carcinogenic

what is safe to eat then ? sad.png

An advanced option would be to buy your very own barbeque and make the food yourself. whistling.gif

And an even more advanced option would be to buy your very own baby piggies and chickens, rear them on your condo balcony fed only on the best corn and what ever else they eat and then cook them on your very own barbeque....yummy

Corn? The 1 percenter corporate pigs make a big profit off the 99% (man) and grass fed pork is much more organic and sustainable. Anyway, killing animals is bad for your karma, so stick to eating only raw, free-range tofu, wheat grass and wild brown rice to get rid of those toxic-dump pimples.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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lol johnny with his 12k baht/month "close to bts" 5 story shop house and

"Go to the local fresh market every 2-3 days and buy heaps of good stuff, as little flesh as you're willing to obvious common sense - my household of 5-6 lives on average < B150 per day,"

150b/5.5 = <30baht a day

u need a reality tv show or something.

Just because you would find it difficult to live as I do isn't cause to claim I'm lying. If you speak Thai, or have a trusted Thai willing to spend a few days with you, you too can find a 3-5 story shophouse for between 10 and 15K per month. It takes time but it isn't difficult, talk to the hair salons, the food vendors, the motorcycle guys. If you're really motivated for a particular area, distribute handouts stating what you're looking for and offer a couple of thousand baht reward and you'll be flooded with calls.

My previous house was a small single-story, but 2BR 2 bath and a kitchen, and the rent was $3,700 per month. You probably wouldn't want to live there as it was on the edge of a Muslim slum 100m down a tiny walking-only soi, but it was fine for us until the second baby came along, right across from my work and 15 minutes walk from Saphan Taksin BTS. When we moved the landlord sold it for 280,000 baht.

And our food budget is exactly what I said, and has been for over a year now. Spending B400 on a trip to Klong Toey market buys as much as the maid and I can carry back, pumpkin is current 15/kg, large pineapples B10, three big fish for B40. The kids eat first, the maid and I scrounge on their leftovers, not saying it's pleasant or that you could live like that, but it's healthy food and we're not malnutrited, kids are growing strong and healthy.

Laugh all you like but don't call me a liar.

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There's different types of cancer and the main types in Thailand are lung and liver cancer both of which have more to do with smoking and alcohol intake then with food although eating raw fish is a contributor to liver cancer.

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lol johnny with his 12k baht/month "close to bts" 5 story shop house and

"Go to the local fresh market every 2-3 days and buy heaps of good stuff, as little flesh as you're willing to obvious common sense - my household of 5-6 lives on average < B150 per day,"

150b/5.5 = <30baht a day

u need a reality tv show or something.

Just because you would find it difficult to live as I do isn't cause to claim I'm lying. If you speak Thai, or have a trusted Thai willing to spend a few days with you, you too can find a 3-5 story shophouse for between 10 and 15K per month. It takes time but it isn't difficult, talk to the hair salons, the food vendors, the motorcycle guys. If you're really motivated for a particular area, distribute handouts stating what you're looking for and offer a couple of thousand baht reward and you'll be flooded with calls.

My previous house was a small single-story, but 2BR 2 bath and a kitchen, and the rent was $3,700 per month. You probably wouldn't want to live there as it was on the edge of a Muslim slum 100m down a tiny walking-only soi, but it was fine for us until the second baby came along, right across from my work and 15 minutes walk from Saphan Taksin BTS. When we moved the landlord sold it for 280,000 baht.

And our food budget is exactly what I said, and has been for over a year now. Spending B400 on a trip to Klong Toey market buys as much as the maid and I can carry back, pumpkin is current 15/kg, large pineapples B10, three big fish for B40. The kids eat first, the maid and I scrounge on their leftovers, not saying it's pleasant or that you could live like that, but it's healthy food and we're not malnutrited, kids are growing strong and healthy.

Laugh all you like but don't call me a liar.

"the maid and i scrounge on the leftovers "

do you consider yourself living or surviving in thailand ? some of your stories bout scrounging leftover food and sometimes not having 5 thb to give your kids for school dinner is borderline unbelievable .......

if you can and do live comfortably in the centre of bkk on 30 thb per day ,congratulations

maybe i live in a differnt bangkok than you ?

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i get red bumps like hives that break out when i eat certain foods like KFC amongst others

also ,if i have a couple of days eating 7-11 snacks or too much junk the same thing happens

i am convinced the food here is laden with chemicals ,even worse and moreso than the chemicals

it may be laden with in the west and europe

for whats its worth ,i could eat KFC in europe with out any side effects and i have since learned that

from all fast foods tested ,KFC contained more MSG than any of the others

also ,in mconalds the mac sauce in BIGMACS tested high for MSG also ,and in a study of two equal

foods ,the food laden with MSG made people want to eat more of it because it does something to you taste

buds which cause a reaction in the brain to make you keep eating ......

who wants a big mac now ?

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