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U.S. To Allow Certain Illegal Immigrants To Stay In Country


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Romney sure as hell doesn't have MY white vote! Does he really have the white vote "wrapped up"? I wouldn't be so sure.

Oh please, don't be ridiculous. I didn't say all white voters. I'll tell you this: you can safely bet the house that Romney WILL win the majority of the white American demographic. And you can also safely bet he will lose the majority of the Latino demographic.

While you're at it, bet the house, land, your grandma's jewelry and anything else that isn't nailed down that Romney WILL win the vote of Americans who prefer working over receiving government handouts.

He would never get my vote. I've worked since age 12. Began paying into SS at age 14. Worked more hours in the heavy constuction field than most do in (2) nine-to-five forty hour a week lifetimes. Many months on end sometimes working seven 12-14 hour days every week for months, far from civilization and family. I worked union most of my adult life. As an Operating Engineer I never worked a job that had a coffee break written into the conditions. Most of my friends as I do resent the whacko mumblings about government handouts. None in my crowd would ever vote for a regressive.

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I would call Obama progressive, not regressive. Not sure what hating on Obama has to do with the need of these Dream Act eligibles to get some viable status. These Dream Act eligibles are a great asset for all of America. I am so happy to have them as fellow citizens and look forward to their complete legalization.

Edited by Jingthing
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I would call Obama progressive, not regressive. Not sure what hating on Obama has to do with the need of these Dream Act eligibles to get some viable status. These Dream Act eligibles are a great asset for all of America. I am so happy to have them as fellow citizens and look forward to their complete legalization.

So, the US currently has +/- 20,000,000 unemployed people. Adding another 400,000 is just a drop in the bucket, eh?

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These Dream Act eligibles are a great asset for all of America. I am so happy to have them as fellow citizens and look forward to their complete legalization.

They are not "citizens". They are pawns in Obama' political game and will have to hope that Vice President Rubio's bill passes and rectifies this situation.

What bill? There is no bill. VP Rubio. Dream on!

The level of the blowback from anti-Obama people (who are unchangeable of course) to Obama's brilliant political move for Dream Act eligibles is apt demonstration of its power for his actual base. The trick now is to energize them and get them to vote even though they would never vote for Romney.

Edited by Jingthing
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These Dream Act eligibles are a great asset for all of America. I am so happy to have them as fellow citizens and look forward to their complete legalization.

They are not "citizens". They are pawns in Obama' political game and will have to hope that Vice President Rubio's bill passes and rectifies this situation.

What bill? There is no bill. VP Rubio. Dream on!

The level of the blowback from anti-Obama people (who are unchangeable of course) to Obama's brilliant political move for Dream Act eligibles is apt demonstration of its power for his actual base. The trick now is to energize them and get them to vote even though they would never vote for Romney.

I'm certain the Democrats will try to get them to vote. However, if they do they will be committing yet another felony.

Only US citizens can legally vote and none of these fine folks will be citizens by November 2012.

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These Dream Act eligibles are a great asset for all of America. I am so happy to have them as fellow citizens and look forward to their complete legalization.

They are not "citizens". They are pawns in Obama' political game and will have to hope that Vice President Rubio's bill passes and rectifies this situation.

What bill? There is no bill. VP Rubio. Dream on!

The level of the blowback from anti-Obama people (who are unchangeable of course) to Obama's brilliant political move for Dream Act eligibles is apt demonstration of its power for his actual base. The trick now is to energize them and get them to vote even though they would never vote for Romney.

I'm certain the Democrats will try to get them to vote. However, if they do they will be committing yet another felony.

Only US citizens can legally vote and none of these fine folks will be citizens by November 2012.

I hope you weren't trying to twist what I said. I clearly am talking about the Latino CITIZEN vote. Not talking about non-citizens voting in any way. It's a clear agenda, however, of the right wing to actively try to disenfranchise legitimate voters. This tactic is no secret, and nothing new.
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I would call Obama progressive, not regressive. Not sure what hating on Obama has to do with the need of these Dream Act eligibles to get some viable status. These Dream Act eligibles are a great asset for all of America. I am so happy to have them as fellow citizens and look forward to their complete legalization.

I've stopped drinking but I would love some of the sh*t you're on.

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I would call Obama progressive, not regressive. Not sure what hating on Obama has to do with the need of these Dream Act eligibles to get some viable status. These Dream Act eligibles are a great asset for all of America. I am so happy to have them as fellow citizens and look forward to their complete legalization.

I've stopped drinking but I would love some of the sh*t you're on.

I'm kind of insulted for their sake. (The worthy Dream Act eligibles.) People like them are part of America's best hope for a brighter future. Please don't insult them. Edited by Jingthing
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I would call Obama progressive, not regressive. Not sure what hating on Obama has to do with the need of these Dream Act eligibles to get some viable status. These Dream Act eligibles are a great asset for all of America. I am so happy to have them as fellow citizens and look forward to their complete legalization.

