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Sterling To Stengthen This Year

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The Euro has been Germany's best friend.The work ethic of Germany and other northern European nations is totally different to southern Europeans. When the euro goes bust and it will,the D Mark will strengthen to a degree that will make Germany uncompetitive,All in Germany's favour mat the moment to keep a weak currency for manufacturing and exports,it will be in deeper than deep trouble when it resorts to the Mark again,


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The 50bts to the £ seems to be taking a long time ( will happen tomorrow after saying that) so I do hope that sterling will benefit from the Euro crisis, it a crisis thats been waiting to happen ever since they set it up. It was patently obvious when the signed the agreement that a number of countries were not in compliance, enjoyed the benefits of cheap borrowing and life style that was not sustainable, now every Greek has debt of 31000 Euros, how on earth can they pay that debt back? Typical of politicians let tomorrows generation sort it out, but today had come quicker than expected. If they cant accept the terms of the bailout then they must exit the Euro and sort themselves out which will be painful. The Greeks dont want to leave the Euro and they dont want the pain, they just want a good life, free! I dont know how this will eventually unravel but it will result in a rise in sterling although maybe not to great as we would like, the UK is linked to and dependent on the Eurozone for a lot of its trade.

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Today on the BBC world reports, as the Greeks struggle to form a government, it was reported that William Hill ( Bookmakers) had closed the book on Greece exiting the Euro but also in the same topic Greek economists when asked how this situation was likely to unravel predicted that Greek would default and exit the euro. They seem unlikely to take any of the pain required so it looks like the eventually will have to go, the markets will continue to be volatile until this happens but sterling seems better able to cope with whatever happens at this moment in time than the euro, which hopefully be to expats advantage.

I look in hope that someone in Europe can make a decision.

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Today on the BBC world reports, as the Greeks struggle to form a government, it was reported that William Hill ( Bookmakers) had closed the book on Greece exiting the Euro but also in the same topic Greek economists when asked how this situation was likely to unravel predicted that Greek would default and exit the euro. They seem unlikely to take any of the pain required so it looks like the eventually will have to go, the markets will continue to be volatile until this happens but sterling seems better able to cope with whatever happens at this moment in time than the euro, which hopefully be to expats advantage.

I look in hope that someone in Europe can make a decision.

i wonder if William Hill are accepting bets on the next one ?ermm.gif

Greece will leave the euro — now look to Spain

" Spain is the Titanic heading for the iceberg. Thousands of British expats currently trying to sell their apartments at fire-sale prices and return home speaks volumes about prospects there. "


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" Spain is the Titanic heading for the iceberg. Thousands of British expats currently trying to sell their apartments at fire-sale prices and return home speaks volumes about prospects there. "

they should have listended to the advice of wise men "don't invest in Spain any Penny more than you are prepared to lose!"


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Today on the BBC world reports, as the Greeks struggle to form a government...

today BBC broadcasted old news. since yesterday (Europe afternoon) it was clear that Venizelos (the third try) was unable to gather a minimum of MP seats from different parties to form a government.

let the Greeks eat the soup they have cooked and dance Sirtaki! for them the ancient French poem "la cigale et la fourmi" applies.

La cigale, ayant chanté tout l'été,

se trouva fort dépourvue

quand la bise fut venue:

pas un seul petit morceau

de mouche ou de vermisseau.

elle alla crier famine

chez la fourmi sa voisine...

...et alors, dansez maintenant!

in (pidgin) English:

The cicada, having sung

All summer long,

Found herself sorely deprived

When the north wind arrived:

Not a single morsel

Of fly or tiny worm.

She went to plead famine

At the house of the Ant her neighbor,

Praying her to lend her

Some grain to survive

Until the new season.

“I will pay you,” she said to her,

“Before August, animal faith,

Interest and principal.”

The Ant is not a lender:

That is her small failing.

“What were you doing in warm weather?”

She said to this lender.

“Night and day to all that came

I sang, if you please.”

“You sang? I am very glad.

Well! Dance now.”

