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United have not once come out and undermined him and announced Mourinio as manager.

That's the problem. They haven't come out and said anything and just let him be hounded and harrassed by the media.

But the main point of my post was to sling the mud back after several people came on the City thread and gave us grief for their perceived way in which we badly treated Pellegrini

To be fair i said when he first started at United he would have problems with the way he conducted his press conferences and interviews he has never come across as a decent talker to me and that must go with the players...he has this headmaster type of mentality and it obviously doesnt cut it with the players as he never got the best out of them really.

United did the correct thing and have only announced today that he is to be relieved of his dutys,actually i dont think they have even said taht as of yet officially and certainly the only talk has been in the press about Mourinho....i am not to happy about Mourinho getting the job as i like the youth to be given a chance and know he will not let this happen...saying that and yes we all know what he is like if he is appointed manager i will be 100% behind him and will enjoy the ride good and bad,if anything it is a very good chance for him to get back to what he used to do very well and i hope his ego takes a back seat afterall United is a whole new ball game than Chealski.

City did not treat Pelli badly they just made a decision quickly and got there man i think it did have an affect on your season but not to much where as LVG was still involved in most things until the death...totally agree with nev though he is under the thumb and his mrs wants to spend some of that money!

Mourinho defo brings a lot of baggage but he could be a perfect fit....and the way he is on the touchline is more passionate than Van Gaal ever was.

I would like to see Giggs stay and be joined Gary Neville that would be the most hated trio ever lol! tongue.png

Edited by MrRed
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Mourinho defo brings a lot of baggage but he could be a perfect fit....and the way he is on the touchline is more passionate than Van Gaal ever was.

In Mourinho's first spell I quite liked him and his press conferences. Not so much the second time but it can't be denied that his tactics are effective albeit sometimes boring. In my mind, United needed to do something and appointing him is probably the best counter to us getting Guardiola

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^Are you not concerned about more boring football?

Not at all Bob look what the has happened to Van Gall and his total football philosphy if Mourinho thinks he can do the same he is in for short shrift from the fans and wont last long also.

The fans at United want to see us play an attacking game that i am sure is also important to Mourinho if it isnt and he doesnt understand that he will not last long either.

Mourinho and United could be a match made in heaven .....and the fact is everybody else knows that and will try to undermine his massive ego to impolde like he did eventually at Chelski.He will not be the same at United i am sure of that.

Nobody had a bigger ego than Fergie btw smile.png

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Monday 23 May 2016

The Special One promises to help Manchester United fans rediscover their arrogance

Jose Mourinho will help Manchester United fans rediscover the arrogance that has been missing from their lives over the last few years, according to club sources.

After Manchester United had announced that Louis Van Gaal would be leaving his position as manager, the club moved swiftly to replace him with a man capable of giving the fans the sense of smug arrogance they believe they deserve.

Football writer Simon Williams told us, “Smug Manchester United fans are something that football has had for as long as I’ve been watching the game, and it has felt a bit strange without them these last few years.

“Having them go back to prattling on like they deserve to win every trophy going will be like putting on a favourite old sweater – one that you secretly despise and want to catch fire.”

Manchester United fan Iain Fowler told us, “Without my football-related arrogance and chronic smugness, I am nothing.

“Yeah, we won the FA Cup, but we didn’t win it by much, not by four or five goals; so we couldn’t do much gloating afterwards. And if you can’t gloat then it doesn’t really count, does it.

“I want to get back to the days when I could be arrogant about all of our results, not just ones where we scrape our way to winning trophies by the odd goal in extra-time.

“And if anyone can put that look of smug satisfaction back on my face, it’s Jose Mourinho.”

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United are just another sacking club. Disgraceful and classless how they have treated LvG. On the same day he won the FA Cup.

Do those words ring a bell lads?

Why?, lvg had agreed to leave before the midjiland game away, this was told to me by a red with contacts inside united at that game, it was mainly to do with stress and the hounding by the press he took it very personal.

Originally he only wanted a two year contract but was offered 3 years, I really think his wife has a lot to do with it, good luck to him he can retire to his villa in Portugal.

United have not once come out and undermined him and announced Mourinio as manager.

