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...More Vientiane Visa Run Questions...

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I have spent the last couple days reading posts covering visa runs to Vientiane, many thanks to all the contributors. I have been a long time lurker, and I promise to post a full trip report with photos after this run. On to the questions:

I was originally planning a solo run but the misses said she wanted to come and could get off work so.....

1. She is Thai, and doesn't need a passport just her ID card; but I am unclear on what her fee will be to cross the border. I understand, for myself, as an American it will be $35 as opposed to 1500 THB, can I pay hers in USD also, any saving advantages??? Does she need a passport photo also???

2. I am arriving into Udon Thani at 8:15 am, planning on mini bus to border,and mini bus or taxi to Thai Consulate. We will be in "hurry/hustle mode", does anyone think it is impossible to get to the Consulate before 12?

3. I am planning on having everything I need with the exception of the photocopy of the Lao Visa and the application itself..... Does anyone suggest that I provide a copy of a plane reservation for at the end of the 60 days; I can do that, but possibly thinking of extending for 20 days so dont really wanna waste the money. What about a bank statement, do I need to provide that too?

4. I have a new passport, issued in November 2011; I have 8 visa exemption stamps from Thailand already. The last two are back to back, at beginning of the month on my last day of my exemption I did a one day turn to Singapore and back. But the others all have about 2-3 weeks between them. I also have stamps from Japan and Korea. Anyone anticipate any problems from staff concerning an application for a double entry tourist visa???


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If she does not have a passport she will require a visitors pass and believe that must be done at a different location and probably not open and surly not in a timely manner for your plans. Perhaps someone can confirm your ability to make schedule - my knowledge of Nong Khai crossing dates back a few decades (and involved boats).

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Lopburi, you are right about this..... if just going for the day it would be fine, but she would need a pass if staying the night, and since pressed for time its probably a no go. I'll make her go get her passport tomorrow. THANKS

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Visas for Laos are free for Thai nationals with a passport. They are stamped in at the immigration counter, in the same way we would be stamped in by immigration when arriving in Thailand. I was there with my wife in the last fortnight so I know this to be true.

In regards of old info, in years gone by, i've been to Laos with her getting a border pass at the friendship bridge. This was for a maximum stay of 2 nights in Vientiane, but can be extended once in Laos. I take it from the above posts you cannot do this any more?

Edited by LucidLucifer
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Re the Border Pass for Thai, there's a number of "visa" shops there on the Thai side near the bridge, and in the bus/van parking and loading area, where they're available. Yes, photo, and I think about baht 150-200. Might take some time to get one issued and chopped.

And, they're still fully in use. I was just up to Vientiane last week, lots of Thai coming and going.

But, use of a Thai passport is easier and faster.


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Re the Border Pass for Thai, there's a number of "visa" shops there on the Thai side near the bridge, and in the bus/van parking and loading area, where they're available. Yes, photo, and I think about baht 150-200. Might take some time to get one issued and chopped.

And, they're still fully in use. I was just up to Vientiane last week, lots of Thai coming and going.

But, use of a Thai passport is easier and faster.


Are they really not available at immigration at the bridge? They certainly were in years gone by, although as I said before, it is a long time since my wife has done it that way (approx 9 years).

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My girlfriend with her Thai Passport paid 40 Bhat.

You could possibly get to the Embassy by noon, but do't count on it. There are too many factors that come into play, you are cutting it close. The unexpected always happens.

Edited by Colabamumbai
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you can pay for the laos visa on arrival with dollas or baht it's upto you, but i think 35$ is a better deal,

they may not require a small photo for the laos visa but the application form does have space for one, they may charge an extra dollar if you don't have a photo- should only take 10 mins to get teh laos visa - you get teh application form from the left window.

the visa applications may ask where your staying in laos - you can find any hotel to put on the application,

if you have printed off and filled in the thai visa and go along with the money and photos in hand even if they have switched off the ticket machine and stopped handing out application forms you can probably still make the application at the window and just say you lost your ticket or maybe another tourist has 2 tickets.

you'll probably need to get thru the consulate gates b4 12:00 - you walk thru and see the people on the right making the last applications.

a taxi from teh border to the thai consulate shouldn't cost you any more than 200 baht even if your the only person - there's 2 embassys so make sure they send you to the one doing teh visas - just show your passport and say visa and they will know which one to take you to.

have you printed off the thai visa application form and filled in in fully ? i think it's double sided too ?

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I always get extra copies of everything You have to fill out so when I show up at the border and the Thai consulate I can just hand them over, saves a lot of time, also if something happens and You end up going on the weekend the Lao visa fee will be 36 dollars US.

