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So How Many Hours A Day Do You Spend ?


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This morning I decided to get the lawn mower out and cut some grass, there I am pushing the mower along , and all I can think about is, I wonder if ive had any emails, or replies to my forum posts . Five minuets in and I have a burning desire to stop mowing the lawn and dash back to my computer screen to check things out . rolleyes.gif

So this got me thinking , how many hours a day on average do you think that you sit at your computer , personally I think I'm sat at my computer between 4 - 5 hours a day .

To find out if I am addicted to the internet , I took an on line test , and my

score was - 50

so how many hours on average , do you think you spend sat in front of your computer every day .

I took this test


and got a score of 50

What score will you get ? biggrin.png

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absolutely ridiculous amount... i didn't take the test, as i already know i've got a problem...but (there i go making excuses!) a lot of the time i spend is at work during "free" hours.

i often wish i lived in a time where there were no such thing as computers... i would probably have some semblance of an interest and hobbies and if i put as much time into something else as opposed to computers and internet time, i'd likely be a master at whatever it was i put that time into.

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absolutely ridiculous amount... i didn't take the test, as i already know i've got a problem...but (there i go making excuses!) a lot of the time i spend is at work during "free" hours.

i often wish i lived in a time where there were no such thing as computers... i would probably have some semblance of an interest and hobbies and if i put as much time into something else as opposed to computers and internet time, i'd likely be a master at whatever it was i put that time into.

I used to, it was boring at work in those days.

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27, so I'm not addicted, but I spend 18 hours a day online. biggrin.png

i resemble that remark.

Laptop on coffee table. Its on whether im watching a movie working or what have you.

I source all my entertainment (ie videos online), as well as eke out my living.

i also have no problem just walking away from it all for a few days

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My machine is on 24 hours a day, but that does not mean I am sitting there all the time,

perhaps 3-4 hours a day, but then I am retired biggrin.png

I scored 16

On a social level I am probably more obsessive about missing F1 races

than getting in line and reading my e-mail.

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