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Thai Lady Gets 8 Years In Australia For Sex Slavery


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Brothel madam sentenced to long prison spell for keeping sex worker as a slave

Nice job by the Australian courts giving this low life a hefty sentence for sex slavery. Nothing like exploiting one of your own in a foreign country.

Hopefully you will do it tough in Oz ...

Som nom nah

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The article states "A" and the "2" Thai sex worker/ workers. Good on them but I am sure there are bigger fish to fry than someone trafficking just one or two individuals. Looks like someone dobbed her in.

Lets hope they go after the big organizations now also.

Edited by maprao
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Thais don't have exclusivity when it comes to people being evil and cruel, and this story certainly is that, however I am always amazed at how casually cruel and brutal Thais can be with each other.


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The article states "A" and the "2" Thai sex worker/ workers. Good on them but I am sure there are bigger fish to fry than someone trafficking just one or two individuals. Looks like someone dobbed her in.

Lets hope they go after the big organizations now also.

AFAICT this problem is very much overblown, seems to be perpretrated mostly by mom-and-pop operators, often individual guys tricking a girl into marriage and then putting her to work once he gets her back home.

Into Japan and out of China are apparently more organized, but the fact that most Australian sex industry operations are legal and regulated makes this kind of exploitation easier to prevent.

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I can tell you that the Thai sex industry in areas of Sydney and in Melbourne Australia is flourishing.

Many of the brothels, so-called massage parlours, escort agencies and what is called, mobile therapies are run and staffed by Thais, but usually owned by native Australians who operate more discretely and prefer to stay behind the scenes.

How it works is that Thai women and in some cases young men, advertise themselves as being available for work as massage staff, sideliners or prostitutes on classified websites such as, aussiethai.com and what is known as deksideliner forums usually in Thai language. Also the massage parlours and escort agencies advertise for staff on aussiethai.com, and on some social networking web sites, including facebook.

Those hoping to travel to Australia as sex workers will either contact the employers directly via the web sites or the employers may contact those advertising their services.

If accepted, the Thai then applies for an Australian student visa that more or less guarantees them a stay in Australia for three years. The student visa application process is very easy; they need 200000 baht that includes the visa and airfare, which is either paid for indirectly by the employer or by the applicants. Once in, they are given temporary accommodation by Thai agents or from those on their books, usually in flats rented within the red light districts of Melbourne and especially Sydney. The Thais have ways and means of being able to stay in Australia well beyond the initial prescribed period of the student visa, plus they are than in a position to help and assist their families and friends with the process of becoming sex workers in Australia.

Once in the country the students are allowed to work part time, which includes working in the brothels, escort agencies and massage parlours because many of these are legal in Australia. It`s all a piece of cake for the streetwise and those who know how to flaunt the Australian system. Once learned the system, than this knowledge is passed on to other Thais.

I believe that the Thai sex industry in Australia is probably the largest worldwide outside of Thailand. The word on the street is, Australia is the place to go for earning the big dollars, if prepared to do most of the graft working on they’re backs.

There are certainly no shortages of Thai women keen and eager to become a part of Australia’s thriving sex industry, the Thai classified sites and social networks are stacked with hopefuls.

Regarding this woman accused of sex slavery, in my opinion the sentence was too harsh. Her staffs were able and willing participant workers at her sex establishment and all what’s happened is that the job didn’t work out.

In most cases the Thai sex workers have borrowed the funds required to establish themselves in Australia, so they do owe a debt, and have used lies, deception and weaknesses in the Australian immigration laws to obtain visas. I believe it should have been taken into consideration that the sex workers have gone into this with their eyes wide open, are not blameless and innocent and share a big part of the responsibilities as to their welfare once on Australian soil and working in the brothels.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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Yes, hard to imagine "having a high degree of control" as coming under "slavery". The Thais involved in this case probably think it's like back here where you can be jailed for welshing on a debt and people can be given as collateral.

The regulations there should require standard education for sex workers as to their rights, including being able to walk away from their debts without the lender having any recourse. That should effectively reduce the practicality of the brothels putting up the loans in advance and in the process open up more jobs for the local girls.

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Thais don't have exclusivity when it comes to people being evil and cruel, and this story certainly is that, however I am always amazed at how casually cruel and brutal Thais can be with each other.

Good to see you back Blether... Hope you enjoyed your time in Hat Yai!

