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Thailand Sends Best Wishes To Hm Queen Elizabeth Ii On The Occasion Of Hm'S Diamond Jubilee


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Today the Queen radiated brightness on a dull day in London, best wishes your Majesty Queen Elizabeth, and also to HM King Bhumipol who raised the spirits of the Thai nation with his visible health improvement recently, two remarkable royals. Long may you both live.

Edited by sbk
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We had the Festive occasion broadcast here live on Australian TV last night, but at an hour (or two) way past my bedtime.

Good Luck to Her Majesty... she is remembered warmly by many in the country.

Happy to see the Thai Royal Family had a presence at the celebrations.

The ABC (Australian Government TV) had this take on the Jubilee river pageant in honour of the Queen and UK celebrates Diamond Jubilee.

Edited by 7by7
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topic title edited and first post.

HRH is for the Prince and Princess. HM for the King or Queen and Their Majesties when naming both the King and Queen.

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From an Aussie Republican, yea ok well done.

C'mon mate. We all know you love her to bits and you "Republicans" really want the Queen as your gaffer cos the recent non-white Australia policy has made you guys think on a bit.

I'll get me coat

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It is a wonderful year for England and all our celebrating, the Olympics and England playing in the Euro Championships (and our brief return to the "Green and pleasant land" tongue.png ) will go someway towards lessening the blows to our economy. The value of our Queen's global public image should not be underestimated as it so often is. After all she is a humble, respectable human being, but more importantly can strip and rebuild a Land Rover. Nice one!

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Well, believe it or not, a friend just sent me this photo from Thailand of the Queen.

Then, and now.


She and Hubby have aged gracefully

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Well, believe it or not, a friend just sent me this photo from Thailand of the Queen.

Then, and now.


She and Hubby have aged gracefully

What a beautiful photo. That's love that is ! Long Live The Queen, and best wishes and a speedy recovery to Prince Phillip.

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Well, believe it or not, a friend just sent me this photo from Thailand of the Queen.

Then, and now.


She and Hubby have aged gracefully

What a beautiful photo. That's love that is ! Long Live The Queen, and best wishes and a speedy recovery to Prince Phillip.

I was told that Prince Phillip had cried off poorly from some of the more lively celebrations, and was laid up poorly in hospital; and that everyone was too busy to come and visit. I hope Princess Anne, patron of the SRU, found time to pop round so that they could watch the rugby together over a few cans of export (Australia 6 - 9 Scotland); I'm sure that would have had them chortling about the stairrods more than any pomp or ceremonies might; in fact, I don't think I have ever seen anyone chortle, cackle, or rub their hands with glee at any of the royal ceremonies I have seen on television. Maybe I don't watch closely enough. Don't get me wrong; I'm delighted - over the moon, indeed, about our dear Queen's jubilee, and I watched some of it on television, but Princess Anne as patron of the SRU no doubt would feel obliged to put duty before family...

"Annie; I've decanted a little glenmorangie into that sample bottle... ... eu! no, the other one"


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Here is how the Australian TV reporters saw the events.

It's a video that runs for 3 minutes.

Lots of nice imagery from flashbacks of the celebrations.

While the Aussies are not gushing, they do speak warmly out their experience, the love of the English (and I assume others) who attended the numerous events of their Queen.

And of the Queen herself who’s strategy seemed to be the 'People's Queen' and demonstrated when the Queen chose to use the open carriage to remove the barriers between her and those who flocked to see her.

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Well, believe it or not, a friend just sent me this photo from Thailand of the Queen.

Then, and now.


She and Hubby have aged gracefully

From the same Thai Lassie who bought you this ...



Comes the timeline of the longest serving Monarchs

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I'm not a monarchist or whatever by any stretch of the imagination. When Diana died I was mildly perturbed by the outpouring of grief by people I knew who wouldn't even visit their own nan's grave.

But I have to say that the clip on the BBC taken from the Lancaster bomber of London, the crowds and the accompanying aircraft made me extremely proud to be a Briton.

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