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Ecuador Could Decide On Assenge'S Asylum Request On Thursday


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I have doubts that one who made enough money to own a 10 bedroom mansion in London and aditionally post 200.000 Pound bail money is an idiot.

Imagine how much more rich he might have if he wasn't prone to making such dumb decisions?

Isn't it so that the 10 bedroom mansion is owned by one of his supporters, who you accused of to be an idiot.
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I'm anti-Assange because he is a creepy, hypocritical, asshol_e who irresponsibly released thousands of confidential documents with no idea what is in them or who could be hurt by them all for profit and fame.

what a load of garbage

Yes, he is and it makes me sick that he has gotten rich off the "useful idiots" donating him money so he could stay in a 10-bedroom mansion in London.

I have doubts that one who made enough money to own a 10 bedroom mansion in London and aditionally post 200.000 Pound bail money is an idiot.

The mansion where Assange stayed is owned by one Vaughan Smith and has been in his family for more than three centuries. He only posted 20,000 pounds, not the entire 200,000.

He inherited his wealth and apparently added to it so he is likely not a total idiot.

Perhaps he was simply conned by a master con man.

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at least we have one American who appreciates the potential fallout from pursuing Assange

Philip Crowley, who resigned as Secretary of State Hillary Clinton's spokesman after publicly questioning the harsh conditions of Manning's imprisonment, observed last December that "[a] prosecution of Julian Assange would come at a tremendous cost to the interests and values that [Americans] hold dear" and "carry some serious reputational costs" for the US government's image.


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Here is a candid interview with Ray McGovern who is a former CIA analyst giving some very clear facts and commenting on the question posed to him “ Will Ecuador Give Asylum to Julian Assange?

p.s. it is also interesting to measure the overall " sentiment " ( i.e. those in support or against USA ) in the comments section below the video whistling.gif

Edited by midas
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I wonder what the CIA fired this clown for. Nice propaganda piece.

This is only one issue, but do you think stats on innocents being killed in a war should be kept from voters in a democracy? Simple yes or no will do.

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Here is a candid interview with Ray McGovern who is a former CIA analyst giving some very clear facts and commenting on the question posed to him “ Will Ecuador Give Asylum to Julian Assange?

p.s. it is also interesting to measure the overall " sentiment " ( i.e. those in support or against USA ) in the comments section below the video whistling.gif

Good video thanks.

I guess the question is that if Assange is simply going to Sweden and nowhere else (further extradition to the US as many of us suspect), then why on earth are the US Administration getting so worked up by all of this? Why would the US be bothered if, as they continually say, Assange is just going to Sweden and nothing else is planned. It shows the whole thing is BS. Assange is being set up on the back of two sexual harassment charges for the sole purpose of getting his ass from Sweden to the USA.

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I wonder what the CIA fired this clown for. Nice propaganda piece.

I always find it funny that CIA operatives can do no wrong and tell no lies and fight for truth justice and the American way, but if they leave and speak of alternative truths and reveal unwelcome details of various ops, they are suddenly clowns and lunatics.

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I wonder what the CIA fired this clown for. Nice propaganda piece.

definately not a clown..... and definately not fired ....

Raymond McGovern (born 1939) is a retired CIA officer turned political activist. McGovern was a Federal employee under seven U.S. presidents over 27 years, presenting the morning intelligence briefings at the White House for many of them.


And Ulysses ...Raymond McGovern has just as much right particularly after a distingushed career in the CIA of condemning what USA is now doing as anyone

Obviously he is no longer brainwashed ermm.gif

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I wonder what the CIA fired this clown for. Nice propaganda piece.

This is only one issue, but do you think stats on innocents being killed in a war should be kept from voters in a democracy? Simple yes or no will do.

Assange did no more than what all media should be doing .....what the media always used to do before they became like todays version of Pravda .... which is bring to light material that governments would prefer to keep secret.

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I like the part where he suggests that the CIA might assasinate Assange in the embassy van on the way to the airport while talking in a fake Nazi accent. thumbsup.gif

That was a funny bit, but listen again, he said the CIA or FBI equivalent (in the UK).

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I like the part where he suggests that the CIA might assasinate Assange in the embassy van on the way to the airport while talking in a fake Nazi accent. thumbsup.gif

That was a funny bit, but listen again, he said the CIA or FBI equivalent (in the UK).

We really only know a few things for certain. One is that Assange is now considered a fugitive from British justice. He has jumped bond and departed the country by entering the Ecuadorian Embassy, which leads to the forfeiture of 200,000 UK Pounds put up by people trying to assist him. He is subject to arrest by the British authorities when he tries to leave the Embassy.

