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Thai Marriage Certificate Translation - Advice On Thai Marriage Law


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Hi Everyone,

I need some advice as to what to do for the best.

I am a female from the UK living in Thailand. I married my now Thai husband last October, at Krabi Amphur District. I have just had the marriage certificate and the Registration document KhorRor2 translated and authorised at the MFA, just in case I ever need it in the future.

The translation says:-

The female party wishes to take the title Mrs.

The female party wishes to take the husband's family name.

I never agreed to this and I don't recall the man at the Amphur asking me these questions. I am keeping my own maiden name and will prefer to remain Miss at the moment as it's too much hassle changing everything. It does say "wishes" and not "agrees", so I don't know how strong the statements are.

So my question is:- Are these statements legally binding? Will anything go wrong in the future if I don't change my name? Do I need to go back to the Amphur and get this changed?

Some help with the Thai law really would be appreciated. I've asked some Thai people I know but they are not sure. The Amphur is not open until Tuesday when I can call them but I would like to know this weekend, as I'm impatient, and it's one less thing to tick off the list to do.

This is a great forum and I've used it in the past and have gotten some useful information from those "in the know".

Best Regards,


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Thai law allows you to choose if yu want to keep using yur maiden name of your husbands name, it also allows you to choose which title you want to use. I believe UK law is the same.

Shouldn't be a big problem, but migth be easier to change at the amphur so the records match the name in your passport.

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Hi Mario,

My name on the Marriage Certificate is my maiden name the same as my passport.

What I wanted to know is if the statement on the Marriage Registration KhorRor2 says I wish to take my husband's name but I don't, do you think that is a problem.

Should I go and get the Amphur to change the statement to say I wish to keep my maiden name.


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