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Surprised it has not been mentioned on here but Drogba spending nearly a million pound on rings for the team!!!

His charity work must be going well.....no class muppets and an embarrasment to footballers the world over.

Disgusting flaunting of wealth when it could of been given to a better cause.

Yeah, you're right. Drogba should live in a box and only eat Mama. You really are a joker!

You said it.

The owners do something like this or UEFA themselves to think otherwise is ludicrous .....if you agree with what he has done then you are the joker mate....lavish loonie.

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Surprised it has not been mentioned on here but Drogba spending nearly a million pound on rings for the team!!!

His charity work must be going well.....no class muppets and an embarrasment to footballers the world over.

Disgusting flaunting of wealth when it could of been given to a better cause.

Nigh on a million quid for these things that look like they came from Christmas crackers. Ridiculous. If someone really gave a <deleted> about the poor, how could they waste money for something so silly and pointless?


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Don't they have t'internet in business class now?

I went on one of thoze dreamliners t'other week and they had t'internet in economeh

What was you doing in there anyway, did you get lost? biggrin.png

Hahaha no Qatar....they actually made me sit there, fully booked....it was terrible biggrin.png Made up for it on Emirates this week, rid myself of that nightmare with Champ-ag-ne and Oz-trail-ian Steeeaak.tongue.png

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Bloody hell, this is getting like the Generals Topics part of tv, people telling others how they should be spending money!

Drogba can spend his money how he likes. Nobody has said otherwise.

Do you not think though that if one week you are spending close to a million quid on tacky crap that's only purpose is to make your finger look good - a purpose that it fails at - and the next week you are visiting people living in dirt and surviving on a couple of dollars a day, you might just possibly think, hold on a sec, that was a stupid waste of money that could have been so better spent in so many other ways?

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Bloody hell, this is getting like the Generals Topics part of tv, people telling others how they should be spending money!

Drogba can spend his money how he likes. Nobody has said otherwise.

Do you not think though that if one week you are spending close to a million quid on tacky crap that's only purpose is to make your finger look good - a purpose that it fails at - and the next week you are visiting people living in dirt and surviving on a couple of dollars a day, you might just possibly think, hold on a sec, that was a stupid waste of money that could have been so better spent in so many other ways?

Torres has the right idea save his money for something else.


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Bloody hell, this is getting like the Generals Topics part of tv, people telling others how they should be spending money!

Drogba can spend his money how he likes. Nobody has said otherwise.

Do you not think though that if one week you are spending close to a million quid on tacky crap that's only purpose is to make your finger look good - a purpose that it fails at - and the next week you are visiting people living in dirt and surviving on a couple of dollars a day, you might just possibly think, hold on a sec, that was a stupid waste of money that could have been so better spent in so many other ways?

The problem with your scenario is, when do you stop.

I don't need a Ferrari, I'll buy a Mercedes.

I don't need a Mercedes, I'll buy a honda.

I don't need a new car, I'll buy Rixalex's old banger.

The same will go for any purchase until you live in a shed eating fried chicken everyday.

Do I think it's OTT with the rings? Yes. But I can see his sentiment and why he did it. If your trying to make him look hypocritical, at least he does something, which is a lot more than many rich people. In fact, who does enough?

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Days like this i wish i was in a taxi on my way into town for a full monty ready for the day ahead,will just have to settle for a bit of moo laarb and khao niow and hold off the Leo for as long as possible!

Referee today is Martin Atkinson.

COME ON YOU REDS! wai2.gif

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Days like this i wish i was in a taxi on my way into town for a full monty ready for the day ahead,will just have to settle for a bit of moo laarb and khao niow and hold off the Leo for as long as possible!

Referee today is Martin Atkinson.

COME ON YOU REDS! wai2.gif

If Atkinson's the official i wouldn't plat Mario. The clown will get himself red carded

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Bloody hell, this is getting like the Generals Topics part of tv, people telling others how they should be spending money!

Drogba can spend his money how he likes. Nobody has said otherwise.

Do you not think though that if one week you are spending close to a million quid on tacky crap that's only purpose is to make your finger look good - a purpose that it fails at - and the next week you are visiting people living in dirt and surviving on a couple of dollars a day, you might just possibly think, hold on a sec, that was a stupid waste of money that could have been so better spent in so many other ways?

The problem with your scenario is, when do you stop.

I don't need a Ferrari, I'll buy a Mercedes.

