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Lady Gaga In Hot Water Over Bangkok Concert


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I guess she won't be back then. Maybe the international performers will have to modify thier acts in line with more contemporary Thai style, one that suits Thai Culture. Design the stage to represent a large bar with fat old drunken sex tourists dribbling on themselves whilst she dances on top of the bar in a short schoolgirl uniform.

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I guess she won't be back then. Maybe the international performers will have to modify thier acts in line with more contemporary Thai style, one that suits Thai Culture. Design the stage to represent a large bar with fat old drunken sex tourists dribbling on themselves whilst she dances on top of the bar in a short schoolgirl uniform.

You really should consider applying for a job at the Ministry... you have a uniquely deep understanding of the culture. Make sure to list your favorite foreign designer label on your resume and include a swastika photo and some tea money in your application.

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Lady Gaga in hot water over Bangkok concert[/


-- (c) Copyright AFP 2012-06-15

I would like to see GAGA's (pronounced as BAA-BAA in Thai) reaction if she actually does land in hot water or better still in hot onion soup.

If she had any talent she would not have to retort to using such cheap gimmicks.

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Decadent piece of trash....worse of all, this thing is influencing others, especially women that may regard her stage antics and behavior as acceptable. Spreading her social-perverted disease throughout the populace, all the while decent folk have to deal with the aftermath..scumbag. Go back to the depths of Hades that spawned you.

She's an entertainer, who goes for the outrageous. I suppose you were out there burning Bowie records in the dark at one point too, eh? Gaga stands for people to be able to be themselves, express themselves, freely. That notion doesn't bide well with sexually repressed homophobes such as yourself. I don't even like her music that much (though there are a few of her songs in my ipod's workout playlist), and wouldn't pay to see her, though might go if I was invited. However, I appreciate her drive, creativity, and ability to make billions off being fringe in a cookie cutter mainstream entertainment industry. the milk-toast yawnfest of the Thai music scene should be dying for some breakaways like her.

Edited by tominbkk
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Decadent piece of trash....worse of all, this thing is influencing others, especially women that may regard her stage antics and behavior as acceptable. Spreading her social-perverted disease throughout the populace, all the while decent folk have to deal with the aftermath..scumbag. Go back to the depths of Hades that spawned you.

yeah right,...... patpong, nana ,cowboy and pattaya are just a myth created by farangs of course !

They may not be a myth but they were created by farangs ;-)

noooooooo,....maybe created FOR farangs ,........i dont think there were many farang hookers servicing the US marines during the 60-70s,...... hookers have always been used more by thais than farang , ......and have been part of thai culture for hundreds years , ...... a few hundred years ago , if you were a guest staying in a thai houshold you would be offered the oldest daughter for the night , pity they stopped that !, i'ts also known the french navy were well serviced here , dont think they were paying other farangs either

if you were a guest staying in a thai houshold you would be offered the oldest daughter for the night , pity they stopped that ! < maybe thats an attempt at humour, but not very funny. Do you have a daughter? If so, maybe let the guys here know, they can stop over for the night, and you can send her in to them. Wonder how happy your daughter will be.

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Lady Gaga is unconventional looking (i mean naturally), but i think she is quite beautiful, interestingly beautiful. Im not a fan much, but i find it laughable that anyone would say shes unattractive. Maybe from guys that only like the conventional barbie doll image. Personally i find men and women who have something different, more character, much more appealing.

Keyser, as much as you'd give it your best shot, given what her ex's have looked like, do you really think she would be flattered by your attempts?

Right, and as long as she's not fat!

Always feel a little gobsmacked when guys here make some comments about women, usually because they are sprouting from guys that you wouldnt exactly call Gods gift to women. You gotta laugh.

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This Buddhist country needs to remember that when you judge other people they are not following the precepts of Buddhism. The things people see in others which do not approve of are issues inside their ownselves they haven't resolved.

It nothing more than a refection of their own selves. If that were not the case, they wouldn't be at issue with anything.

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I was there, it was similar but not the same (same same but different!!) she was on a different bike, the flag was not touching the ground!! It was only flying on the back of a motorcycle & there was no disrespect involved!! Every country is the same she was trying to bring a connection to the audience as every entertainer does & every country in the concert gets excited about!! Get a life people. Grow up.

