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Uv Protective Detergent/Fabric Softener?


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A friend of mine recently asked me about fabric softener or detergent that is UV protective. She saw this product listed in a Thai website: http://shoppingonline.bigc.co.th/review/product/list/id/1644/ (hope it is ok to post that!)

I found the idea pretty odd because the aforementioned friend lives in a European country where it's not too sunny and also because I assumed that in the summer people would wear less clothes and leave more exposed areas so fabric wouldn't really protect them anyway.

Does anybody know about these products or use them? It would be awesome to not have to use gooey sunscreens but I suspect it's just a scam because there's not much information on it online. The active ingredient is Tinosorb FD and there's little to no information about this (except from the sponsoring companies)

Sorry if this is posted in the wrong forum!

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Generally when things say UV protection for clothing it is referring to the fact that it will assist in preventing fading from the sun. Not to protect your skin.

No detergent in the world will protect unexposed skin, so unless you plan on walking around with a burka on you will still want sunscreen.

As for gooey sunscreen ive been useing Sunplay Super Block SPF 130 which I use on my arms and Biore face milk for face and neck. Ive used these daily for the past few years in BKK nether are greasy or oily and the face milk is actually quite dry, almost to a powder finish. Both can be had for about 500b but 1 will last about 2 months of regular use.

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Generally when things say UV protection for clothing it is referring to the fact that it will assist in preventing fading from the sun. Not to protect your skin.

"Generally" this might be true and even the link my friend gave me might have been for UV protection of clothes to prevent from fading (I can't read Thai so I don't know). However, my question was with regards to Tinosorb FD which is totally different and apparently is a compound that comes in fabric softener and prevents UV from getting through the clothes onto the skin. I wanted opinions of people who do know about this. If you don't know about the product, it's okay to say so. http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pubmed/15099187

No detergent in the world will protect unexposed skin, so unless you plan on walking around with a burka on you will still want sunscreen.

That's exactly what I've said in my OP- unexposed skin would still need sunscreen.

As for gooey sunscreen ive been useing Sunplay Super Block SPF 130 which I use on my arms and Biore face milk for face and neck. Ive used these daily for the past few years in BKK nether are greasy or oily and the face milk is actually quite dry, almost to a powder finish. Both can be had for about 500b but 1 will last about 2 months of regular use.

This is actually very useful info. Thank you very much.

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