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" Spain is the Titanic heading for the iceberg. Thousands of British expats currently trying to sell their apartments at fire-sale prices and return home speaks volumes about prospects there. "

they should have listended to the advice of wise men "don't invest in Spain any Penny more than you are prepared to lose!"


i wonder why these Brits want to sell their apartments and accept worthless (YUCK!) fiat money as payment. does this mean "tangible assets" with intrinsic value such as immobile property and precious metals do not possess intrinsic value?

or are they selling their apartments against payment in Islamic Dinars and Dirhams minted in 999 Unobtainium?


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I'm pretty sure this is the top or very close to it, it looks like people are buying into USD rather than GBP and with the UK destined to loose a major slice of its export market if Europe does collapse, who can blame them. But looking at the other side for a moment, perhaps dodgy dealings at the BOT might weaken THB, what chance the new Governor will let government have access to the country's foriegn reserves, shades of '97 all over again and definitely not good.

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50.5272 keep on going baby all the way to the top...

Don't know where you see this rate?

BTW is the best money exchange Superich or Superich 1965?


Siam Commercial had yesterday a TT rate of 50.085 which should be slightly higher today.

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50.5272 keep on going baby all the way to the top...

Don't know where you see this rate?

BTW is the best money exchange Superich or Superich 1965?


Siam Commercial had yesterday a TT rate of 50.085 which should be slightly higher today.

presently 50.22

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I'm pretty sure this is the top or very close to it, it looks like people are buying into USD rather than GBP and with the UK destined to loose a major slice of its export market if Europe does collapse, who can blame them. But looking at the other side for a moment, perhaps dodgy dealings at the BOT might weaken THB, what chance the new Governor will let government have access to the country's foriegn reserves, shades of '97 all over again and definitely not good.

shades of 97 would suit me and many very well...keep on running high babyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

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I'm pretty sure this is the top or very close to it, it looks like people are buying into USD rather than GBP and with the UK destined to loose a major slice of its export market if Europe does collapse, who can blame them. But looking at the other side for a moment, perhaps dodgy dealings at the BOT might weaken THB, what chance the new Governor will let government have access to the country's foriegn reserves, shades of '97 all over again and definitely not good.

shades of 97 would suit me and many very well...keep on running high babyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

It aint stopping it will be 51 in 1 week oh yeah go baby

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I'm pretty sure this is the top or very close to it, it looks like people are buying into USD rather than GBP and with the UK destined to loose a major slice of its export market if Europe does collapse, who can blame them. But looking at the other side for a moment, perhaps dodgy dealings at the BOT might weaken THB, what chance the new Governor will let government have access to the country's foriegn reserves, shades of '97 all over again and definitely not good.

shades of 97 would suit me and many very well...keep on running high babyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

It aint stopping it will be 51 in 1 week oh yeah go baby


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  • 3 weeks later...

I'm pretty sure this is the top or very close to it, it looks like people are buying into USD rather than GBP and with the UK destined to loose a major slice of its export market if Europe does collapse, who can blame them. But looking at the other side for a moment, perhaps dodgy dealings at the BOT might weaken THB, what chance the new Governor will let government have access to the country's foriegn reserves, shades of '97 all over again and definitely not good.

shades of 97 would suit me and many very well...keep on running high babyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy

It aint stopping it will be 51 in 1 week oh yeah go baby


Disappointed in love again.

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  • 4 weeks later...

This reminds me of when the bhat goes to 29.9 and everyone asks how much lower it will go before all the Americans have to leave , or when it goes to 32 and they wonder when it will get to 40 again ...... The bht is one of the most stable currencys going aside from the tops and bottoms that seems to catch all the attention but are the outliers not the norm.

The bht will go as low as it can before hurting tourism and imports and as high as it can go before hurting exports and bounce around inbetween. That range is not all that much until you get to 6 figures of Pounds or dollars.

If your banking on a good deal to buy bht because the rest of the world goes broke it's a bad bet because if the rest of the world is broke they can't pay more for their Thai products so it wouldn't apprechate much.

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