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How Difficult Is It To Import A Shotgun Into Thailand?


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would a small snub nosed revolver not be enough ,just for the sake of having a gun in the house for protection ?

is a shotgun really necessary to blast a burglar in the close quarters of your bedroom or kitchen ? smile.png

Cheap China revolver is probabaly gonna run 30k as well.

Shotgun vs pistol for home defense is a contentious point.

More skill required with a snubnose, and less range. Good if he is 10 ft away, not so good if he is 30 ft away.

Shotgun gives you range and a degree of flexibility in aiming but can be unwieldy inside the house, not for everybody.

Personally, I prefer both. If it had to be only one, I would choose a taurus judge revolver. Shoots both .45 and .410 shotgun shells.

I love posts like this, makes me feel like i'm back in nam.

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I can't comment on importing, but want to comment about the general idea of having guns in house...

You will endanger yourself and your family much more than without having a gun! Ever read about how many accidents happen with guns in house - whether intentionally or not??? Ever read about how many kids kill themselves or their friends when playing with daddy's gun???

So you will want to store your gun safely and locked away... so imaging the crook entering your house at 3 morning when you sleep... you hear him, you are still tired, try to get your gun from the storage area... the crook is awake and highly on alert... and if he has a gun also, you bet he will shoot you first before you even get close to your gun...

Finally, you might find out that Thai courts do not really like Farang to shoot Thai citizens.... crooks or not... and even with a legally acquired gun, you might find yourself locked away for few years for murder... whether you claim self defence or not.

I could have kept my guns at home after the army, both rifle and gun, but decided against it for my own safety!

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So you will want to store your gun safely and locked away... so imaging the crook entering your house at 3 morning when you sleep... you hear him, you are still tired, try to get your gun from the storage area... the crook is awake and highly on alert... and if he has a gun also, you bet he will shoot you first before you even get close to your gun...

Here's one solution, from the US of course.

These days, Americans are hording guns because many believe that it is possible that they may might actually need to use them against their government. This type of ideology is frankly scary. Tell me, when in history has the US government ever commited any kind of atrocity or violated natural rights? These guns do not make Americans safer, rather, they lead to countless school shootings because when teenagers combine Fanta and other sweetend beverages with video games they lose touch of reality. The easy access to guns adds icing to the cake. What is the purpose of a gun? To inflict harm. Therefore we should only allow our governments and those who have sworn to protect it's citizens to carry these weapons, this way we can be sure that harm will only be inflicted when absolutely nessecary. Look at what has been happening across the Middle East as anarchists have taken to the streets in attempts to overthrow democratic governments in Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, Syria and elsewhere. Imagine how much worse it would be if these maniacs had weapons.

I can't believe you're serious. Of course it would be much better for the world if the citizens of the Arab Spring countries all had weapons to revolt against their repressive governments.

Sure, the Royal Thai Police force may be underfunded but they are still trying their best. What they lack in physical resources they make up for in effort and resolve. There is a reason why these men are loved across this great nation and why they can walk down the street with their head held high. If you have a problem, call them and remain paitent. They will come and when they do, justice will follow.

Now I know you're taking the piss, absolutely unbelievable that anyone would write such <deleted> with a straight face.

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So you will want to store your gun safely and locked away... so imaging the crook entering your house at 3 morning when you sleep... you hear him, you are still tired, try to get your gun from the storage area... the crook is awake and highly on alert... and if he has a gun also, you bet he will shoot you first before you even get close to your gun...

Here's one solution, from the US of course.

These days, Americans are hording guns because many believe that it is possible that they may might actually need to use them against their government. This type of ideology is frankly scary. Tell me, when in history has the US government ever commited any kind of atrocity or violated natural rights? These guns do not make Americans safer, rather, they lead to countless school shootings because when teenagers combine Fanta and other sweetend beverages with video games they lose touch of reality. The easy access to guns adds icing to the cake. What is the purpose of a gun? To inflict harm. Therefore we should only allow our governments and those who have sworn to protect it's citizens to carry these weapons, this way we can be sure that harm will only be inflicted when absolutely nessecary. Look at what has been happening across the Middle East as anarchists have taken to the streets in attempts to overthrow democratic governments in Libya, Tunisia, Egypt, Syria and elsewhere. Imagine how much worse it would be if these maniacs had weapons.

