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Islamist Militants Attack Nigerian Churches, Killing 6


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The most fascinating aspect being the lengths so many people go to to deny or downplay the existence of the supremacist elephant in the room.

Quite true Dan ,the lengths some people go to to deny the simple truth ,and that is in nearly all Islamic Country's Christians suffer from extreme persecution and even death ,whilst in the Christian West I cannot think of any equivalent case's against Muslims ,hardly "a draw" is it thumbsup.gif
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"I agree all religions have a history of atrocities especially back in the 1500's as you say, however the vast majority of religions have evolved from the dark ages and no longer persecute and murder those of other faiths and burn thier places of worship in the name of thier gods."

Unless you happen to be gay or belong to one of the other groups that they don't like.

Let's not forget the Christain Serbs mass murder of Muslims in the not to distant past

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In order to understand this seemingly senseless struggle ,we need to understand what motivates Islam which is really what this is about ,

Islam is a radical, political fascistic communistic movement whose ultimate goal is the submission of the entire planet to what is called sharia law and what they call "A superior way of life" for humanity (Sic)

The goal is the same from the Sunni perpective (Arab world)and the Shia perspective (Iran),the directives are coming from the coran and other so called holy books which are considered as no less than the word of god ,the followers of the movement (Islamists) are executing the plan begun about 1400 years ago .

According to the coran etc...anything is fair game to achieve the objectives of Islam ,murders,lies,deception,suicide bombs mass killings pillaging ,taking of booty,taking of slaves ,as examplified and taught by the prophet himself, all these things are permitted(By Sharia Law) against the "Infidels".

Iran's nuclear ambitions are but one building block in the grand Islamic strategy which vies to conquer the West ,Europe ,the Americas and of course the rest of the planet ,Iran and Saudi Arabia have vasts ressources (Oil money) to further their aims .

One basic tenet of the "faith" "movement" is : Islam must dominate and not allow any "Unholy" infidel power to control it or dictate it anything they are really not interested in negotiating ,as they think we are caught between a rock an a hard place,and I dont think they are really afraid of a few billions deaths especially infidels if that is what it takes to accomplish the task .

Any “Infidel” is fair game in his/her property and life ,that is what the good book says ,that’s what they follow ,no muslim will rise one finger to go against what another muslim does as long as he / she follows the coranic laws and rules ,which basically are : Do what you want with non-believers if you can do it and get away with it .

Once Iran succeed in building their bomb ,because without a doubt that's what they are doing ,it's anyone's guess as to what they'll do with it ,but i am afraid nothing good for us ! Maybe another thread ...I'd love to get some thoughts about that .

On one side Pakistan ,also with nuclear capabilities ,on the other Iran ,as of now Europe is being invaded by no less than 50 millions of muslims foot soldiers already ,the invasion of the US has started building up already as mega mosqus are being built at a frantic pace ,enough said by me anyone interested follow those links

Know your ennemy ! And do not underestimate it also ..

So far they are beating us(West) soundly just about everywhere ..






There is a lot more to learn about this fascinating subject

I must declare my interest in your post as my wife is a Thai Muslim & I live in a Muslim community. Moving on can you please explain how Islam, in your opinion, can be both facist as well as communist as they that are in fact opposing political ideologies? Perhaps you need to understand that the Koran talks to people of the Book (Christians and Jews) who are not identified as Infidels. Indeed Islam shares the belief in same prophets e.g. Abraham, references to Noah and the Arch Angel Gabriel. It is true that radical Islamic elements within Sunni & Shia are bent on implementing the Caliph i.e. global domination by Islam, but I suggest to you that this is very few out of the one billion Muslim people around the world.

It would be a good idea for you to do some more balanced research before posting ignorant comments. By the way, I do not support or condone Islamic terror, so please don't go down that path if you wish to respond to this post.

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I must declare my interest in your post as my wife is a Thai Muslim & I live in a Muslim community. Moving on can you please explain how Islam, in your opinion, can be both facist as well as communist as they that are in fact opposing political ideologies? Perhaps you need to understand that the Koran talks to people of the Book (Christians and Jews) who are not identified as Infidels. Indeed Islam shares the belief in same prophets e.g. Abraham, references to Noah and the Arch Angel Gabriel. It is true that radical Islamic elements within Sunni & Shia are bent on implementing the Caliph i.e. global domination by Islam, but I suggest to you that this is very few out of the one billion Muslim people around the world.

It would be a good idea for you to do some more balanced research before posting ignorant comments. By the way, I do not support or condone Islamic terror, so please don't go down that path if you wish to respond to this post.

Briefly, I believe it's 1.6 billion, not 1 billion Muslims worldwide. Yes, my experiences with Thai Muslims almost entirely positive. People of the book eh? Well I could point out loads of immoderate scripture explicitly calling for violence against Jews & Christians, it tends to be the latter stuff in the Koran, which supersedes the earlier verses based on a principle known as abrogation.

Finally, seeing as this thread is about Nigeria 34% of the Muslims there supported suicide bombing when polled, so the tiny minority meme is well and truly discredited.


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Thanks for the link Dan ,quite informative, I also liked the comments on it too, we often read from various sources that Violence is UnIslamic ,but I often wonder if we will EVER read a head liner which reads something like this "Acting on Information received from the Muslim community, 5 members of Muslim terrorist group implicated in the bombings of a Catholic church in Nigeria have been arrested and charged " personally IMHO I would say never in a million years smile.png ,

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In order to understand this seemingly senseless struggle ,we need to understand what motivates Islam which is really what this is about ,

Islam is a radical, political fascistic communistic movement whose ultimate goal is the submission of the entire planet to what is called sharia law and what they call "A superior way of life" for humanity (Sic)

The goal is the same from the Sunni perpective (Arab world)and the Shia perspective (Iran),the directives are coming from the coran and other so called holy books which are considered as no less than the word of god ,the followers of the movement (Islamists) are executing the plan begun about 1400 years ago .

