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Top Three Things That Brought You To Thailand?

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What percentage of you out there are men?

What percentage of you out there came here with a falang wife or girlfriend?

I rest my case.

I spent my first 3 years out here with my girlfriend, and we parted amicably when she decided to further her education back in the homeland.

we came first for the beaches, I stayed for work and lifestyle.

not sure what it is your case is resting on.


What percentage of you out there are men?

What percentage of you out there came here with a falang wife or girlfriend?

I rest my case.

A lot of people carry too much baggage.


What percentage of you out there are men?

What percentage of you out there came here with a falang wife or girlfriend?

I rest my case.

I spent my first 3 years out here with my girlfriend, and we parted amicably when she decided to further her education back in the homeland.

we came first for the beaches, I stayed for work and lifestyle.

not sure what it is your case is resting on.

You can't possibly believe that you're part of a significant percentage of the expat population here. My estimate would be that those, like yourself, who are in a relationship with a (I presume in your case) falang when moving here comprise less than 10% of the expat population. Whatever it is, it is a small percentage. Certainly a small minority.

Everybody immediately jumped to a conclusion after I wrote that there's really only one primary reason why people move here and its located under one's zipper WITHOUT continuing to read and absorb what I wrote after that.

Moving here because of ONE PARTICULAR woman COUNTS in my book as moving here because of what's located under one's zipper. That's primarily why men and women form relationships. Otherwise, you'd marry your drinking buddy with whom you have the most in common.

I'm here because of one particular woman, and I'm still with her. It's because of what's under my zipper primarily, although there are other things of course that I like about her and together they make for a great relationship. I don't have anything against those, though, who DON"T have one significant other and enjoy doing their thing.


True, but number 3 is ridiculous and unbelievable.

You want a challenge? Climb Everest/learn to fly a 'plane etc. etc.

There are many challenges out there - moving to a foreign country as 'a challenge' is not one of them.

That would depend on the person though

For you moving to a foreign country may not be a challenge

Yet I have done things like you used as examples of a challenge & still think moving to Thailand is more of a challenge......for me anyway wink.png

You're missing my point.

Of course moving to a foreign country is a challenge, just not a challenge I believe anyone would make just for the sake of it.

Why did I do it? well because it was difficult of course. Sounds good when you are the first person on the South pole or something, not so cool when it is about your address.

But choosing a third world country to live in while you are young will provide a wealth of perspective.The trick is f you can find someway to apply it later in life. Still I don't think it is something you do for the challenge alone.

A friend of mine moved to France when he graduated, and then started looking for a job. I thought that was quite... courageous.

I've always found the job first, before moving.



What percentage of you out there are men?

What percentage of you out there came here with a falang wife or girlfriend?

I rest my case.

I spent my first 3 years out here with my girlfriend, and we parted amicably when she decided to further her education back in the homeland.

we came first for the beaches, I stayed for work and lifestyle.

not sure what it is your case is resting on.

You can't possibly believe that you're part of a significant percentage of the expat population here. My estimate would be that those, like yourself, who are in a relationship with a (I presume in your case) falang when moving here comprise less than 10% of the expat population. Whatever it is, it is a small percentage. Certainly a small minority.

Everybody immediately jumped to a conclusion after I wrote that there's really only one primary reason why people move here and its located under one's zipper WITHOUT continuing to read and absorb what I wrote after that.

Moving here because of ONE PARTICULAR woman COUNTS in my book as moving here because of what's located under one's zipper. That's primarily why men and women form relationships. Otherwise, you'd marry your drinking buddy with whom you have the most in common.

I'm here because of one particular woman, and I'm still with her. It's because of what's under my zipper primarily, although there are other things of course that I like about her and together they make for a great relationship. I don't have anything against those, though, who DON"T have one significant other and enjoy doing their thing.

Oh dear, I'm in another minority as well... and a small one at that. FD reckons that we've got more chance of being colour-blind than having moved here with our spouses. Most of the parents that I meet at the kids' school are married to someone of the same nationality, or in some cases a third nationality, not Thai. Having said that, a few of the parents at the kids' rugby had one thai parent, I think. I don't think I'd like to derive statistics from my experience, though, because its not objectively collected.



