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Having The Good New Wife In Thailand


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Hello. I write before about Big-C and Tesco and 7-11.

And now I think so for sure you will want to know about the good wife and marriage with the ladies in Thailand. A lof of the men in Holland and Germany are divorced or single or maybe lonely because they are old and can not go out so often as they did before.

But here in Thailand they can meet with the ISAAN ladies (and this is the north east) of Thailand and the ladies are kind and very gentle and intelligent and will try to speak nicely with you in English. And yes it is true that you can make the good new marriage and be happy.

But there are three of the rules which you must think about.

The rule number one is you msut never be rude or unkind or impolite with your new wife. And this because Thai ladies are very knid and sensitive and will be unhappy if you say the rude or bad things.

The rule number two is to give alittle money some of the times so your new wife can take care of her family and buy the things for your house and the food such as bread and milk and butter from 7-11.

And the rule number three is not to drink the alcohol or beer or whisky. And this is because Thailand is very hot and beeer will for sure make you sad and unhappy and you will say bad things about Isann. My friend from Germany is 68 and had the happy birthday 2 weeks ago and is now not drinking beer anymore and he is happy now more than before. This is very good and everyone can see he is more happy and we all go for the good walks in the morning together.

For sure, when you are reading this you will think I am the expert for marriage and your new Thai wife. Ha ha ha. But you can speak with me to know more about this.

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It's good to have some one on the forum to teach us the rightvways to live our life

However 1 question op why do you only refer to issan ladies can farang only meet issan ladies or are you saying it's only issan ladies that are kind and gentle I feel I could really learn alot from you I await your reply


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I can not comply with rule #3. Any advise you can give me?

Yes it is true for sure that to drink alcohol or the beer is a bad thing for your new life here in Thailand or the north east part which is called ISAAN. Beer drinking can make you feel not so happy or maybe a bit sad and then you will say bad or impolite things. You must stop for the beer. But for sure you are only the young boy who likes to drink. Ha ha ha ha.

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I can not comply with rule #3. Any advise you can give me?

But luckily my wife is from the South......


"But here in Thailand they can meet with the ISAAN Southern ladies (and this is the north east south) of Thailand and the ladies are kind and very gentle and intelligent and will try to speak nicely shout with you in English".

But no problem with Alc

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Did someone leave the Thai Visa asylum door open again??

Please, please wrap this guy in a straightjacket and put hin in a soundproof cell with no internet.


you msut never be rude or unkind or impolite with your new wife. And this because Thai ladies are very knid and sensitive and will be unhappy if you say the rude or bad things.

give alittle money some of the times so your new wife can take care of her family and buy the things for your house and the food such as bread and milk and butter from 7-11.

is not to drink the alcohol or beer or whisky. And this is because Thailand is very hot and beeer will for sure make you sad and unhappy and you will say bad things about Isann.



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I think its great that he has joined this forum to share his wisdom. Tonight, I intend to stay off the whisky; tomorrow beer; and the day after, all other forms of alcohol, including anti-freeze and furniture polish.

I am still uncertain about marrying a lady from Isaan though. Perhaps the OP could give us some more detailed advice on this... specifically, constructive advice on how it is best done. None of the Isaan ladies I have ever met has expressed any interest in marriage.


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The rule number one, my wife tells me isn't correct.

"The rule number one is you msut never be rude or unkind or impolite with your new wife. And this because Thai ladies are very knid and sensitive and will be unhappy if you say the rude or bad things". (Will generally beat you to within an inch of your life!)

So, taking her advice (she actually told me to do this!):


Clever little lady.................thumbsup.gif

Edit: Added Rule 1.

Edited by chrisinth
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I think that you rules 'suggestions', well No1 and N2 are pretty spot on, not so sure about No3, it neither makes me happy or sad ... tastes good but my stomach doesn't like it anymore.

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Its so refreshing to see a troll - sorry, poster, with 11 posts to their name starting such a ridiculous thread. rolleyes.gif

Do you realize that all the people complaining about being cheated by their thai lady were some day in the past thinking just like him ? If you read the number of complains, it's an awful number of people.

He is right on spot.

A good trolling post, I give him a 8 on 10.

Edited by JurgenG
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Its so refreshing to see a troll - sorry, poster, with 11 posts to their name starting such a ridiculous thread. rolleyes.gif

Do you realize that all the people complaining about being cheated by their thai lady were some day in the past thinking just like him ? If you read the number of complains, it's an awful number of people.

He is right on spot.

A good trolling post, I give him a 8 on 10.

Of course you have had a shandy, so your excused. BUT 2 out of 10. sad.png

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