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Am I A Troll?


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Guest endure

I noticed that one of my posts from this thread disappeared into the great void without me being told why. I'd like to be informed if that's the case, partly just for information but mainly because otherwise it's just silent censorship.

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Guest endure
Sometimes, the purpose of deleting one or more offensive posts is because they were all related and off topic,  or they were simply defamatory or in such poor taste, that I'm guessing it's better to disappear them without drawing attention to the offense.

Is there some sort of style guideline that tells us what constitutes 'poor taste' or are we expected to guess?

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Sorry, Endure, but when I started as moderator, they couldn't find me any clear guidelines for moderating. Most folks, straight or gay or whatever, consider bestiality to be bad taste. I did go through and delete all the goat shagging references, and barely mentioned that.

I don't think ChrisP or I are strict. I doubt that you'll post anything in extremely bad taste. We almost surely will notify you, if you did.

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I noticed that one of my posts from this thread disappeared into the great void without me being told why. I'd like to be informed if that's the case, partly just for information but mainly because otherwise it's just silent censorship.

If a government is gagging a newspaper it's censorship.

If a moderator removes a post that he/she thinks violates the forum's standard of taste its called editing.

There's enough real oppression in the world, don't make a deleted post out to be more than it really is.


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Guest endure
I noticed that one of my posts from this thread disappeared into the great void without me being told why. I'd like to be informed if that's the case, partly just for information but mainly because otherwise it's just silent censorship.

If a government is gagging a newspaper it's censorship.

If a moderator removes a post that he/she thinks violates the forum's standard of taste its called editing.

As I obviously didn't think that I'd violated the forum's undefined 'standard of taste' (otherwise I wouldn't have posted what I did) it would have been nice to have been informed what I'd done wrong so I don't repeat the same mistake. Censorship isn't confined to governments.

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I noticed that one of my posts from this thread disappeared into the great void without me being told why. I'd like to be informed if that's the case, partly just for information but mainly because otherwise it's just silent censorship.

If a government is gagging a newspaper it's censorship.

If a moderator removes a post that he/she thinks violates the forum's standard of taste its called editing.

As I obviously didn't think that I'd violated the forum's undefined 'standard of taste' (otherwise I wouldn't have posted what I did) it would have been nice to have been informed what I'd done wrong so I don't repeat the same mistake. Censorship isn't confined to governments.

So just because you can't say whatever you want whenever you want it's "censorship"?

Welcome to the world we all live in. Get over it. :o


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Guest endure
I noticed that one of my posts from this thread disappeared into the great void without me being told why. I'd like to be informed if that's the case, partly just for information but mainly because otherwise it's just silent censorship.

If a government is gagging a newspaper it's censorship.

If a moderator removes a post that he/she thinks violates the forum's standard of taste its called editing.

As I obviously didn't think that I'd violated the forum's undefined 'standard of taste' (otherwise I wouldn't have posted what I did) it would have been nice to have been informed what I'd done wrong so I don't repeat the same mistake. Censorship isn't confined to governments.

So just because you can't say whatever you want whenever you want it's "censorship"?

Welcome to the world we all live in. Get over it. :o


I still haven't been told what was wrong with what I said. Anyone care to tell me?


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Can you tell me what the post was called.. or a rough date it was posted.. and I'll go try hunting for it.. then hopefully tell you why it went... (and there's 191 pages of them filed away..!!!!)

(Btw sometimes it's not me or PeaceB who only moderates and deletes here..)

PM if you want.. either way is ok.



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FYI..Any Moderator-deleted posts actually go into the Moderators-only Forum list of deleted posts..

Hmmm...I just thought of a fascinating, juicy new thread! :D

"DELETED POSTS--Let it All Hang Out..." :D

(What was that moderators' password?) :o

Edited by toptuan
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Well, Dumpster, it appears that you & your ego have certainly attracted a lot of attention. I certainly hope it makes you feel good. But please bear in mind that egos have an insatiable appetite & it will ask for more food soon.