Until people stop complaining & the govt entertaining them Thailand sadly won't move on. See an article in last Saturday's Bangkok post by Khun vorachai great piece of writing!!! sums up this type of situation perfectly!! Well worth the read!!!!

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Thai people have the greatest respect to the Thai flag, the greatest design by our previous KING. I do not have hard evidence, by I suspect that Farangs visiting Thailand in the old day are so impress that they directly copy it for their own use. Please check out the similarity to French and Dutch flag. I also suspect some newly form nation like USA, love the color scheme so much, and adopted it for their own flag. If only a patent system have existed during those old days, many Farang counties could still be paying royalty to Thailand.

Unknown to Farangs, the colors has great meaning: Red=nation, white=Buddhism, but the most important of all (hence the double width) is the blue sandwich in the middle represents our KING, being protected both side by Buddhism and all the Thai people

If you allow a half clad crazy lady (actually, despite her name, I prefer to use the term cow than lady) to sit on the bike and flag with her almost g-string flash exposing ass, it is the deepest insult to Thailand. Not only has she insulted the Thailand nation (Red), Buddha (White), and worst of all she has twice insulted our KING (twice the Blue width).

I hope she apology to the Thai nation, Buddhism and to our KING (twice, because of the double width blue). Else, I am sure there are a lot of fanatic patriots in Thailand, especially the yellow PAD, and the multicolored TUL, will report such matter to the Thai police in an ALLEGED breaking the LM 112 law. If some nut(s) really do, then the police (or worst, the DSI, or even the Interpol) will have to investigate and bring charges. The penalty for each violation is 3 to 20 years, COMPOUNDING.

For me, I will just pretend that I have no knowledge of this event, as I did not attend the concert, and never devour any of her flashy white products.

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I have a good question to get this Gaga story going and to keep officials busy:

After so many foreigners being arrested and fined in Chiang Mai not a long time ago for simply jamming f.o.c. in some night joints just for the fun of it without making a single Baht, just their pure enthusiasm and love for making music in mind... and then officials coming up with the stupid invention of "Jam Permits"... and after all the hardship this all caused not only to avid foreign musicians who just took out their guitar, banjo or sax to jam with some Thais in the "Land of the Free" during their holidays, but the actual night joint owners who were put into miscredit too and the resulting setback for tourism and nightlife especially in northern Thailand...

Just taking all this into account - hhhhhmmmm... QUESTION: Did Lady Gaga have her proper jam permit at hand? Or did she have a proper work permit and B visa since she made a $#itload of cash with her performance in the "City of Angels"? I guess NO is the answer to both questions! Then the next question would be: Why do Thai officials have to destroy tourism, destroy visitors' confidence in this country, destroy fun and cultural musical exchange by arresting and fining harmless tourist musicians who jam in Thailand for free just because they simply love music? Wouldn't the manpower and working hours of such officials been better spend on preventing scams like the "boiler room"sceme, or checking into Thai and foreign operated mafia structures in Pattaya, Phuket, Samui and other tourist hot spots or should they not better be transferred to Jala since they severely damage tourism in Thailand by picking raisins instead of catching real crooks?

Isn't all of that pretty much f&%$ed up and isn't that even more bizarre than anything Lady Gaga could possibly do with any national flag of any country in private, on photo, video, or TV (my imagination here strays very far, is very versatile and luckily private ohmy.png) - do I need an "imagination permit" now?

Back to my question: Will MIss Gaga be fined for jamming without a jam permit or even working without a proper work permit and B visa within Thailand? Ever thought of that? Why do small people have to eat $#it in this country for any little thing they might do wrong while the big ones walk unharmed regardless of whatever their "crime" might be?

This is not against Lady Gaga since I believe that she is a very gifted musician, songwriter and composer (something most of you might be unaware of - she's a selfmade star, not a cartoon or instant boy/girl band act like for example Britney Spears), but I want to show that there are much more important issues to be discussed if Thailand as a "Free" country ever wants to be taken seriously.