According to the coran etc...anything is fair game to achieve the objectives of Islam ,murders,lies,deception,suicide bombs mass killings pillaging ,taking of booty,taking of slaves ,as examplified and taught by the prophet himself, all these things are permitted(By Sharia Law) against the "Infidels".

Iran's nuclear ambitions are but one building block in the grand Islamic strategy which vies to conquer the West ,Europe ,the Americas and of course the rest of the planet ,Iran and Saudi Arabia have vasts ressources (Oil money) to further their aims .

One basic tenet of the "faith" "movement" is : Islam must dominate and not allow any "Unholy" infidel power to control it or dictate it anything they are really not interested in negotiating ,as they think we are caught between a rock an a hard place,and I dont think they are really afraid of a few billions deaths especially infidels if that is what it takes to accomplish the task .

Any “Infidel” is fair game in his/her property and life ,that is what the good book says ,that’s what they follow ,no muslim will rise one finger to go against what another muslim does as long as he / she follows the coranic laws and rules ,which basically are : Do what you want with non-believers if you can do it and get away with it .

Once Iran succeed in building their bomb ,because without a doubt that's what they are doing ,it's anyone's guess as to what they'll do with it ,but i am afraid nothing good for us ! Maybe another thread ...I'd love to get some thoughts about that .

On one side Pakistan ,also with nuclear capabilities ,on the other Iran ,as of now Europe is being invaded by no less than 50 millions of muslims foot soldiers already ,the invasion of the US has started building up already as mega mosqus are being built at a frantic pace ,enough said by me anyone interested follow those links

Know your ennemy ! And do not underestimate it also ..

So far they are beating us(West) soundly just about everywhere ..






There is a lot more to learn about this fascinating subject

I must declare my interest in your post as my wife is a Thai Muslim & I live in a Muslim community. Moving on can you please explain how Islam, in your opinion, can be both facist as well as communist as they that are in fact opposing political ideologies? Perhaps you need to understand that the Koran talks to people of the Book (Christians and Jews) who are not identified as Infidels. Indeed Islam shares the belief in same prophets e.g. Abraham, references to Noah and the Arch Angel Gabriel. It is true that radical Islamic elements within Sunni & Shia are bent on implementing the Caliph i.e. global domination by Islam, but I suggest to you that this is very few out of the one billion Muslim people around the world.

It would be a good idea for you to do some more balanced research before posting ignorant comments. By the way, I do not support or condone Islamic terror, so please don't go down that path if you wish to respond to this post.

With my upmost respects I have never ever read of a Thai Muslim suicide bomber ,which is certainly not the case with their middle Eastern Counterparts , Nor have I read that they blow each other to pieces like the different sects do, could well be that they've more sense eh!.smile.png Edited by Colin Yai
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There are also accusations that CIA and Chinese intelligence are funding rival religious militias in Africa to gain control of mineral-rich areas and to clear those areas of people. As this is a covert war, if it exists it is hard to prove. CIA did of course fund islamists in Afghanistan against the Soviets, so there is a precedent.

Agree with some of the points above re: Islam, although the full story is a lot murkier than that and involves a lot of people with personal agendas and bigotry not to mention government false flags and soforth.

Islam when taught to children in madrassas is not a "religion" or a "faith", those words apply to adults who understand the concepts and history of the religious faith they are starting to follow. Children have no idea about the history or meaning or alternatives to religion, therefor madrassas are not religious schools but are essentially indoctrination centres. Madrassas schools torture young children : http://tribune.com.p...ucking-flowers/. There are many bad things to say about Islam, especially when its forced on children and when families force their daughters into lifetime obedience.

However there are also many millions of perfectly normal mainstream muslim families who would never dream of sending their kids to madrassa or join a militia for example. Being a believer in Islam doesn't make anybody into a killer like the militants in Nigeria. Being paid to fight is a big factor especially in poor countries, religious militias offer food and medicine etc.

Lack of education, and poverty, and 'indoctrination centres' like the madrassas are the main problems in Islam. Cultural education takes generations, how to treat women and stopping violent misogeny are issues not confined to Islam, but are prevalent within secular poor uneducated ghettos all over the world too.

Being a paid killer as in Nigeria islamists attacks is obviously not confined to Islam, just look at how many people have died under USA foreign policy and CIA black-ops over the years.

Edited by Yunla
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Please stay on topic and keep the discussion civil.

I would speculate that in addition to religion, there are other factors at play in many conflicts, however, this thread is about the situation in Nigeria.

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Moving on can you please explain how Islam, in your opinion, can be both facist as well as communist as they that are in fact opposing political ideologies?

Infact they are not opposing ideologies at all. This is the misperception of left-right politics along western lines, where communism is percieved as ultra left and fascism is percieved as ultra right. Infact that is not correct.

I also would not describe Islam as communist or fascist, it ranges from "religious faith" to "totalitarian theocracy" depending on which practitioners we are talking about.

Fascism and Communism both oppose social democracy and liberalism. Mao's Communism murdered approx 100 million people, and today the communist party still has over 30 million dissidents in prison/labour camps where there is "organ farming" i.e. organs are removed and sold to wealthy foreigners :


Forced labour camps with organ-farming of women and children, and mass-murder of dissidents and religious minorities is of course also "ultra-fascism". And yet it is there in the communist China, and Soviet Union under Communist Stalin, 100 million dead.

