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Aussie Dsp


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OMG ! what stupid statements dribbling from Giddyup. There have not always been good wages in the building industry, probably only the last couple of years, and believe me, with the cost of living in oz , it would take a lot more than 2 years to accumulate enough to retire as this fool is suggesting !

Who said anything about 2 years you neanderthal? i said he could retire at 50, does this mean he started work at 48? Why don't you actually read the comments instead of just mud slinging. Only the last two years of good wages for tradesmen? You really are a dropkick.

Shame when a perfectly good thread gets down to this level!

If you can't win an argument by constructive means, resort to name-calling. Last resort of the uneducated.

Edited by giddyup
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I am 62 and on a DSP (not by choice) with a small top up from a small super saving, I found it difficult and stressfull to get and people who lable me a bludger, well they can kiss my A**, worked hard and paid my tax since i was 15

2 months before I turned 65,April, i tried to get the DSP, Ive got serious back problems, but I was refused as i could sit for a few hours. So, it aint easy to get the DSP now. Get part OAP now anyway.

Why would you even bother to apply 2 months before you turned 65? As soon as you turn 65 you would automatically transfer to an OAP anyway.

Seven hundred dollars, ,thats why. Edited by sandgroper2
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My mate got put off work, crook ticker, collected his super monthly, went to c/l and asked for some DSP, they said no, his income was too high, so he told his super mob to only pay him from his contributions, not the interest component, therefore lowering his income, he was then eligible for part DSP.People on a military disability pension cant do this as thier military pension has no principal and interest components. Is that fair?

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I am 62 and on a DSP (not by choice) with a small top up from a small super saving, I found it difficult and stressfull to get and people who lable me a bludger, well they can kiss my A**, worked hard and paid my tax since i was 15

2 months before I turned 65,April, i tried to get the DSP, Ive got serious back problems, but I was refused as i could sit for a few hours. So, it aint easy to get the DSP now. Get part OAP now anyway.

Why would you even bother to apply 2 months before you turned 65? As soon as you turn 65 you would automatically transfer to an OAP anyway.

Seven hundred dollars, ,thats why.

And, because you have done all the leg work for the DSP, you can transfer over to the OAP without too much more to do.

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I am on the DSP , was doing some part time work but that has since stopped. For years a family member retired in Thailand has been urging me to come over and see if i'd like it, considering how many times i had complained about the cost of living in Australia. With the cheap fares offered for advance bookings by budget airlines, i was able to travel there return for less than a return domestic flight. When i got there i found a much cheaper and convenient lifestyle. One that suited my medical problems to a tee.

On those days when it was difficult to move, i could have someone come to my room and massage me until i was mobile for a fraction of what it cost at home. ( i had 6 weeks of physio at home that did nothing ) I could have food delivered to my door also at a fraction of the cost,.....same with my laundry and many other duties i have to do myself at home and sometimes find difficult. The level of care here was much much cheaper than home.

At home i stay inside a lot, i dont eat out, and i very rarely go out . Here i see all kinds of disabled people getting around with the help of locals who i see on the backs of wheelchairs or helping disabled people get around. Last year i was in Thailand and had a very severe bout of back pain,....i literally could not walk. But with a phonecall my brother came to help and i employed a women at almost no cost to come and stay with me and help me to the bathroom, to eat, and to help me walk when i was able. She got medicines and did everything i could not.

It will be a shame to lose the time i can spend here, cause it makes my life a lot easier. But as i have a woman that cares for me full time when im here now, and would like to marry i will have to look at engaging in the expensive and difficult process of bringing here to Australia to live in a country i can barely afford to live in let alone pay for two of us.

And no one on here should have to explain what their disability is to anyone else on this forum.

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One thing that amuses me is the govt spend a shit load of money trying to determine weather you can work or not and then when people are accepted as being unable to work,they throw $5billion at the employment agencies to get you a job and they will try every trick in the book including bulling and threats .Some of these agencies have been exposed and are under investigation. These are the people that are rorting the system. I just googled rorting to check the spelling and found this.

http://www.theage.com.au/national/agencies-rorting-jobfinder-fees-toplevel-audit-finds-20120420-1xcp9.html Don't pick on the bloke with the disability,it's the pricks like these you should be suss about.

