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Lady Gaga Fans Gush, Critics Blast Fake-Watch Tweet: Bangkok


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stupid people spended their money to see this b*tch with empty songs, so she can speak out what she wants, now the millions are in her pocket...

TAT, better ban her next time, just like indonesia did

is she the role model anyway for anyone ???

Do I detect a hint of jealousy?

Looks like she did exactly what she was supposed to:

Piss people off, mostly from the pervious generations

and different musical cultures. She got a rise out of belg,

job done, time to move on.

It's only pop music, take it seriously if you are foolish,

take it as a cultural mirror if you dare. Rocks stars act out

what most hardly dare to think to do... so most never try to.

A cultural Id and outlet for the frustrations of youth.

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There is nothing to defend. The vast majority of Thais don't care what she said. Only a handful of people on twitter commented and some reporter just wanted to create a controversy that doesn't really exist. The only people getting outraged here are some foreigners over the idea of Thais being outraged, which they are not

Then the foreigners outrage must be faux-outrage as well ?

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Maybe you should get your writing abilities up to par before you comment on another person's effort. "More", in your usage, is comparative. You didn't compare it to anything. You should have written "more than enough" or simply "enough", as I have indicated in parenthesis.

Thanks for your time.

good to see yet another "qualified" teacherthumbsup.gif got a job yet?

Perhaps we should not be surprised by how often smart-<deleted> fall flat on their faces. smile.png

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Maybe you should get your writing abilities up to par before you comment on another person's effort. "More", in your usage, is comparative. You didn't compare it to anything. You should have written "more than enough" or simply "enough", as I have indicated in parenthesis.

Thanks for your time.

good to see yet another "qualified" teacherthumbsup.gif got a job yet?

Perhaps we should not be surprised by how often smart-<deleted> fall flat on their faces. smile.png

speaking from experience or just rhetoric?wink.png

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]She's probably earned $10,000,000 a minute then. How much did you earn in your 15 mins.

Ah, of course. It appears that we'd all forgotten that making a lot of money puts someone entirely above criticism.

son teaching and criticizing his father on how to "make kids"thumbsup.gif

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Why do people associate Thailand with illegal copyright materials and prostitution?

In fact, the intellectual property inspectors raided Pantip last year and didn't find a thing.

In 2010, Thai government officials visited Pattaya last year and "saw no signs of prostitution".

Just viscous rumors.


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Thais are super sensitive to outside comment because deep down they have a crushing inferiority complex...

Following that theory, it's not deep down. One silly tweet and it's exposed.

'..................I don't care No one cares what this Gaga person said. except a handful of people on twitter trying to draw attention to themselves.

There...fixed it.

Obviously, the millions worldwide who buy her music & fill stadiums to see her, the local newspaper who writes a story based on a non-event and over 300 people on an expat forum who are decades older than her target demographic must care.

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Why do people associate Thailand with illegal copyright materials and prostitution?

In fact, the intellectual property inspectors raided Pantip last year and didn't find a thing.

In 2010, Thai government officials visited Pattaya last year and "saw no signs of prostitution".

Just viscous rumors.


viscous rumors.

Well, they do sound pretty thick...

There are a lot of people who've taken the time to post in this thread to tell everyone how little they care about this, which is both useful and sane.

Edited by RogueLeader
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Thais have always been 'Truth-challenged'.....they all know what exists around them,in fact, but it would be considered very "impolite" to actually point it out, especially by a Farang. Lost Face.

isn't Lady Gaga the illegitimate bastard daughter of Madonna......next gen. pop music white-trash corporate whore.

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Just wondering did she or did she not get her fake Rolex?

Me too. I know a vendor who'd be delighted to know the model and brand it "GaGa Rolex". Really, Rolex should give her a free one as thanks for the ad. No doubt a couple of Hi-So's will get an impulse out of this and buy a real one.

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I was curious to see how concert went, how many showed up and how much she charged. The costs for her to charter 3 747s and all of those boats has to be huge. I hues merchandising will help offset costs. Does anyone know how many tickets and average cost for tickets.

