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Does Anyone Know If This Cpu Will Fit This Motherboard?


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So I am trying to build a cheap media pc to attach to the television. The SOLE purpose of this pc will be to (1) watch youtube (2) play dvds (3) play downloaded vids from piratebay. (In other words I really don't need a real fast CPU, I just want something small in size.) I got (am having delivered) one of these mini pc's from ebay:


The one I have has a celeron M installed on it. From the specs on the aopen website I think this CPU will fit the socket of the motherboard:


I figured for $13 I would rather have a core 2 duo processor over a celeron. I have never replaced a cpu on a motherboard before, so before I order it, I just wanted to check with more knowledgeable people to see if it would fit. Thanks.

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Yes, the Intel Core 2 Duo Mobile T5200, will work perfectly on the little system. While US$ 13 (around 405 THB) is not so much for a 1.6 Ghz Mobile Core 2 Duo you should also look around at Panthip (Bangkok), Mobile M socket notebooks are rather old in notebook years and lots of Socket M processors are available at Panthip (Bangkok) look at every floor in the back of Panthip…

Recently I build a similar system, I was focused on buying a small Intel ATOM mainboard and case but with the prices of a Socket M and a Socket M mainboard I could not resist.

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I like the idea, but read an article not too long ago pointing out that the running cost (electric power) will be significantly more w/ a PC than w/ a dedicated media server such as a WD TV HD live.

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You'll be much better off by buying a Netbook. It has everything you're trying to build but the work is already done for you. You say you want cheap, but you didn't mention what the MP945-D is going to cost you, and what Thai Customs will bite you for if they discover you're importing (buying) electronic gear you can get right here in Thailand. Do yourself a favor and try to get some pricing on the box plus shipping for your items and potential customs fees...I've been running a HP Mini netbook since 2010 as a Home Theatre PC, and trust me, it can handle most anything you can throw at it, especially the newer ones with the dual core Atom processors and HD 3000/4000 integrated graphics. Not to mention VGA and HDMI video output, etc. The only thing you're really missing is a DVD player. Heck, any self-respecting computer nerd (myself included) will rip your DVD and drop it on a USB Flash drive for you then it's just click and play. Music, Videos, YouTube, whatever...

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Thank you everyone for your opinions

@Richard--once again thank you for your help! I was thinking the same thing and looking at an atom based system, but with the price of the core 2 duos (which are still faster processors than the atoms despite their age), I wanted to go with that.

@jsixpack--well I am hoping that electrical costs should not be that bad since the system I am getting is designed for notebook applications which are inherently designed to conserve electricity

@mosan--I was already thinking that. I already have an acer aspire O722 netbook that I was using (via the HDMI connection) to connect to the TV'S. It will do everything I need. The problem I was running was that I couldn't use the netbook to do internet or email, etc, because it was hooked to the tv. I WAS looking for just a cheap netbook to use as a media pc. The problem I ran into was that not all the netbooks come with an HDMI connector. The HDMI connector is pretty much necessary as most TV's I have seen coming these days out don't have a VGA port or s-video port.. The only ones that I know of that have the HDMI are the HP mini (and those are only on the 311 series and later), the acer aspire (the 11.6" models, the 10" don't have HDMI) and the Compaq Mini 10. These particular netbooks, even used, sell for AT least $150 (and there is no DVD drive--though it doesn't really matter for me as I have an external DVD for my acer); the aopen system I am getting for $58 plus $18 for shipping.

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Power consumption should not be that much of a problem, the AOpen system is based on a Intel 945GM chipset (the same as the little mainboard I have). The 945GM is a chipset of the Mobile Intel Express Chipset Family – which is specially designed for low power consumption.

In my case the little system is not only used to display media on the TV, it’s also connected to the internet and downloads TV shows and other stuff directly (24/7) and we did not see any noticeable increase on our electric bill (and our little system is equipped with a power hungry 1TB HDD).

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Gee Richard, I didn't realize we were doing the same thing. I was going to put a 1tb or 2tb hard drive and just download all my videos to that 24/7. What case did you use? I'd love to see pictures of your system. :)

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I bought a small Asus mainboard (N4L-VM DH) and a MicroATX case (maybe Gview or something like that) small like DVD drive and 3.5” drive next to another... (3.5” bay is a multi flash-card-reader).

Bought a Intel Core 2 Duo T7200 from the secondhand section in Panthip... and two 1GB DDR2 memory modules... (the mainboard supports max 2GB and I wanted to take advantage of the dual-channel memory architecture).

Currently I use a old graphics card (Nvidia GT9500 1GB) for the connection to the TV. The VGA on-board I not use. I not have a TV tuner card or anything like that (what can I look on Thai TV that would interest me)

I went for a 1GB hard drive as some motherboards, BIOS, and operating systems have problems with 2GB or bigger hard drives (also didn't see the “why” we needed so big hard drive most movies/series we download we look once maybe twice and if we really want to keep them we burn them on old fashion DVD..)

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