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To cut to the chase and all the crap.....visas should be issued for this industry to work into legal enterprises.

You see visas for other industry where there is a shortage of staff, same same here and control it better.

Slavery charges are often over exaggerated if existing at all. But, there are definite cases of such existing and therefore all are painted with same brush until further investigated. I know of some Sydney places that were well known for it a long time ago, not sure if still the case.

Also a percentage of these girls that are claimed to be trafficked etc, while for sure they do exist, many are girls that know what is going on, that came to Australia willingly and then use these well known cases to abuse for their own gain and screw any innocent party.

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Finally, one of these cases comes to court in Australia and the offender is given a lengthy prison sentence. thumbsup.gif

Too often the victim heads back to their home country and the case flounders in the system or is never brought before court.

Notch one up for justice.

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Thais don't have exclusivity when it comes to people being evil and cruel, and this story certainly is that, however I am always amazed at how casually cruel and brutal Thais can be with each other.


I am delighted that this sort of nonsense isnt abided here!

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Thais don't have exclusivity when it comes to people being evil and cruel, and this story certainly is that, however I am always amazed at how casually cruel and brutal Thais can be with each other.


I am delighted that this sort of nonsense isnt abided here!

You know it infuriates any normal person to think that this is going on, Human Trafficking is deplorable, sex slavery is deplorable, employment slavery is deplorable, but it's going on all around us all of the time.

There have been plenty of cases of Thais being trafficked into the UK as sex slaves, I cannot express how repulsed I am at this trade, and I feel nothing but sorrow for these ladies, and others who find themselves subjected to these degradations.

To me anyone being involved in any type of human trafficking or slavery should be given a life sentence. It's the one message we must send out to the World, slavery in any way, shape, or form will not be tolerated.

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Here in Brisbane the biggest percentage of adds in the papers for the "escort" industry seems to be Thai closly followed by Japanese girls, still a lot of locals in the mix though with a lot of the Moms advertising the 10-2 shift...

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My son and his cousin are policemen in Chiang Mai, so I manage to pick up quite a lot of inside information.

Some of the Thai sex workers are recruited by Thai lady intermediaries between the sex establishments in Australia, mostly Sydney, and Northern Thailand, mainly operating from Lamphun near Chiang Mai. The recruitments are usually made to appear as innocent tours of the temples, when in fact are actually meetings between the Thai women recruiters and the sex worker applicants. But they’re activities are being scrutinised and monitored even if they are unaware of it.

Lamphun is considered a good location because it`s out the way and discrete, plus the employers always give preference to the girls from the northern Thai provinces because of their lighter skins and on average are taller than the Thais from the south. For these reason they are considered more desirable to the customers and therefore yield greater profits.

This is big business for all who are involved and the real victims are the Australians whose system of goodwill for the benefit of the underprivileged from third world countries is being abused, or in other words they are taking the piss.

That’s all I’m prepared to say, otherwise I could find myself in trouble.

The sentencing of this woman so-call slave keeper and human trafficker is only a public relations exercise to appease the Australians that the problem is being tackled, but in fact this case is only the tip of the iceberg. If the authorities were to take this seriously, than the whole outfit should have been immediately fined and deported, including all the other Thai run brothels.

It is really up to the Australian authorities to toughen up on their own rules and put an end to the abuse of the system and to close the lids on the loopholes within they`re laws.

Edited by Beetlejuice
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Wouldn't this idea go toward solving the problem?

All sex workers have to register legally right? They have licensing requirements, periodic testing etc.

The government simply has first-language speakers and printed materials, and requires the sex workers to attend periodic workshops where their rights are explained and protection offered. The girls are informed that they are free to live where they like, go where they like outside their working hours, free to leave their employment etc regardless of any loans that may have been made to them. The government will protect them from harm, NGOs available etc, the key message being the lender has no right to restrict the freedom of the borrower even if the debt is never repaid.

I think that's the fundamental idea that's missing here, and once the girls realize this then in effect the brothel owners won't be able to make the loans anymore.

Obviously any other deceptive or coercive tactics (which BTW are the necessary elements for any of this to be called "trafficking") would need to be looked for as well, the key being a strong relationship of trust between the foreign sex worker and the government/NGO social workers.

If they ended up creating a situation where only girls with sufficient funds to establish themselves were going, just like a TEFLer going to Taiwan is required to have $3K on hand to establish themselves, IMO 99% of the problems would disappear.