No they haven't but the entire football world has know for a while that Mourinho's coming in. And now that parasite Jorge Mendes is in town. Just dotting the i's and crossing the t's to a pre contract agreement. It was always going to be top four for van Gaal and quite rightly but his departure and the time leading up to it could have been handled better but then again when Mourinho's involved theres always an unseemly air about proceedings!biggrin.png

Anyway, you will probably keep de Gea and lose a handful, Mata being on the chopping block for a start but it should be interesting in the transfer market to see who United can entice. Still a big club with a high profile manager despite no champions league. I'd have thought a top central midfielder will be a high priority to shore up a very good spine to the side.

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United have not once come out and undermined him and announced Mourinio as manager.

That's the problem. They haven't come out and said anything and just let him be hounded and harrassed by the media.

But the main point of my post was to sling the mud back after several people came on the City thread and gave us grief for their perceived way in which we badly treated Pellegrini

Thats the point. They did nothing to dispel the rumors, as did Mourinho with him constantly throwing in ambiguity, something he never needed to do but clearly he still felt the need to.

Ofcourse i say all this about United and Mourinho in the knowledge that Levy was possibly the worst offender ever in the premier league era in the manner in which he sacked the hugely popular Martin Jol. The whole stadium knew at half time, except the man in the dugout.

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United have not once come out and undermined him and announced Mourinio as manager.

That's the problem. They haven't come out and said anything and just let him be hounded and harrassed by the media.

But the main point of my post was to sling the mud back after several people came on the City thread and gave us grief for their perceived way in which we badly treated Pellegrini

Pellgrini was told half way through the season that he was no longer required, hardly perceived ....fact.LVG was told when the season finished and you can't see the difference ??? you must be kidding,you are clutching at straws.

As for LVG being hounded by the media that goes with the territory, ask Wenger and he's still there.LVG can handle it,disappointed yes but he's won another trophy and achieved success in 4 countries.Even SAF has not done that.

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United have not once come out and undermined him and announced Mourinio as manager.

That's the problem. They haven't come out and said anything and just let him be hounded and harrassed by the media.

But the main point of my post was to sling the mud back after several people came on the City thread and gave us grief for their perceived way in which we badly treated Pellegrini

Pellgrini was told half way through the season that he was no longer required, hardly perceived ....fact.LVG was told when the season finished and you can't see the difference ??? you must be kidding,you are clutching at straws.

As for LVG being hounded by the media that goes with the territory, ask Wenger and he's still there.LVG can handle it,disappointed yes but he's won another trophy and achieved success in 4 countries.Even SAF has not done that.

Baring in mind the club we are discussing, the money spent, the regression in the squad and his past pedigree as a coach i think you are really stretching it to call his tenure "success."

More like failure on all fronts with a silver lining at the last gasp.

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Bring back exciting football to Old Trafford. Appoint a manager with the stability to last longer than the previous two incumbents.

And the answer is ... Mo. Doh!

Still an outstanding manager from a never mind the bull$it, feel the trophies IMO - wish he'd gone to China or Russia or Paris

The blatant obvious choice was Carlo Ancelotti and the United board yet again botched it monumentally when he made it very clear he wanted out of the Perez madhouse. Three european cups, knows big club mentality, plays attractive football, fine ambassador for club and the game, knows how to bring through young talent respected throughout the game, proven winner at all levels of the game ect ect ect...

Ofcourse Bayern were not so slow and snapped him up. Pep off, so what....but i can't help thinking Carlo's going to get rather bored taking Bayern to yet another Bundesliga, a feat miraculously achieved by the genius Pep!!

Agree with you on Ancelotti. Just googled to see how close to pension age he is and I'm just getting back on my chair, ouch!...he's only 56! Had him down for 63 or 64. So at 56 he would have been a great signing.

It was a no brainer. He'll just get bored in the Bundesliga with no real competition but i suppose he can focus on winning his fourth CL. His was also the craziest sacking of the Chelsea/Abramovich era.

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United have not once come out and undermined him and announced Mourinio as manager.

That's the problem. They haven't come out and said anything and just let him be hounded and harrassed by the media.

But the main point of my post was to sling the mud back after several people came on the City thread and gave us grief for their perceived way in which we badly treated Pellegrini

Pellgrini was told half way through the season that he was no longer required, hardly perceived ....fact.LVG was told when the season finished and you can't see the difference ??? you must be kidding,you are clutching at straws.

As for LVG being hounded by the media that goes with the territory, ask Wenger and he's still there.LVG can handle it,disappointed yes but he's won another trophy and achieved success in 4 countries.Even SAF has not done that.

You can't seriously be suggesting that LvG was treated better than Pellegrini was.

