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U.S. To Allow Certain Illegal Immigrants To Stay In Country


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That's a fair point. There's always a price but these young people are going to be good Americans.

What does it take to be a good American in this context?

Google the qualifications to be eligible for the Dream Act if there was a Dream Act. These young people who have immigration issues through no fault of their own show great promise. The USA would be idiotic to boot them out.

So If I am between 12 and under 35, lived in the US for 5 years and have a GED I qualify? Unless you mean that long 2010 bill.

On June 15, 2012, President Barack Obama signed an executive order and announced that his administration would stop deporting young illegal immigrants known as "DREAMers" who match these certain criteria of the DREAM ACT.

I don't know what these certain criteria are do you?

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Google. It ain't rocket science.

Update, June 19, 2012: President Obama on June 15 announced a new policy that would allow young illegal immigrants who were brought to the U.S. as children to apply for work permits without fear of deportation for two years, subject to renewal, if they meet certain eligibility requirements. The new policy applies to those who are 30 or younger and who came to the United States before the age of 16. They must be in school, have graduated from high school, have a high-school equivalency degree or have served in the military. Those who have committed a felony, a significant misdemeanor or multiple misdemeanors are not eligible. The policy could affect up to 800,000 young illegal immigrants now living in the U.S.
http://factcheck.org...nact-dream-act/ Edited by Jingthing
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Google. It ain't rocket science.

Update, June 19, 2012: President Obama on June 15 announced a new policy that would allow young illegal immigrants who were brought to the U.S. as children to apply for work permits without fear of deportation for two years, subject to renewal, if they meet certain eligibility requirements. The new policy applies to those who are 30 or younger and who came to the United States before the age of 16. They must be in school, have graduated from high school, have a high-school equivalency degree or have served in the military. Those who have committed a felony, a significant misdemeanor or multiple misdemeanors are not eligible. The policy could affect up to 800,000 young illegal immigrants now living in the U.S.

Ya, like I said, " between 12 and under 35, lived in the US for 5 years and have a GED and up to two misdemeanor convictions. Those don't seem like things that would make a person a great American citizen.

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Google. It ain't rocket science.

Update, June 19, 2012: President Obama on June 15 announced a new policy that would allow young illegal immigrants who were brought to the U.S. as children to apply for work permits without fear of deportation for two years, subject to renewal, if they meet certain eligibility requirements. The new policy applies to those who are 30 or younger and who came to the United States before the age of 16. They must be in school, have graduated from high school, have a high-school equivalency degree or have served in the military. Those who have committed a felony, a significant misdemeanor or multiple misdemeanors are not eligible. The policy could affect up to 800,000 young illegal immigrants now living in the U.S.

Ya, like I said, " between 12 and under 35, lived in the US for 5 years and have a GED and up to two misdemeanor convictions. Those don't seem like things that would make a person a great American citizen.

Thanks for sharing. Most Americans are not snobbish and see the potential in this group of young American hopefuls. I feel kind of disgusted that you would appear to diss this group of worthy young people.

What do you expect of young Americans, that they should all be Doogie Howsers?


Edited by Jingthing
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Google. It ain't rocket science.

Update, June 19, 2012: President Obama on June 15 announced a new policy that would allow young illegal immigrants who were brought to the U.S. as children to apply for work permits without fear of deportation for two years, subject to renewal, if they meet certain eligibility requirements. The new policy applies to those who are 30 or younger and who came to the United States before the age of 16. They must be in school, have graduated from high school, have a high-school equivalency degree or have served in the military. Those who have committed a felony, a significant misdemeanor or multiple misdemeanors are not eligible. The policy could affect up to 800,000 young illegal immigrants now living in the U.S.

Ya, like I said, " between 12 and under 35, lived in the US for 5 years and have a GED and up to two misdemeanor convictions. Those don't seem like things that would make a person a great American citizen.

Thanks for sharing. Most Americans are not snobbish and see the potential in this group of young American hopefuls. I feel kind of disgusted that you would appear to diss this group of worthy young people.

A person with a GED and two misdemeanor convictions I would not automatically describe as making a great American citizen. I don't have any feelings of disgust or happiness about the issue. Let the voters decide.

