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Bad Tshirt Slogans


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I have to report on a tshirt I saw yesterday. Some git was walking along Sukumvit with an "associate" in tow wearing a tshirt (of course with a mustard and beer stain on it) with the following phrase silk screened on it:

"I am sick and tired of white women!"

I had to look twice. Is this really necessary? Do some of these old goats have to display there disdain for western women? Where do they get these shirts made? Did he get this especially made for his two week sex romp through Bangkok?

I have seen the "Same Same" shirts and the "ATM shirts" but this one tops them. Guys like this who have some personal issues with women whether it be a divorce or whatever should keep their bitterness to themselves. I am sure that there are plenty of women who would have laid him out if given the chance and they would have been applauded by both men and women.

Has anybody else seen a shirt like this?


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I'm often amazed at some of the things I see printed on teeshirts here!

As for your old goat Turok, he's a sad example of a has been. If he wore that shirt back in his own country I doubt if he'd have his meat and two veg for long. Hopefully he was just a tourist, and not here for long.

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Has anybody else seen a shirt like this?

Yes but I can't say what was written cause Thaivisa would delete it anyway :o But I can say he had lots of F's on it. Ok Let's try.

f'k off you mother f'r or I'll f'n kick the f'n sh## out of you f'r. pheeewwww!

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I have to report on a tshirt I saw yesterday. Some git was walking along Sukumvit with an "associate" in tow wearing a tshirt (of course with a mustard and beer stain on it) with the following phrase silk screened on it:

"I am sick and tired of white women!"

I had to look twice. Is this really necessary? Do some of these old goats have to display there disdain for western women? Where do they get these shirts made? Did he get this especially made for his two week sex romp through Bangkok?

I have seen the "Same Same" shirts and the "ATM shirts" but this one tops them. Guys like this who have some personal issues with women whether it be a divorce or whatever should keep their bitterness to themselves. I am sure that there are plenty of women who would have laid him out if given the chance and they would have been applauded by both men and women.

Has anybody else seen a shirt like this?


T/shirts aside. Does everything goatlike, gittish, rotten, perverted, pathetic, sad, fat, stained, waddling or drooling in Thailand have to be prefaced by the word old? :o

Ageism is alive and florishing among many members of TV.

One day (all to soon) all you young bucks will wake up and find yourselves on the wrong side of fifty. I'm sure you will no longer drink, have sex outside marriage, wear inappropriate clothes, make a fool of yourselves in public or generally have a life. (all too soon- many of you are in your late thirties and early forties now :D )

Cheers. Old Croc

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I have to report on a tshirt I saw yesterday. Some git was walking along Sukumvit with an "associate" in tow wearing a tshirt (of course with a mustard and beer stain on it) with the following phrase silk screened on it:

"I am sick and tired of white women!"

I had to look twice. Is this really necessary? Do some of these old goats have to display there disdain for western women? Where do they get these shirts made? Did he get this especially made for his two week sex romp through Bangkok?

I have seen the "Same Same" shirts and the "ATM shirts" but this one tops them. Guys like this who have some personal issues with women whether it be a divorce or whatever should keep their bitterness to themselves. I am sure that there are plenty of women who would have laid him out if given the chance and they would have been applauded by both men and women.

Has anybody else seen a shirt like this?


If I recall some of your earlier rants , you seem to have a fair smattering of bitterness yourself.

Get over it.


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T/shirts aside. Does everything goatlike, gittish, rotten, perverted, pathetic, sad, fat, stained, waddling or drooling in Thailand have to be prefaced by the word old? :o

Ageism is alive and florishing among many members of TV.

One day (all to soon) all you young bucks will wake up and find yourselves on the wrong side of fifty. I'm sure you will no longer drink, have sex outside marriage, wear inappropriate clothes, make a fool of yourselves in public or generally have a life. (all too soon- many of you are in your late thirties and early forties now :D )

Cheers. Old Croc

###### Kids! Get off my lawn!!! :D

I keep seeing a T-shirt in Patong which says

No I don't want a f**king




Thank you very much

The actual T-shirt spells out the f-word :D, not sure if it's a new thing but I don't recall seeing them until recently.

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Oddest I have seen was an old chinese looking man wearing one that said 'well it's not going to suck itself'

I wonder though at the vast amount of spelling mistakes on many and those that say really inappropriate things. I once bought my daughters 8+5 one each (without properly checking them - who would for 49 baht each) then when I got it home read the slogan 'I am a sexy naughty bitch'. Needless to say they became dusters!

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I saw one yesterday...

I'm F*rted

...replace the "*" with "a" (, as I'm not sure how the profanity filters work here). Not quite sure what to make of that one?

edit: This was worn by young Thai man, didn't read the posts fully to see this was a farang-centric bad t-shirt thread. My bad.

Edited by lomatopo
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I had to tell one of the staff in my Wife's restaurant not to wear a Tshirt that said




combined with a swastica.. I just told him it was offensive to Westerners, fair enough, he has never worn it since.

I have also heard of a T shirt that says Jesus is a Cu#t. (on this forum as it goes)

Problem is the wearers of these shirts don't have a clue what they mean and 100% of these T shirt donners cannot speak a word of English.... so it is hardly surprising really.

If you were poor and someone gave you a brand new T shirt with Thai writing ensciribed on it (and assuming you did not understand Thai script,) chances are you would probably wear it, completely oblivious to the meaning.

So lets not decry the Thai's for this, I have seen enough foul and abusive T shirts worn by those who know EXACTLY what the meaning is

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None of the bad Tshirts I've seen here have offended me really, I think it's like ThaiPauly says, they haven't a clue what it means. Some of them are quite funny, some really bad, and some terrible because of bad spelling or meaningless in English.

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I have to report on a tshirt I saw yesterday. Some git was walking along Sukumvit with an "associate" in tow wearing a tshirt (of course with a mustard and beer stain on it) with the following phrase silk screened on it:

"I am sick and tired of white women!"

I had to look twice. Is this really necessary? Do some of these old goats have to display there disdain for western women? Where do they get these shirts made? Did he get this especially made for his two week sex romp through Bangkok?

I have seen the "Same Same" shirts and the "ATM shirts" but this one tops them. Guys like this who have some personal issues with women whether it be a divorce or whatever should keep their bitterness to themselves. I am sure that there are plenty of women who would have laid him out if given the chance and they would have been applauded by both men and women.

Has anybody else seen a shirt like this?


If I recall some of your earlier rants , you seem to have a fair smattering of bitterness yourself.

Get over it.


Topic: Advice Needed Please.

Turok Posted on: 2005-12-06 18:38:36



Find, F&^k, and Forget is my motto.

Think anyone would be offended by YOUR motto on a T-shirt, Turok???????? :o

For your benefit, let me introduce you to a new word:

Hypocrite - noun

someone who pretends to believe something that they do not really believe or that is the opposite of what they do or say at another time


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  • 2 weeks later...

At the end of the day does it matter.If that is that guys opinion he is the one wearing the shirt.Last time I looked it was a free world (well sort of anyway).I used to have one that read. "I have a beautiful body, its in the trunk of my car"

Its just taking the piss, so what.

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