A friend of mine moved to France when he graduated, and then started looking for a job. I thought that was quite... courageous.

My little brother travelled around the world (alone) and chose his favourite country (China) then moved there and set up a business. I thought that was quite... logical (and courageous I suppose).

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why is it that people who came here for sex are unable to accept that others came here for other reasons, while those of us that came here for other reasons are able to accept that some came here for sex?

there seems to be a great dichotomy of experience between the two.

i can only think coming to thailand exclusively for the women can only result in disappointment, disillusionment and bitterness -- something clearly borne out daily on these fora.

  • Like 1

What percentage of you out there are men?

What percentage of you out there came here with a falang wife or girlfriend?

I rest my case.

I spent my first 3 years out here with my girlfriend, and we parted amicably when she decided to further her education back in the homeland.

we came first for the beaches, I stayed for work and lifestyle.

not sure what it is your case is resting on.

You can't possibly believe that you're part of a significant percentage of the expat population here. My estimate would be that those, like yourself, who are in a relationship with a (I presume in your case) falang when moving here comprise less than 10% of the expat population. Whatever it is, it is a small percentage. Certainly a small minority.

Everybody immediately jumped to a conclusion after I wrote that there's really only one primary reason why people move here and its located under one's zipper WITHOUT continuing to read and absorb what I wrote after that.

Moving here because of ONE PARTICULAR woman COUNTS in my book as moving here because of what's located under one's zipper. That's primarily why men and women form relationships. Otherwise, you'd marry your drinking buddy with whom you have the most in common.

I'm here because of one particular woman, and I'm still with her. It's because of what's under my zipper primarily, although there are other things of course that I like about her and together they make for a great relationship. I don't have anything against those, though, who DON"T have one significant other and enjoy doing their thing.

Oh dear, I'm in another minority as well... and a small one at that. FD reckons that we've got more chance of being colour-blind than having moved here with our spouses. Most of the parents that I meet at the kids' school are married to someone of the same nationality, or in some cases a third nationality, not Thai. Having said that, a few of the parents at the kids' rugby had one thai parent, I think. I don't think I'd like to derive statistics from my experience, though, because its not objectively collected.


My experience is similar... most of the ex-pats I know in Bangkok (with me being one of the exceptions) are either married with a non-Thai (normally of their own nationality) or they are single and dating girls of various nationalities...

...but anyway I don't follow the logic that all ex-pats here married to Thais are following their willy... that would mean all married men globally who have made a joint decision with their spouse about where to live (which I assume is most married men) are following their pecker... I am guessing most men would be single if they were being guided by their tinker (and would travel constantly from country-to-country to satisfy their dingaling's desire for a change of scene)


why is it that people who came here for sex are unable to accept that others came here for other reasons, while those of us that came here for other reasons are able to accept that some came here for sex?

there seems to be a great dichotomy of experience between the two.

i can only think coming to thailand exclusively for the women can only result in disappointment, disillusionment and bitterness -- something clearly borne out daily on these fora.

Good point on the inability to accept that others come for different reason. I accept that. I do think that the PERCENTAGE giving reasons other than a particular woman or women in general is WAY overrepresented, though.\

Some of you seem to spend all your time with the Bangkok Pattana School crowd.


why is it that people who came here for sex are unable to accept that others came here for other reasons, while those of us that came here for other reasons are able to accept that some came here for sex?

there seems to be a great dichotomy of experience between the two.

i can only think coming to thailand exclusively for the women can only result in disappointment, disillusionment and bitterness -- something clearly borne out daily on these fora.

Some of us think everything is based on sex. Some people even put bouncing tits in an avatar.

In my case I don't think it is me. I think it is everyone else.

It is lady motorcycle taxi drivers. I said one time I preferred lady drivers (they smell better) and now everyone at the taxi stands goes into a half hour comedy routine every time I show up and off I go with another lady who wants a Falang. God only knows if these ladies can drive a motorcycle. If it continues eventually I will meet every divorced farmer's daughter in town.

Then there is the maids brigade who have just lost a boyfriend or husband. I don't know why I get them all.

I mean we are not talking skinny, spinner, stunner's and ex go go dancers here. These women are solidly built 40 plus years of age, farm workers.