I don't need a Mercedes, I'll buy a honda.

I don't need a new car, I'll buy Rixalex's old banger.

The same will go for any purchase until you live in a shed eating fried chicken everyday.

Do I think it's OTT with the rings? Yes. But I can see his sentiment and why he did it. If your trying to make him look hypocritical, at least he does something, which is a lot more than many rich people. In fact, who does enough?

Look I'm not advocating becoming a communist. I believe in the principles of capitalism, which depends upon people being able to enjoy the fruits of their labour. I have no problem with someone who has done well in life going out and buying themselves a Ferrari or a Porsche. I'd do the same myself.

What i do have a problem with is people who buy a Ferrari and then spend a few million quid gold-plating it. I have a problem with people buying seven Ferraris in seven different colours so they have one for each day of the week. And i especially have a problem with people who do knobbish and crass things like this, and then try to project this image of themselves in the media as being people who really care about the plight of the poor. How could you care about the poor and at the same time, spend so much money on something so abundantly pointless? Doesn't make any sense to me.

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Well done on the win. Lucky first goal from Rooney. That was your first forage in our half and I think even you lot will admit it was a mis kick. The last goal was never a free kick in the first place but hey ho.

Your point being?

All mancs born within 5 miles of city's ground, not like united hey all tourists.laugh.png

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Well done on the win. Lucky first goal from Rooney. That was your first forage in our half and I think even you lot will admit it was a mis kick. The last goal was never a free kick in the first place but hey ho.

Your point being?

All mancs born within 5 miles of city's ground, not like united hey all tourists.laugh.png

Typical of you lot. From a picture showing an handful of people who are non white, you jump to the assumption that they are not born there. Being a Red, I know you probably haven't been into Manchester for quite a while but it's quite an ethnically diverse City you know with people born in the City from a wide variety of ancestry. Guess what? There's even a China Town and Manchester has the second largest Chinese population in the UK.

I'm not saying this is the case here as I don't know the people in the piccie but what I can say is that it smacks of desperation from you lot. Trying to use that piccie to deflect the fact that your coach park is full of non Manchester coaches on a match day. wink.png

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Well done on the win. Lucky first goal from Rooney. That was your first forage in our half and I think even you lot will admit it was a mis kick. The last goal was never a free kick in the first place but hey ho.

Your point being?

All mancs born within 5 miles of city's ground, not like united hey all tourists.laugh.png

Typical of you lot. From a picture showing an handful of people who are non white, you jump to the assumption that they are not born there. Being a Red, I know you probably haven't been into Manchester for quite a while but it's quite an ethnically diverse City you know with people born in the City from a wide variety of ancestry. Guess what? There's even a China Town and Manchester has the second largest Chinese population in the UK.

I'm not saying this is the case here as I don't know the people in the piccie but what I can say is that it smacks of desperation from you lot. Trying to use that piccie to deflect the fact that your coach park is full of non Manchester coaches on a match day. wink.png

Agree we have fans from all over, that what big teams do attract a world wide fan base, we embrace our oot support.

Ok they are all loyal blues from chinatown, and we will be looking out for them the next city gamelaugh.png

You lot bang on about our ground full of asian tourists, well just accept you have attracted a lot of glory hunters, i can tell here in thailand now thai's are wearing city shirtsbiggrin.png

Edited by nev
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Agree we have fans from all over, that what big teams do attract a world wide fan base, we embrace our oot support.

Of course we both attract fans from around the globe. I just find it highly amusing watching you lot having to post piccies like that, purely out of desperation trying to prove a point due to your own insecurities. biggrin.png

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Man U don't attract glory hunters??

Why do you think they have the largest fan base? Is it because they like the shirts??

What don't you get about my post?

Agree we have fans from all over, that what big teams do attract a world wide fan base, we embrace our oot support. my quote.

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Was delighted that SAF played a team that was very attack minded. Would have been an easier route to stack the mid field and hope for a draw.Forget about diamond formations etc fast flank men, who both had a good game, is the only way for United to play and always has been. Hardly one hand on the trophy but a statement that United have the firepower to beat anyone. I thought Young was at last back to his best. The much maligned Cleverley and Evans played their part and thankfully there is only one Wayne Rooneyclap2.gif

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They tried to conquer Europe

but brought the country shame

the only English champions that failed to win a game

they never lost at home though til Robin smashed it in

throw all the coins you want you <deleted>

you still can't buy a win


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