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The Dream Act is good. If the US government is so dysfunctional it can't even pass something so obviously beneficial (largely due to the 60 vote need in the senate enforced by republicans more under Obama by far that at any time in history), when a president decides to take action anyway, he is a HERO. He gets political benefit from actions like this because he deserves the political benefits. Wish to see more of same.

The Senate Democrats defeated the Dream Act...NOT the Republicans. They had the needed 60 votes but couldn't get the entire team to take one for Obama.

Surely I don't need to provide links for the third time to prove you are wrong.

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The Dream Act is good. If the US government is so dysfunctional it can't even pass something so obviously beneficial (largely due to the 60 vote need in the senate enforced by republicans more under Obama by far that at any time in history), when a president decides to take action anyway, he is a HERO. He gets political benefit from actions like this because he deserves the political benefits. Wish to see more of same.

The Senate Democrats defeated the Dream Act...NOT the Republicans. They had the needed 60 votes but couldn't get the entire team to take one for Obama.

Surely I don't need to provide links for the third time to prove you are wrong.

Not this again. Almost ALL the senate dems voted for it. Almost all repubs voted against it. Do you think Obama is Stalin or something? He can't make every single democrat vote with him on everything. Edited by Jingthing
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The Dream Act is good. If the US government is so dysfunctional it can't even pass something so obviously beneficial (largely due to the 60 vote need in the senate enforced by republicans more under Obama by far that at any time in history), when a president decides to take action anyway, he is a HERO. He gets political benefit from actions like this because he deserves the political benefits. Wish to see more of same.

The Senate Democrats defeated the Dream Act...NOT the Republicans. They had the needed 60 votes but couldn't get the entire team to take one for Obama.

Surely I don't need to provide links for the third time to prove you are wrong.

Not this again. Almost ALL the senate dems voted for it. Almost all repubs voted against it. Do you think Obama is Stalin or something? He can't make every single democrat vote with him on everything.

The Dream Act could not pass without some Republicans crossing the aisle. They did. All the Dems had to do was show up and vote for it - they didn't. Hence, the Democrats lost the Dream Act.

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The Dream Act is good. If the US government is so dysfunctional it can't even pass something so obviously beneficial (largely due to the 60 vote need in the senate enforced by republicans more under Obama by far that at any time in history), when a president decides to take action anyway, he is a HERO. He gets political benefit from actions like this because he deserves the political benefits. Wish to see more of same.

The Senate Democrats defeated the Dream Act...NOT the Republicans. They had the needed 60 votes but couldn't get the entire team to take one for Obama.

Surely I don't need to provide links for the third time to prove you are wrong.

Not this again. Almost ALL the senate dems voted for it. Almost all repubs voted against it. Do you think Obama is Stalin or something? He can't make every single democrat vote with him on everything.

The Dream Act could not pass without some Republicans crossing the aisle. They did. All the Dems had to do was show up and vote for it - they didn't. Hence, the Democrats lost the Dream Act.

We've been over this many times already. Agree to disagree and move on, OK?
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Did I say they were all going to be great? Show me where?

Sorry I read what you wrote, "These young people who have immigration issues through no fault of their own show great promise. The USA would be idiotic to boot them out." I thought great promise meant going to be great. I guess that is not what you meant.

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Did I say they were all going to be great? Show me where?

Sorry I read what you wrote, "These young people who have immigration issues through no fault of their own show great promise. The USA would be idiotic to boot them out." I thought great promise meant going to be great. I guess that is not what you meant.

Yes you did. I meant potential. Like most YOUNG people who have not totally messed things up already.
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The Senate Democrats defeated the Dream Act...NOT the Republicans. They had the needed 60 votes but couldn't get the entire team to take one for Obama.

Surely I don't need to provide links for the third time to prove you are wrong.

Not this again. Almost ALL the senate dems voted for it. Almost all repubs voted against it. Do you think Obama is Stalin or something? He can't make every single democrat vote with him on everything.