She was probably half lit and feeling spunky when typing an innocuous tweet that had no mal intent whatsoever. Poor Mecican 5 year old kid with eyes gouged out gets 4 posts and this gets how many pages and how much public attention.

Oh and Gaga probably only gets 7 basis points on each album. She probably doesn't care much about illegal copies as record company losses more than her on that. These guys make their mint off touring and merchandising these days.

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I could not agree more. Very concise analysis. First of all, why do these people have such fabulously thin skin? Who cares about a tweet by a pop star? Why does that even mean anything at all? How do they know it was not said in jest? And why not just admit that your country is one of the world capitals for fake goods? Look, most of us that live here know how many wonderful qualities Thailand has. All of our countries have many faults. So, why be so sensitive about this, unless this sensitivity if a reflection of inner insecurity about something?

Yes, exactly. What is with the covering up? Well, I think some of us who think about deeply enough can identify many possible reasons why. Face, shame, fear for what is required to change things, apathy, etc. So, it is what it is. What Thais probably don't understand (and likely due to their education system) is that very often the kind of people -- like many of us on TV -- who would criticize Thailand so quickly and frankly are the same people would and do criticize our own countries. And, further, they might be surprised to know that disliking a certain aspect about a society does not necessarily imply hatred toward the entire and all aspects of the society. But, you know, this takes a certain level of intelligence and both intro- and extrospection.

I love many things about this place, but I'm not going to pretend I don't see the faults.

Yes, exactly. In a healthy, rational, mature society, it is natural to criticize your own, you politicians, entertainers, etc. This is just normal everyday discourse. It is not about finding fault. It is called dialogue, and it is healthy. Can change, and progress come about without this kind of dialogue. Many of us on this forum are very fond of the Thai people, and love living here. But, that does not mean we turn a blind eye to the nonsensical behavior we see, from time to time.

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There are a lot of Thai people out there including me who don't get offended by what she said.

Some of you live in Thailand for a long time and already know that you have to be 'fake' to make people like you.

When I was young and still lived in Thailand, I didn't have many friends in school & uni because I was a frank person and liked to speak my mind. Most of them hated me because of that reason. They just couldnt accept the truth.

Another funny thing I read on some forums is that some Thai people translated 'Lady Market' as Brothels [Market that sells lady] LOL instead of a shopping place.

What many of us do, in order to remain true to our hearts and souls, is to only be-friend the people who understand us. The others we do not care about. Why hang out with someone who is only relating to the person you want them to see? It is a more mature approach to life, and one that is infinitely more fulfilling. So, you can avoid the fake people, and only search for the truly sincere people, of which there are many. They make far better friends anyway!

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Actually fake watches in Thailand are complete crap! The ones in Vietnam at least have grades<8 year automatic Patek still runs like a charm> and you can pick up a very decent knock off for 2k Baht instead of what 2k gets you here. Most of the quality of pirated goods is inferior and higher priced compared to the surrounding region.

And now I know &lt;deleted&gt; a somchi is. I know the type especially high soc idiots that don't realize Thailand is not he center of modern enlightenment and a very small fish in a big world. How many westerners would live here if it did not have great weather great food great culture and nice women in most instances? People don't come here because its "Thai" they come here because it offers almost first world status and a lot of benefits that are not so readily available in other countries.

They should be happy that world class talent even comes to Thailand anymore look at the dates Thailand one day! Compared to the native media entertainment in this country she is a S U P A S T A! I wanted to take my GF to the concert but I know better with Impact Arena and two trade shows<Food show rocked 100's of tasty samples including Lardo>.

Bought two incredibly gorgeous fakes in Vietnam several years ago. Both stopped working in a few months. A friend of mine's father rebuilds watches for fun. He took this one apart. Said the parts were the lowest quality he had ever seen, including fakes from all over the world. So, not so sure your assessment is entirely accurate. Of course, you may have been buying the higher end fakes.

