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Back Home In England After 7 Months In Thailand


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Claiming dole ! but receiving income from your house.

No wonder the UK is in such a state. Why would anyone think it's acceptable to bludge off the state when they already have a house/income and are fit and qualified to work.

Get a job !

Depends on what your income is from the house, and you do actually have to be fit and qualified to work to sign on to get the dole.

As well as he might have earned the right to sign on from previous NI contributions before he left UK anyway.

That is true but the rules also state that you can only spend a maximum of 28 days outside the EU and 6 months within the EU but outside the UK.

The rules? Get real! Who exactly in the UK monitors the comings and goings of millions of people each year...or more to the point, who logs the details in the DWP's "Scrounger Watch" database?

It's like the recent warm pastie tax debacle - who exactly was going to enforce the collection of taxes and measure the ambient temperatures of pasties and pies? No-one. That's why the government backtracked.

I'm entitled to JSA. Full-stop.

Oh boy have you got a shock coming........!!!

I was tracked for a long period of time and whilst I was not knowingly defauding anyone I ended up with a 9 month sentance for Benefit Fraud for "owning" a house in a Foreign country (Thailand) when as everyone knows a foreigner cannot own property as was actually "owned" 100% by my ex wife........

When the DWP realised their "<Edit> up" they offered one of us the opportunity to "walk" if the other pleaded guilty. I pleaded guilty so as not to deprive our son of his mother.

9 months for pleading guilty to owning a house that I couldn't own in the first place !!

Not only that I am not entitled to any benefits indefinately until the agreed sum of £29,000 is paid to me by ex wife and "used up" by myself.....

And the ex wifes response-Not my business......!!

Theres obviously a lot more to the story but once you get into the hands of the DWP's prosecution department than expect no escape...!!

Edited by metisdead
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Just out of interest when you were out here whoring for 7 months were you claiming job seekers allowance then then?

Old yorkshire saying...........

Hear all

see all

say nowt


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The rules? Get real! Who exactly in the UK monitors the comings and goings of millions of people each year...or more to the point, who logs the details in the DWP's "Scrounger Watch" database?

It's like the recent warm pastie tax debacle - who exactly was going to enforce the collection of taxes and measure the ambient temperatures of pasties and pies? No-one. That's why the government backtracked.

I'm entitled to JSA. Full-stop.

More and more checks are being made but that and your comment are beside the point. What you are effectivly saying is that it's not a crime if you don't get caught.

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Sounds interesting, do I get to choose my "flogger"?

You may, of course.

I don't really blame anyone for claiming these allowances when they don't deserve them; I blame the UK government for not making it harder to claim them and, above all, not adequately punishing those who claim when they should not. All punishments are totally inadequate these days, and this is why UK society is going to the dogs.

Flogging would be a very good deterrent, I think. They should be permanently scarred.

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Just out of interest when you were out here whoring for 7 months were you claiming job seekers allowance then then?

That would have meant flying BKK-MANchester every two weeks to sign-on. So what do you think?

Joking aside there's plenty that do exactly that returning with a bag full of goodies of shirts fags etc etc which more than covers flight costs and puts £500+ plus in their back pocket...........

Whilst never operating that scam myself, back in the 90's I could turn a bag of shirts fags computer gear around in 48-72 hours for £1500 net on average so you can bet your bottom Dollar plenty still do the sign on run.......

Remember its not the £71 "dole" but all the other benefits attached Housing benefit Council Tax etc just part of them.....

Edited by Chivas
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Just out of interest when you were out here whoring for 7 months were you claiming job seekers allowance then then?

Old yorkshire saying...........

Hear all

see all

say nowt


Drink all

eat all

Pay nowt

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Get yourself back to Thailand lad - and then commence b1tching about people claiming benefits and foreigners invading your country.

Quite frankly, I think you need tie-ing to a post and horse whipping.... but you've got human rights that need to be protected.

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I'm not committing a crime

Yes, you are right but you are not qualified as:

to get Jobseeker's Allowance you must be:

- available for, capable and actively seeking work.

- to keep getting benefit you'll have to attend regular jobsearch reviews, usually every fortnight.


Make sure you make the right decision.

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You are not entitled to JSA because although you may have been working in the UK previously, although you may have previously been paying UK taxes and NIC, although you may be over 18 and although you may be unemployed; you are not, by your own admission, living in the UK.

If you tell the truth about this you will not get JSA. If you lie that is benefit fraud and benefit fraud is a crime.

Your choice.

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Just out of interest when you were out here whoring for 7 months were you claiming job seekers allowance then then?

Old yorkshire saying...........

Hear all

see all

say nowt


Drink all

eat all

Pay nowt

Tight <Edit> cheap charlie balloon chasing mongering <Edit>.