We also know the Swedish government wishes to interview him for allegations that he committed sexual misconduct ACCORDING TO THE LAWS OF SWEDEN. It makes no difference what the laws are in any other country. Sweden is where the alleged offenses took place and their laws are the only ones that matter.

We know a secret federal Grand Jury was called in the US about the time all this broke but none of us know for certain what that Grand Jury did, if anything. Maybe they issued a sealed indictment and maybe they didn't. Either way nobody really knows anything.

Now does anybody really know anything else that isn't spouted by some retired US government employee or some other hack that can only speculate on events...since they don't really know anything for certain either?

I'm open to see some real facts but this empty conjecture on conspiracies is simply useless.

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That was a funny bit, but listen again, he said the CIA or FBI equivalent (in the UK).

We really only know a few things for certain. One is that Assange is now considered a fugitive from British justice. He has jumped bond and departed the country by entering the Ecuadorian Embassy, which leads to the forfeiture of 200,000 UK Pounds put up by people trying to assist him. He is subject to arrest by the British authorities when he tries to leave the Embassy.

We also know the Swedish government wishes to interview him for allegations that he committed sexual misconduct ACCORDING TO THE LAWS OF SWEDEN. It makes no difference what the laws are in any other country. Sweden is where the alleged offenses took place and their laws are the only ones that matter.

We know a secret federal Grand Jury was called in the US about the time all this broke but none of us know for certain what that Grand Jury did, if anything. Maybe they issued a sealed indictment and maybe they didn't. Either way nobody really knows anything.

Now does anybody really know anything else that isn't spouted by some retired US government employee or some other hack that can only speculate on events...since they don't really know anything for certain either?

I'm open to see some real facts but this empty conjecture on conspiracies is simply useless.

We also know the Swedish government wishes to interview him for allegations that he committed sexual misconduct ACCORDING TO THE LAWS OF SWEDEN.

so why haven't they charged him and why haven't they already admitted

there was no DNA evidence on the condom? ( instead of this news leaking out )

Maybe they issued a sealed indictment and maybe they didn't. Either way nobody really knows


USA targets and kills anyone it wants to these days so you would be a fool if you were in Assanges position if you did trust them to follow proper procedures and law


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We really only know a few things for certain. One is that Assange is now considered a fugitive from British justice. He has jumped bond and departed the country by entering the Ecuadorian Embassy, which leads to the forfeiture of 200,000 UK Pounds put up by people trying to assist him. He is subject to arrest by the British authorities when he tries to leave the Embassy.

We also know the Swedish government wishes to interview him for allegations that he committed sexual misconduct ACCORDING TO THE LAWS OF SWEDEN. It makes no difference what the laws are in any other country. Sweden is where the alleged offenses took place and their laws are the only ones that matter.

We know a secret federal Grand Jury was called in the US about the time all this broke but none of us know for certain what that Grand Jury did, if anything. Maybe they issued a sealed indictment and maybe they didn't. Either way nobody really knows anything.

Now does anybody really know anything else that isn't spouted by some retired US government employee or some other hack that can only speculate on events...since they don't really know anything for certain either?

I'm open to see some real facts but this empty conjecture on conspiracies is simply useless.

We also know the Swedish government wishes to interview him for allegations that he committed sexual misconduct ACCORDING TO THE LAWS OF SWEDEN.

so why haven't they charged him and why haven't they already admitted

there was no DNA evidence on the condom? ( instead of this news leaking out )

Maybe they issued a sealed indictment and maybe they didn't. Either way nobody really knows


USA targets and kills anyone it wants to these days so you would be a fool if you were in Assanges position if you did trust them to follow proper procedures and law


Mr. Midas:

Please read my post again and then come up with a new response to it. The one you just made makes no sense.

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Here on this sky News website in an interesting interview with Film maker Jean-Philippe Tremblay

in which he compares what WikiLeaks did to some of the points raised in the

recent Leveson Inquiry ( the public inquiry into the culture, practices and ethics of the British press following the News International phone hacking )


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Here on this sky News website in an interesting interview with Film maker Jean-Philippe Tremblay

in which he compares what WikiLeaks did to some of the points raised in the

recent Leveson Inquiry ( the public inquiry into the culture, practices and ethics of the British press following the News International phone hacking )


I can't wait to see what derogatory term

Ulysses and chuckd have in store for this fellowrolleyes.gif

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Assange hasn't exposed anything that wasnt aleady known. Nobody is out to get him, certianly not the US government. Crytpome has been around much longer than Wikileaks and does the same thing--but better. What has happened to the Crytpome founder? A few very friendly (his words) vists from the FBI on behalf of the UK. No arrests, no threats, nothing. Cryptome works on a shoestring, spending about 100 bucks a month. How much money has Wikileaks raised? Millions? What for? Nobody knows. There is no indictment against Assange because he hasn't done anything. Journalists do the same thing everyday. Cryptome has been doing it for over a decade.