I can't believe you're serious. Of course it would be much better for the world if the citizens of the Arab Spring countries all had weapons to revolt against their repressive governments.

Sure, the Royal Thai Police force may be underfunded but they are still trying their best. What they lack in physical resources they make up for in effort and resolve. There is a reason why these men are loved across this great nation and why they can walk down the street with their head held high. If you have a problem, call them and remain paitent. They will come and when they do, justice will follow.

Now I know you're taking the piss, absolutely unbelievable that anyone would write such <deleted> with a straight face.

Its taken you this long to figure out he was taking the p*ss...cheesy.gif

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Wow! I didn't know this was an anti American history thread. Seeing it is. Didn't Churchill order the bombing of Dresden as revenge for Coventry?

How can it be anti-american history....its historical fact...however I will agree with you on Dresden....one of your countrymen posed the question...What have we ever done ? and you have been given some examples...some humourous....mate you seem to have the ability to find an anti-american slant in every post on TV are you really that insecure ?

Of course it can be true and anti American. America like most of the women I know in Thailand have both good and bad points. I only wanted to point out that America didn't do all the bad things that you listed. Churchill was responsible for killing a lot of innocents too. And before we get all holy it pays to remember that British soldiers are buried in over 150 foreign countries.

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A major cleanup done removing a large number of off-topic, inflammatory, American bashing posts have been removed. They will continue to be removed without further comment from now on.

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I could have kept my guns at home after the army, both rifle and gun, but decided against it for my own safety!

did you also get rid of your beds? beds are the most dangerous places statistics prove beyond any doubt. most people die in beds.

Of course you can joke about my sentence... since probably (unlike me) you don't know a family who lost their kid due to an accident with a loaded gun inhouse that was not securely stored away...

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Of course you can joke about my sentence... since probably (unlike me) you don't know a family who lost their kid due to an accident with a loaded gun inhouse that was not securely stored away...

Condolences & a sad thing to be sure but...

Sad as that is.... that scenario was the fault of the family & not the gun....which as you say was not secured.

Many things in life are deadly if the operator/owner is not educated properly in its use....safekeeping.

Many children also die from things like prescription drugs, etc. that are not secured also.

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I'm not American, but not bashing Americans with this (their alienating hearts and mind international policies do this well enough already without me adding fuel to the fire as well).

You are 10x more likely to get shot in Thailand than you are in the US.


Well, not you personally, but the average shmoe on the street. Would having a gun in the house stop this or reduce this chance? Doubt it. Would having a gun securely locked away in your house give you a chance when a gang of yaba'd up youths are knicking your laptop? I would say a retiree (with the best will in the world) would take about 20 seconds to get out of bed, remember where the key / code is for the cabinet, find reading glasses, open box and click lick boom. He's been shot. Stabbed. You name it.

Also, as alluded to earlier, without casting aspersions on the friend, but elderly man, not living here, has GF here, and is thinking of moving here. Is she a younger girl? From a bar? Her Meng Da will be eagerly waiting his arrival, and once all the cash is in her name, having a gun in the house makes it so much easier for them.

Why would anyone actually chose to live in a place where they would need a gun to feel safe? I could understand it for sporting reasons, but for protection? Crazy, If he is that scared he should stay in the US.

The simple fact is that unless your friend is...

1)marrying a hardened hooker

2) involved in drugs

3) Involved in mafia controlled activities (property etc)

4) Very friendly with the Russians

5) Aggressive when drunk and does not know about face when dealing with taxi drivers, tuk tuk, moped drivers, policemen (or anyone with a gun)

.....he does not need a gun.