For example, you asked me in a earlier thread why Obama, a "leftist" and therefor traditionally thought of as opposing fascism, Obama is a fascist. He signed 'yes' to extraordinary rendition (travel-torture), is 100% in the pocket of ultra-fascist banking-oligarchy and the military-industrial complex, signed yes to presidential total internet-shutdown order in 'emergencies', expanded the patriot act, proposed a bill where anyone with 'intelligence value' can be arrested with no cause. Fascism is not about jackboots and such, it is about declaring a state of militarism against democracy and liberalism. This applies to Obama's regime 100%.

In Africa I would describe the militias and regimes as neither fascist nor communist, but as theocratic tribalism. I also consider the religious militias in Africa as mainly victims of poverty and desperation, manipulated by religious leaders and possibly external forces with a non-religious agenda.

Edited by Yunla
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The situation in Nigeria is a sad one to see, the extremist group Boku Haran has called on all muslims in Nigeria to rise up and rid Nigeria of all non-muslims, but radical islam is a problem where ever poverty and illiteracy exists as well as in some places where islam is in the majority or wants to be in the majority, Indonesia is another place where churches are sometimes destroyed in some areas, there are also some examples in Afganistan, Iran, Iraq and pakistan, no other religion is tollerated at all in Saudi Arabia where local christians from the underground church, who when discovered by the religious police are arrested and tortured, and on occasion are accused of blasphemy against Allah or Mohamed and executed by beheading. While persecution against christians in Nigeria is a problem, it is not confined to Nigeria, and neither is the practice confined to islam.

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Please stay on topic and keep the discussion civil.

I would speculate that in addition to religion, there are other factors at play in many conflicts, however, this thread is about the situation in Nigeria.

Nigeria is a very good example of the unfortunate nexus of four key factors, namely ethnicity, religion, separatism and poverty. The removal of authoritarian leaders such as Gaddafi, Mubarak removes the brutal grip and

life will be messy and unpredictable but at least people have the chance to carve out something

better than what went before.

Nigeria is a classic example of ethic divides,

religious divides, arbitrary colonial boundaries

driving separatism and widespread poverty

driven largely by central government's corruption

and neglect of peripheral regions like the NE of Nigeria where Boko Haram hail from.

Focusing on the religious aspect alone is similar to the error made by the USA in the 1950's onward in SE Asia of focusing on communism and overlooking nationalism as a key driver of events.

The creation of South Sudan has ripped up the long-held view that legacy borders had to be maintained right or wrong or Pandora' Box would result. Stand by for a wave of separatism across Africa in decades to come.

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Moving on can you please explain how Islam, in your opinion, can be both facist as well as communist as they that are in fact opposing political ideologies?

Infact they are not opposing ideologies at all. This is the misperception of left-right politics along western lines, where communism is percieved as ultra left and fascism is percieved as ultra right. Infact that is not correct.

I also would not describe Islam as communist or fascist, it ranges from "religious faith" to "totalitarian theocracy" depending on which practitioners we are talking about.

Fascism and Communism both oppose social democracy and liberalism. Mao's Communism murdered approx 100 million people, and today the communist party still has over 30 million dissidents in prison/labour camps where there is "organ farming" i.e. organs are removed and sold to wealthy foreigners :


Forced labour camps with organ-farming of women and children, and mass-murder of dissidents and religious minorities is of course also "ultra-fascism". And yet it is there in the communist China, and Soviet Union under Communist Stalin, 100 million dead.

For example, you asked me in a earlier thread why Obama, a "leftist" and therefor traditionally thought of as opposing fascism, Obama is a fascist. He signed 'yes' to extraordinary rendition (travel-torture), is 100% in the pocket of ultra-fascist banking-oligarchy and the military-industrial complex, signed yes to presidential total internet-shutdown order in 'emergencies', expanded the patriot act, proposed a bill where anyone with 'intelligence value' can be arrested with no cause. Fascism is not about jackboots and such, it is about declaring a state of militarism against democracy and liberalism. This applies to Obama's regime 100%.

In Africa I would describe the militias and regimes as neither fascist nor communist, but as theocratic tribalism. I also consider the religious militias in Africa as mainly victims of poverty and desperation, manipulated by religious leaders and possibly external forces with a non-religious agenda.

I must admit I agree with some of the points you have raised, but I think you will find it was George Bush Junior who authorised stress torture & Obama attempted or actually put a halt to it as well as rendition. On the other side of the coin he does personally authorise drone attacks in the sovereign territory of other nations. Rights & wrongs of this is for another tread outside of TV

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The situation in Nigeria is a sad one to see, the extremist group Boku Haran has called on all muslims in Nigeria to rise up and rid Nigeria of all non-muslims, but radical islam is a problem where ever poverty and illiteracy exists as well as in some places where islam is in the majority or wants to be in the majority, Indonesia is another place where churches are sometimes destroyed in some areas, there are also some examples in Afganistan, Iran, Iraq and pakistan, no other religion is tollerated at all in Saudi Arabia where local christians from the underground church, who when discovered by the religious police are arrested and tortured, and on occasion are accused of blasphemy against Allah or Mohamed and executed by beheading. While persecution against christians in Nigeria is a problem, it is not confined to Nigeria, and neither is the practice confined to islam.