Assange, the champion of the free press and the protector of transparency believes in his mission so much that....he works for Russia Today and wants to go to Ecuador? Do you not see the problems here? He is an egomaniac. Nobody is following him. He isnt important enough.

A link to an interview with Cryptome's founder.


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Assange hasn't exposed anything that wasnt aleady known. Nobody is out to get him, certianly not the US government. Crytpome has been around much longer than Wikileaks and does the same thing--but better. What has happened to the Crytpome founder? A few very friendly (his words) vists from the FBI on behalf of the UK. No arrests, no threats, nothing. Cryptome works on a shoestring, spending about 100 bucks a month. How much money has Wikileaks raised? Millions? What for? Nobody knows. There is no indictment against Assange because he hasn't done anything. Journalists do the same thing everyday. Cryptome has been doing it for over a decade.

Assange, the champion of the free press and the protector of transparency believes in his mission so much that....he works for Russia Today and wants to go to Ecuador? Do you not see the problems here? He is an egomaniac. Nobody is following him. He isnt important enough.

A link to an interview with Cryptome's founder.


I think you are wrong simply because they are linking Bradley Manning with Wikileaks.

According to this website Bradley Manning is now " facing the possibility of execution for blowing the whistle on gross injustices. Bradley has not been formally indicted, put on trial or convicted. Yet he is still held in solitary confinement in his cell for 23 hours a day, unable to exercise, unable to access newspapers and unable to go outdoors. He has been held under these conditions for eight months now."

I think it would be sheer stupidity of Assange to think for 1 min it can only happen to Bradley Manning

and that this is a good reason to be paranoid?ermm.gif


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Assange hasn't exposed anything that wasnt aleady known. Nobody is out to get him, certianly not the US government. Crytpome has been around much longer than Wikileaks and does the same thing--but better. What has happened to the Crytpome founder? A few very friendly (his words) vists from the FBI on behalf of the UK. No arrests, no threats, nothing. Cryptome works on a shoestring, spending about 100 bucks a month. How much money has Wikileaks raised? Millions? What for? Nobody knows. There is no indictment against Assange because he hasn't done anything. Journalists do the same thing everyday. Cryptome has been doing it for over a decade.

Assange, the champion of the free press and the protector of transparency believes in his mission so much that....he works for Russia Today and wants to go to Ecuador? Do you not see the problems here? He is an egomaniac. Nobody is following him. He isnt important enough.

A link to an interview with Cryptome's founder.


I think you are wrong simply because they are linking Bradley Manning with Wikileaks.

According to this website Bradley Manning is now " facing the possibility of execution for blowing the whistle on gross injustices. Bradley has not been formally indicted, put on trial or convicted. Yet he is still held in solitary confinement in his cell for 23 hours a day, unable to exercise, unable to access newspapers and unable to go outdoors. He has been held under these conditions for eight months now."

I think it would be sheer stupidity of Assange to think for 1 min it can only happen to him but it won't happen to me?ermm.gif


You do know that Bradley Manning was a soldier in a war and Assange was an Aussie in a Swedish bedroom.

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Assange hasn't exposed anything that wasnt aleady known. Nobody is out to get him, certianly not the US government. Crytpome has been around much longer than Wikileaks and does the same thing--but better. What has happened to the Crytpome founder? A few very friendly (his words) vists from the FBI on behalf of the UK. No arrests, no threats, nothing. Cryptome works on a shoestring, spending about 100 bucks a month. How much money has Wikileaks raised? Millions? What for? Nobody knows. There is no indictment against Assange because he hasn't done anything. Journalists do the same thing everyday. Cryptome has been doing it for over a decade.

Assange, the champion of the free press and the protector of transparency believes in his mission so much that....he works for Russia Today and wants to go to Ecuador? Do you not see the problems here? He is an egomaniac. Nobody is following him. He isnt important enough.

A link to an interview with Cryptome's founder.


I think you are wrong simply because they are linking Bradley Manning with Wikileaks.