Give artists and cultural exchange in general a bit more slack and tolerance - Thanks and good night!

There are 2 week work permits available and the incoming staff list and passport data are sent to the local promotor. Just a business expense off the top locally.

Their job is to get the banking and government ducks in a row. No doubt there is not one person flying in for the show that doesn't have proper papers in hand stage side, in the Thai promotors or stage managers possession.

No doubt the local promotor has paid part of the fee in advance to get the show booking, and to make sure the international payment mechanism is operating to the acts satisfaction. So it is in the local promotors interest to have the paperwork done and no last minute, show stopping bribes are demanded etc.

Some fees paid locally to cover cash flow, but most paid company to company internationally by wire.

This of course means government banking permissions and work tax payments deals must be in place.

But, this IS normal for all traveling acts, so the big Thai promotors have the wheels pre-greased,

long before the 'individual show' is even considered.

Edited by animatic
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Thai people have the greatest respect to the Thai flag, the greatest design by our previous KING. I do not have hard evidence, by I suspect that Farangs visiting Thailand in the old day are so impress that they directly copy it for their own use. Please check out the similarity to French and Dutch flag. I also suspect some newly form nation like USA, love the color scheme so much, and adopted it for their own flag. If only a patent system have existed during those old days, many Farang counties could still be paying royalty to Thailand.

Unknown to Farangs, the colors has great meaning: Red=nation, white=Buddhism, but the most important of all (hence the double width) is the blue sandwich in the middle represents our KING, being protected both side by Buddhism and all the Thai people

If you allow a half clad crazy lady (actually, despite her name, I prefer to use the term cow than lady) to sit on the bike and flag with her almost g-string flash exposing ass, it is the deepest insult to Thailand. Not only has she insulted the Thailand nation (Red), Buddha (White), and worst of all she has twice insulted our KING (twice the Blue width).

I hope she apology to the Thai nation, Buddhism and to our KING (twice, because of the double width blue). Else, I am sure there are a lot of fanatic patriots in Thailand, especially the yellow PAD, and the multicolored TUL, will report such matter to the Thai police in an ALLEGED breaking the LM 112 law. If some nut(s) really do, then the police (or worst, the DSI, or even the Interpol) will have to investigate and bring charges. The penalty for each violation is 3 to 20 years, COMPOUNDING.

For me, I will just pretend that I have no knowledge of this event, as I did not attend the concert, and never devour any of her flashy white products.

Since you seem to be such an expert on the Flag of Thailand, why don't you have a look at the video clip of her concert in Bangkok and give us your expert opinion as to whether or not that was even the Thai flag on the back of the motorcycle.

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I was there, it was similar but not the same (same same but different!!) she was on a different bike, the flag was not touching the ground!! It was only flying on the back of a motorcycle & there was no disrespect involved!! Every country is the same she was trying to bring a connection to the audience as every entertainer does & every country in the concert gets excited about!! Get a life people. Grow up.

Until people stop complaining & the govt entertaining them Thailand sadly won't move on. See an article in last Saturday's Bangkok post by Khun vorachai great piece of writing!!! sums up this type of situation perfectly!! Well worth the read!!!!

Yes exactly, a local connection and 99% of those there loved her flying a Thai flag for them.

The only complainers are the typical axe to grind political junkies and wingnuts, in or out of office.

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i'd be offended seeing her in a skimpy outfit too.

Why would you be offended are you an ugly middle age woman?

She looks pretty good to me...

Thankfully we all have our own tastes, but please take a good look at post No.1 and tell me again if she 'looks pretty good'.

I'm with our hosts on this one. She should've been booted out. whistling.gif

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I do not have hard evidence, by I suspect that Farangs visiting Thailand in the old day are so impress that they directly copy it for their own use. Please check out the similarity to French and Dutch flag. I also suspect some newly form nation like USA, love the color scheme so much, and adopted it for their own flag. If only a patent system have existed during those old days, many Farang counties could still be paying royalty to Thailand.

Probably best to take any history you may have been taught in school with a dose of salt, my friend. I think you'll find the current flag of Thailand is not even a century old, whereas the stars & stripes goes back to the time of independence. The French flag is probably a similar age as would be the Union Jack, while George Cross (flag of England) will be hundreds of years old. It is thus far more likely that you guys took a big cue from the tricolours of the 'farang' flags. I'm sure you could find out more by online; there really is no excuse nowadays.