And lest I forget there is the grocery store union ladies. There must be some kind of union. None of the cashiers (good looking, young, educated (can count) ladies) talk to me. I get the butchers, bakers and fish cleaning ladies. Nor do I have the luxury of going to the toilet alone. The toilet cleaning lady has this idea........

I know this doesn't happen to you young good looking guys. The ladies would be afraid you would say no and shame them.

Me they don't even know if I can still do it let alone say yes or no. I am a no worries prize than can be counted on to provide some cheap booze and temporary diversion. I am the perfect example of middle aged Thai womanhood short term thinking.

I gotta tell you though it beats cruising the beach restaurants in Florida and California looking for early bird specials and stuck up T back clad feminists frowning at old British tourists in speedos.


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15 years ago




in no paricular order.

Now the sea is dirty and beaches horrible, the sun is to hot and i avoid it, Sex has bad attitude, put on a few kilos and want to much.


Me they don't even know if I can still do it let alone say yes or no. I am a no worries prize than can be counted on to provide some cheap booze and temporary diversion. I am the perfect example of middle aged Thai womanhood short term thinking.

There's actually more truth in that than most people here will realize.

I'm approaching fifty and am starting to notice amorous glances from middle-aged policewomen.

Fat women at the local market now look at me lingeringly.

And please, let's not talk about that shockingly suggestive woman at my local furniture shop who is deliciously overweight and yet still manages to squeeze herself into tight-fitting dresses that are at least two sizes too small for her.

Admirers of fat women, I salute you.


1. Women

2. Women

3. Women

At least you're honest.

I always enjoy reading the other excuses for why a single man came to Thailand. It may not be why they stay now, but it is what brought them here in most cases.

Honestly, who comes here for culture? What culture? Unless you live in a Wat, there is no real culture. There is great food, but no real culture. Not anymore. There is chaos, corruption, face, xenophobia, and superstition. Oh, and women! Lots, and lots of women.

Of course some do come here for business, but did I mention women?


I'm sitting here giggling to myself. A combination of TV and Last of the Summer Wine, you can't beat it!


1. Women

2. Women

3. Women

I always enjoy reading the other excuses for why a single man came to Thailand. It may not be why they stay now, but it is what brought them here in most cases.



coming to Thailand?...well, yessee I was at a loose end with a recent divorce and close onto 50 y.o. and I knew that I'd need someone to look after me during the declining years...and I had spent some years in SE Asia on an assignment in Indonesia and knew that the area suited me...so, when the wife came along I said: 'hmmm...she would probably want to live near her family and with my support things would be attractive...'

and, I was right and presently couldn't ask for a better arrangement...but there are complications with kids in school and worrying about their success but not much of a burden otherwise...nothing better than a 60 something old man with kids climbing all over you wanting yer attention...

the local ladies aren't much so that I haven't been tempted locally (but nice to look at down the local market) but I did get into trouble once in Vietnam when on assignment but that's another story...

pretty much things turned out true to plan and I'm thankful for what I've got...I still haveta work at overseas assignments but that was always in the cards...


You can't possibly believe that you're part of a significant percentage of the expat population here. My estimate would be that those, like yourself, who are in a relationship with a (I presume in your case) falang when moving here comprise less than 10% of the expat population. Whatever it is, it is a small percentage. Certainly a small minority.

And of those men who came here with a foreigner white western woman, I wonder how many remain with that woman.

(I suspect, not many)


I'm excluding you and the other missionaries.


I actually came here to get away from women, I failed.


You can't possibly believe that you're part of a significant percentage of the expat population here. My estimate would be that those, like yourself, who are in a relationship with a (I presume in your case) falang when moving here comprise less than 10% of the expat population. Whatever it is, it is a small percentage. Certainly a small minority.

And of those men who came here with a foreigner white western woman, I wonder how many remain with that woman.

(I suspect, not many)

i resemble that remark.

however, in 16 years, 13 of which came after my girlfriend, the only Thai girlfriend I lived with and supported (though only partially) was the mother of my child. and that blew up after 3 years.

I do currently cohabit with and support a Thai female, but she is 5 and holds Canadian citizenship.