Jing whoa!!!! I am on your side. I use the term regressives for Republicans.
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I have removed some off-topic posts and replies. The thread is straying too far from the OP.

I am reasonably sure that there will be other threads concerning Romney-Obama. This one is about the Illegal Immigrants who can stay.

Please stay a little closer to the topic. Thanks.

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From the OP

In the announcement, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Janet Napolitano said that, effective immediately, certain young people who were brought to the United States as young children and do not present a risk to national security or public safety will be considered for an exemption from deportation hearings. Those who meet the criteria will be eligible to gain work authorization.

I fail to see where the law has been changed.

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"If one man is allowed to singlehandedly change the law for 800,000 people in a way that he never could have achieved through the constitutional legal process, and he remains unchallenged, we are no longer living in a constitutional republic."

Listen for yourself,

Obama presides over an almost complete overthrow of the Constitution. It is treason manifest, but the establishment media will not point this out and instead make excuses for what amounts to a coup d’etat.

“A Prince, whose character is thus marked by every act which may define a Tyrant, is unfit to be the ruler of a free people.” Declaration of Independence

Blatant Hypocrisy personified w00t.gif
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From the OP

In the announcement, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Janet Napolitano said that, effective immediately, certain young people who were brought to the United States as young children and do not present a risk to national security or public safety will be considered for an exemption from deportation hearings. Those who meet the criteria will be eligible to gain work authorization.

I fail to see where the law has been changed.

No, for the law to be changed, Obama would have to include Congress. What Obama is doing is simply ignoring laws already on the books. Where does it end? Obama has set a dangerous precedent so expect future presidents to do more of the same.

As chuckd mentioned earlier, the Dems WILL try to get these illegals to vote (along with usual dead people). Maybe he was half joking, but it is true. That's the reason behind the Dems opposition to voters showing IDs when they vote.

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From the OP

In the announcement, Department of Homeland Security (DHS) Secretary Janet Napolitano said that, effective immediately, certain young people who were brought to the United States as young children and do not present a risk to national security or public safety will be considered for an exemption from deportation hearings. Those who meet the criteria will be eligible to gain work authorization.

I fail to see where the law has been changed.

No, for the law to be changed, Obama would have to include Congress. What Obama is doing is simply ignoring laws already on the books. Where does it end? Obama has set a dangerous precedent so expect future presidents to do more of the same.

As chuckd mentioned earlier, the Dems WILL try to get these illegals to vote (along with usual dead people). Maybe he was half joking, but it is true. That's the reason behind the Dems opposition to voters showing IDs when they vote.

The founding fathers would be turning in their graves, before folding their 2012 ballot papers and sticking them in the box.

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I would have to put a different twist on this after years with refugee and immigration related screening and resettlement programs. Those working in the relevant bureaucracies have a wide degree of discretion on what laws are or aren't enforced and to what extent. They determine where resources will/won't be allocated. Bush Sr., Bush Jr., and Clinton all made decisions about admissions to the country that would curl your hair, if you think Obama is out of line.

But the point of the thread is about the Immigrants. I get it, some of you hate Obama. The man can't do anything right. So, should the resources of National Security and the Justice Department be diverted from some other group so that this group can be deported?

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But the point of the thread is about the Immigrants. I get it, some of you hate Obama. The man can't do anything right.

Puh-leeeeese. What a line of crap. What next - we don't like Obama's policies "because he is black"? Pay attention to what is going on. This is not the first law that the Obama admin has ignored or refused to enforce. Obama - or any other president - DOES NOT deserve a free pass. In the past week I've watched three seasons of the TV series, "The Tudors" about the reign of Henry VIII so maybe I'm just a tad more sensitive this week to a country's leader making up the rules as they go along. ;)

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So, should the resources of National Security and the Justice Department be diverted from some other group so that this group can be deported?

First of all, I'm personally for a guest worker program and am sympathetic to illegals who were brought over when they were children and had no choice in the matter. That doesn't mean that I think the President can ignore the laws - and not even out of any strong conviction - but as a cheap election year tactic to get votes.

As to your question about resources, I think it costs more to hold/house illegals and investigate their individual situations than it does to deport them.

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It is true that Obama can do very little right. America is declining under his watch and very quickly. That is why I have come to loathe him. I voted for him last time, I am embarrassed to admit.

He is willing to divide the country and lie his head off in order to get reelected and who knows what unsuccessful and unwanted policies he will force down the electorate's throats next.

I also support a guest worker program and am sympathetic to illegals who were brought over when they were children, but not when the president is ignoring the legal process to do it and only to get the latino vote.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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As to your question about resources, I think it costs more to hold/house illegals and investigate their individual situations than it does to deport them.

That assumption is questionable. First of all, a lot of people who are going through the legal process of deportation are not held in custody. They are out on bail and appear for their deportation hearings. Unless there is criminal behavior, most won't be held.