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I don't begrudge DSP recipients the right to travel outside of Australia (like a normal person) for holidays etc, but as was well publicised a year or so back, there are a lot of DSP recipients who spend 90% of their time living in Thailand or elsewhere, who ONLY travel back to Australia every 13 weeks to comply with Centrelink conditions. If a person on DSP is well enough to be travelling back and forward every 13 weeks to Oz, and probably spending his time in Thailand either playing golf or bar hopping (whatever his interests are) IMO he or she is capable of some kind of paid work. The system shouldn't avail people of an early retirement until they reach 65 and then get the OAP.

In the old days a migrant could come to Australia, work for a brief period, claim "Mediterranean back", get granted a DSP and retire in relative comfort back in the old country for the rest of his days.

There are a number of issues to consider here:

1. Does it cost the Australian taxpayer more or less to have welfare recipients living in Australia or living overseas? I would suggest the latter

2. Of those that are well enough to do some work, are there in fact jobs available? Or is this realy just about going through the motions via sitting opposite a fidgetting Centrelink staffer for 20 minutes every six weeks so they can ask "how have you been?" and then tick a box

3. If the system of assessing whether people are in fact permanently disabled (and to what extent) is not effective, then fix that problem and don't lump it in with the issue of whether people have a right to choose to live overseas all or part of the year

3. This is not about the "old days", it's about today

I wouldn't like to see the "old days" returning to the present. If Australia has to import labour (meat workers, Tongan fruitpickers etc.) because there are now so many bludgers who don't want to work, I would say, yes, there are jobs. Just because a lot of welfare recipients consider those jobs are either too hard or beneath them isn't an argument. Unfortunately the system allows people to pick and choose, and you can lead a horse to water etc. I know (I won't call them friends) of several perfectly healthy people who have never had a permanent job, they just play the system, turn up for job interviews like they just got out of bed (which was probably the case) and show zero interest in the job. No one wants to hire them.

I don't know how you can say it costs the taxpayer less if the welfare recipient is living abroad, if all monies paid to him/her are spent outside the country. I worked all my life in Australia, paid my taxes, put aside money for retirement etc, why should somebody get a free ride?

In cases like this, the prospective employer should have to lodge a form stating exactly why the person was not employed. Centrelink should then take appropiate action.

The employers might get a bit pissed off filling out forms if you keep sending lazy fuc_kers for interviews . If they are kicked off the dole they will possibly end up in prison and cost the tax payer more as a result .I was injured at work and get a pension but someone else has a job now.We may have the best of a bad situation now.

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Why should hard working Australian taxpayers fund lazy parasites? I'm sure millions of Thai workers slaving away in factories for 12+ hours a day, 6 days per week would be over qualified to receive the Australian disability pension. The system in Australia creates this problem, by giving lazy people the option not to work.

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Why should hard working Australian taxpayers fund lazy parasites? I'm sure millions of Thai workers slaving away in factories for 12+ hours a day, 6 days per week would be over qualified to receive the Australian disability pension. The system in Australia creates this problem, by giving lazy people the option not to work.

Thailand in fact has a disability pension scheme, but you can not compare countries. There are plenty of lazy Thais, they have their rice, own their village hut, pay no tax. Don't see the OZ Government giving poor people land to farm and allow them to knock up a home, sell their crop tax free. Or open a noodle bar at the side of the road to make a living. 2 different systems, one is over regulated and controls everything, the other free enterprise sink or swim on your own. Jim
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Why should hard working Australian taxpayers fund lazy parasites? I'm sure millions of Thai workers slaving away in factories for 12+ hours a day, 6 days per week would be over qualified to receive the Australian disability pension. The system in Australia creates this problem, by giving lazy people the option not to work.

What has someone that can work a minimum of 72hrs a week got to do with the DSP ?

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^ From Above^

Just be a tad careful posting links to other Forums

Best to Google "Australian DSP"

You will get a wealth of imformation. Hardest part is working out were to start.

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So does that mean that when all the expats return to Oz, all taxpayers will then pay less tax???

Of course not, it will go up so they can keep breeding more teenage single mums out west.

Everyone like to go on about working 40 years and rights and guff. What the all fail to realize is that pensions are a direct budgetary item, not an accrual. All the tax you paid doesn't get set aside for your pension, it went to paying other people their pension. This i why we have compulsory super now. In 20 years there wont be a pension at all, of any sort.