This article raises an interesting aspect that is lost on most American republican; if you carry / own a gun, you feel more confident, and therefore more likely to escalate a harmless situation through this confidence; like pulling a gun on a guy robbing your house. He might run away because he does not have a gun. His mates will though, and they are highly likely to come back. If you don't have a gun, well you have to try and get out of the situation alive by any means and that usually starts by hands up and giving everything away. If you get shot, well he was going to shoot you anyway and having a gun in your hand will speed it up.

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Of course you can joke about my sentence... since probably (unlike me) you don't know a family who lost their kid due to an accident with a loaded gun inhouse that was not securely stored away...

Condolences & a sad thing to be sure but...

Sad as that is.... that scenario was the fault of the family & not the gun....which as you say was not secured.

Many things in life are deadly if the operator/owner is not educated properly in its use....safekeeping.

Many children also die from things like prescription drugs, etc. that are not secured also.

Completely agree with you... but that said, if the gun is stored away secured, then it will be of no use for burglaries and the likes... unitl you can get hold of your own gun, the crook entering you house will have shot you or stabbed you do death...

That is why I say guns in houses don't protect but endanger... better let the crooks take what they like and protect your and your families lifes.

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I'm not American, but not bashing Americans with this (their alienating hearts and mind international policies do this well enough already without me adding fuel to the fire as well).

You are 10x more likely to get shot in Thailand than you are in the US.


Well, not you personally, but the average shmoe on the street. Would having a gun in the house stop this or reduce this chance? Doubt it. Would having a gun securely locked away in your house give you a chance when a gang of yaba'd up youths are knicking your laptop? I would say a retiree (with the best will in the world) would take about 20 seconds to get out of bed, remember where the key / code is for the cabinet, find reading glasses, open box and click lick boom. He's been shot. Stabbed. You name it.

Also, as alluded to earlier, without casting aspersions on the friend, but elderly man, not living here, has GF here, and is thinking of moving here. Is she a younger girl? From a bar? Her Meng Da will be eagerly waiting his arrival, and once all the cash is in her name, having a gun in the house makes it so much easier for them.

Why would anyone actually chose to live in a place where they would need a gun to feel safe? I could understand it for sporting reasons, but for protection? Crazy, If he is that scared he should stay in the US.

The simple fact is that unless your friend is...

1)marrying a hardened hooker

2) involved in drugs

3) Involved in mafia controlled activities (property etc)

4) Very friendly with the Russians

5) Aggressive when drunk and does not know about face when dealing with taxi drivers, tuk tuk, moped drivers, policemen (or anyone with a gun)

.....he does not need a gun.


This article raises an interesting aspect that is lost on most American republican; if you carry / own a gun, you feel more confident, and therefore more likely to escalate a harmless situation through this confidence; like pulling a gun on a guy robbing your house. He might run away because he does not have a gun. His mates will though, and they are highly likely to come back. If you don't have a gun, well you have to try and get out of the situation alive by any means and that usually starts by hands up and giving everything away. If you get shot, well he was going to shoot you anyway and having a gun in your hand will speed it up.

Bravo! A well-considered and intelligent posting. Thank you for your input. You can be sure I will be referring my friend to your comments.
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Of course you can joke about my sentence... since probably (unlike me) you don't know a family who lost their kid due to an accident with a loaded gun inhouse that was not securely stored away...

Condolences & a sad thing to be sure but...

Sad as that is.... that scenario was the fault of the family & not the gun....which as you say was not secured.

Many things in life are deadly if the operator/owner is not educated properly in its use....safekeeping.

Many children also die from things like prescription drugs, etc. that are not secured also.

Completely agree with you... but that said, if the gun is stored away secured, then it will be of no use for burglaries and the likes... unitl you can get hold of your own gun, the crook entering you house will have shot you or stabbed you do death...

That is why I say guns in houses don't protect but endanger... better let the crooks take what they like and protect your and your families lifes.