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We are all just playing around. Who takes this seriously anyway, and if you do, my heart goes out to you. You need to take some laxatives. Lady Gaga did Thailand a service, by starting a dialogue, about a topic that many Thai people do not want to discuss. The underbelly. This country has a rather substantial underbelly, and if a Thai is too thin skinned to admit it, well is that our problem. It is not about not liking Thailand. Many of us love this place, and it's people. But, criticism is a natural response, and it hurts nobody, as long as it is not of the hateful sort. There is no room for that.

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The posters here seem more upset about the idea of Thais being upset about this. This is a manufactured story. Write a story based on a few tweets that says Thais are outraged when 99% don't care at all . . .

Exactly. The problem is that too many people here like to swallow this kind of story at face value so they can get all righteously indignant. A quick look at Twitter or pantip.com very quickly reveals that the silly criticisms of this Gaga person are a very small minority. But then I suspect that the farangs who get most worked up by this kind of story are generally the ones who don't read Thai and have no interest in doing so.

My guess is that you are spot on. And the comments about boycotting a concert? Chances are, that most of the boycotts will be buy the same people who paid a fortune for the tickets. Let me get the facts straight. You spent a weeks salary to buy a ticket, and now you are not going? Who does that hurt? Certainly not Lady Gaga. What point does it make exactly if 200 people who have already provided the performer and the promoter with their fees, do not attend? Sounds like you may be doing Gaga a favor by not coming.

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Let's put Lady Gaga into perspective - she's a nothing, a nobody - who the hell cares what she says about anything?

Let's worry more about who's cosying up to the Chinese!


well she is someone who has sold over 4 million albums so thats already 4 million people who know her and willing to spend money on her music(legally)

You can double that amount if you count the illegal downloads, triple it if you account for people who actually follow any kind of music scene and multiply it by 10, when taking into account people who read fashion mags.

Now,, who and what exactly are you?

And who cares about Chinese? is this thread about Chinese? or unemployment or factory closure's?

May i suggest before you start to post total and utter drivel you actually thinkrolleyes.gif

Your own figures show Lady Gaga’s “Little Monsters and Fans” (her words, not mine) have bought 4 million albums. You manipulate this figure up to 120 million by including your own estimates of bootleg downloads and what people read in doctor’s and dentist’s waiting rooms! Even if your 120 million people figure is remotely close to reality Lady Gaga is known to no more than 1.68% of the world’s population of 7,106 billion (United States Census Bureau November 2011 estimate). Divide that figure by 30 to get the true number of people who paid good money for one of her albums! She’s not going to be running for any sort of World Office soon on those numbers!

Moving on to something more serious - are you a total ignoramus? Once it was Japan, then Taiwan and now China is the most efficient state sanctioned secret stealing faking nation on earth with a frightening 19.2% of the world's population. It is very close to more than 5 times the USA population. India, another problem in the making, is not that far behind China in thinking and population. China has long since left behind small fry faking of such trinkets as Rolex's for small fry countries like Thailand to pick up on (and idiots like Lady Gaga to comment on and annoy local people) and is now concentrating on big time industry. While you may still pick up high quality pots, pans and the like in Germany, France, the UK, USA and look to see where they are made, don't kid yourself all's well with the world when you see they are made in your country! Ask yourself instead, who owns the factory? Hence my "drivel" about unemployment and factory closures. (incidentally, the word is "closures", not "closure's" - schooling a bit lacking?) How is it unemployment in the West is as high as it's been since 1929 and getting worse and total countries are either publicly insolvent (Greece, Portugal Ireland and others) , or closetly insolvent - the USA particularly among them (nobody in the States from politician down to the man in the street having the guts to admit it)?

"Now,, who and what exactly are you?"

Ignoring the lousy grammar again - what business is that of yours?

Edited by easyas
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Wow, this is another successful stunt from her manager or publicity department.

Everyone(both the Thais and the Swiss) should be thankful and grateful to her statement.

1) She brought the attention of this fake-branded goods that's on for so long in Thailand; but due to intentional reason(which I choose to believe), corruption or incompetency of the government, it's not stopped. Her act will certainly help in a way.

