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I am in Bangkok and wondering where the best place to look for a female shih-tzu puppy. We live in Udon and already have a grown shih-tzu dog up there so looking for a bitch to keep him company! Not looking for a champion-grade puppy but something that won't grow up showing hints of a poodle or labrador! Is Chatuchak Market a good bet for pups and if so, is there a good day or time to check? Or are there other places to try?

As an alternative, if anyone knows where I can look for the puppy when down in Pattaya, that would also be appreciated as I may be down there next week.




Personally I would never buy any dog from Chatuchak, or any market or pet store, in Thailand for that matter. They are all inbred on 'pet farms' and reared in terrible conditions. Many get sick and die at an early age or develop serious problems later.

It is worth spending the time and money to seek out genuine, respectable breeders.

I bought my golden retriever from a breeder out in Ratchaburi (who was a vet and memebr of the Thai kennel club and also shows dogs), and my two Shih Tzus from a breeder Sri Racha, who had such high standards that she was able exported her pups to customers in the USA.

They all cost a bob or two, but it was worth it. My golden is 7 and my little ones are 5 and they are as healthy today as the day I bought them, and very docile and loveable as you would expect from these two breeds,when they are properly bred.

If you are interested in the name of my Shih Tzu breeder I will see if I still have it somewhere.

Happy dog hunting.


Do not buy any pet from JJ market.

1) Diseased; will die in 6 months or give you lots of vet bills.

2) Perpetuates the trade of the barbaric breeders and shop keepers there. Breeding dogs in Thailand (Asia) is basically a crime to decency.

Adopt. Don't shop. Who cares if it has a touch of lab in there? Millions of dogs in Pounds throughout Thailand and all over. Good dogs, tragically let down by humans, and now need a good home. Buying a dog is wrong when there are so many thrown away by people in this nation - i bet if you go looking you will find one of your desired breeds, pure and ready for a loving home. Look first before adding to the dog problem in Thailand by financially supporting a breeder.


OK, the open markets and 'pet shops' are out and I am aware of the chances of getting a sick puppy when going this route so appreciate the concerns. Having said that, we bought our shih-tzu dog about 5 years ago from pet stand outside the 7-eleven at the market in Udon beside the railway station. Healthy bugger although he lost an eye two years ago when he lost a fight with a cat. We actually did get a bitch puppy about six months ago from the same seller but she sneaked out of the garden and went for a nap behind the wheel of the neighbours Vios... bye bye Bella,,,, you were soooo cute.

Mobi, if you can find the Sri Racha breeder and PM me with a contact, that would be much appreciated.

To be honest Pseudolus, I don't think that there's a big market for 'used' shih-tzu's as they tend to be keepers and they are great house (and yard) dogs. I already have about a dozen mutts of the Heinz 57 variety out on the farm and they are all doing great but even the nicest bitch of them is too big for the house and I reckon our dog shih-tzu would have real problems trying to shag her what with his short legs and one eye.


Simple - Neuter the male dog and adopt a small bitza dog to be his friend. He won't need to get his leg over then, and the female (already neutered if adopted) will not need to add to the stray dog problem :)

Adopt. Don't shop. Who cares if it has a touch of lab in there? Millions of dogs in Pounds throughout Thailand and all over. Good dogs, tragically let down by humans, and now need a good home. Buying a dog is wrong when there are so many thrown away by people in this nation - i bet if you go looking you will find one of your desired breeds, pure and ready for a loving home. Look first before adding to the dog problem in Thailand by financially supporting a breeder.

A lot of people care - there are as many reasons to buy a pure-bred dog (breed-type, character, temperament, size, etc) as there are to adopt a cross-breed, and as many for buying a puppy as for adopting an adult dog. A Shih-tzu is very different from a similarly-sized Jack Russell, for example.

The "dog problem" in Thailand has nothing to do with dog breeders or those buying from them and little to do with dogs being "thrown away". While I respect your motives, the idea that "buying a dog is wrong" and that not doing so will somehow have any noticeable effect on the "dog problem" here is baseless.

  • Like 2
Adopt. Don't shop. Who cares if it has a touch of lab in there? Millions of dogs in Pounds throughout Thailand and all over. Good dogs, tragically let down by humans, and now need a good home. Buying a dog is wrong when there are so many thrown away by people in this nation - i bet if you go looking you will find one of your desired breeds, pure and ready for a loving home. Look first before adding to the dog problem in Thailand by financially supporting a breeder.

A lot of people care - there are as many reasons to buy a pure-bred dog (breed-type, character, temperament, size, etc) as there are to adopt a cross-breed, and as many for buying a puppy as for adopting an adult dog. A Shih-tzu is very different from a similarly-sized Jack Russell, for example.

The "dog problem" in Thailand has nothing to do with dog breeders or those buying from them and little to do with dogs being "thrown away". While I respect your motives, the idea that "buying a dog is wrong" and that not doing so will somehow have any noticeable effect on the "dog problem" here is baseless.