Very true. To hear so many now retired people bleating on like the Old age pension is their right.... No chance the government will be able to afford it when I retire. The next ten years the government will start cracking down on old age pensions being received outside of Australia, as in my opinion, it should.

As for disability pensions..! The amount of people I have met or known who have claimed one of those. A significant proportion of who were just lazy scammers rorting a system

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So does that mean that when all the expats return to Oz, all taxpayers will then pay less tax???

Of course not, it will go up so they can keep breeding more teenage single mums out west.

Everyone like to go on about working 40 years and rights and guff. What the all fail to realize is that pensions are a direct budgetary item, not an accrual. All the tax you paid doesn't get set aside for your pension, it went to paying other people their pension. This i why we have compulsory super now. In 20 years there wont be a pension at all, of any sort.

Very true. To hear so many now retired people bleating on like the Old age pension is their right.... No chance the government will be able to afford it when I retire. The next ten years the government will start cracking down on old age pensions being received outside of Australia, as in my opinion, it should.

As for disability pensions..! The amount of people I have met or known who have claimed one of those. A significant proportion of who were just lazy scammers rorting a system

Guess you haven't read the earlier posts, the system was a contribution system when it started. As for OAP they have already killed it off for those that don't live in OZ before they retire That's those self funded retirees that moved overseas before pension age. Jim
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So does that mean that when all the expats return to Oz, all taxpayers will then pay less tax???

Of course not, it will go up so they can keep breeding more teenage single mums out west.

Everyone like to go on about working 40 years and rights and guff. What the all fail to realize is that pensions are a direct budgetary item, not an accrual. All the tax you paid doesn't get set aside for your pension, it went to paying other people their pension. This i why we have compulsory super now. In 20 years there wont be a pension at all, of any sort.

Very true. To hear so many now retired people bleating on like the Old age pension is their right.... No chance the government will be able to afford it when I retire. The next ten years the government will start cracking down on old age pensions being received outside of Australia, as in my opinion, it should.

As for disability pensions..! The amount of people I have met or known who have claimed one of those. A significant proportion of who were just lazy scammers rorting a system

Guess you haven't read the earlier posts, the system was a contribution system when it started. As for OAP they have already killed it off for those that don't live in OZ before they retire That's those self funded retirees that moved overseas before pension age. Jim

I read a couple of pages.

What system was a contribution system?

If you are a self funded retiree why would you need the OAP?

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]You run out of money, you retire knowing that there is enough to get you to retirement age or there about and the fund does not produce the returns { GFC ] no pension. The Australian pension system was the same as the UK when set up. You pay into your pension as a percentage of what you earn, Now it;s welfare. What's to stop the Government from taking the super people now pay, nothing, they did it once why not again. Jim

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Here's some good information and civil discussion on the subject of Oz DSP


Thank you for posting this link. There is a wealth of info on that forum for all Australian pensioners and they also have a web site. I have just spent several hours going over it and it seems the members really know their stuff about dealing with Centrelink. I take my hat of to them for starting this. Good Work Guys.clap2.gifwai.gif

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Why should hard working Australian taxpayers fund lazy parasites? I'm sure millions of Thai workers slaving away in factories for 12+ hours a day, 6 days per week would be over qualified to receive the Australian disability pension. The system in Australia creates this problem, by giving lazy people the option not to work.

Its people like you that make my blood boil!!!!!

I have only been in a Centrelink office once & that was to take a friend who had cancer. He had to have surgery & kemo he had two Dr Certificates to say he could not work for 3 months, so he wanted to apply for some kind of sickness benefit, only to be told he would have to go onto this new start. I told the interviewer that the man had 2 certificates from different Dr the reply was "Not good enough." I told my friend to fight them but he just said "I dont feel well enough to put up a fight"

He was 63 YO at the time & never been on welfare before, just a hard worker. What we call in Australia "An Aussie Battler"

I wish I had known about that DSP forum back then.

Edited by Jessi
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^ From Above^

Just be a tad careful posting links to other Forums

This one seems to get a bit of leeway here, it's a single issue forum that in no way competes with the mainstream expat forums like ThaiVisa.

I believe it was started to give affected people a chance to discuss their problems without the ill informed comments you get on more public message boards.

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