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Naming And Shaming


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Re quote #58

If you do that ,then you will create a problem with TV as, everyone will be reading your topics and not looking at any others. smile.png

Aha!!....you'll be pleased to hear that the thread is the best of the rest!!......seriously, it is the threads that have been put forward by long time members as being the most memorable on TV.....I'll go get it now.

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I agree with Blether that our wives are often squeezed between the expectations of the village and us. I try my best not to add to that pressure. Whatever she feels the need to do is fine with me. She is also free to use me as an excuse if there is something she doesn’t want to do. I am impervious to the heat.

From what I have seen much of the cooperation and community spirit that we see in villages, is motivated by fear not generosity. Everyone keeps a ledger on the rest of the village and knows exactly where they stand.

As a side note, I take perverse pleasure in having our names and the amount donated hanging above the entrance to the temple. Everyone must walk under the name of an unbeliever. We did that instead of having a drunken melee, called a house warming party. There are always avenues for manipulating the system without direct confrontation.wink.png

Your correct about the ledger.. They do that in my wife village... But they dont read it out to everybody not that i care if they did

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If there was ever a perfect example of a TV thread in which a bunch of working and middle class white men - born and raised and having their worldviews shaped by western traits of what is normal and what isn't - living in and trying to understant environment that is completely alien to them, then here we have it.

No need to question why things are as they are? No need to judge? Just accept.

It makes life so much easier.

why would you Just accept?? not everybody bends over and takes it like you sir

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Question is : Would anyone give anything if privacy was respected ?

The consciousness of privacy, alone, indivudual has a different conotation here.

As you shouldn't attempt to weld your Western perspective of what privacy or respect might be onto the social order.

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If there was ever a perfect example of a TV thread in which a bunch of working and middle class white men - born and raised and having their worldviews shaped by western traits of what is normal and what isn't - living in and trying to understant environment that is completely alien to them, then here we have it.

No need to question why things are as they are? No need to judge? Just accept.

It makes life so much easier.

why would you Just accept?? not everybody bends over and takes it like you sir

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What did your wife actually say, did she say it was a bad thing or a good thing?

I would imagine your wife would have a fine balancing act to play as you are a farang, there may be a lot of expectation on her via you.

There may also be people in the village that look forward to the event. Interesting topic.

She has told me she doesn't agree with it either.

On another occasion they were collecting for something else for the wat ( i think they all needed top ups for their mobiles or something). The wife gave as normal but when she put 100 baht in the dish, the guy actually started hassling her, asking why because she has a farang, didn't she put more money in. this was in front of the neighbours. she just walked away but he kept on talking. she turned around and walked back over, put her hand in her purse again, opened it and then put her hand in the dish and took the 100 baht back. the guy couldnt believe it and neither could the neighbours. laugh.png

I like the sound of your wife a Sensible woman, those temples are ALL a joke, fancy tarted up palaces full of idiots................go ahead ban me!

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What did your wife actually say, did she say it was a bad thing or a good thing?

I would imagine your wife would have a fine balancing act to play as you are a farang, there may be a lot of expectation on her via you.

There may also be people in the village that look forward to the event. Interesting topic.

She has told me she doesn't agree with it either.

On another occasion they were collecting for something else for the wat ( i think they all needed top ups for their mobiles or something). The wife gave as normal but when she put 100 baht in the dish, the guy actually started hassling her, asking why because she has a farang, didn't she put more money in. this was in front of the neighbours. she just walked away but he kept on talking. she turned around and walked back over, put her hand in her purse again, opened it and then put her hand in the dish and took the 100 baht back. the guy couldnt believe it and neither could the neighbours. laugh.png

Quietman, looks life your wife is one of the very few Thai people who does not have a poor mentality, good on her, I hope my wife would do the same.
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If I thought the amount of my donation was going to be read out, I might be discouraged from giving my modest and measly token offering. It takes more than a bit of blush to make me take the folding stuff out my sporran, and if I could avoid the embarassment and save a shilling at the same time, I'd drink to that.

If I am correct in my understanding, the monastery was not 'naming and shaming'; it was reading out a list of benefactors. Others could, if they wished, draw their own conclusions about the level of benificience noted, and, if they wished, take the village electoral roll and mark off the names as they came out. The OP's name was probably not read out because the Pu Yai was embarassed at not being able to pronounce farang names... I normally just put my donations in the donation box anonymously anyway...


Street cowboy, what is a sporran? Is it another name for a wallet?
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If I thought the amount of my donation was going to be read out, I might be discouraged from giving my modest and measly token offering. It takes more than a bit of blush to make me take the folding stuff out my sporran, and if I could avoid the embarassment and save a shilling at the same time, I'd drink to that.

If I am correct in my understanding, the monastery was not 'naming and shaming'; it was reading out a list of benefactors. Others could, if they wished, draw their own conclusions about the level of benificience noted, and, if they wished, take the village electoral roll and mark off the names as they came out. The OP's name was probably not read out because the Pu Yai was embarassed at not being able to pronounce farang names... I normally just put my donations in the donation box anonymously anyway...


Street cowboy, what is a sporran? Is it another name for a wallet?

The sporran is a small but viscous stoat like animal native to the Scottish highlands.

As part of the Scottish rite of passage each Scots male, upon reaching the age of 13 must go into highlands armed with only porridge spoon, there they must track and kill their first sporran. If successful the sporran is skinned and the hide is turned into a purse that all Scotsmen wear with pride. There are several young scots killed by sporrans each year leading to calls for the banning of this tradition.

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

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As they do at weddings except they notice the names on the envelopes as opposed to reading the names out aloud. Then they know who the cheapskates are.

I am surprised they read the names out in public but i am not a Thai. Not a situation I like at all.

If you owe money at the co-op,you get your name read out also.The people in the black can't collect their dividend unless all debts are payed.
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What did your wife actually say, did she say it was a bad thing or a good thing?

I would imagine your wife would have a fine balancing act to play as you are a farang, there may be a lot of expectation on her via you.

There may also be people in the village that look forward to the event. Interesting topic.

She has told me she doesn't agree with it either.

On another occasion they were collecting for something else for the wat ( i think they all needed top ups for their mobiles or something). The wife gave as normal but when she put 100 baht in the dish, the guy actually started hassling her, asking why because she has a farang, didn't she put more money in. this was in front of the neighbours. she just walked away but he kept on talking. she turned around and walked back over, put her hand in her purse again, opened it and then put her hand in the dish and took the 100 baht back. the guy couldnt believe it and neither could the neighbours. laugh.png

That took some guts,my kind of women.
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If I thought the amount of my donation was going to be read out, I might be discouraged from giving my modest and measly token offering. It takes more than a bit of blush to make me take the folding stuff out my sporran, and if I could avoid the embarassment and save a shilling at the same time, I'd drink to that.

If I am correct in my understanding, the monastery was not 'naming and shaming'; it was reading out a list of benefactors. Others could, if they wished, draw their own conclusions about the level of benificience noted, and, if they wished, take the village electoral roll and mark off the names as they came out. The OP's name was probably not read out because the Pu Yai was embarassed at not being able to pronounce farang names... I normally just put my donations in the donation box anonymously anyway...


Street cowboy, what is a sporran? Is it another name for a wallet?

Its like a wallet but with less money in it.

Its normally worn at beyond arms' length - there's few amongst us able to reach into it except in conditions of drought and extreme thirst.


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