I have never understood the vast number of men here who are constantly ridding themselves of one partner only to move another in in short order. ,


Me they don't even know if I can still do it let alone say yes or no. I am a no worries prize than can be counted on to provide some cheap booze and temporary diversion. I am the perfect example of middle aged Thai womanhood short term thinking.

There's actually more truth in that than most people here will realize.

I'm approaching fifty and am starting to notice amorous glances from middle-aged policewomen.

Fat women at the local market now look at me lingeringly.

And please, let's not talk about that shockingly suggestive woman at my local furniture shop who is deliciously overweight and yet still manages to squeeze herself into tight-fitting dresses that are at least two sizes too small for her.

Admirers of fat women, I salute you.

There is perhaps some truth in what you have both written that older men may receive some ‘friendlier attention’ from the older ladies in Thailand.

I have a friend who has recently turned 40, he is starting to notice that woman have become friendlier with him, strangers (women) smile at him more often. Its upset him, he interprets the additional comfort of these ladies in his presences not as attraction to an older man, but due to the fact they are comfortable in his presence now that he has reached an age which involves less threat of lecherous behavior…

Meanwhile, in my mid-30’s I’m ignored by all and Sundry as a smile or eye contact turns into an instant dilemma of wrong intention and miss-interpretation when all one of us has really done is accidentally made eye contact in a shopping mall.

And More to the Topic at hand:

It appears to have been generally accepted by the forum that not all, but a percentage of members have come here as a result of erm…. their members.

But there are also plenty of other members who’s reasons for coming here simply did not involve ladies, most of my Western friends here came here under good contracts with International companies. It is likely that whichever country they had ended up in, they at some point would have met a local lady.

In many cases – being here and meeting a lady is not a specific reason for what brought them here. BUT, of course those who came here will naturally have met a lady here, that would be the same of any* country they went to and thus the point becomes moot.

If I worked in France, Australia, South Africa, Brazil, USA, Vietnam etc etc its equally as likely that I would have ended up meeting a marrying a lady there.

*well most, places like Saudi are not exactly hotpots of human interaction.


Me they don't even know if I can still do it let alone say yes or no. I am a no worries prize than can be counted on to provide some cheap booze and temporary diversion. I am the perfect example of middle aged Thai womanhood short term thinking.

There's actually more truth in that than most people here will realize.

I'm approaching fifty and am starting to notice amorous glances from middle-aged policewomen.

Fat women at the local market now look at me lingeringly.

And please, let's not talk about that shockingly suggestive woman at my local furniture shop who is deliciously overweight and yet still manages to squeeze herself into tight-fitting dresses that are at least two sizes too small for her.

Admirers of fat women, I salute you.

There is perhaps some truth in what you have both written that older men may receive some ‘friendlier attention’ from the older ladies in Thailand.

I have a friend who has recently turned 40, he is starting to notice that woman have become friendlier with him, strangers (women) smile at him more often. Its upset him, he interprets the additional comfort of these ladies in his presences not as attraction to an older man, but due to the fact they are comfortable in his presence now that he has reached an age which involves less threat of lecherous behavior…

Meanwhile, in my mid-30’s I’m ignored by all and Sundry as a smile or eye contact turns into an instant dilemma of wrong intention and miss-interpretation when all one of us has really done is accidentally made eye contact in a shopping mall.

And More to the Topic at hand:

It appears to have been generally accepted by the forum that not all, but a percentage of members have come here as a result of erm…. their members.

But there are also plenty of other members who’s reasons for coming here simply did not involve ladies, most of my Western friends here came here under good contracts with International companies. It is likely that whichever country they had ended up in, they at some point would have met a local lady.

In many cases – being here and meeting a lady is not a specific reason for what brought them here. BUT, of course those who came here will naturally have met a lady here, that would be the same of any* country they went to and thus the point becomes moot.

If I worked in France, Australia, South Africa, Brazil, USA, Vietnam etc etc its equally as likely that I would have ended up meeting a marrying a lady there.

*well most, places like Saudi are not exactly hotpots of human interaction.

Why dont you just give it up? There is no way anybody is going to be convinced of your arguement that Thailand is just like any other country in the influence the opposite sex in drawing expats to the country.