I guess crooks are never rapists or murderers? I don't know who does the rapes and murders? Is this a gun control thread? I had a gator eat my mother in laws dog once. I would have shot the alligator but the dogs name was fluffy. I guess you can imagine. Another time we had a copperhead crawl up the pole to the bird house and start eating the little birdies. My mother in law brought me a big butcher knife to get the snake out of the bird house. I used my 12 guage. Good this is a gun control thread. I lived on a ranch for a while. I got a lot of stories. Did you all know that you can only get about three shots off with a black powder 44 before you can't see what you are shooting at anymore because of the smoke?

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Condolences & a sad thing to be sure but...

Sad as that is.... that scenario was the fault of the family & not the gun....which as you say was not secured.

Many things in life are deadly if the operator/owner is not educated properly in its use....safekeeping.

Many children also die from things like prescription drugs, etc. that are not secured also.

Completely agree with you... but that said, if the gun is stored away secured, then it will be of no use for burglaries and the likes... unitl you can get hold of your own gun, the crook entering you house will have shot you or stabbed you do death...

That is why I say guns in houses don't protect but endanger... better let the crooks take what they like and protect your and your families lifes.

You will note I also said "educated"

I have shot forearms & Archery competitively the majority of my life.

I have also raised children safely.

They were well educated in firearms safety.

If they are old enough to be inquisitive enough to get to a firearm then they should have long been educated about them.

My guns are well stored & I guarantee could not be found by any crook. But my self defense weapon is very handy. Otherwise as you say

it could be of no use.

I am sorry I do not agree with your outlook on crooks right to decide what they may take. After all they may decide to take a life I hold dear

or scar it for life at the least.

No instead I prefer to protect my family & my life using means I deem fit, equal to or greater than the threat.

I do not begrudge those who want to do as you suggest either....Not my business & To each their own.

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No instead I prefer to protect my family & my life using means I deem fit, equal to or greater than the threat.

I do not begrudge those who want to do as you suggest either....Not my business & To each their own.

Regardless of the circumstances; if a farang shoots a local, said farang will be in for a very nasty time, and for quite a long time. You know yourself the laws here are different and more flexible than in our home countries, and unless you are very rich and very well connected, you will go down.

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No instead I prefer to protect my family & my life using means I deem fit, equal to or greater than the threat.

I do not begrudge those who want to do as you suggest either....Not my business & To each their own.

Regardless of the circumstances; if a farang shoots a local, said farang will be in for a very nasty time, and for quite a long time. You know yourself the laws here are different and more flexible than in our home countries, and unless you are very rich and very well connected, you will go down.

Of course you could run them over with your Mercedes and you will get away scott free...whistling.gif

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No instead I prefer to protect my family & my life using means I deem fit, equal to or greater than the threat.

I do not begrudge those who want to do as you suggest either....Not my business & To each their own.

Regardless of the circumstances; if a farang shoots a local, said farang will be in for a very nasty time, and for quite a long time. You know yourself the laws here are different and more flexible than in our home countries, and unless you are very rich and very well connected, you will go down.

It has never occurred to anyone to hand the gun to wifey? Not trying to be a brain trust here or anything. Something like, "Wifey I go to jail no more money comes in cowjai mai."

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Regardless of the circumstances; if a farang shoots a local, said farang will be in for a very nasty time, and for quite a long time. You know yourself the laws here are different and more flexible than in our home countries, and unless you are very rich and very well connected, you will go down.

Thanks for the concern & to be sure I was not speaking exactly to the scenario of shooting someone in Thailand in self defense.

But I will say if that ever did occur it would be for one reason only & that was to save my or my families life.

I think they will later have a much easier time retrieving me from a police station....If I even need to go....Than retrieving me from a morgue.

One way has at least the possibility of a happy ending.

Besides my wife is Thai owns firearms & is a great shot with her CZ 75B..... wink.png

Again I am not advocating folks take up arms. I was responding to a post about a child uneducated about firearms being killed by a

loaded firearm left unsecured.

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No instead I prefer to protect my family & my life using means I deem fit, equal to or greater than the threat.