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The travel agent at bus/van station near the bridge is set up (or was) such that they can swipe a Thai ID and print out the border pass photo and all. That's from a trip several years ago though.

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nong khai BORDER , where i was virtually mugged and set up by false customs oficers with false identity cards just laminated, tried to put cartons cigerettes IN MY BAG while i was argueing, wanted 40,000 baht, i refused because i knew it was a scam as friend had same last year, so careful when walking to get your car after a visa run towards 7/11 shop..........the lookout man is dressed in plain clothes with lots buddha chains around his neck and looks like a tuk tuk driver he sits on the grass looking for alone farang .... he jumps at you pretty quick with loud voice and aggressive , around behind the bushes are his buddies with false id cards tell then to f* off and walk back to customs and inform them , i was told maybe off duty police from bangkok doing it????/


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You have to be careful as Thai custom and police have real officers who monitor you on the Lao side already , even inside the duty free shops and inform their counterpart on the thaiside.

These real officer wait you in the same area, near 7/11.

Penalty for a carton cigs too much is around thb4,500.-/carton.

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You can get photo's sorted at Nong Khai no worries, there's a little booth there for it. I got charged 100 baht last time but i didn't try and get a better deal and just paid, I'm sure thai rates are cheaper.

I would try and get there earlier than that. I've been about 6 times over the past year and a half, thai immigration in Vientiane has always been busy. I usually get there between 8am and 9.30am and there is ALOT of people waiting already. Last time i was there at about 11.45 they stopped accepting people until the next day.

Sometimes Laos scalpers have tickets they got earlier and you can buy them to save a little waiting time, I have paid 100 baht for an earlier ticket once. I know it may seem wrong to "jump the queue" but many things are wrong here, sometimes ya go with the flow.

There is a "service" out the front I have used a couple of times, although you have to pay decent money for it. The guy I've used is called Gee, you give him your passport, he fills out the paperwork and you leave (no waiting) then you come back the next day around 1 and he gives you your passport back signed and stamped. I got a double entry (Australia $2000 baht) and pay him between 1500-2000 baht for his service.

I know it may seem expensive but it saves me waiting around for hours both on the first day and collection the next day. Then I can use the day to go and do things I want instead of waiting around, it's good for an impatient ppl like me. :)

I don't think I'll ever wait again, unless I'm really short on cash.

Good Luck!

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If she does not have a passport she will require a visitors pass and believe that must be done at a different location and probably not open and surly not in a timely manner for your plans. Perhaps someone can confirm your ability to make schedule - my knowledge of Nong Khai crossing dates back a few decades (and involved boats).

Lopburi, do you know if the Ventiane Thai Embassy will supply a non emigrant multiple entry O visa based on marriage one year extension?
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Believe all will provide the multi entry visa (not extension - that is from immigration) with proof of 400k in bank account but only Savannakhet with none. KL is next best know equation in area with 100k bank proof.

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Would someone have any problems getting a tourist visa in Vientiane if they had just used a double entry then triple entry tourist visa, where both had been issued in the UK and all entries extended by 30 days with minimal time outside of Thailand before re-entering each time?

I'm only partway through my double entry visa but will be in the UK at a suitable time to buy a triple entry visa and wondering how I can further extend my stay beyond the maximum 9 months(ish) without leaving the region.

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Yes indeed such a passport could have issues. But there is no 100% yes or no. If planning extended stay perhaps the popular ED visa/extension of stay route would be logical with study of Thai helping to adapt to local culture?

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Thanks Lopburi. I've just finished the best part of 3 years on an ED visa and pretty bored learning Thai to be honest, so was clutching at straws. Guess it's back to school then!

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Study at an international university if there are any such courses. I knew some 30 - 40+ year old guys studying at Bangkok University when I was studying there. 4-8 hour commitment per week, but made a lot of friends and learned a little to. You are required to take 4 classes per semester at BUIC.

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  • 3 weeks later...


nong khai BORDER , where i was virtually mugged and set up by false customs oficers with false identity cards just laminated, tried to put cartons cigerettes IN MY BAG while i was argueing, wanted 40,000 baht, i refused because i knew it was a scam as friend had same last year, so careful when walking to get your car after a visa run towards 7/11 shop..........the lookout man is dressed in plain clothes with lots buddha chains around his neck and looks like a tuk tuk driver he sits on the grass looking for alone farang .... he jumps at you pretty quick with loud voice and aggressive , around behind the bushes are his buddies with false id cards tell then to f* off and walk back to customs and inform them , i was told maybe off duty police from bangkok doing it????/


According to the figures I've seen, 2011 was a record breaking year as far as the number of visitors to Thailand goes. So, despite your problems at Nong Khai, I don't think a coffin is required just yet.
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