Your friends are obviously lying to you. As further evidence I point to your actual belief that one of your friend is "upset" that he gets quite a bit of attention from Thai women. Suuuuure, he's realy upset. I bet he is!cheesy.gif


But there are also plenty of other members who’s reasons for coming here simply did not involve ladies, most of my Western friends here came here under good contracts with International companies. It is likely that whichever country they had ended up in, they at some point would have met a local lady.

In many cases – being here and meeting a lady is not a specific reason for what brought them here. BUT, of course those who came here will naturally have met a lady here, that would be the same of any* country they went to and thus the point becomes moot.

If I worked in France, Australia, South Africa, Brazil, USA, Vietnam etc etc its equally as likely that I would have ended up meeting a marrying a lady there.

You are trying to convince us that 50+ year old men going to live in any country in the world on business, would hook up with local girls under 30.

Thinking ..... thinking ..... thinking ........ NO ..... no way!


Me they don't even know if I can still do it let alone say yes or no. I am a no worries prize than can be counted on to provide some cheap booze and temporary diversion. I am the perfect example of middle aged Thai womanhood short term thinking.

There's actually more truth in that than most people here will realize.

I'm approaching fifty and am starting to notice amorous glances from middle-aged policewomen.

Fat women at the local market now look at me lingeringly.

And please, let's not talk about that shockingly suggestive woman at my local furniture shop who is deliciously overweight and yet still manages to squeeze herself into tight-fitting dresses that are at least two sizes too small for her.

Admirers of fat women, I salute you.

There is perhaps some truth in what you have both written that older men may receive some ‘friendlier attention’ from the older ladies in Thailand.

I have a friend who has recently turned 40, he is starting to notice that woman have become friendlier with him, strangers (women) smile at him more often. Its upset him, he interprets the additional comfort of these ladies in his presences not as attraction to an older man, but due to the fact they are comfortable in his presence now that he has reached an age which involves less threat of lecherous behavior…

Meanwhile, in my mid-30’s I’m ignored by all and Sundry as a smile or eye contact turns into an instant dilemma of wrong intention and miss-interpretation when all one of us has really done is accidentally made eye contact in a shopping mall.

And More to the Topic at hand:

It appears to have been generally accepted by the forum that not all, but a percentage of members have come here as a result of erm…. their members.

But there are also plenty of other members who’s reasons for coming here simply did not involve ladies, most of my Western friends here came here under good contracts with International companies. It is likely that whichever country they had ended up in, they at some point would have met a local lady.

In many cases – being here and meeting a lady is not a specific reason for what brought them here. BUT, of course those who came here will naturally have met a lady here, that would be the same of any* country they went to and thus the point becomes moot.

If I worked in France, Australia, South Africa, Brazil, USA, Vietnam etc etc its equally as likely that I would have ended up meeting a marrying a lady there.

*well most, places like Saudi are not exactly hotpots of human interaction.

Brazil maybe but the rest you are in error. The marriage laws would preclude the unions even if no other factors were considered. Richard you are just wacko wacko on this one there are only two or three regular female posters on Thai Visa. I think you can figure that one out. If you were correct the mix would be much closer to 50/50 M&F. It is like 99 to 1.

  • Like 1

Brazil maybe but the rest you are in error. The marriage laws would preclude the unions even if no other factors were considered. Richard you are just wacko wacko on this one there are only two or three regular female posters on Thai Visa. I think you can figure that one out. If you were correct the mix would be much closer to 50/50 M&F. It is like 99 to 1.

I have reason to believe 50% of the female posters on Tv are in fact middle aged men posing as females.

So more like 999 to 1


But there are also plenty of other members who’s reasons for coming here simply did not involve ladies, most of my Western friends here came here under good contracts with International companies. It is likely that whichever country they had ended up in, they at some point would have met a local lady.

In many cases – being here and meeting a lady is not a specific reason for what brought them here. BUT, of course those who came here will naturally have met a lady here, that would be the same of any* country they went to and thus the point becomes moot.

If I worked in France, Australia, South Africa, Brazil, USA, Vietnam etc etc its equally as likely that I would have ended up meeting a marrying a lady there.

You are trying to convince us that 50+ year old men going to live in any country in the world on business, would hook up with local girls under 30.

Thinking ..... thinking ..... thinking ........ NO ..... no way!

Sorry to disagree, but I've seen it happen dozens of times, with nauseating predictability.