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My son and his cousin are policemen in Chiang Mai, so I manage to pick up quite a lot of inside information.

Some of the Thai sex workers are recruited by Thai lady intermediaries between the sex establishments in Australia, mostly Sydney, and Northern Thailand, mainly operating from Lamphun near Chiang Mai. The recruitments are usually made to appear as innocent tours of the temples, when in fact are actually meetings between the Thai women recruiters and the sex worker applicants. But they’re activities are being scrutinised and monitored even if they are unaware of it.

Lamphun is considered a good location because it`s out the way and discrete, plus the employers always give preference to the girls from the northern Thai provinces because of their lighter skins and on average are taller than the Thais from the south. For these reason they are considered more desirable to the customers and therefore yield greater profits.

This is big business for all who are involved and the real victims are the Australians whose system of goodwill for the benefit of the underprivileged from third world countries is being abused, or in other words they are taking the piss.

That’s all I’m prepared to say, otherwise I could find myself in trouble.

The sentencing of this woman so-call slave keeper and human trafficker is only a public relations exercise to appease the Australians that the problem is being tackled, but in fact this case is only the tip of the iceberg. If the authorities were to take this seriously, than the whole outfit should have been immediately fined and deported, including all the other Thai run brothels.

It is really up to the Australian authorities to toughen up on their own rules and put an end to the abuse of the system and to close the lids on the loopholes within they`re laws.

Sounds like the Australian cops could use some help. Maybe they could recruit some retired cops or ex SAS guys to go undercover for them and clean up the situation.

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My son and his cousin are policemen in Chiang Mai, so I manage to pick up quite a lot of inside information.

Some of the Thai sex workers are recruited by Thai lady intermediaries between the sex establishments in Australia, mostly Sydney, and Northern Thailand, mainly operating from Lamphun near Chiang Mai. The recruitments are usually made to appear as innocent tours of the temples, when in fact are actually meetings between the Thai women recruiters and the sex worker applicants. But they’re activities are being scrutinised and monitored even if they are unaware of it.

Lamphun is considered a good location because it`s out the way and discrete, plus the employers always give preference to the girls from the northern Thai provinces because of their lighter skins and on average are taller than the Thais from the south. For these reason they are considered more desirable to the customers and therefore yield greater profits.

This is big business for all who are involved and the real victims are the Australians whose system of goodwill for the benefit of the underprivileged from third world countries is being abused, or in other words they are taking the piss.

That’s all I’m prepared to say, otherwise I could find myself in trouble.

The sentencing of this woman so-call slave keeper and human trafficker is only a public relations exercise to appease the Australians that the problem is being tackled, but in fact this case is only the tip of the iceberg. If the authorities were to take this seriously, than the whole outfit should have been immediately fined and deported, including all the other Thai run brothels.

It is really up to the Australian authorities to toughen up on their own rules and put an end to the abuse of the system and to close the lids on the loopholes within they`re laws.

This has been going on for years in Australia. The brothels that girls are forced to work in are legal brothels with registered prostitutes who abide by strict guidelines. The girls are free to come and go as they please work thier shifts, entertain who they want (not forced to blow any joe) and they recieve around 80% of the cut. Then you have the backroom part of the brothel/s where the girls such as these are held against thier will, they are not registered, no health checks and are forced to bed anyone who comes in and do what ever the punter desires. The do not have the freedom to come and go, thier passports are taken from them and they make no money all the proceeds go to the pimps. The are told if they don't do as they are told then the families back home will be seriously hurt. They are slaves and at the mercy of thier captors. They are generally moved from brothel to brothel b/w Melbourne, Sydney and Adelaide frequently. Numerous people have been charged with these offences in other states, this story has come to light because it is the 1st in the Australian Capital Territory. (ACT)

This woman was sentenced on numerous charges, including "Attempting to pervert the course of justice" (offered a 500,000 baht bribe to the victim) False imprisonment, living of the earnings of prostitution, and a variety of immigration offences to name just a few of the charges.

Edited by softgeorge
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8 years is "long prison spell?" She'll probably get off in five after parole. She should be getting more than that, in my mind. Evil.

8 years 10 months and due for parole in 2017. As she walks out the gate she will then be taken off by immigration to a detention centre awaiting deportation. A 50 + ex thai prostitute without a cent to her name.

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My son and his cousin are policemen in Chiang Mai, so I manage to pick up quite a lot of inside information.