2) The originals are always proud if imitations are made. Only good products, or overpriced products or well-branded ones have imitations. Anyone those who bought imitations will not buy the originals even if imitations are not there; as the price differences are miles apart. By having imitations, the originals earn advertisement and publicity for their brands. Take cds for example, at 300 baht per cd, I can afford to listen to so many. BUt at 30 to 50 baht, I will buy them and get to know more singers and musicians. So eventually these singers will stand to gain..

3) Why should some Thais feel offended from her statement ? They should be grateful. Unless those people felt shameful for Thailand big imitation trade and tried to hide the facts. Well then, blame the government for allowing it, not Lady Gaga for buying it.

No matter how I see it from any angle, no one stand to lose from her statement.

Lady Gaga also knows that her imitations cds and dvds are on sale. Many people will not want to buy her originals too. But for 20 to 5o bahts, many will buy and get to know her. I am sure that's how some Thai fans get to know her and like her eventually.

Back on branded goods, they are all OVERPRICED, thus giving way for affordable imitations.

Now, see things positively and be thankful to Lady Gaga.

I am not her fan and I don't like her singing but I will begin to like her now.

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Let's put Lady Gaga into perspective - she's a nothing, a nobody - who the hell cares what she says about anything?

Let's worry more about who's cosying up to the Chinese!


well she is someone who has sold over 4 million albums so thats already 4 million people who know her and willing to spend money on her music(legally)

You can double that amount if you count the illegal downloads, triple it if you account for people who actually follow any kind of music scene and multiply it by 10, when taking into account people who read fashion mags.

Now,, who and what exactly are you?

And who cares about Chinese? is this thread about Chinese? or unemployment or factory closure's?

May i suggest before you start to post total and utter drivel you actually thinkrolleyes.gif

Your own figures show Lady Gaga’s “Little Monsters and Fans” (her words, not mine) have bought 4 million albums. You manipulate this figure up to 120 million by including your own estimates of bootleg downloads and what people read in doctor’s and dentist’s waiting rooms! Even if your 120 million people figure is remotely close to reality Lady Gaga is known to no more than 1.68% of the world’s population of 7,106 billion (United States Census Bureau November 2011 estimate). Divide that figure by 30 to get the true number of people who paid good money for one of her albums! She’s not going to be running for any sort of World Office soon on those numbers!

Moving on to something more serious - are you a total ignoramus? Once it was Japan, then Taiwan and now China is the most efficient state sanctioned secret stealing faking nation on earth with a frightening 19.2% of the world's population. It is very close to more than 5 times the USA population. India, another problem in the making, is not that far behind China in thinking and population. China has long since left behind small fry faking of such trinkets as Rolex's for small fry countries like Thailand to pick up on (and idiots like Lady Gaga to comment on and annoy local people) and is now concentrating on big time industry. While you may still pick up high quality pots, pans and the like in Germany, France, the UK, USA and look to see where they are made, don't kid yourself all's well with the world when you see they are made in your country! Ask yourself instead, who owns the factory? Hence my "drivel" about unemployment and factory closures. (incidentally, the word is "closures", not "closure's" - schooling a bit lacking?) How is it unemployment in the West is as high as it's been since 1929 and getting worse and total countries are either publicly insolvent (Greece, Portugal Ireland and others) , or closetly insolvent - the USA particularly among them (nobody in the States from politician down to the man in the street having the guts to admit it)?

"Now,, who and what exactly are you?"

Ignoring the lousy grammar again - what business is that of yours?


Don't understand what you are trying to say.

I always know that when goods are so cheaper; imimitation or originals, sales will increase and help employment.

Don't blame the Chinese for making cheaper goods; blame the originals for selling too expensive. If not, how could the Chinese make cheaper ones ?

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Let's put Lady Gaga into perspective - she's a nothing, a nobody - who the hell cares what she says about anything?

Let's worry more about who's cosying up to the Chinese!


well she is someone who has sold over 4 million albums so thats already 4 million people who know her and willing to spend money on her music(legally)

You can double that amount if you count the illegal downloads, triple it if you account for people who actually follow any kind of music scene and multiply it by 10, when taking into account people who read fashion mags.