According to this website Bradley Manning is now " facing the possibility of execution for blowing the whistle on gross injustices. Bradley has not been formally indicted, put on trial or convicted. Yet he is still held in solitary confinement in his cell for 23 hours a day, unable to exercise, unable to access newspapers and unable to go outdoors. He has been held under these conditions for eight months now."

I think it would be sheer stupidity of Assange to think for 1 min it can only happen to him but it won't happen to me?ermm.gif


You do know that Bradley Manning was a soldier in a war and Assange was an Aussie in a Swedish bedroom.

" There is great concern that Assange will be sharing the same fate as Bradley Manning " David Swanson, an author and activist told RT that it is likely that Assange, founder of WikiLeaks, will be handed over to the U.S. once he is in Sweden. He will then be tried for espionage, Swanson said, especially given “the unusualness of the extradition with no charges in place.”


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I think you are wrong simply because they are linking Bradley Manning with Wikileaks.

According to this website Bradley Manning is now " facing the possibility of execution for blowing the whistle on gross injustices. Bradley has not been formally indicted, put on trial or convicted. Yet he is still held in solitary confinement in his cell for 23 hours a day, unable to exercise, unable to access newspapers and unable to go outdoors. He has been held under these conditions for eight months now."

I think it would be sheer stupidity of Assange to think for 1 min it can only happen to him but it won't happen to me?ermm.gif


You do know that Bradley Manning was a soldier in a war and Assange was an Aussie in a Swedish bedroom.

" There is great concern that Assange will be sharing the same fate as Bradley Manning " David Swanson, an author and activist told RT that it is likely that Assange, founder of WikiLeaks, will be handed over to the U.S. once he is in Sweden. He will then be tried for espionage, Swanson said, especially given “the unusualness of the extradition with no charges in place.”


I'll give you the inside of this Midas because you are a Thai Visa member and all. I am more credible then Swanson. Manning is a soldier in wartime in a military prison. Assange is an Aussie Swedish womanizer on the run in a South American embassy. Big difference.

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I think you are wrong simply because they are linking Bradley Manning with Wikileaks.

According to this website Bradley Manning is now " facing the possibility of execution for blowing the whistle on gross injustices. Bradley has not been formally indicted, put on trial or convicted. Yet he is still held in solitary confinement in his cell for 23 hours a day, unable to exercise, unable to access newspapers and unable to go outdoors. He has been held under these conditions for eight months now."

I think it would be sheer stupidity of Assange to think for 1 min it can only happen to him but it won't happen to me?ermm.gif


You do know that Bradley Manning was a soldier in a war and Assange was an Aussie in a Swedish bedroom.

" There is great concern that Assange will be sharing the same fate as Bradley Manning " David Swanson, an author and activist told RT that it is likely that Assange, founder of WikiLeaks, will be handed over to the U.S. once he is in Sweden. He will then be tried for espionage, Swanson said, especially given “the unusualness of the extradition with no charges in place.”


I'll give you the inside of this Midas because you are a Thai Visa member and all. I am more credible then Swanson. Manning is a soldier in wartime in a military prison. Assange is an Aussie Swedish womanizer on the run in a South American embassy. Big difference.

now you are beginning to sound like a used car salesman giggle.gif

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You do know that Bradley Manning was a soldier in a war and Assange was an Aussie in a Swedish bedroom.

" There is great concern that Assange will be sharing the same fate as Bradley Manning " David Swanson, an author and activist told RT that it is likely that Assange, founder of WikiLeaks, will be handed over to the U.S. once he is in Sweden. He will then be tried for espionage, Swanson said, especially given “the unusualness of the extradition with no charges in place.”


I'll give you the inside of this Midas because you are a Thai Visa member and all. I am more credible then Swanson. Manning is a soldier in wartime in a military prison. Assange is an Aussie Swedish womanizer on the run in a South American embassy. Big difference.

now you are beginning to sound like a used car salesman giggle.gif

Actually if you could send me a bit of cash Julian needs taxi fare to the airport. I wouldn't normally ask but.....

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Actually he asked for this from the beginning and this could have saved a lot of time and hassle.

It seems like a perfectly reasonable request and if all those people in this thread who constantly keep saying “ don't worry there is nothing to worry about - USA dont want him " are correct......there shouldn't be any problem with this should there?

" SYDNEY: WikiLeaks founder Julian Assange on Monday called for diplomatic guarantees he will not be pursued by the United States for publishing secret documents if he goes to Sweden to face criminal allegations.The Australian, 40, said he is prepared to go to Sweden to face questioning over sex assault claims,"

" He has repeatedly said he is prepared to be questioned in Sweden if there were guarantees he will not then be extradited to the US."


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