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Grow up!!!!!!!!

People at the concert probably loved it.

Seriously! If you were so insulted about her saying she wants to buy a fake Rolex, why did you buy expensive tickets for her concert? Nobody baycotted her concert, it was full of people. Those who got so offended are not her fans, and being scandalous is part of her image.

Come on, you all know I'm right. If Thais were concerned about their good reputation, they shouldn't have let her in their country in the first place. Since they did, there's nothing to complain about now.

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Grow up!!!!!!!!

People at the concert probably loved it.

Seriously! If you were so insulted about her saying she wants to buy a fake Rolex, why did you buy expensive tickets for her concert? Nobody baycotted her concert, it was full of people. Those who got so offended are not her fans, and being scandalous is part of her image.

Come on, you all know I'm right. If Thais were concerned about their good reputation, they shouldn't have let her in their country in the first place. Since they did, there's nothing to complain about now.

There is always something to complain about tongue.png

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THAILAND PLEASE GROW UP. I love Thailand but this sort of crap from a small narrow minded minority in positions of power makes them look so so silly and lose face in the world too. I chose to live in Thailand because I love it and most of it's people but these few PITA folk just ruin it for most the Thai people. OF course they should take pride in their flag but that does not mean being so narrow minded and quite honestly childish at times.

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I'm sure she's quaking in her boots over this one.

I take it this brilliant move is for DOMESTIC political consumption. Oh well ...

Maybe the jibe about fake rolexes was a dig in the ribs because of all the pirated recording albums of her's and her friends? Hm, perhaps not, as subtlety is not one of her most evident characteristics.

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Thai people have the greatest respect to the Thai flag, the greatest design by our previous KING. I do not have hard evidence, by I suspect that Farangs visiting Thailand in the old day are so impress that they directly copy it for their own use. Please check out the similarity to French and Dutch flag. I also suspect some newly form nation like USA, love the color scheme so much, and adopted it for their own flag. If only a patent system have existed during those old days, many Farang counties could still be paying royalty to Thailand.

Brilliant, you don't have any hard evidence, but you went ahead and claimed that farang flags are based on the Thai one anyway.

Even taking the youngest of those nations as an example, the USA has been using red, white and blue since 1777, between then and now, the only thing that has really changed is the number of stars.

The Thai flag you have today came into existence in 1917, prior to that, it was a white elephant on a plain red background.

You have a computer, why don't you use it for research purposes.

Actually, no, you had better not do that as you may find out that the rest of your xenophobic rant is a little bit outside of reality.


And I must cheesy.gif

The original comment was so wrong, the writer had to be going for a wind up. All the same. the 1917 date was the icing on the cake.

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I do not have hard evidence, by I suspect that Farangs visiting Thailand in the old day are so impress that they directly copy it for their own use. Please check out the similarity to French and Dutch flag. I also suspect some newly form nation like USA, love the color scheme so much, and adopted it for their own flag. If only a patent system have existed during those old days, many Farang counties could still be paying royalty to Thailand.

Probably best to take any history you may have been taught in school with a dose of salt, my friend. I think you'll find the current flag of Thailand is not even a century old, whereas the stars & stripes goes back to the time of independence. The French flag is probably a similar age as would be the Union Jack, while George Cross (flag of England) will be hundreds of years old. It is thus far more likely that you guys took a big cue from the tricolours of the 'farang' flags. I'm sure you could find out more by online; there really is no excuse nowadays.

Following up on SuneeTH's inane and ignorant post, maybe she should complain that the flag of the 50th state of the Union is too much like the revered Thai flag. Aloha!post-9891-0-65727500-1339822133_thumb.pn

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Seems pretty tame to me..She should have had the guy from Carabao sing his trademark song with her. No one would have any issues with her had she done that. The gold headgear is now worth a fortune and will be on EBAY in about 15 months...and Ladyboy Gaga... will never gin larb tee "East Hollywood, Thaitown" again~wai.gif

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