Apart from that can't fault you.!.blink.png

Edited by metisdead
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Drink all

eat all

Pay nowt

Amazing! This is the second thread today where the Yorkshire balloon chasers mantra has been quoted.

And if tha ever do out for nowt

Do it for thi sen

Edited by 473geo
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You are not entitled to JSA because although you may have been working in the UK previously, although you may have previously been paying UK taxes and NIC, although you may be over 18 and although you may be unemployed; you are not, by your own admission, living in the UK.

If you tell the truth about this you will not get JSA. If you lie that is benefit fraud and benefit fraud is a crime.

Your choice.

Buddy thats a very Mute point......!!

He's British and no doubt has a Passport saying just that. If he claims Jobseekers allowance and meets the requirements he'll get it..........

As per my earlier post I know just a little about the subject and the application doesn't obviously go into depths along the lines of "is it your intention to bugger off (enter your destination) after 2 weeks".........

Nobody knows whats around the corner and you can't justify denying a claim on the basis that the applicant might just disappear off to the sun in a couple weeks time....

You cannot have a workable system that lets an individual make that judgement..??

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Just out of interest when you were out here whoring for 7 months were you claiming job seekers allowance then then?

Old yorkshire saying...........

Hear all

see all

say nowt


Drink all

eat all

Pay nowt

Tight <Edit> cheap charlie balloon chasing mongering <Edit>.

Apart from that can't fault you.!.blink.png

The Scottish mafia are watching this with true envy....sad.png

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You are not entitled to JSA because although you may have been working in the UK previously, although you may have previously been paying UK taxes and NIC, although you may be over 18 and although you may be unemployed; you are not, by your own admission, living in the UK.

If you tell the truth about this you will not get JSA. If you lie that is benefit fraud and benefit fraud is a crime.

Your choice.

I arrived back in the UK on June 1st 2012. At the time of my claim (the next day) I had no firm plans to return to Thailand - no job there, no property, no wife, no family, no bar tab, no ties - nowt.

So from June 1st I was living in England. And I still am. And I've still not booked a flight back to Thailand, thanks to NatWest.

As you say, my choice, to live in my own country for as long as I like.

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You are not entitled to JSA because although you may have been working in the UK previously, although you may have previously been paying UK taxes and NIC, although you may be over 18 and although you may be unemployed; you are not, by your own admission, living in the UK.

If you tell the truth about this you will not get JSA. If you lie that is benefit fraud and benefit fraud is a crime.

Your choice.

Buddy thats a very Mute point......!!

He's British and no doubt has a Passport saying just that. If he claims Jobseekers allowance and meets the requirements he'll get it..........

As per my earlier post I know just a little about the subject and the application doesn't obviously go into depths along the lines of "is it your intention to bugger off (enter your destination) after 2 weeks".........

Nobody knows whats around the corner and you can't justify denying a claim on the basis that the applicant might just disappear off to the sun in a couple weeks time....

You cannot have a workable system that lets an individual make that judgement..??

Chivas, I do have some family members that have worked all their lives and unfortunately they are on JSA. They are also forced to attend a special college 5 days a week to 9-5 12 months of the year. to "enhance their CV writing capabilities and to learn how to apply for jobs". I think this is to stop "black employment"

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You are not entitled to JSA because although you may have been working in the UK previously, although you may have previously been paying UK taxes and NIC, although you may be over 18 and although you may be unemployed; you are not, by your own admission, living in the UK.

If you tell the truth about this you will not get JSA. If you lie that is benefit fraud and benefit fraud is a crime.

Your choice.

Buddy thats a very Mute point......!!

He's British and no doubt has a Passport saying just that. If he claims Jobseekers allowance and meets the requirements he'll get it..........

As per my earlier post I know just a little about the subject and the application doesn't obviously go into depths along the lines of "is it your intention to bugger off (enter your destination) after 2 weeks".........

Nobody knows whats around the corner and you can't justify denying a claim on the basis that the applicant might just disappear off to the sun in a couple weeks time....

You cannot have a workable system that lets an individual make that judgement..??

I have to deal with the DWP often and I have never seen a claim form which does not specifically ask if you have been outside of the UK for more than 28 days during the previous 12 months. As you say, they cannot predict the future but they can enquire about the past.

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You are not entitled to JSA because although you may have been working in the UK previously, although you may have previously been paying UK taxes and NIC, although you may be over 18 and although you may be unemployed; you are not, by your own admission, living in the UK.

If you tell the truth about this you will not get JSA. If you lie that is benefit fraud and benefit fraud is a crime.

Your choice.

I arrived back in the UK on June 1st 2012. At the time of my claim (the next day) I had no firm plans to return to Thailand - no job there, no property, no wife, no family, no bar tab, no ties - nowt.