I do not begrudge those who want to do as you suggest either....Not my business & To each their own.

Regardless of the circumstances; if a farang shoots a local, said farang will be in for a very nasty time, and for quite a long time. You know yourself the laws here are different and more flexible than in our home countries, and unless you are very rich and very well connected, you will go down.

It has never occurred to anyone to hand the gun to wifey? Not trying to be a brain trust here or anything. Something like, "Wifey I go to jail no more money comes in cowjai mai."

I know the BIB are not know for their "CSI" skills, but a simple check for powder residue will confirm who has fired the weapon...thumbsup.gif

So handing Mr Smith & Wesson to their teerak after doing the dirty deed aint gong to help much...giggle.gif

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I understand the laws have relaxed due to a unilateral agreement. One piece carefully concealed in hand luggage. No documentation required. thumbsup.gif

that concealed piece will give you unconcealed handcuffs.

From the pictures I see in papers, the hand cuffs are concealed. Usually under an article of clothing.

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Is there any airport in the world that would allow you to board a plane with a firearm

in you hand luggage?????????????????

generally no ,but im sure exceptions are made on domestic flights for bodyguards ,government officials

and high ranking police or fbi ,kgb ,mi5 etc in their own countries

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Why do you need a gun? If there is a burglar in your house all you need to get rid of them is:

A tube of KY Jelly

A 14" rubber cock

No clothes

A hard-on & a smile

Now tell me who isn't thinking about running away?

Then again it is illegal to own a rubber cock in Thailand!

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

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Is there any airport in the world that would allow you to board a plane with a firearm

in you hand luggage?????????????????

All airports do but not in your luggage. Otherwise competitors

even at the Olympic level would not have their firearm to compete with.

You check it at the check-in counter in its own case...unloaded of course

as no ammo allowed.

Of course when traveling Internationally you must have the proper paperwork to retrieve/import it

once at your destination

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Why do you need a gun? If there is a burglar in your house all you need to get rid of them is:

A tube of KY Jelly

A 14" rubber cock

No clothes

A hard-on & a smile

Now tell me who isn't thinking about running away?

Then again it is illegal to own a rubber cock in Thailand!

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

My next door neighbors GF. If you saw her you would know.

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Why do you need a gun? If there is a burglar in your house all you need to get rid of them is:

A tube of KY Jelly

A 14" rubber cock

No clothes

A hard-on & a smile

Now tell me who isn't thinking about running away?

Then again it is illegal to own a rubber cock in Thailand!

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

a hard-on and a friendly smile might be enough to scare them away without the other stuff .........smile.png

Edited by wana
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Why do you need a gun? If there is a burglar in your house all you need to get rid of them is:

A tube of KY Jelly

A 14" rubber cock

No clothes

A hard-on & a smile

Now tell me who isn't thinking about running away?

Then again it is illegal to own a rubber cock in Thailand!

Posted with Thaivisa App http://apps.thaivisa.com

a hard-on and a friendly smile might be enough to scare them away without the other stuff .........smile.png

I take it you don't live near Suni Plaza.

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Regardless of the circumstances; if a farang shoots a local, said farang will be in for a very nasty time, and for quite a long time. You know yourself the laws here are different and more flexible than in our home countries, and unless you are very rich and very well connected, you will go down.

Don't have to "very" rich, just respectable. Being only a little connected, which you are likely to be if you're a fellow gun enthusiast will make it a shoe-in.

But no, a legally registered farang shooting a clear scumbag crim in is own home may be processed a little more carefully, but will be given all the respect he deserves by the BiB and any other Thais, other than the deceased's family.

Your home is your castle in Thailand as much as, or even more than back home.

But of course not against the authorities themselves. . .

I know the BIB are not know for their "CSI" skills, but a simple check for powder residue will confirm who has fired the weapon...

So handing Mr Smith & Wesson to their teerak after doing the dirty deed aint gong to help much...

I'd be surprised if they routinely even do that level of forensics, but yes, probably in a high-profile case they'll pull in the one specialist that knows how.

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