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History Books


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I'm soon to be visiting the old folks to my gf and i would like to buy them a present. So i was thinkin of a lexicon in(thai ofcourse) about european history , 1 and 2 world war , first moonlanding and so on. As i have picked up from my gf they are simple farmer people with little knowledge of what goes on outside thailand. I don't know......but seem like the proper thing to buy. Is there possible to get this somewhere...........


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As i have picked up from my gf they are simple farmer people with little knowledge of what goes on outside thailand.

I'd bet that they couldn't give a flying fock about one of those things.

I agree. It would probably be better to get them a history of Thailand....but not much better because they probably aren't interested in that either.

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As i have picked up from my gf they are simple farmer people with little knowledge of what goes on outside thailand.

I'd bet that they couldn't give a flying fock about one of those things.

I agree. It would probably be better to get them a history of Thailand....but not much better because they probably aren't interested in that either.

Giving them cash will leave everyone much happier. :o

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I think the book would be a waste of money as it would end up a door stop ask your wife and see what she says about it :o . But anything that they can use/eat/drink/wear would be and idea. A set of gold earings for mama and a bottle of regency brandy for papa if he is a drinker. would probably go down well

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actually,i noticed that coffee table style books with big photos and not much written stuff were enjoyed.. it didnt really matter what they were about just that the book was big, and from (in my case) israel but from any where like from where u come from, just big and pictures (its like watching tv).... how many of u read books like this as pleasure reading??? thye do see stuff on tv u know so like they saw bombings all the time, when i gave them (old parents of friend, cant read, up up country types) the book they just liked to see the camels, desert stuff, where is their son working (can u see his house? questions) etc.... the kids also like the books and brought them to school one day to show off... but food and money etc are also good things or additional things... forget about basic history etc books unless they seem interested already or they have grandkids running underfoot that might enjoy looking at the book

no, dont answer, there already was thread about thais and reading that got closed.... never mind...

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I think a history book is a great idea. There are chances that people are interested of it, I must say that many history books do look boring to many before you have read 50 pages, sometimes them are just boring.

It's a worth a try anyway, everywhere. It will find a home eventually, garanteed.

I'm sure pics add value to everybody too.

Edited by sonnyJ
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Ok get it. A big book with big colorpictures in it , just like the ones you'd give to the kids back home. :o

No, the kind that shows many beautiful photographs of where you come from, that can be enjoyed by them and their friends regardless of language or reading ability. It gives them an insight into where you come from without the risk of becoming a paperweight.


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in the states these books are called coffee table style books with big photos and not much written stuff

they are for setting out for show and people flip thru them; dont need to read, the fotos are beautiful, and they are usually very physically large books so they look impressive....

i've found them to be great gifts for almost anywhere i've been including people who do read a lot... almost every country has sets of these with photos representing 'the country': nat'l parks, people, city scapes, landscapes etc....

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