The Dream Act could not pass without some Republicans crossing the aisle. They did. All the Dems had to do was show up and vote for it - they didn't. Hence, the Democrats lost the Dream Act.

We've been over this many times already. Agree to disagree and move on, OK?

Sure, I'll agree that you can stop blaming Republicans for the Democrats not following through. By the way, you did notice that a MORMON Republican voted FOR the Dream Act, didn't you? Gotta love those Mormon Republicans. We should put one in the White House.

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Sure, I'll agree that you can stop blaming Republicans for the Democrats not following through. By the way, you did notice that a MORMON Republican voted FOR the Dream Act, didn't you? Gotta love those Mormon Republicans. We should put one in the White House.

No, I proposed we agree to disagree, not that I agree with your position. As I said, almost all the democrats favored the Dream Act and almost all the republicans opposed it. My position can't possibly be clearer than that, so I suggest you give it a rest. As far as Senator Hatch's support for the dream act, good for him on that ONE issue. I don't see the relevance of bringing up the Mormon religion considering Senator Hatch isn't running for president and Mr. Romney, an opponent of the dream act, IS. Edited by Jingthing
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Obama was at Disneyworld in Florida addressing a Latino group about the dream thing and he had the secret service pick up the forks from the crowd before he started talking. I wonder if he is so sure of the response of the Hispanic folk? At some events like the White House Correspondents Dinner the guests are allowed to keep their cutlery while they eat. Of course you could always serve Thai food so they could eat with their hands correctly.

Obama enjoys a strong majority support among LATINO American voters.

Link please with details of the snarky cutlery story. Obama ordered it, did he? Obama is in charge of the secret service security protocol? You expect people to buy that?

Obama made the big time he got on drudge. I am surprised JT don't you read Drudge? But if you don't want to go to Drudge below is the link that Drudge used.


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This Immigration Act is just a farce, a joke, a masquerade!

It was a republican’s idea from the very start.

Rubio was preparing to introduce his plan before Obama’s own proposal was implemented, but the president’s effort took the wind out of his sails.

It was Rubio's attempt to begin with to find a compromise on the DREAM Act, formally the Development, Relief and Education of Alien Minors Act

Read more: http://www.politico.com/news/stories/0612/77736.html#ixzz1ybXV7tTr

It's time for the sheep to start waking up.

“Presidents are selected, not elected.” - Franklin D Roosevelt

Edited by FlyByNights
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Rubio is still free to introduce legislation and see what he proposes can pass, when the actual Dream Act couldn't. Obama's executive action can be (will be) canceled if Romney is elected, even if he won't openly say that for political reasons. Nobody is denying the political aspect of Obama's action but it is in the context of consistent support for the actual Dream Act over a long period of time.

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Obama's executive action can be (will be) canceled if Romney is elected, even if he won't openly say that for political reasons. .

I am pretty sure that he has said that it will be cancelled after he has put in permanent legislation instead.

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Obama's executive action can be (will be) canceled if Romney is elected, even if he won't openly say that for political reasons. .

I am pretty sure that he has said that it will be cancelled after he has put in permanent legislation instead.

Quote please.
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Well done President Obama (in this important election year)! As with his bold and risky leadership on the gay marriage issue, Obama once again leads to do the right thing for this specific class of valued young immigrants. Obama's got his mojo back, that's for sure. What's next? Coming out for decriminalization of marijuana? There's nothing wrong with mixing good policy with good politics. Yes, politically this immigration move is a huge WINNER.

Well he can't tell half of Mexico to go back home eh. rolleyes.gif
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Well done President Obama (in this important election year)! As with his bold and risky leadership on the gay marriage issue, Obama once again leads to do the right thing for this specific class of valued young immigrants. Obama's got his mojo back, that's for sure. What's next? Coming out for decriminalization of marijuana? There's nothing wrong with mixing good policy with good politics. Yes, politically this immigration move is a huge WINNER.

Well he can't tell half of Mexico to go back home eh. rolleyes.gif

It's not half of Mexico. And no, NO president can accomplish MASS deportations, even if the will was there, and it isn't. Keep in mind right wing business interests LOVE cheap illegal labor and so do American consumers.
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