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Jealous German Skinhead Knife Killer Caught In Khon Kaen


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Disgusting story. Hardly less disgusting that some on this forum dare to condone murder for the reasons given.

No-one here is condoning murder that i have read, only that we shouldn't be surprised when this happens.

It seems that a whole culture of tearing out Farang's hearts for the money is becoming normal, and with that a whole lot of emotion that can, for some, be overwhelming when they realized that they have been conned.

Nobody wants to see murder happen, but just the same, i do not feel any pitty for the woman when this happens.

Play the game and suffer the consequences, it is their own greed that really destroyed them, not the knife, gun, whatever.

Perhaps if they actually had a brain they could learn from these terrible murders that are becoming more and more regular.

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It's part of their culture

Nice touch the Swaztica earring obviously an idiot to wear an earring like that and be German at the same time


Hope you didn't mean it as you wrote it. I was born in this country and pucking hate all Nazis. But I also dislike ignorant people ......wai.gif

Edited by sirchai
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Disgusting story. Hardly less disgusting that some on this forum dare to condone murder for the reasons given.

No-one here is condoning murder that i have read, only that we shouldn't be surprised when this happens.

It seems that a whole culture of tearing out Farang's hearts for the money is becoming normal, and with that a whole lot of emotion that can, for some, be overwhelming when they realized that they have been conned.

Nobody wants to see murder happen, but just the same, i do not feel any pitty for the woman when this happens.

Play the game and suffer the consequences, it is their own greed that really destroyed them, not the knife, gun, whatever.

Perhaps if they actually had a brain they could learn from these terrible murders that are becoming more and more regular.

I wholeheartedly concur with your views in this matter. They were both responsible for their own actions that led to this happening, and no amount of kraut bashing or odious whining from the condolence mafia will change anything. From what has been produced so far as ‘evidence’ would appear to show that it was not premeditated and the lad just snapped – it happens. I pity him, not her.

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Nice touch the Swaztica earring obviously an idiot to wear an earring like that and be German at the same time


It's part of their culture

Nah..just a Buddhist symbol....whistling.gif

The police had to talk to him all the time because they were afraid that he would commit suicide.

I really hate...wait..that's perhaps the wrong word to use here...I dislike hang'em high crowds but my inclination on this one is to let him. Problem sorted.

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Well we are in thailand, and 100,000 is 333 times the minimum daily wage. Is the US this would equate to $15,000.

Hopefully you are not a match teacher or an accountant!

Obviously 100,000B is just over 3,000USD. I think what he is saying is that if you multiply the average US minimum wage by 333, you get 15k, which is roughly correct.

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Who writes these terrible reports?

So what if he had a swastika tattoo.

I'd like to see a photo of the 'innocent' girlfriend - I wonder if she had a tattoo.


I would bet money she didn't have one that symbolized racial hatred.

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I read this story in the Thai language' Daily News' yesterday and noted the absence of any mention that the victim was leaching large amounts of money from the offender. Almost makering her look like a stand up model citizen. Selective reporting I guess.

"Selective reporting" huh? So I guess the Thai language news left out a mitigating circumstance.

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I read this story in the Thai language' Daily News' yesterday and noted the absence of any mention that the victim was leaching large amounts of money from the offender. Almost makering her look like a stand up model citizen. Selective reporting I guess.

"Selective reporting" huh? So I guess the Thai language news left out a mitigating circumstance.

Correct. clap2.gif

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OMG look at his earring! This guys was lost long time ago and grew up very sad prob..

Well let all the stories begin again (lol)

By the way i see Thai also with the same symbol on a T-shirt but little know what it is here.

The Swastica for Thais is having different meaning. It is a symbol used in budhism. Check out about the Swastica more here: http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Swastika and you will see how many times and places it was and is used befor Nazis.

Obviously the one in the German guys ears is not symbol of budhism...

Maybe for Thais over 30. For younger ones Nazism is a popular fashion statement and the swastikas they proudly flaunt are symbols of such.

Case in point hitler-restaurant.jpg

That's bullshit and some of the worst photoshop I've seen 555.
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So you feel the need to point out the incompetence of newspaper reporting here and the innocence of the guy reported to be the killer in the other thread, then you go on to accuse this Nazi of being the real killer, without a court case? I presume you are from a country where a suspect is innocent until proven guilty. Is this suspect guilty of murder because he chooses to wear a swastika earring?

No, guilty because he has admitted it.... and there's an obviously incriminating pile of evidence that he did....and, yet again, he admitted it!!!

Please point out where in any other thread I have tried to point out the "innocence" of the guy reported to be the killer - if not, kindly retract your BS post and try reading what people write before putting your fingers to keyboard.

I have asked an honest question here. Do you know that these two photos are the same men? They appear to be completely different people to me.

And no, I didn't "point out the incompetence of the reporting" I actually said that knowing the general level of incompetence in reporting it wouldn't surprise me if these photos were of two totally different individuals.

