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Dump Of A Beach


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Lived here in Pattaya 7 years but have not been to Pattaya beach for 4 years after experiencing the discusting condition then. My girlfriends daughter is down from the village so we gave it a go today. I was so shocked at the FILTHY dump. We got a chair, then we approched the waters edge !!! Oh my God what a shock...Bottles, bags, tins, condoms, ect, all covered in a film of oil. Unbelivable, we walked away in disgust and we asked the guy, who was running the deckchairs/bar near the waters edge, WHY was it left like this. ..He just laughed..so funny. Why cant they pay a guy to clean the beach or why dont they clean the area in front of thier buiness. I will never go again. Pattaya council are trying to sell the for families. They need to get off thier bums and take a look at the cesspit, then Sort it out, ITS A HEALTH HAZARD.

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The beach in Pattaya s_cks. If it ain't the hawkers or the Jetski scammers, it's the filthy beach that will get to you.

I only sit at the beach in Pattaya on maybe 2 occasions (and they are both at Night so you won't notice the filth)

1) Loy Kratong

2) New Years Eve

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It seems that the beach chair sections in Jomtien seem to take care of their beach better by raking the sand in the early morning (they also remove all the umbrellas at sunset from the beach). The beach chair renters along Pattaya Bay (most) leave the umbrellas in the same place, folded down of course in the evening, and don't rake the sand in the morning. Some do remove some of the garbage along the sea's edge. The point is, the city could hire someone for 200baht a day and the person would go up and down the beach and continuously pick up rubbage that washes up shore. Like I have said before on other forums, it seems that the mayor and city council never walk in the city to observe the broken sidewalks, lack of garbage bins, and polluted beach--they're out of touch. City hall has discussed in their meetings (according to the local papers) the problem of too many vendors or the poor condition of the soiled, faded, rusty beach umbrellas but nothing gets done.

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when I want to go to the beach I either travel down the coast 100km beyond Rayong or get the ferry to Koh Larn, Pattaya and Jomtien water is filthy - in the 8 years I've been here I've used the beach only 2x a year and that's at night for New Year and Loy Kratong, as I've said here many times I'd like to see water quality tests performed here as they do in most parts of the world - it will never happen or it is happening and is never publish and even if it was I wouldn't believe them

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You said it.

If you want a real eye opener follow the sewage line cutting through Siam Bayshore Garden down to the outlet & you will see the source of some of the Film on the surface


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Nah - swimming in the sea is fine off Pattaya Beach.

Been doing it year in / year out and have been swimming at least a couple of times a day over the last 2-3 weeks. Only problem at this time of year is the heat: the water tends to heat-up during the day and a dip is not quite as refreshing as at other times of the year.

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Nah - swimming in the sea is fine off Pattaya Beach.

Been doing it year in / year out and have been swimming at least a couple of times a day over the last 2-3 weeks. Only problem at this time of year is the heat: the water tends to heat-up during the day and a dip is not quite as refreshing as at other times of the year.

You're lucky. Plenty of members have reported getting various ailments from swimming in the bay. Skin problems, eye infections, stomach problems. Considering what is dumped into the sea, it's understandable.

Ever walked down Soi Bukhao and smelled the drains? Guess where that stuff goes? Yup, right where you are swimming. Lack of proper sewage treatment here is a huge problem. And a huge source of various health ailments.

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Why are you so surprised? Just look at any vacant lot which the Thais use as a rubbish dump. They don't care about their country... Fourth world infrastructure, poor drainage when it rains, the list goes on.... If it wasn't for the fact I can live a lot better here (expense wise), I would go back to the states. At least there they fine people $1,000 if they get caught dumping or littering.

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Like the World, Pattaya Beach no one cares for it is a place for full on exploitation. If people stepped onto the beach and were vapourised by some toxic chemical things might change. i.e. the whole operation would move to Bang Saray........