Ever dog that is bred, no matter where from, exacerbates the problem here. I have 2 pure bred Siberian husky s and a pure bred Lab. All adopted from Dogs Homes (well actually, foster care turned permanent is the correct way to describe it). Even pure bred dogs end up on the street, and within 5 years, an un-neuterer female can add 40 plus new dogs to the problem. A male significantly more. one dog. So I will accept your ideas about breeders if you can definitively prove to all of us that none of the pure bred dogs have ever found themselves on the streets, and none of the puppies breeders make money from have ever ended up on the street. Just because they cost more does not mean your average local will not chuck them out on the street the minute they chew the table leg or stop being cute puppy and more big dog that needs a walk every day. Want proof? I have three sat in my house right now.


If your keen for more than a hint of Poodle I have some Shih-tzu x Toy Poodle pups that will be ready to leave home in 2 weeks :-)


.... So I will accept your ideas about breeders if you can definitively prove to all of us that none of the pure bred dogs have ever found themselves on the streets, and none of the puppies breeders make money from have ever ended up on the street. Just because they cost more does not mean your average local will not chuck them out on the street the minute they chew the table leg or stop being cute puppy and more big dog that needs a walk every day. Want proof? I have three sat in my house right now. ....

I wouldn't waste my time "proving" it or replying to this nonsense as it has nothing to do with what I wrote.


the adopt or buy arguement has nothting to do with the OP's request;

as for the buy or adopt, mnay of us do both; i prefer pure breds cause i like to know what is their 'built in ' characteristics;

shitzus are in fashion always in thailand, but mixes with poodle probably abound as someeon has pups has posted, should make a very nice friendly dog, a bit difficult coat maybe... would be a strong family dog, intelligent, and a good mix of genes ; nothing wrong with buying a dog, often if dogs arent bought, they are tossed (maybe not the breeder groups, but back yard breeders cant feed pups for too long it costs money, hence the selling of 4-6 week old pups, a common practice among home breeders here unfortunately. my lilee is an example of this, making her a bit 'asperger' in doggy behavior...

adn sometimes u want a breed and u suddenly see something different and fall in love (i was a boxer fan)...




I haven't seen any shih-tzu soi dogs yet and the male dog we are seeking a mate for isn't being kicked out any time soon... even the last one was allowed to die gracefully at home. If these two happen to make some darling pups, we will nurture them and pass them on to good homes.

Thanks to Mobi and Spoonman for the info.


I haven't seen any shih-tzu soi dogs yet and the male dog we are seeking a mate for isn't being kicked out any time soon... even the last one was allowed to die gracefully at home. If these two happen to make some darling pups, we will nurture them and pass them on to good homes.

Thanks to Mobi and Spoonman for the info.

Try here


Slight change of tack from me as to be fair, even if you insist on adding to this trade, it is better one of the throwaway dogs end up with you than in a dim fashionette girlies purse.

Please consider getting them neutered though. Having one set of puppies for a femaie shortens the life spam and opens them up to a plethora of ailments that neutered dogs simply do not get.

(On that link, don't click English language as then only adverts posted in English come up which is very few. Instead run it through a translation program or click translate on Chrome).



there u go psuedo... i knew u had int in u.... yes, definately better that a dog end up with someone normal than as a excessory (shitzus btw are a fave rave dog in israel and i had personally treated many that came from horrible breeders in thailand, sold at 4 weeks, and died in the vet's office while a child cried outside cause their cute birthday present was sick before he even arrived here... shame.. i did try to find one breeder , based on vet certificate info in thai and english, but it was a no go... that was a few years ago... fortunately or otherwise, now there are shitzu breeders locally so mostly they are in better shape although the clientele that buys them leaves a lot to be desired (fashionette girls or guys about sums it up)



the adopt or buy arguement has nothting to do with the OP's request;

as for the buy or adopt, mnay of us do both; i prefer pure breds cause i like to know what is their 'built in ' characteristics;

shitzus are in fashion always in thailand, but mixes with poodle probably abound as someeon has pups has posted, should make a very nice friendly dog, a bit difficult coat maybe... would be a strong family dog, intelligent, and a good mix of genes ; nothing wrong with buying a dog, often if dogs arent bought, they are tossed (maybe not the breeder groups, but back yard breeders cant feed pups for too long it costs money, hence the selling of 4-6 week old pups, a common practice among home breeders here unfortunately. my lilee is an example of this, making her a bit 'asperger' in doggy behavior...

adn sometimes u want a breed and u suddenly see something different and fall in love (i was a boxer fan)...



All very valid points, bina, echoing my own experience.

My own "adoptions" have always been a mixed bunch, from Ban Kaew mix to Shih-tzu and Poodles, given to me by those who couldn't take care of them for various reasons, while my "chosen" dogs have always been pure-breds (Old English Sheepdogs in the UK and Boxers then Bassets here). That doesn't mean that I care about them or take care of them any more or any less because of their origin, though.