As for the hounding. Pellegrini was being hounded by the press constantly over rumours about Guardiola, that's why both Pelle and the club decided to tell the world what was happening. It put a stop to the hounding. LvG was hounded ever since Mourinho became available but the club left him out to dry when they could have at least issued the "backing of the board" ritualistic statement

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Have Utd ACTUALLY made a statement that the have sacked him. i know the bbc are reporting it but that's not the club.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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Have Utd ACTUALLY made a statement that the have sacked him. i know the bbc are reporting it but that's not the club.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

Yes. Woodwood's also made a club statement. Just announced way too late is all. And a thoroughly justifiable sacking it was to.

Edited by carmine
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Have Utd ACTUALLY made a statement that the have sacked him. i know the bbc are reporting it but that's not the club.

Official club statement:-

Louis van Gaal leaves Manchester United

Executive vice chairman Ed Woodward said: "I would like to thank Louis and his staff for their excellent work in the past two years culminating in winning a record-equalling 12th FA Cup for the club (and securing him a title in four different countries). He has behaved with great professionalism and dignity throughout his time here. He leaves us with a legacy of having given several young players the confidence to show their ability on the highest stage. Everyone at the club wishes him all the best in the future."

A decision on a successor as manager will be announced soon.


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Quote from the Telegraph:

"A Manchester United season ticket holder, Mary O'Rourke QC, will be representing Dr Eva Carneiro in her claim for constructive dismissal and sexism against Chelsea and their former boss Jose Mourinho, who is set to take over as manager at Old Trafford"

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It has been a pantomime to be honest and poor PR for United,how accurate the media reporting is no one knows only Woodward and the owners know the truth,if the press are to believed it has been on the cards since we were dumped out of the Champions League before christmas,but we shall never really know.

I have previously given my opinion on here regarding who should follow LVG and that I hoped it would not be Mourinho but it seems more than likely it will be,not that I do not rate him as a coach its just his arrogance/petulance that I question.

I will repeat once again "its only a game" but its not really........... its ALL about money and balance sheets.


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Quote from the Telegraph:
"A Manchester United season ticket holder, Mary O'Rourke QC, will be representing Dr Eva Carneiro in her claim for constructive dismissal and sexism against Chelsea and their former boss Jose Mourinho, who is set to take over as manager at Old Trafford"

If that,s the case and Mary O Rourke QC is a season ticket holder she should withdraw on the grounds of "conflict of interest" thumbsup.gif

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Have Utd ACTUALLY made a statement that the have sacked him. i know the bbc are reporting it but that's not the club.

Official club statement:-

Louis van Gaal leaves Manchester United

Executive vice chairman Ed Woodward said: "I would like to thank Louis and his staff for their excellent work in the past two years culminating in winning a record-equalling 12th FA Cup for the club (and securing him a title in four different countries). He has behaved with great professionalism and dignity throughout his time here. He leaves us with a legacy of having given several young players the confidence to show their ability on the highest stage. Everyone at the club wishes him all the best in the future."

A decision on a successor as manager will be announced soon.


Cheers, glad that's finally sorted not that there seemingly much doubt in the media eyes but then there wasn't with Ari and England.

Clubs really ought to get their acts together and maybe some 'standard' format should be introduced, frankly for footie this was embarrasing multi million business ,,total joke.

Sent from my GT-I9000 using Thaivisa Connect Thailand mobile app

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United have not once come out and undermined him and announced Mourinio as manager.

That's the problem. They haven't come out and said anything and just let him be hounded and harrassed by the media.

But the main point of my post was to sling the mud back after several people came on the City thread and gave us grief for their perceived way in which we badly treated Pellegrini

Absolutely correct BJ.... City undermined Pellegrini by announcing in January that his contract would terminate at the end of the season,you clearly saw the effect it had on the teams performance.

United have said nothing until late yesterday when an official statement was released ( hounded and harassed by the media is nothing to do with United,its par for the course when managing a top club,the press will print what they like whether there is truth in the story or not...........its called selling newspapers)

United waited until the season was over to announce what the future plans were,which was quite understandable and if the press are to believed Woodward told LVG on saturday evening after the final he was being dismissed, LVG requested United to delay the announcement until he was out of the country,this is why it was only officially announced late yesterday.

But will we ever really know the truth whistling.gif

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United have not once come out and undermined him and announced Mourinio as manager.