So from June 1st I was living in England. And I still am. And I've still not booked a flight back to Thailand, thanks to NatWest.

As you say, my choice, to live in my own country for as long as I like.

I am assuming that you will cease claiming upon leaving the country then Richard eh?

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I'm entitled to Job Seekers Allowance i.e. the dole, because I've paid taxes and national insurance contributions since 1984, I am living in England, I am over 18 and I'm unemployed.

Now whether I'm actively seeking work at the moment is a moot point, I agree. But with 2.61 million unemployed in the UK, chasing too few jobs, especially in the North-West where I live, even if I put my mind to it it's doubtful I could find work while I'm here. This is only the second time I've been in this position, the first time 9 months ago when I was made redundant after 28 years continuous service.

I went on holiday to Thailand to think things over and it opened my eyes and changed my perspective on life...sea, sand, sun, girls...Pattaya!!! Of course it did.

Now I'm back home I can see the advantages and disadvantages of living in both countries. At this moment in time I prefer to try my luck in Thailand, where I can find work (with a work permit of course), live relatively cheaply, enjoy the weather, smoke in peace outside a bar, listen to free music, watch the world go by and enjoy all the other "fringe benefits" Thailand and Pattaya in particular has to offer (only occasionally, I'm getting on a bit now!)

Then you're entitled to it and don't listen to any idiots on here that say you shouldn't claim from the SS.,

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You are not entitled to JSA because although you may have been working in the UK previously, although you may have previously been paying UK taxes and NIC, although you may be over 18 and although you may be unemployed; you are not, by your own admission, living in the UK.

If you tell the truth about this you will not get JSA. If you lie that is benefit fraud and benefit fraud is a crime.

Your choice.

I arrived back in the UK on June 1st 2012. At the time of my claim (the next day) I had no firm plans to return to Thailand - no job there, no property, no wife, no family, no bar tab, no ties - nowt.

So from June 1st I was living in England. And I still am. And I've still not booked a flight back to Thailand, thanks to NatWest.

As you say, my choice, to live in my own country for as long as I like.

So when you do get a flight you will stop the claim? If so, not fraud.

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The Scottish mafia are watching this with true envy....sad.png

I can imagine but we are Leeds we are Leeds we are Leeds, We are Leeds we are Leeds.......

Glasgow celtic might fit the bill. 555.

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You are not entitled to JSA because although you may have been working in the UK previously, although you may have previously been paying UK taxes and NIC, although you may be over 18 and although you may be unemployed; you are not, by your own admission, living in the UK.

If you tell the truth about this you will not get JSA. If you lie that is benefit fraud and benefit fraud is a crime.

Your choice.

I arrived back in the UK on June 1st 2012. At the time of my claim (the next day) I had no firm plans to return to Thailand - no job there, no property, no wife, no family, no bar tab, no ties - nowt.

So from June 1st I was living in England. And I still am. And I've still not booked a flight back to Thailand, thanks to NatWest.

As you say, my choice, to live in my own country for as long as I like.

I am assuming that you will cease claiming upon leaving the country then Richard eh?

JSA will be stopped automatically when I miss my first signing on date

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You are not entitled to JSA because although you may have been working in the UK previously, although you may have previously been paying UK taxes and NIC, although you may be over 18 and although you may be unemployed; you are not, by your own admission, living in the UK.

If you tell the truth about this you will not get JSA. If you lie that is benefit fraud and benefit fraud is a crime.

Your choice.

Buddy thats a very Mute point......!!

He's British and no doubt has a Passport saying just that. If he claims Jobseekers allowance and meets the requirements he'll get it..........

As per my earlier post I know just a little about the subject and the application doesn't obviously go into depths along the lines of "is it your intention to bugger off (enter your destination) after 2 weeks".........

Nobody knows whats around the corner and you can't justify denying a claim on the basis that the applicant might just disappear off to the sun in a couple weeks time....

You cannot have a workable system that lets an individual make that judgement..??

I have to deal with the DWP often and I have never seen a claim form which does not specifically ask if you have been outside of the UK for more than 28 days during the previous 12 months. As you say, they cannot predict the future but they can enquire about the past.

Sorry that is completely incorrect........

What you have done or where you have been has no bearing on your claim to either contribution based JSA or Income based JSA for a British Passport holder.....

If you are making a fresh claim and meet the requirements than you'll get it. The fact that you have spent the last year sitting on a beach is no ones business but your own.....

Its what you intend to do here and now that matters. Now on an aside a Thai national (for example) holding a Thai Passport but with indefinate leave to remain CAN be denied benefits if it is believed they have come "home" to claim benefits after a couple years in Thailand (for example)

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