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I just wonder if the Nigerian Govt is stamping down hard on the Boku Haran for these despicable crimes and arrests have been made and successful prosecutions have been brought ,it would be quite easy for the Nigerian Govt to call it an Illegal organisation and make arrest,s or is it as I suspect they are complicit to it ?. and in closing I hardly think that radical Islam is solely down to poverty ,one only has to look at the oil rich middle Eastern Countrys .smile.png Edited by Colin Yai
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I must admit I agree with some of the points you have raised, but I think you will find it was George Bush Junior who authorised stress torture & Obama attempted or actually put a halt to it as well as rendition. On the other side of the coin he does personally authorise drone attacks in the sovereign territory of other nations. Rights & wrongs of this is for another tread outside of TV

For sure agree on Bush, USA has not had a president with liberal reformist thought since JFK & look what they did to him. Re Obama his government did actually approve rendition, and he's a supplicant of the same oligarchy Bush worked for and has not done anything to change course at all.http://www.nytimes.com/2009/08/25/us/politics/25rendition.html

But to get back on topic I will say that a lot of the very emotive for example 'church burning' stories, of religion A versus religion B news stories that we read are infact a decoy from what is actually happening. In Nigeria and other parts of Africa there is a lot of generational bitterness dating back centuries and those type of feelings are easily harnessed by religious leaders or by people using religion as a front for ops. In terms of high-impact stories, attacks on churches or mosques are extremely powerful news stories and are valuable for people with political or corporate agendas. In Africa it is often hard to report the facts and specific details because of often dangerous locations. In Africa money will always take priority over religion, I personally read church-burning stories not as religious 'shock stories' but as stories of very poor uneducated people who have been paid to commit these acts, or have been given a position in society by the acceptance of religiously motivated violence. I don't really see these attacks in Nigeria as acts of devotion at all, just acts of desperation.

For example, much of the money given in Live Aid etc. was given by Christians, and along the religious 'charity principle', however vast amounts of that money was used not by the hungry but by the warlords in huge massacres. In this case religious charity (which exists in all religions including Islam) was compromised by the corrupting effects of money in a poverty-stricken area.

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The situation in Nigeria is a sad one to see, the extremist group Boku Haran has called on all muslims in Nigeria to rise up and rid Nigeria of all non-muslims, but radical islam is a problem where ever poverty and illiteracy exists as well as in some places where islam is in the majority or wants to be in the majority, Indonesia is another place where churches are sometimes destroyed in some areas, there are also some examples in Afganistan, Iran, Iraq and pakistan, no other religion is tollerated at all in Saudi Arabia where local christians from the underground church, who when discovered by the religious police are arrested and tortured, and on occasion are accused of blasphemy against Allah or Mohamed and executed by beheading. While persecution against christians in Nigeria is a problem, it is not confined to Nigeria, and neither is the practice confined to islam.

Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect App

I just wonder if the Nigerian Govt is stamping down hard on the Boku Haran for these despicable crimes and arrests have been made and successful prosecutions have been brought ,it would be quite easy for the Nigerian Govt to call it an Illegal organisation and make arrest,s or is it as I suspect they are complicit to it ?. and in closing I hardly think that radical Islam is solely down to poverty ,one only has to look at the oil rich middle Eastern Countrys .smile.png

From what I understand the Nigerian government has only done enough to appear to be doing something, then only after the combined church leaders made some noise about the government's lack of action.

Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect App

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The situation in Nigeria is a sad one to see, the extremist group Boku Haran has called on all muslims in Nigeria to rise up and rid Nigeria of all non-muslims, but radical islam is a problem where ever poverty and illiteracy exists as well as in some places where islam is in the majority or wants to be in the majority, Indonesia is another place where churches are sometimes destroyed in some areas, there are also some examples in Afganistan, Iran, Iraq and pakistan, no other religion is tollerated at all in Saudi Arabia where local christians from the underground church, who when discovered by the religious police are arrested and tortured, and on occasion are accused of blasphemy against Allah or Mohamed and executed by beheading. While persecution against christians in Nigeria is a problem, it is not confined to Nigeria, and neither is the practice confined to islam.

Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect App

I just wonder if the Nigerian Govt is stamping down hard on the Boku Haran for these despicable crimes and arrests have been made and successful prosecutions have been brought ,it would be quite easy for the Nigerian Govt to call it an Illegal organisation and make arrest,s or is it as I suspect they are complicit to it ?. and in closing I hardly think that radical Islam is solely down to poverty ,one only has to look at the oil rich middle Eastern Countrys .smile.png

From what I understand the Nigerian government has only done enough to appear to be doing something, then only after the combined church leaders made some noise about the government's lack of action.

Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect App

Window dressing?wink.png
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In order to understand this seemingly senseless struggle ,we need to understand what motivates Islam which is really what this is about ,

Islam is a radical, political fascistic communistic movement whose ultimate goal is the submission of the entire planet to what is called sharia law and what they call "A superior way of life" for humanity (Sic)

The goal is the same from the Sunni perpective (Arab world)and the Shia perspective (Iran),the directives are coming from the coran and other so called holy books which are considered as no less than the word of god ,the followers of the movement (Islamists) are executing the plan begun about 1400 years ago .

According to the coran etc...anything is fair game to achieve the objectives of Islam ,murders,lies,deception,suicide bombs mass killings pillaging ,taking of booty,taking of slaves ,as examplified and taught by the prophet himself, all these things are permitted(By Sharia Law) against the "Infidels".

Iran's nuclear ambitions are but one building block in the grand Islamic strategy which vies to conquer the West ,Europe ,the Americas and of course the rest of the planet ,Iran and Saudi Arabia have vasts ressources (Oil money) to further their aims .

