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U.S. Program Releases Afghan Insurgents In Exchange For Peace Pledges


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U.S. program releases Afghan insurgents in exchange for peace pledges < br /> 2012-05-07 22:58:18 GMT+7 (ICT) KABUL, AFGHANISTAN (BNO NEWS) -- Hoping to build trust between fractious tribes and boosting peace negotiations with the Taliban, the United States has released as many as 20 high-level detainees from a military prison in Afghanistan in exchange for promises they will not rejoin the insurgency, officials confirmed on Monday.The U.S. program to release detainees in return for pledges of peace had not been previously disclosed, but officials stressed on Monday that these cases are "extremely rare and are an exception." The U.S. Embassy in Kabul said few than 20 detainees have been released under the program, which was launched in 2010.The Washington Post, which first broke the news of the secret program, quoted an unnamed U.S. official as saying the prisoners can be used as 'bargaining chips' in restive provinces where military power has reached its limits. But the NATO-led International Security Assistance Force (ISAF) denied this."Detainees are not used as bargaining chips in restive provinces, but are considered when the release of a detainee enables better governance, elevates the capacity of [the Afghan government] and can contribute to building trust between fractious tribes," said Lt. Col. Jimmie E. Cummings, Jr., an ISAF spokesman.Cummings said the process has specific criteria and includes a thorough review that allows military commanders to weigh risks associated with the release. "The value of any release must be balanced against increased risk to Afghan civilians, [the Afghan government] and international forces," he said. "The decision to release must also take into account the impact on rule-of-law objectives and confidence in [the Afghan government] and must not reinforce a perceived culture of impunity."Speaking to the Washington Post, the unnamed U.S. officials said there are no absolute guarantees the detainees keep their promise and it is unclear if any of them have later returned to attack Afghan or coalition forces. "We look at detainees who have influence over other insurgents - individuals whose release could have a calming effect in an entire area," one U.S. official told the newspaper. tvn.png

-- © BNO News All rights reserved 2012-05-07

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HAHAHA! What a joke? The US policy on this one has really got me this time. Released on promises. What about the dudes they found on the battlefields after they released them from Guantanamo ? This is a farce. Pull out and then the Afghans can let them all go.

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I would avert your eyes if you don't like bloodsports. Meanwhile the clown in chief announces victory after sneaking into Ka-Boom over night whilst all the time he's negotiating the terms of our surrender including releasing terrorists from gitmo if they promise to play nice. They'll be trying on new flight underwear quicker than you can say taqiyya.

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I would avert your eyes if you don't like bloodsports. Meanwhile the clown in chief announces victory after sneaking into Ka-Boom over night whilst all the time he's negotiating the terms of our surrender including releasing terrorists from gitmo if they promise to play nice. They'll be trying on new flight underwear quicker than you can say taqiyya.

Entertaining, but lets put real perspective on this. Hannity is talking out of his ass, and the woman likewise. The Taliban are nothing to do with Al Qaeda. Allegedly we went to Afghanistan for Al Qaeda, and started attacking the Taliban. It was THEIR country, they fought back. Simple. Neither Hannity or the woman have a clue and are spouting garbage. Egypt has not stopped fossil fuels to Israel, they have stopped what they believe to be an illegal deal that Mubarak made to sell gas for 20 years at the same low price to Israel, when it is even more expensive for them (Egyptians) to buy it for themselves internally. The news anchors rarely now a frigging thing that resembles accuracy and all spout off to win points for their respective presidential candidates. What they get away with is shocking sometimes.

I don't personally agree with letting these killers go, but to lend any credibility to the argument the media folks should know what they are talking about.

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The Taliban and Al Qaeda both follow an extreme Wahhabi Islamic doctrine, including strict sharia law, they are peas in the same pod. The only difference they have is geographical scope. The Taliban claim to be fighting a foreign aggressor, even though they themselves seem to have no compunction in attacking Afghanistan from Pakistani soil or visa versa. Don't be fooled by the brand name, Kraft and Nestle have many too.

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