In the meantime, if you were adult enough to NOT react to the negative vibes that you received, you would probably not get so much crap. But on the other hand, who cares? "Sticks & stones can break your bones & names will never hurt you."

Nonetheless, I responded to your monologue, which means that I can't really say, "What the hel_l was this post about?" But I will ask anyway, "why the hel_l did you need the sympathy vote from others?"

Are you insecure or what? All I can suggest is that if you learn something from this, you may not see yourself, in any way, as a victim of anothers opinions.

Ps Why is the word h.e.l.l. edited with an underscore between the 2 el's? Is this some sort of a christian control freak forum, or what? The word I wrote was aitch, ee ell, ell...without the underscore.

Edited by elkangorito
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The swear filter does not allow the noun for Hades that rhymes with bell. I think it doesn't allow the verb for condemn that rhymes with ham, either. Not to worry. Most swear words appear as #######. No, they're not Christian control freaks (I've been there and done it, but no longer wear the t-shirt to control others).

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elkangorito, While you were here in Thailand you taught English and Math and you earned 35,000 baht, which you say was soon to rise to 40,000, but you hated that because your students were hopeless. Now that was a good salary for an unqualified teacher! You have now returned to Australia to make quick money, in order to return to Thailand, but you say you hate that too. And to make things even worse you are missing Nut who was your close friend, but not b/f, who is a money boy and has disappeared from your life. There appears to be a lot of h.ell and hatred going on over there in Australia.

Hopefully you can sort out your finances and get back over here and make your life happy doing what you want to do.

Good luck.

Edited by DUMPSTER
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elkangorito, While you were here in Thailand you taught English and Math and you earned 35,000 baht, which you say was soon to rise to 40,000, but you hated that because your students were hopeless. Now that was a good salary for an unqualified teacher! You have now returned to Australia to make quick money, in order to return to Thailand, but you say you hate that too. And to make things even worse you are missing Nut who was your close friend, but not b/f, who is a money boy and has disappeared from your life. There appears to be a lot of h.ell and hatred going on over there in Australia.

Hopefully you can sort out your finances and get back over here and make your life happy doing what you want to do.

Good luck.

My Dear Dumpster,

Your attempt to detract from my original reply didn't work. However, I will briefly comment.

I didn't "hate" my students...I simply did not want to be a teacher in the Thai system until I died. Granted, you may not have perceived this from what you read. The money was NEVER an issue.

It takes some time to find a comfortable niche in ones life, and, as you probably know, it is not without risk or sacrifice. Thus my extreme dislike for the Australian/Ausmerican/Amstralian way of life is decidedly not for me.

The "hatred & h.e.l.l." in Amstralia that you speak of, is typical of stressed out & cultureless western countries.

Nonetheless, thanks for the "good luck" wish...& I don't think you're a Troll. But I am still wondering why you are so worried about people calling you a Troll. Is this some sort of insecurity, or what? You are obviously so concerned about this that you started a new thread about it.

Please advise.

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The actual point of this thread was that I had been called a Troll on many occasions by a certain member on this board. He has amassed over 2000 posts and being a newbie I wondered why he was doing this, not only to me but, to anyone new who disagreed with his take on life. There was an element of incitement in his posts as well which, if you happened to take the bait, resulted in a ban or suspension. I also actually didn’t know what a Troll was either. It's really that simple and has little to do with feeding egos as you put it.

As I have said, we all have an opinion or view of the world and it’s interesting to read other peoples’ take on life. If someone else disagrees with your view, then so what, its life, get on with it.

As a newbie your post came over as someone who seems very angry with life and there was an element of incitement in it too. I could have had a stronger go back at you but what's the point in that. I thought, I'll just wish you the best in your new venture and hope you can find a bit of happiness somewhere down the line. I also took the time to read your other posts to see where you were coming from before I replied. You may have been a TROLL!

Edited by DUMPSTER
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