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Thai Hospitals Refused To Treat 47 Cancer Patients, Says Doctor


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Medicine aint free. Food aint free. Roof over your head aint free.

Provided your in no threat of dying right then and there while at the hospital, they don't have to do anything.

6.5 billion people want free healthcare. Did i login in to neverland.com?

You may have a point if, in fact, you have never benefited from free health care, Perhaps you could tell us what country you are from? If you are British, Australian, (most European countries too) then without a doubt you have received free health care. If you are from the US you might say you paid for your insurance etc., but do you have any relatives who have benefited from Medicare? Will you forgo your Medicare when you are able to claim it? By your philosophy surely you will have to......

I don't see these people looking for a free lunch; only trying to claim what the govt. has said they are entitled to.

Only pensioners and those out of work and receiving N.I. credits receive free health care in the UK. Everybody else pays through N.I. contributions and taxes. I should think that very very few have not at one time or another chipped money into the pot to pay for everything. Medications are free only at hospitals.

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Sadly it is all seems to be about money rather than caring.

What ever happened to the The Hippocratic Oath?

The oath has no bearing on a physicians conduct, particularly since it has no standing on a physicians behaviour. I think you will find that in most countries, it does not even rate a mention in the textbooks.

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Sadly it is all seems to be about money rather than caring.

What ever happened to the The Hippocratic Oath?

The oath has no bearing on a physicians conduct, particularly since it has no standing on a physicians behaviour. I think you will find that in most countries, it does not even rate a mention in the textbooks.

Legally no, morally yes.

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How Buddhistic!!! Once again it comes down to f.cking money!!! It's unbelievable!!! Why didn't they tell them they're not equipped to treat them BEFORE they ripped them off of 700 Baht only to get the exact same result as the leading lab had already provided them with several month earlier??? Way to go!!! Burn in hell!!!

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I was told off earlier for being too explicit on this point but I think it's worth reiterating in more gentle tones:

private hospitals are in the game because it's a lucrative business to be in and no amount of governement legislation to provides inexpensive health care is going to stand in its way, ditto the notion that some ancient Greek oath is not going to prevent doctors and the like from making their fortunes. It's sad I know but the same is true in many "civillized" western countries except it's masked by the air of respectability and checks and balances within the system.

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Thailand's 2011 Man of the Year, 92 year old Dr Sommai Tongprasert, offers an affordable, extremely effective herbal cancer cure (80-95% for most forms of cancer except leukemia) that is

Thailand FDA approved and

backed by nearly half a century of clinical research and use.

There have been innumerable reports about his cancer cure in the Thai media in recent years. The Bangkok Post had some weak articles about him about a year ago and Nation Books has published three books about the man.

HRH the Crown Princess will be presenting the Man of the Year Award to Dr Sommai on 28 June. (Last years award ceremony was cancelled because of the flooding.)

A proven cure is out there. No need to put up with hospital nonsense.

At 92 years old, Dr Sommai still works every day at his fully licensed clinic in Singburi province.

What I like best is his G-Herb Capsule 1 is PROPHYLACTIC so I take it every day although I don't have cancer.

Last month Dr Sommai sent a humanitarian aid package to Serbia that included enough G-Herb Capsule 1 for therapeutic treatment of 10 cancer patients there and it is being used in that European country as well.

It is fully compatible with all other modern medicine methods of treating cancer such as chemo and radiation so no need to make any "either/or" decision.

Even better, it cuts the amount of chemo needed if that treatment method is also advisable.

Two years ago, the Western/Modern medical community and the government tried to blackball Dr Sommai.

When they totally failed to find any fault in him or his work or his cancer cure, they switched tactics and made him Man of the Year instead.

He speaks English. No patient is turned away for financial reasons EVER.

And the Government Pharmaceutical Organization also offers this herbal immune system enhancement under the brand name of PHYTOPLEX (I think that's the spelling and I don't' know how similar it is to G-Herb Capsule 1 produced by Dr Sommai himself).

Dr Sommai is one of the three best examples I have seen in my life of a true doctor who is in medicine to help people in need, puts patients FIRST and does not support the concept of healthcare for profit.

Where can I buy it? By the way, the official name is GPO Phytoplex ;-)

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Now some people are discussing the medical situation of a few people who had- I'm very sorry for that- made very bad experiences with a private hospital.

I guess they'll be covered by their social security at a government hospital.

I'm not so sure about hundreds of thousands in the States, suffering from almost all diseases.........wai.gif

Edited by sirchai
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This is very sad commentary on Thai bureaucracy and lack of concern for its own citizens. The hospitals refused to accept the lab reports, well okay. The women agreed then to pay the 700 THB for a new testing at an "approved" lab. Then the hospitals rejected the ones requiring treatment anyway. This is inexcusable.

I disagree, in this country it is quite excusable and absolutely nothing will come of this. All the while, on the way to work this morning I saw one ferrari, two porsches and more benz's I could count. I never see cars like this in the west where they are about 40% cheaper to buy.

Makes me laugh when Thais tell me this is a poor country; it is not. It is a country where everyone is out for themselves and the wealthy really don't give a rats arse about people they consider to be "beneath" them.

That is why nationalism is so important here, to trick the poor into thinking all Thais are brothers when in fact it is an excuse for the rich to screw the poor.

Spot on

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