Me they don't even know if I can still do it let alone say yes or no. I am a no worries prize than can be counted on to provide some cheap booze and temporary diversion. I am the perfect example of middle aged Thai womanhood short term thinking.

There's actually more truth in that than most people here will realize.

I'm approaching fifty and am starting to notice amorous glances from middle-aged policewomen.

Fat women at the local market now look at me lingeringly.

And please, let's not talk about that shockingly suggestive woman at my local furniture shop who is deliciously overweight and yet still manages to squeeze herself into tight-fitting dresses that are at least two sizes too small for her.

Admirers of fat women, I salute you.

There is perhaps some truth in what you have both written that older men may receive some ‘friendlier attention’ from the older ladies in Thailand.

I have a friend who has recently turned 40, he is starting to notice that woman have become friendlier with him, strangers (women) smile at him more often. Its upset him, he interprets the additional comfort of these ladies in his presences not as attraction to an older man, but due to the fact they are comfortable in his presence now that he has reached an age which involves less threat of lecherous behavior…

Meanwhile, in my mid-30’s I’m ignored by all and Sundry as a smile or eye contact turns into an instant dilemma of wrong intention and miss-interpretation when all one of us has really done is accidentally made eye contact in a shopping mall.

And More to the Topic at hand:

It appears to have been generally accepted by the forum that not all, but a percentage of members have come here as a result of erm…. their members.

But there are also plenty of other members who’s reasons for coming here simply did not involve ladies, most of my Western friends here came here under good contracts with International companies. It is likely that whichever country they had ended up in, they at some point would have met a local lady.

In many cases – being here and meeting a lady is not a specific reason for what brought them here. BUT, of course those who came here will naturally have met a lady here, that would be the same of any* country they went to and thus the point becomes moot.

If I worked in France, Australia, South Africa, Brazil, USA, Vietnam etc etc its equally as likely that I would have ended up meeting a marrying a lady there.

*well most, places like Saudi are not exactly hotpots of human interaction.

I hope I retain the ability to undress a woman at fifty paces until I'm very very old....biggrin.png


Me they don't even know if I can still do it let alone say yes or no. I am a no worries prize than can be counted on to provide some cheap booze and temporary diversion. I am the perfect example of middle aged Thai womanhood short term thinking.

There's actually more truth in that than most people here will realize.

I'm approaching fifty and am starting to notice amorous glances from middle-aged policewomen.

Fat women at the local market now look at me lingeringly.

And please, let's not talk about that shockingly suggestive woman at my local furniture shop who is deliciously overweight and yet still manages to squeeze herself into tight-fitting dresses that are at least two sizes too small for her.

Admirers of fat women, I salute you.

There is perhaps some truth in what you have both written that older men may receive some ‘friendlier attention’ from the older ladies in Thailand.

I have a friend who has recently turned 40, he is starting to notice that woman have become friendlier with him, strangers (women) smile at him more often. Its upset him, he interprets the additional comfort of these ladies in his presences not as attraction to an older man, but due to the fact they are comfortable in his presence now that he has reached an age which involves less threat of lecherous behavior…

Meanwhile, in my mid-30’s I’m ignored by all and Sundry as a smile or eye contact turns into an instant dilemma of wrong intention and miss-interpretation when all one of us has really done is accidentally made eye contact in a shopping mall.

And More to the Topic at hand:

It appears to have been generally accepted by the forum that not all, but a percentage of members have come here as a result of erm…. their members.

But there are also plenty of other members who’s reasons for coming here simply did not involve ladies, most of my Western friends here came here under good contracts with International companies. It is likely that whichever country they had ended up in, they at some point would have met a local lady.

In many cases – being here and meeting a lady is not a specific reason for what brought them here. BUT, of course those who came here will naturally have met a lady here, that would be the same of any* country they went to and thus the point becomes moot.

If I worked in France, Australia, South Africa, Brazil, USA, Vietnam etc etc its equally as likely that I would have ended up meeting a marrying a lady there.

*well most, places like Saudi are not exactly hotpots of human interaction.

I hope I retain the ability to undress a woman at fifty paces until I'm very very old....biggrin.png

I hope you are able to tell the difference between a lady and ladyboy at fifty paces, before you undress them

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