I am looking for some more Bassets at the moment and I'd love to find a couple at some rescue foundation here, but the reality is that although many pure-bred dogs can be found at rescue centres in the west (where Pseudolus found his Huskies, not here in Thailand), very few end up on the streets or at rescue centres here - as it is, I'm having a hard time finding any Bassets at all!

Shih-tzus, as you say, are a popular breed in Thailand and consequently often "puppy-farm" bred and inter-bred by home breeders, so good dogs are hard to find unless you go for a registered breeder with show standard (expensive, sometimes "fragile") dogs so word-of-mouth is vital when looking for a strong, healthy dog. If I were in Nan Laew's position I'd be very tempted to take Spoonman up on his offer - one Shih-tzu / Poodle cross I was given (he outgrew his condo) died recently after 9 years with us and he really was "a very nice friendly dog ... strong family dog, intelligent, etc" (far more intelligent than my Shih-tzu, who is not over-burdened with brain!) and he did indeed have a "difficult coat", rather like a wire-haired terrier, but that was his only fault.


the adopt or buy arguement has nothting to do with the OP's request;

as for the buy or adopt, mnay of us do both; i prefer pure breds cause i like to know what is their 'built in ' characteristics;

shitzus are in fashion always in thailand, but mixes with poodle probably abound as someeon has pups has posted, should make a very nice friendly dog, a bit difficult coat maybe... would be a strong family dog, intelligent, and a good mix of genes ; nothing wrong with buying a dog, often if dogs arent bought, they are tossed (maybe not the breeder groups, but back yard breeders cant feed pups for too long it costs money, hence the selling of 4-6 week old pups, a common practice among home breeders here unfortunately. my lilee is an example of this, making her a bit 'asperger' in doggy behavior...

adn sometimes u want a breed and u suddenly see something different and fall in love (i was a boxer fan)...



All very valid points, bina, echoing my own experience.

My own "adoptions" have always been a mixed bunch, from Ban Kaew mix to Shih-tzu and Poodles, given to me by those who couldn't take care of them for various reasons, while my "chosen" dogs have always been pure-breds (Old English Sheepdogs in the UK and Boxers then Bassets here). That doesn't mean that I care about them or take care of them any more or any less because of their origin, though.

I am looking for some more Bassets at the moment and I'd love to find a couple at some rescue foundation here, but the reality is that although many pure-bred dogs can be found at rescue centres in the west (where Pseudolus found his Huskies, not here in Thailand), very few end up on the streets or at rescue centres here - as it is, I'm having a hard time finding any Bassets at all!

Shih-tzus, as you say, are a popular breed in Thailand and consequently often "puppy-farm" bred and inter-bred by home breeders, so good dogs are hard to find unless you go for a registered breeder with show standard (expensive, sometimes "fragile") dogs so word-of-mouth is vital when looking for a strong, healthy dog. If I were in Nan Laew's position I'd be very tempted to take Spoonman up on his offer - one Shih-tzu / Poodle cross I was given (he outgrew his condo) died recently after 9 years with us and he really was "a very nice friendly dog ... strong family dog, intelligent, etc" (far more intelligent than my Shih-tzu, who is not over-burdened with brain!) and he did indeed have a "difficult coat", rather like a wire-haired terrier, but that was his only fault.

FYI - Mine came from Hong Kong, not the west. They have a huge problem there, and the government destroys unhomed dogs in 7 days. They have a continual overflow of dogs there, and mostly pure bred. When you adopt from one of the charities, they come complete with everything you need to import them all over Asia. Go take a peak.


Simple - Neuter the male dog and adopt a small bitza dog to be his friend. He won't need to get his leg over then, and the female (already neutered if adopted) will not need to add to the stray dog problem smile.png

I have a nuetered Jack Russell and he doesn't know it. The only thing is there will be no puppies.

  • Like 1
FYI - Mine came from Hong Kong, not the west. They have a huge problem there, and the government destroys unhomed dogs in 7 days. They have a continual overflow of dogs there, and mostly pure bred. When you adopt from one of the charities, they come complete with everything you need to import them all over Asia. Go take a peak.

The situation in Hong Kong, where the AFCD put down over 20,000 dogs a year, not only has nothing to do with this thread but no similarities with the situation in Thailand. If you are set on drawing comparisons and posting misinformation then I suggest you do so in a separate thread.


i think he was meaning that u can adopt from the purebreds that they have in hongkong that are collected.... and they can be imported then to otehr parts of asia so getting a shitzu from hong kong could be an answer to finding one.... and also by helping adopt a dog. you would be keeping one from being put down... ...




i think he was meaning that u can adopt from the purebreds that they have in hongkong that are collected.... and they can be imported then to otehr parts of asia so getting a shitzu from hong kong could be an answer to finding one.... and also by helping adopt a dog. you would be keeping one from being put down... ...



.....aah! Maybe that's what he meant by "go take a peke"!

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