Aaaaaarrrrrh - having a bad day are we ?

Try singing a little song:

Some things in life are bad

They can really make you mad

Other things just make you swear and curse.

When you're chewing on life's gristle

Don't grumble, give a whistle

And this'll help things turn out for the best...

And...always look on the bright side of life...

Always look on the light side of life...

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The filth here truly is unbelievable. People just don't seem to give a dam_n which is a shame, because Pattaya could be so much more than it presently is if it were to be cleaned up. I mean, my God! Pattaya even has a Hilton hotel, and they don't put those up unless they know it's going to be profitable!

When I first moved into my place, I could stand on the back balcony and the jungle came to the edge of the building within 5 or 6 meters, and it was gorgeous except for the fact that when they built the place, all the construction trash, plaster, sheet rock, wire, metal, etc., was all just thrown on the ground and never picked up. What an eye sore! My initial reaction was, "Why the hell would anybody DO that?!" Anyway, I suggested to the owner of the building that I would pay a crew to pick up the trash and do a little landscaping in order to compliment the natural feeling of looking out and seeing the jungle canopy complete with beautiful jungle birds, squirrels playing etc., but the man acted totally offended that I would even SUGGEST such a thing! My thought was, "What the hell is wrong with people?!?!"

Don't get me wrong...Thailand has some of the most beautiful country I have ever seen with it's lush tropical rain forest, but whenever you get around civilization, it turns into a total open garbage pit. If the powers that be really wanted to, Pattaya could be so much more. But they could have a thousand guys out picking up garbage off the beaches, but it still wouldn't put a dent in cleaning up the water around here, because it's totally polluted.

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But they could have a thousand guys out picking up garbage off the beaches, but it still wouldn't put a dent in cleaning up the water around here, because it's totally polluted.

Think you're right that people could be more considerate as to where they dump their rubbish - but this applies to an awful lot of societies and not just Thailand / Pattaya.

As for the point above, I think you're wrong and the water's around Pattaya are simply not "totally polluted". Maybe not the most diverse ecosystem as littoral regions go, but I often see shoals of fish when swimming there.

I tend to spend my time at the beach at the bottom of Pattaya Klang and the vendors there frequently spend time cleaning the beach area they control, both around the deck-chairs and all the way down to the waters edge.

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There are thankfully some nice beaches not to far away where even throwing a cigarette butt gets you in trouble. Navy owned area so no development and patroled to make sure no litter.

Pattaya beach, in over 2 years step foot on it once its disgusting, but the Russians dont seem to mind.




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There are thankfully some nice beaches not to far away where even throwing a cigarette butt gets you in trouble. Navy owned area so no development and patroled to make sure no litter.

Pattaya beach, in over 2 years step foot on it once its disgusting, but the Russians dont seem to mind.

Foreshore they look fantastic. If they are not too far away and can be reached in 30-40 mins from C Pattaya then I'll certainly be tempted away from Pattaya Beach. Need to do a bit of mooching around.

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Not having a bad day...just a pet subject of mine...especially as you can blame all this on "Climate Change"....and maybe tax it...

The Navy beaches listed above can be clean...but I have been there when they have been as mucky as Jomtien...not as bad as Toxic Pattaya. The best beaches I have been to in Thailand are all down south Ao Nang, Phuket etc.

I do not know what will make mankind wise up ...from the Noodle seller dumping old oil down the drains or even the 7/11 staff understanding that I don't need a plastic bag for a can of juice/coke I am about to walk out side and drink.

Every beach I have gone to around the globe normally has legions of sea birds .....The fact you have to travel far and wide just to see the odd Tern on the Thai Eastern Seabord tells you about the water quality and food supply for wild life.

So if it aint fit for birds it aint fit for us...

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Every beach I have gone to around the globe normally has legions of sea birds .....The fact you have to travel far and wide just to see the odd Tern on the Thai Eastern Seabord tells you about the water quality and food supply for wild life.