One basic tenet of the "faith" "movement" is : Islam must dominate and not allow any "Unholy" infidel power to control it or dictate it anything they are really not interested in negotiating ,as they think we are caught between a rock an a hard place,and I dont think they are really afraid of a few billions deaths especially infidels if that is what it takes to accomplish the task .

Any “Infidel” is fair game in his/her property and life ,that is what the good book says ,that’s what they follow ,no muslim will rise one finger to go against what another muslim does as long as he / she follows the coranic laws and rules ,which basically are : Do what you want with non-believers if you can do it and get away with it .

Once Iran succeed in building their bomb ,because without a doubt that's what they are doing ,it's anyone's guess as to what they'll do with it ,but i am afraid nothing good for us ! Maybe another thread ...I'd love to get some thoughts about that .

On one side Pakistan ,also with nuclear capabilities ,on the other Iran ,as of now Europe is being invaded by no less than 50 millions of muslims foot soldiers already ,the invasion of the US has started building up already as mega mosqus are being built at a frantic pace ,enough said by me anyone interested follow those links

Know your ennemy ! And do not underestimate it also ..

So far they are beating us(West) soundly just about everywhere ..






There is a lot more to learn about this fascinating subject

I must declare my interest in your post as my wife is a Thai Muslim & I live in a Muslim community. Moving on can you please explain how Islam, in your opinion, can be both facist as well as communist as they that are in fact opposing political ideologies? Perhaps you need to understand that the Koran talks to people of the Book (Christians and Jews) who are not identified as Infidels. Indeed Islam shares the belief in same prophets e.g. Abraham, references to Noah and the Arch Angel Gabriel. It is true that radical Islamic elements within Sunni & Shia are bent on implementing the Caliph i.e. global domination by Islam, but I suggest to you that this is very few out of the one billion Muslim people around the world.

It would be a good idea for you to do some more balanced research before posting ignorant comments. By the way, I do not support or condone Islamic terror, so please don't go down that path if you wish to respond to this post.

Thanks for your response ,

First of all ,having a muslim wife and living in a muslim community ,I would expect you to have a biased view on the subject ,please take the time to go through the links provided to enlighten yourself and learn the story from another point of view ,being bathed in muslim ideology I am sure it must be hard to have a balanced view on the subject .

Unfortunately looking back on history trouble begins once humans become "Religious" as they get lost in unprovable sayings ,fables and stories told and retold some true and some totally implausible that somehow become rigidly interpreted and must be adhered to under pains of no less than death ,across time religions have been used and manipulated to gain political and by extension material gains .

I have studied the life of the "prophet" a bit and I have to conclude that all that revelation stuff was a convenient way grab power over the money making gravy train that Mecca and its pilgrims represented .

By Christian and Buddhist standards ,the man was not behaving like what we expect a representative of god should .and as a perfect man that the whole of humanity must follow ..please This insults our intelligence ! ..please ...read the story and tell me if that is an example to follow IE:murders rapes mass killings of prisoners ,hatred and intolerance of Jews and Chistians ,women ,etc etc all exquisitely documented in total innocence in the so called sacred litterature for your enlightment ...! So no wiggling out here ..you have to read yourself to believe it ,basically the writings are self incriminating and if we were not all so politically correct scared to to open our mouths and if the cult was not benefiting from the huge injection of cash fueled by petrodollars we so stupidly lavish on them ,this cult would have been relegated to the the proverbial heap of history .

I have read the coran and some relevant hadiths poured over statistics about what muslims believe and I have to conclude that unlike what you are saying , in fact MOST MUSLIMS in the world agree with extremeists and would not lift a finger to save a Christian ,85 % of Egyptian muslims agree with death sentence for apostasy for example etc ..etc....

That situation is reflected by the behavior of too many of those people and is all over the headlines ,those people are doing nothing more than emulating the behavior of their prophet and the teachings of the so called holy books ...read them yourself ..which are nothing more than incitation to pillage murder and rape the infidels .

The entire culture incites and encourages its adherents to commit those atrocities ,so please dont tell me that only a small part of the community shares those ideas ..

Remember the Nazis were only a small group of people at the beginning ,and started with a book ,the communist party was a small band at first and begun by a book the sufferings those books and their followers caused cannot be told ...WW2 40 million dead Stalin 40 million dead Mao Tse Tung 70 million dead Islam conquest of India 80 million dead and on and on ..add you own numbers ,

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In order to understand this seemingly senseless struggle ,we need to understand what motivates Islam which is really what this is about ,

Islam is a radical, political fascistic communistic movement whose ultimate goal is the submission of the entire planet to what is called sharia law and what they call "A superior way of life" for humanity (Sic)

The goal is the same from the Sunni perpective (Arab world)and the Shia perspective (Iran),the directives are coming from the coran and other so called holy books which are considered as no less than the word of god ,the followers of the movement (Islamists) are executing the plan begun about 1400 years ago .

According to the coran etc...anything is fair game to achieve the objectives of Islam ,murders,lies,deception,suicide bombs mass killings pillaging ,taking of booty,taking of slaves ,as examplified and taught by the prophet himself, all these things are permitted(By Sharia Law) against the "Infidels".

Iran's nuclear ambitions are but one building block in the grand Islamic strategy which vies to conquer the West ,Europe ,the Americas and of course the rest of the planet ,Iran and Saudi Arabia have vasts ressources (Oil money) to further their aims .