That's the problem. They haven't come out and said anything and just let him be hounded and harrassed by the media.

But the main point of my post was to sling the mud back after several people came on the City thread and gave us grief for their perceived way in which we badly treated Pellegrini

Absolutely correct BJ.... City undermined Pellegrini by announcing in January that his contract would terminate at the end of the season,you clearly saw the effect it had on the teams performance.

United have said nothing until late yesterday when an official statement was released ( hounded and harassed by the media is nothing to do with United,its par for the course when managing a top club,the press will print what they like whether there is truth in the story or not...........its called selling newspapers)

United waited until the season was over to announce what the future plans were,which was quite understandable and if the press are to believed Woodward told LVG on saturday evening after the final he was being dismissed, LVG requested United to delay the announcement until he was out of the country,this is why it was only officially announced late yesterday.

But will we ever really know the truth whistling.gif

City didn't terminate Pelle's contract Peter. His contract was completed. All of the in's and out's are in the City thread at the time it was announced.

As I said above. My post was merely about slinging the mud back at you guys for what was said on the City thread at the time of the Pelle announcement. Whatever mitigating reasons there were, United have not handled it well at all. Everybody knew before the FA Cup had even kicked off that LvG was getting the boot. I even posted it on here before the FA Cup kicked off.

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united haven't handled it brilliantly, no. but that's mainly because mourinho and that b*stard jorge mendes haven't let them. number of leaks to the press about mourinho since new year has been farcical.

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Mourinho defo brings a lot of baggage but he could be a perfect fit....and the way he is on the touchline is more passionate than Van Gaal ever was.

I would like to see Giggs stay and be joined Gary Neville that would be the most hated trio ever lol! tongue.png

Did you see Fergie dancing on the touchline when he was in charge and United won all the league titles and the treble ? I remember him as very calm most of the time , even if the players would feel his temper sometimes.

As I said before considering all the injuries LvG did a very good job with the young players.

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City didn't terminate Pelle's contract Peter. His contract was completed. All of the in's and out's are in the City thread at the time it was announced.

As I said above. My post was merely about slinging the mud back at you guys for what was said on the City thread at the time of the Pelle announcement. Whatever mitigating reasons there were, United have not handled it well at all. Everybody knew before the FA Cup had even kicked off that LvG was getting the boot. I even posted it on here before the FA Cup kicked off.


Whatever slant you want to put on it is up to you,the point I,m making is that City in making the announcement in January totally undermined Pellegrini,s position and left him with very little authority in the dressing room........City,s results showed as much- it was bloody madness BUT I can also see the Club,s side of things regarding the press getting a sniff at a story in the making when it was announced Guardiola would be leaving Bayern at the end of the season whistling.gif compare it with the farce going on at United now,United took the route of keeping quiet until the season was over and have been criticized because of it.

It,s only a bloody game for goodness sake thumbsup.gif

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It,s only a bloody game for goodness sake thumbsup.gif

How can you say such a thing. It's like saying to the Pope, the Bible is just a book.

Chess is just a game, table tennis is just a game, darts is just a game etc. Football is much, much more. The fact that nearly all of us on here stay up until stupid o'clock to watch a match shows it's more than just a game.

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It,s only a bloody game for goodness sake thumbsup.gif

How can you say such a thing. It's like saying to the Pope, the Bible is just a book.

Chess is just a game, table tennis is just a game, darts is just a game etc. Football is much, much more. The fact that nearly all of us on here stay up until stupid o'clock to watch a match shows it's more than just a game.

No its just us...........were all bloody mugs cheesy.gif

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It,s only a bloody game for goodness sake thumbsup.gif

How can you say such a thing. It's like saying to the Pope, the Bible is just a book.

Chess is just a game, table tennis is just a game, darts is just a game etc. Football is much, much more. The fact that nearly all of us on here stay up until stupid o'clock to watch a match shows it's more than just a game.

No its just us...........were all bloody mugs cheesy.gif

Yeah, or there is that I suppose laugh.png

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It,s only a bloody game for goodness sake thumbsup.gif

How can you say such a thing. It's like saying to the Pope, the Bible is just a book.

Chess is just a game, table tennis is just a game, darts is just a game etc. Football is much, much more. The fact that nearly all of us on here stay up until stupid o'clock to watch a match shows it's more than just a game.

and the fact we spend so much time in here "discussing" football is also testament it is much more, or maybe that we are just sado anoraks smile.png

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