Some of the Thai sex workers are recruited by Thai lady intermediaries between the sex establishments in Australia, mostly Sydney, and Northern Thailand, mainly operating from Lamphun near Chiang Mai. The recruitments are usually made to appear as innocent tours of the temples, when in fact are actually meetings between the Thai women recruiters and the sex worker applicants. But they’re activities are being scrutinised and monitored even if they are unaware of it.

Lamphun is considered a good location because it`s out the way and discrete, plus the employers always give preference to the girls from the northern Thai provinces because of their lighter skins and on average are taller than the Thais from the south. For these reason they are considered more desirable to the customers and therefore yield greater profits.

This is big business for all who are involved and the real victims are the Australians whose system of goodwill for the benefit of the underprivileged from third world countries is being abused, or in other words they are taking the piss.

That’s all I’m prepared to say, otherwise I could find myself in trouble.

The sentencing of this woman so-call slave keeper and human trafficker is only a public relations exercise to appease the Australians that the problem is being tackled, but in fact this case is only the tip of the iceberg. If the authorities were to take this seriously, than the whole outfit should have been immediately fined and deported, including all the other Thai run brothels.

It is really up to the Australian authorities to toughen up on their own rules and put an end to the abuse of the system and to close the lids on the loopholes within they`re laws.

This has been going on for years in Australia. The brothels that girls are forced to work in are legal brothels with registered prostitutes who abide by strict guidelines. The girls are free to come and go as they please work thier shifts, entertain who they want (not forced to blow any joe) and they recieve around 80% of the cut. Then you have the backroom part of the brothel/s where the girls such as these are held against thier will, they are not registered, no health checks and are forced to bed anyone who comes in and do what ever the punter desires. The do not have the freedom to come and go, thier passports are taken from them and they make no money all the proceeds go to the pimps. The are told if they don't do as they are told then the families back home will be seriously hurt. They are slaves and at the mercy of thier captors. They are generally moved from brothel to brothel b/w Melbourne, Sydney and Adelaide frequently. Numerous people have been charged with these offences in other states, this story has come to light because it is the 1st in the Australian Capital Territory. (ACT)

This woman was sentenced on numerous charges, including "Attempting to pervert the course of justice" (offered a 500,000 baht bribe to the victim) False imprisonment, living of the earnings of prostitution, and a variety of immigration offences to name just a few of the charges.

What you describe is not the norm by far, but it does happen.

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Brothel madam sentenced to long prison spell for keeping sex worker as a slave

Louis Andrews

ACT News May 24, 2012

A brothel madam convicted of keeping a Thai sex worker a slave in a Braddon flat will spend almost the next five years behind bars.

Justice Richard Refshauge sentenced Watcharaporn Nantahkhum to eight years and 10 months prison, with a non parole period of four years and nine months this morning in the Supreme Court. The 45-year-old will be eligible for release in January 2017 at the earliest.

Earlier this year Nantahkhum became the first person to be found guilty in the territory of a slavery offence.

The jury also found her guilty of attempting to pervert the course of justice, in relation to a 500,000 baht bribe offered to the victim, and crimes under the Migration Act.

The charges related to two Thai women, who cannot be named, brought over in mid-2007 to work in Australian brothels.

One of the victims – the subject of the slavery charge – was told to pay off a $43,000 debt before she could claim her share of her takings.

By the time she paid off the sum – within four and a half months of her arrival – she had serviced more than 700 clients. She was also sexually abused by Nantahkhum's associate, Robert Phillip Dick. A Supreme Court jury earlier this year found Dick guilty of sexual offences committed against the woman in separate court proceedings.

Nantahkhum is expected to be deported as soon as she walks through prison gates.

Justice Refshauge said he was satisfied Nantahkhum was unlikely to reoffend, but also noted she refused to accept she employed the victim in conditions of slavery.

During her trial Nantahkhum, through her lawyers, said her accuser was a ‘mercenary’ who fabricated the allegations.

After the jury found her guilty and the judge revoked her bail Nantahkhum continued to protest her innocence to the authors of a pre-sentence report.

In sentencing, the judge noted the woman showed no contrition for the crimes.

Like her victim, Nantahkhum came to Australia willingly to work in the sex industry and help her family shoulder a financial burden.

he court heard she worked under “severe” conditions in Australian brothels before moving to Canberra. “She should have known that this was not a way to conduct such a business,” Justice Refshauge said.

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