One basic tenet of the "faith" "movement" is : Islam must dominate and not allow any "Unholy" infidel power to control it or dictate it anything they are really not interested in negotiating ,as they think we are caught between a rock an a hard place,and I dont think they are really afraid of a few billions deaths especially infidels if that is what it takes to accomplish the task .

Any “Infidel” is fair game in his/her property and life ,that is what the good book says ,that’s what they follow ,no muslim will rise one finger to go against what another muslim does as long as he / she follows the coranic laws and rules ,which basically are : Do what you want with non-believers if you can do it and get away with it .

Once Iran succeed in building their bomb ,because without a doubt that's what they are doing ,it's anyone's guess as to what they'll do with it ,but i am afraid nothing good for us ! Maybe another thread ...I'd love to get some thoughts about that .

On one side Pakistan ,also with nuclear capabilities ,on the other Iran ,as of now Europe is being invaded by no less than 50 millions of muslims foot soldiers already ,the invasion of the US has started building up already as mega mosqus are being built at a frantic pace ,enough said by me anyone interested follow those links

Know your ennemy ! And do not underestimate it also ..

So far they are beating us(West) soundly just about everywhere ..






There is a lot more to learn about this fascinating subject

I must declare my interest in your post as my wife is a Thai Muslim & I live in a Muslim community. Moving on can you please explain how Islam, in your opinion, can be both facist as well as communist as they that are in fact opposing political ideologies? Perhaps you need to understand that the Koran talks to people of the Book (Christians and Jews) who are not identified as Infidels. Indeed Islam shares the belief in same prophets e.g. Abraham, references to Noah and the Arch Angel Gabriel. It is true that radical Islamic elements within Sunni & Shia are bent on implementing the Caliph i.e. global domination by Islam, but I suggest to you that this is very few out of the one billion Muslim people around the world.

It would be a good idea for you to do some more balanced research before posting ignorant comments. By the way, I do not support or condone Islamic terror, so please don't go down that path if you wish to respond to this post.

Thanks for your response ,

First of all ,having a muslim wife and living in a muslim community ,I would expect you to have a biased view on the subject ,please take the time to go through the links provided to enlighten yourself and learn the story from another point of view ,being bathed in muslim ideology I am sure it must be hard to have a balanced view on the subject .

Unfortunately looking back on history trouble begins once humans become "Religious" as they get lost in unprovable sayings ,fables and stories told and retold some true and some totally implausible that somehow become rigidly interpreted and must be adhered to under pains of no less than death ,across time religions have been used and manipulated to gain political and by extension material gains .

I have studied the life of the "prophet" a bit and I have to conclude that all that revelation stuff was a convenient way grab power over the money making gravy train that Mecca and its pilgrims represented .

By Christian and Buddhist standards ,the man was not behaving like what we expect a representative of god should .and as a perfect man that the whole of humanity must follow ..please This insults our intelligence ! ..please ...read the story and tell me if that is an example to follow IE:murders rapes mass killings of prisoners ,hatred and intolerance of Jews and Chistians ,women ,etc etc all exquisitely documented in total innocence in the so called sacred litterature for your enlightment ...! So no wiggling out here ..you have to read yourself to believe it ,basically the writings are self incriminating and if we were not all so politically correct scared to to open our mouths and if the cult was not benefiting from the huge injection of cash fueled by petrodollars we so stupidly lavish on them ,this cult would have been relegated to the the proverbial heap of history .

I have read the coran and some relevant hadiths poured over statistics about what muslims believe and I have to conclude that unlike what you are saying , in fact MOST MUSLIMS in the world agree with extremeists and would not lift a finger to save a Christian ,85 % of Egyptian muslims agree with death sentence for apostasy for example etc ..etc....

That situation is reflected by the behavior of too many of those people and is all over the headlines ,those people are doing nothing more than emulating the behavior of their prophet and the teachings of the so called holy books ...read them yourself ..which are nothing more than incitation to pillage murder and rape the infidels .

The entire culture incites and encourages its adherents to commit those atrocities ,so please dont tell me that only a small part of the community shares those ideas ..

Remember the Nazis were only a small group of people at the beginning ,and started with a book ,the communist party was a small band at first and begun by a book the sufferings those books and their followers caused cannot be told ...WW2 40 million dead Stalin 40 million dead Mao Tse Tung 70 million dead Islam conquest of India 80 million dead and on and on ..add you own numbers ,

Good post.

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In order to understand this seemingly senseless struggle ,we need to understand what motivates Islam which is really what this is about ,

Islam is a radical, political fascistic communistic movement whose ultimate goal is the submission of the entire planet to what is called sharia law and what they call "A superior way of life" for humanity (Sic)

The goal is the same from the Sunni perpective (Arab world)and the Shia perspective (Iran),the directives are coming from the coran and other so called holy books which are considered as no less than the word of god ,the followers of the movement (Islamists) are executing the plan begun about 1400 years ago .

According to the coran etc...anything is fair game to achieve the objectives of Islam ,murders,lies,deception,suicide bombs mass killings pillaging ,taking of booty,taking of slaves ,as examplified and taught by the prophet himself, all these things are permitted(By Sharia Law) against the "Infidels".

Iran's nuclear ambitions are but one building block in the grand Islamic strategy which vies to conquer the West ,Europe ,the Americas and of course the rest of the planet ,Iran and Saudi Arabia have vasts ressources (Oil money) to further their aims .

One basic tenet of the "faith" "movement" is : Islam must dominate and not allow any "Unholy" infidel power to control it or dictate it anything they are really not interested in negotiating ,as they think we are caught between a rock an a hard place,and I dont think they are really afraid of a few billions deaths especially infidels if that is what it takes to accomplish the task .

