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Ministry Of Communication And Technology Is At It Again


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Works fine for me, on True. That message get displayed in error a lot when it's really just a problem with your ISP. Sometimes even on the same ISP some people will get that message and others won't.

Edited by DP25
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I cannot access some Thai Visa news topics of George's thaivisa twitter account, or is it just me...

When I try to click any link it shows sth, like m3.mict.go.th+++ <- something like that.

Edited by MaxLee
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I cannot access some Thai Visa news topics of George's thaivisa twitter account, or is it just me...

When I try to click any link it shows sth, like m3.mict.go.th+++ <- something like that.

For this and other issues mentioned above, simply remove the proxy settings in your web browser and it will work, but you may have to turn it back on to see this site

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I cannot access some Thai Visa news topics of George's thaivisa twitter account, or is it just me...

When I try to click any link it shows sth, like m3.mict.go.th+++ <- something like that.

For this and other issues mentioned above, simply remove the proxy settings in your web browser and it will work, but you may have to turn it back on to see this site

I'm not that technically knowledgeable

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I cannot access some Thai Visa news topics of George's thaivisa twitter account, or is it just me...

When I try to click any link it shows sth, like m3.mict.go.th+++ <- something like that.

For this and other issues mentioned above, simply remove the proxy settings in your web browser and it will work, but you may have to turn it back on to see this site


Who is using ISP proxies? Anyway I have no proxies, using CAT CMDA and can access both Thaivisa and https://twitter.com/#!/georgebkk

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I had the same issue on a couple of sites this morning, most notably Vimeo, but it all seems fine now

Yo George, every time I click one of your links ON Twitter ,today I often get this Bullcrap m3.mict.go.th which prevents me from going to the site I want to see,... Is the ICT blocking any "certain news" on purpose? Is Thaivisa or twitter the next victim of Internet censorship?

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I am wondering if there is something wrong with the lines. My True move Internet for the past 2 days has been an Internot. It took almost 10 mins to load this page. My friend on TOT is having the same problem. Pattaya area. The overseas sites usually give the most MICT returns.

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Into Day 3 of not being able to access my Yahoo Mail again as it's being blocked by w3.mict.go.th. Thanks for your suggestions, guys, but none of them have worked.

Working fine for me, UK and US Yahoo mail sites.

You're not using yahoo.co.afghanistan are you?

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Just logged into my Yahoo email account via my True cable/DOCSIS plan here in Bangkok...no problem. Can't remember when I logged into my Yahoo email account before today...gotta be approaching a year...maybe more. I use my Gmail accounts linked to my Outlook client for 99.9999999% of my email correspondence.

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The problem is not with proxies alone it's affecting most users although many don't notice it. Sometimes TV will connect, most times it will defer to W3.mict, the work around is to click on any of the news artcles on the TV home page and log in via the page that opens (close the prevous incomplete home page afterwards). The problem has been reported a few days ago and is presumably being researched.

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Into Day 4 of not being able to access my Yahoo Mail again as it's being blocked by w3.mict.go.th If I use my home or office computers, this happens. Someone else's computer, it doesn't happen. Are my computers being monitored?

Have you talked to your provider?

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I think we have to face that m3.mict.go.th more often now, since they obviously randomly go wild and just randomly block any websites or shortened links posted on twitter, like right now...

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Try the very simple steps below :

Goto www.sitesurf.net and within their page, type in the www.mail.yahoo.com address and access it from within sitesurf.net

Or try www.anonr.com and same procedure.

Or try www.anon.me and same procedure.

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Try the very simple steps below :

Goto www.sitesurf.net and within their page, type in the www.mail.yahoo.com address and access it from within sitesurf.net

Or try www.anonr.com and same procedure.

Or try www.anon.me and same procedure.

I would be very, very careful with these kind of sites. The connection is not encrypted to the site (tried sitesuft.net with gmail).

So basically when using these sites, you send your unencrypted username and password to the site, which can capture the credentials and use those later or. It's also pretty easy to capture the user account/password by some device between your computer and the sitesurf.net site.

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Well, it seems that my photos concerning a ceremony of "uncle sms", included photos of the sister of the Italian photographer who was shot dead two years ago, were not exactly the taste of the Thai net-robots. These photos were made as a normal report as a lot more photographers where on the spot, including TV-stations as Al Jazeera, Voice TV Thailand, DNN Asia Update, a reporter of the Bangkok Post etc.

My Flickr-album cannot be entered anymore without "w3.mict.go.th" and/or "l.yimg.com" is blocking certain actions. The photos are accompanied only by explaining texts. I think that the tags were spotted and was setting the crawler on the trail............

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