Now,, who and what exactly are you?

And who cares about Chinese? is this thread about Chinese? or unemployment or factory closure's?

May i suggest before you start to post total and utter drivel you actually thinkrolleyes.gif

Your own figures show Lady Gaga’s “Little Monsters and Fans” (her words, not mine) have bought 4 million albums. You manipulate this figure up to 120 million by including your own estimates of bootleg downloads and what people read in doctor’s and dentist’s waiting rooms! Even if your 120 million people figure is remotely close to reality Lady Gaga is known to no more than 1.68% of the world’s population of 7,106 billion (United States Census Bureau November 2011 estimate). Divide that figure by 30 to get the true number of people who paid good money for one of her albums! She’s not going to be running for any sort of World Office soon on those numbers!

Moving on to something more serious - are you a total ignoramus? Once it was Japan, then Taiwan and now China is the most efficient state sanctioned secret stealing faking nation on earth with a frightening 19.2% of the world's population. It is very close to more than 5 times the USA population. India, another problem in the making, is not that far behind China in thinking and population. China has long since left behind small fry faking of such trinkets as Rolex's for small fry countries like Thailand to pick up on (and idiots like Lady Gaga to comment on and annoy local people) and is now concentrating on big time industry. While you may still pick up high quality pots, pans and the like in Germany, France, the UK, USA and look to see where they are made, don't kid yourself all's well with the world when you see they are made in your country! Ask yourself instead, who owns the factory? Hence my "drivel" about unemployment and factory closures. (incidentally, the word is "closures", not "closure's" - schooling a bit lacking?) How is it unemployment in the West is as high as it's been since 1929 and getting worse and total countries are either publicly insolvent (Greece, Portugal Ireland and others) , or closetly insolvent - the USA particularly among them (nobody in the States from politician down to the man in the street having the guts to admit it)?

"Now,, who and what exactly are you?"

Ignoring the lousy grammar again - what business is that of yours?

again what does your drivel of what and where copies come from have to do with this topic? who makes it, what factories and all the rest of the drivel is SOOOOOO off topic.

even if 0.011% of the population knows who she is, its already at least 100 million times more than anyone knowing or even listening to what you have to say.

IN other words, you are in no position to make statements about her popularity, because you are smaller than a mosquito bite on the scale of things

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Go Gaga!!

can u all not see its publicity she craves!!!

Well done Sweetheart that what Rock and Roll is about!!!!

She has gained a fan in me anyway!!!

Now I have to ask my children to put one of her CDs on and become a Monster!!!!lol

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cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif This is hilarious. The Land of the Fake being called The Land of the Fake and the inhabitants crying foul. cheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gifcheesy.gif

its the HUB of the fakes man for god's sake get it right! tongue.png

You are so ignorant it's not funny. mad.gif

Thailand was NEVER the HUB of the fakes. That honour used to belong to Japan, then Taiwan, but both have been surpassed over the last 10 years or more by China. It’s become so good at stealing other people's trade secrets it too is no longer the HUB - it's the entire WHEEL! It's conned the entire World into believing Germany, France, England and that most gullible country of all USA delivers their own original products. Turn the product over - sometimes it may say it's made other than in China - but who owns the factories where it is built? And who unwittingly paid for these factories - those same countries from which the original trade secrets were stolen! And how have they paid for them? With factory closures, huge levels of unemployment, plummeting house prices, collapsing currencies, totally insolvent countries, and the worst depression since 1929 getting worse by the day.

Thailand's role in all this is minuscule.

Let's put Lady Gaga into perspective - she's a nothing, a nobody - who the hell cares what she says about anything?

Let's worry more about who's cosying up to the Chinese!


Perhaps, but Bangkok gets more tourists buying the knock-off crap than Lanzhou.

Thailand is the retailer for the Chinese crap, so get off your high horse.

As far as LG being a nobody, just what is your net worth? cheesy.gif

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