If you can't understand fairly basic English, I suggest you try posting on a forum where you can follow what is being written...

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At 03:00 on May 9 the detectives traced Mr. Michael through his mobile phone number.
Very interesting??

....the German psycho is obviously an idiot to keep his mobile.

Why? He had a hair cut - so nobody would recognise him. cheesy.gif


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At 03:00 on May 9 the detectives traced Mr. Michael through his mobile phone number.
Very interesting??

It's called triagulation... pretty old technique that can pin point exactly where you if your mobile is on. You don't even need to be using your phone. Even if you change your sim card they can still triangulate as you phone bursts out a signal (with your phone's IME, which is unique for every phone) frequently to nearby transmitters to keep you on line. So... throw away your phone if you are on the run... changing sim cards wont help....

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When I caught my Thai wife banging away with a Thai man in my house.... on my bed...... (my 2 year old son sitting outside the bedroom door)..... the police said I should have killed them both... and I would not have been charged.... I didn't kill either of them ... so I wonder if they look at crimes of passion in a different way in Thailand?

I still have my son with me he is now 11 and a fantastic new Thai mum for him since.

His rotten (genetic) mum is selling her arse to any one that wants to pay for it....

The rotten ones are rotten to the core but the good girls are the best !

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When I caught my Thai wife banging away with a Thai man in my house.... on my bed...... (my 2 year old son sitting outside the bedroom door)..... the police said I should have killed them both... and I would not have been charged.... I didn't kill either of them ... so I wonder if they look at crimes of passion in a different way in Thailand?

I still have my son with me he is now 11 and a fantastic new Thai mum for him since.

His rotten (genetic) mum is selling her arse to any one that wants to pay for it....

The rotten ones are rotten to the core but the good girls are the best !


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This guy clearly isn't the same guy pictured in the earlier thread... who was that actually a picture of?

I think it could very well be the same guy. However, there are a few years, a fair amount of bratwursts and a substantial amount of beer between the two pictures. tongue.png

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I read this story in the Thai language' Daily News' yesterday and noted the absence of any mention that the victim was leaching large amounts of money from the offender.

Well....that changes everything.

Perfectly accepted justification to stabbing her some 17 times...

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.....and did Mr Peter (the Frenchman) have a WP for working in a bar?

Over the past few years, I have seen the numbers increasing of young(er), under-the-influence hot heads making their way to Isaan, starting problems and then complaining when problems are resolved Thai-style (no, there are no rules of combat or diplomatic resolution) when it comes to hot headed Farangs mouthing off and swinging their arms in bars and restaurants.

I am pretty sure he (Peter) is the co-owner of the bar, legal under the Thai system - Thai Co-owner also works in the bar.

The deceased is a loosely connected friend of mine, it turns out, that I knew under a different name (her English name). We (along with a larger group of friends who get together when I am in Udon) used to play snooker together with other friends at Phon Tattoo bar, in one of the Sois near to the night market. A popular place where teachers, night people, and married couples come to relax and shoot a few 8 balls and sink a few brews. "Solicitation" is banned at this bar, and the owner is the only woman who works at the bar, with her husband, an exceptional tattooist.

To those that are critical of the lifestyle that the deceased lived, please understand you should walk a path and understand that not everyone has choices, before you judge her. In Udon, this lifestyle is not a contract to earn as it may be in other areas, many girls do this because they cannot get work anywhere else.. Isaan does is not exactly short of low skilled workers.

I ask, Mr. Michael made the choice to give her money - correct? Most men coming to these parts know that women working in bars can almost never be taken for their word, she took his money, he took her life. Friendship, and above all trust-relationships, are built over long periods of time between Thais, not in minutes as it may be in the clubs of the west. Which is the greater loss? His money or her life?

RIP Nat.

so your sayin this guys innocent and Mr Michael killed her?

Edited by mrmazinkle
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So you feel the need to point out the incompetence of newspaper reporting here and the innocence of the guy reported to be the killer in the other thread, then you go on to accuse this Nazi of being the real killer, without a court case? I presume you are from a country where a suspect is innocent until proven guilty. Is this suspect guilty of murder because he chooses to wear a swastika earring?

No, guilty because he has admitted it.... and there's an obviously incriminating pile of evidence that he did....and, yet again, he admitted it!!!

Please point out where in any other thread I have tried to point out the "innocence" of the guy reported to be the killer - if not, kindly retract your BS post and try reading what people write before putting your fingers to keyboard.

I have asked an honest question here. Do you know that these two photos are the same men? They appear to be completely different people to me.

And no, I didn't "point out the incompetence of the reporting" I actually said that knowing the general level of incompetence in reporting it wouldn't surprise me if these photos were of two totally different individuals.

If you can't understand fairly basic English, I suggest you try posting on a forum where you can follow what is being written...

Wow you come across as being very angry! Chill out.

I do apologise, I didn't read the article properly and missed the bit where he admitted to the crime. sorry.gif

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