What an interesting observation. In six years of staying in Pattaya I never noticed there were no seabirds, but I think you're right.

There's an old thread from 2004 on Thaivisa about this in Thailand generally:


But no real answers. Does anyone know?

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Thailand is a country of birdless skies. I went to Brazil and the sky is full of large storks, Buzzards, Kites, Vultures, hundreds of small birds. I had a humming bird feeder and had them come to my balcony all day.

I went to Barbados and the Dominican Republic, Frigate birds, Terns, gulls humming birds.

India Kites to the wazoo, Vultures, Sea Eagles and millions of crows. Every lake is covered in ducks of all species. Ever seen a wild duck inThailand on any bit of open water...????????

I am not sure what has happened here. If you go to Malaysia the sky fills again but not by much. Gulls are almost non existant. If you go up to Sri Ratcha you see the odd Tern.

6 years in Thailand I have seen the large Storks that live all the way up to the Airport. I have seen a few more Crows and the numbers seem to be slowly rising. One large Vulture in Roi Et area. A couple of Sea Eagles down to wards Silver Lake and one in Koh Chang. Hardly a Twitchers paradise ? which I am not. I just like to see animal and bird life around. A sign of a healthy environment surely which this thread is really about.

I have a theory that maybe ...I'm possibly wrong, but it really is a case of the locals eating them all or just plain exterminating them cos they eat the crops, farmed Kung and fish and affected their lively hood. One other thing is the mad amount of chemicals spread on the crops here has decimated everything....you hardly see flies on shit in Thailand.....so no chance of seeing bird life...Thais like Butterflies but hate Caterpillers ??? The GF is terrified of them... eh ???

Any way at the end of the day Pattaya has a crap beach....

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Every beach I have gone to around the globe normally has legions of sea birds .....The fact you have to travel far and wide just to see the odd Tern on the Thai Eastern Seabord tells you about the water quality and food supply for wild life.

So if it aint fit for birds it aint fit for us...

That's because all the birds go here:

I can't imagine the water quality is much better, being so close to the Chao Phraya River delta.

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It's all part of the master plan that humans have as custodians of the earth. Oh wait, there is no plan? Oh well, enjoy it while you can and we'll leave the mess to future generations who will be cursing your name.

According to the UN Environment Programme, the Earth is in the midst of a mass extinction of life. Scientists estimate that 150-200 species of plant, insect, bird and mammal become extinct every 24 hours. This is nearly 1,000 times the "natural" or "background" rate and, say many biologists, is greater than anything the world has experienced since the vanishing of the dinosaurs nearly 65m years ago. Around 15% of mammal species and 11% of bird species are classified as threatened with extinction.


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No mention of the numerous dogs on the beaches, defecating etc - disgusting. Just returned from Vietnam and mentioned to the beach vendors about hardly any dogs around, maybe one. They mentioned banned on the tourist beaches in Vietnam, yes in some parts of Vietnam dogs are used for food, but it's not cheap. Also some islands in Vietnam have a ban on plastic bags that is enforced e.g. Cham islands, pity this policy is not put inplace in Thailand.

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I would suggest your exaggerating some, I have never seen it like this and have lived here longer, I am not saying its great but its not that bad, a little close to walking street end maybe the worse bit but not as bad as that.

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I come from a clean and green country (New Zealand), where I was active in the cleaning and greening, so Thailand is a real slap in the face!

I've noticed the lack of birds and other wildlife, I see the dead swamps with dead animals, and worry that here we eat from the local environment - god knows what kind of stuff we're ingesting.


If it is to change, ie: have rules and cleaners and stuff, then Thailand will be just as expensive as the west.

There are a lot of farang in this country that complain about poor driving, poor roads, poor everything, but fix it, and the price of everything goes up.

And then we are left with a healthy country where the only difference to our own is the colour of people's skin.

I think, be careful what we wish for.....

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