Any “Infidel” is fair game in his/her property and life ,that is what the good book says ,that’s what they follow ,no muslim will rise one finger to go against what another muslim does as long as he / she follows the coranic laws and rules ,which basically are : Do what you want with non-believers if you can do it and get away with it .

Once Iran succeed in building their bomb ,because without a doubt that's what they are doing ,it's anyone's guess as to what they'll do with it ,but i am afraid nothing good for us ! Maybe another thread ...I'd love to get some thoughts about that .

On one side Pakistan ,also with nuclear capabilities ,on the other Iran ,as of now Europe is being invaded by no less than 50 millions of muslims foot soldiers already ,the invasion of the US has started building up already as mega mosqus are being built at a frantic pace ,enough said by me anyone interested follow those links

Know your ennemy ! And do not underestimate it also ..

So far they are beating us(West) soundly just about everywhere ..






There is a lot more to learn about this fascinating subject

Great postclap2.gif ,doubtless some will think you are something of an Anti Islamic bigot ,however let me make it quite plain no such thought enters my head .

Me a bigot ! nahhhh If you want to know a bigot talk to some muslims out there ...I guess I am only "politically incorrect " and only saying the truth ,it is time we stop being so scared and grow some balls...whatever happened to us ?..maybe its all that hormone injected meat we eat .!

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The situation in Nigeria is a sad one to see, the extremist group Boku Haran has called on all muslims in Nigeria to rise up and rid Nigeria of all non-muslims, but radical islam is a problem where ever poverty and illiteracy exists as well as in some places where islam is in the majority or wants to be in the majority, Indonesia is another place where churches are sometimes destroyed in some areas, there are also some examples in Afganistan, Iran, Iraq and pakistan, no other religion is tollerated at all in Saudi Arabia where local christians from the underground church, who when discovered by the religious police are arrested and tortured, and on occasion are accused of blasphemy against Allah or Mohamed and executed by beheading. While persecution against christians in Nigeria is a problem, it is not confined to Nigeria, and neither is the practice confined to islam.

Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect App

http://archbishop-cr...-countries.html Quite correct Tom Tao, in fact of the Top 50 Country's who actively Persecute Christians not Surprisingly (IMHO) Numero uno is North Korea with North Nigeria coming in at #13 there are several other links on the subject in the Media , as I see it rightly or wrongly utter complacency by many Country's (including Nigeria) appears to be the crux of the problem smile.png Edited by Colin Yai
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In order to understand this seemingly senseless struggle ,we need to understand what motivates Islam which is really what this is about ,

Islam is a radical, political fascistic communistic movement whose ultimate goal is the submission of the entire planet to what is called sharia law and what they call "A superior way of life" for humanity (Sic)

The goal is the same from the Sunni perpective (Arab world)and the Shia perspective (Iran),the directives are coming from the coran and other so called holy books which are considered as no less than the word of god ,the followers of the movement (Islamists) are executing the plan begun about 1400 years ago .

According to the coran etc...anything is fair game to achieve the objectives of Islam ,murders,lies,deception,suicide bombs mass killings pillaging ,taking of booty,taking of slaves ,as examplified and taught by the prophet himself, all these things are permitted(By Sharia Law) against the "Infidels".

Iran's nuclear ambitions are but one building block in the grand Islamic strategy which vies to conquer the West ,Europe ,the Americas and of course the rest of the planet ,Iran and Saudi Arabia have vasts ressources (Oil money) to further their aims .

One basic tenet of the "faith" "movement" is : Islam must dominate and not allow any "Unholy" infidel power to control it or dictate it anything they are really not interested in negotiating ,as they think we are caught between a rock an a hard place,and I dont think they are really afraid of a few billions deaths especially infidels if that is what it takes to accomplish the task .

Any “Infidel” is fair game in his/her property and life ,that is what the good book says ,that’s what they follow ,no muslim will rise one finger to go against what another muslim does as long as he / she follows the coranic laws and rules ,which basically are : Do what you want with non-believers if you can do it and get away with it .

Once Iran succeed in building their bomb ,because without a doubt that's what they are doing ,it's anyone's guess as to what they'll do with it ,but i am afraid nothing good for us ! Maybe another thread ...I'd love to get some thoughts about that .

On one side Pakistan ,also with nuclear capabilities ,on the other Iran ,as of now Europe is being invaded by no less than 50 millions of muslims foot soldiers already ,the invasion of the US has started building up already as mega mosqus are being built at a frantic pace ,enough said by me anyone interested follow those links

Know your ennemy ! And do not underestimate it also ..

So far they are beating us(West) soundly just about everywhere ..






There is a lot more to learn about this fascinating subject

Great postclap2.gif ,doubtless some will think you are something of an Anti Islamic bigot ,however let me make it quite plain no such thought enters my head .

Me a bigot ! nahhhh If you want to know a bigot talk to some muslims out there ...I guess I am only "politically incorrect " and only saying the truth ,it is time we stop being so scared and grow some balls...whatever happened to us ?..maybe its all that hormone injected meat we eat .!

Nice onethumbsup.gif
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The situation in Nigeria is a sad one to see, the extremist group Boku Haran has called on all muslims in Nigeria to rise up and rid Nigeria of all non-muslims, but radical islam is a problem where ever poverty and illiteracy exists as well as in some places where islam is in the majority or wants to be in the majority, Indonesia is another place where churches are sometimes destroyed in some areas, there are also some examples in Afganistan, Iran, Iraq and pakistan, no other religion is tollerated at all in Saudi Arabia where local christians from the underground church, who when discovered by the religious police are arrested and tortured, and on occasion are accused of blasphemy against Allah or Mohamed and executed by beheading. While persecution against christians in Nigeria is a problem, it is not confined to Nigeria, and neither is the practice confined to islam.

Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect App

http://archbishop-cr...-countries.html Quite correct Tom Tao, in fact of the Top 50 Country's who actively Persecute Christians not Surprisingly (IMHO) Numero uno is North Korea with North Nigeria coming in at #13 there are several other links on the subject in the Media , as I see it rightly or wrongly utter complacency by many Country's (including Nigeria) appears to be the crux of the problem smile.png

I saw a quote in the Barnabas newsletter a while ago that said that christianity is now the most persecuted religion in the world, the church bombings in Nigeria have been highlighted by the press recently, but as already stated the problem is not confined to Nigeria.

Sent from my GT-I9003 using Thaivisa Connect App

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In order to understand this seemingly senseless struggle ,we need to understand what motivates Islam which is really what this is about ,

Islam is a radical, political fascistic communistic movement whose ultimate goal is the submission of the entire planet to what is called sharia law and what they call "A superior way of life" for humanity (Sic)

The goal is the same from the Sunni perpective (Arab world)and the Shia perspective (Iran),the directives are coming from the coran and other so called holy books which are considered as no less than the word of god ,the followers of the movement (Islamists) are executing the plan begun about 1400 years ago .

According to the coran etc...anything is fair game to achieve the objectives of Islam ,murders,lies,deception,suicide bombs mass killings pillaging ,taking of booty,taking of slaves ,as examplified and taught by the prophet himself, all these things are permitted(By Sharia Law) against the "Infidels".

Iran's nuclear ambitions are but one building block in the grand Islamic strategy which vies to conquer the West ,Europe ,the Americas and of course the rest of the planet ,Iran and Saudi Arabia have vasts ressources (Oil money) to further their aims .

One basic tenet of the "faith" "movement" is : Islam must dominate and not allow any "Unholy" infidel power to control it or dictate it anything they are really not interested in negotiating ,as they think we are caught between a rock an a hard place,and I dont think they are really afraid of a few billions deaths especially infidels if that is what it takes to accomplish the task .

Any “Infidel” is fair game in his/her property and life ,that is what the good book says ,that’s what they follow ,no muslim will rise one finger to go against what another muslim does as long as he / she follows the coranic laws and rules ,which basically are : Do what you want with non-believers if you can do it and get away with it .

Once Iran succeed in building their bomb ,because without a doubt that's what they are doing ,it's anyone's guess as to what they'll do with it ,but i am afraid nothing good for us ! Maybe another thread ...I'd love to get some thoughts about that .

On one side Pakistan ,also with nuclear capabilities ,on the other Iran ,as of now Europe is being invaded by no less than 50 millions of muslims foot soldiers already ,the invasion of the US has started building up already as mega mosqus are being built at a frantic pace ,enough said by me anyone interested follow those links

Know your ennemy ! And do not underestimate it also ..

So far they are beating us(West) soundly just about everywhere ..






There is a lot more to learn about this fascinating subject

I must declare my interest in your post as my wife is a Thai Muslim & I live in a Muslim community. Moving on can you please explain how Islam, in your opinion, can be both facist as well as communist as they that are in fact opposing political ideologies? Perhaps you need to understand that the Koran talks to people of the Book (Christians and Jews) who are not identified as Infidels. Indeed Islam shares the belief in same prophets e.g. Abraham, references to Noah and the Arch Angel Gabriel. It is true that radical Islamic elements within Sunni & Shia are bent on implementing the Caliph i.e. global domination by Islam, but I suggest to you that this is very few out of the one billion Muslim people around the world.

It would be a good idea for you to do some more balanced research before posting ignorant comments. By the way, I do not support or condone Islamic terror, so please don't go down that path if you wish to respond to this post.

With my upmost respects I have never ever read of a Thai Muslim suicide bomber ,which is certainly not the case with their middle Eastern Counterparts , Nor have I read that they blow each other to pieces like the different sects do, could well be that they've more sense eh!.smile.png

No suicice bombings yet ,until their Middle East bros shows them the "right way" ,plenty of killings though and plenty of bombings in the South ,much of it not publicised ,and a few bombs here and there in BKK for just measure by Iranians must be the "religion of peace"ermm.gif I wonder where they get those ideas !

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If you wish to discuss the Southern insurgency in Thailand there are other threads in which to do it. If you want to use it and other situations simply to bash Islam, it's going to cause a problem.

Here's the rule--the bold is mine: 7) Not to post slurs or degrading comments directed towards any group on the basis of race, nationality, religion, gender or sexual orientation.

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Here is an article commenting on the apparent double standard adopted by the current U.S administration when it comes to condemning ethnic cleansing and violence carried out by say Buddhists in Myanmar against Muslims compared to the relative silence when it comes to the far greater levels of violence and explicit intent to ethnically cleanse carried out by Boko Haram against Nigerian Christians. Quick edit to say it also criticizes the idea that Boko Haram is anything other than religiously motivated


Suppose that there was a country where Muslims were being massacred every month and mosques and imams were being targeted and destroyed. Could anyone imagine the Obama Administration choosing to remain silent in the face of such atrocities?

P.S As a side issue I buy neither the poverty nor lack of education excuses for terrorism. Many Jihaddists from the west had a university education also. Here is a classic example to illustrate my point, the son of a Nigerian Islamic banker trying to blow up an airplane.


Edited by Steely Dan
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