In the case of many of the illegals from Mexico, they voluntarily agree to return rather than going through the legal deportation process. By agreeing to return 'voluntarily' they are not excluded from entering the US as an immigrant at a later time. If they are deported, they cannot return.

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People talk of going through the legal process. They don't realize how ridiculously hard it is to get into the USA. Mexico sucks. Of course they want a better life. Illegal aliens provide very very important cheap labor in America. Try finding some Americans who can or will pick fruit in the hot sun for 12 hour shifts for minimum wage. They only real issue I see is the degree to which they may be taking advantage of the public school system, like if they have all the children in their family living in one house with grandma and going to school it could have a negative effect. Otherwise, I welcome everyone who wants to be an American with open arms. I find protectionist labor policies silly and lacking logic.

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It is true that Obama can do very little right. America is declining under his watch and very quickly. That is why I have come to loathe him. I voted for him last time, I am embarrassed to admit.

He is willing to divide the country and lie his head off in order to get reelected and who knows what unsuccessful and unwanted policies he will force down the electorate's throats next.

I also support a guest worker program and am sympathetic to illegals who were brought over when they were children, but not when the president is ignoring the legal process to do it and only to get the latino vote.

My question is two fold.

He has been in office for 41 months. Why did he wait to take this action if it was so compelling to him?

He had a majority of the House of Representatives and a super-majority of the US Senate during his first two years in office. Where was the "Dream Act" languishing during that 24 month period?

Apparently this regulation is only valid for a two year period. Doesn't this place a terrible strain on all those young people he is trying to help? They don't know what will happen in two years so what are they supposed to do?

He should be leading and talking to both sides of the aisles and try to hammer out some immigration reform. I am not against these young people that have been placed in this position by their parents, but a stop gap measure is not the answer. Obama should do his job and act Presidential for a change by trying to lead Congress into taking action.

Obama dedicated that super majority to his healthcare bill. Many liberals are upset that he did not do more during that period. However, realize that while he had a majority it was not fillibuster proof in the Senate.

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Well done President Obama (in this important election year)! As with his bold and risky leadership on the gay marriage issue, Obama once again leads to do the right thing for this specific class of valued young immigrants. Obama's got his mojo back, that's for sure. What's next? Coming out for decriminalization of marijuana? There's nothing wrong with mixing good policy with good politics. Yes, politically this immigration move is a huge WINNER.

Well JT it would appear by reading the link and the remarks underneath it is anything but a winner, and we do not have long to wait now do wehttp://www.freerepub...s/2895655/posts

How very disingenuous. You point us to a right wing anti-immigrant website. Those people are tea party people! They won't vote for Obama. The genius of Obama's move is that he expands the LATINO vote which he was already winning decisively, and which is so very important in some contested states. He also puts Romney in a bind politically because Romney wants/needs to appeal to BOTH the radical right wing anti-immigrant tea partiers AND Latinos. Impossible. Yes Romney may pick Rubio for veep now, but it's insulting to Latinos to think they will fall for that. They will not.

This has become an extremely racialized election. Romney has the white vote wrapped up. That's it. Obama has every other demographic.

Yes it's a political move Duh! And Romney picking Rubio won't be a political move? The difference is on this issue Obama clearly has a strong advantage now with Latinos.

Expanding or bribing?

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I just thought this little tid-bit of news was worthy of posting.


Obama Campaign Sends ‘Dreamers’ Fundraising Email Hours after Amnesty Announcement

By Penny Starr

June 18, 2012

(CNSNews.com) – Seven hours after President Barack Obama announced that some illegal aliens would be allowed to stay in the United States and could be allowed to work here, Katherine Archuleta, Obama’s national campaign director, e-mailed a fundraising letter seeking donations to his re-election effort.

The e-mail, with the subject line “wonderful news,” contains links to the website, where visitors can listen to Obama’s speech on immigration he gave at 2:08 p.m. on Friday in the White House Rose Garden.

Archuleta – who was hailed as the first Latina to run a major presidential campaign when she was named director in June 2011 – sent the e-mail at 9:08 p.m.

More here: http://cnsnews.com/n...ty-announcement


Nope. Nothing political here. Move along.

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Since this action was done by executive order (legally), Mr. Romney, if elected COULD rescind it.

Would he rescind it if elected?

He refuses to commit. Big surprise!

Who knows? On Sunday’s “Face the Nation,” Bob Schieffer asked Romney that question four times. Romney steadfastly refused to give a straight answer.

The truth is the openly stated republican strategy has been to block ANYTHING legislatively that Obama was for, even if the republicans were for it before, because their ONLY goal is removal of America's first African American president -- OBAMA. They are on record about this and their cynical actions prove they are serious.

Romney’s meaningless blather may be just to avoid acknowledging that Obama took a brave and eminently reasonable step.


Despite what Romney claims, he knows Congress isn’t going to produce comprehensive immigration reform anytime soon.

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