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Does Anyone Else Find The Service Crap In Thailand Or Is It Just Me.


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From reading most of the replies, it seems that there are two distinct camps:

Typically good service.


Lousy service

How can this be? I think if you're a rude, obnoxious, demanding, condescending, and generally an all-around d*ckhead, you're probably going to get crappy service most of the time. At least I would hope.

So to answer the OP's question (from the thread title)...yes, it's just you.

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If I was being paid 25 Baht per hour, I wouldn`t give a crap either.

Yes it is a poor wage but if they get good tips sometimes they can make more in tips than their actual wage so it can pay to make an effort some times in LOS.

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If I was being paid 25 Baht per hour, I wouldn`t give a crap either.

Yes it is a poor wage but if they get good tips sometimes they can make more in tips than their actual wage so it can pay to make an effort some times in LOS.

I doubt they would make much at KFC or Burger King or wherever...

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If I was being paid 25 Baht per hour, I wouldn`t give a crap either.

Yes it is a poor wage but if they get good tips sometimes they can make more in tips than their actual wage so it can pay to make an effort some times in LOS.

One of my SOs worked at one of the fancy "top of the world" style restaurants. They pooled their tips and the new staff got a lower percentage than the longer-term ones, and she brought home over B40K in high season. Her salary was around 9K.

She then got put on as a manager at a competitor, not quite as flash but 22K salary, no longer got any tips but she preferred the predictability - and of course being a boss counted for a lot big face and all.

She's now in Sweden doing even better, pretty much set for life AFAICT. . .

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Vietnam has way more Russian tourists. And Vietnamese are still way more friendly than Thais.

They have not being at it as long as Thailand, give them some time, they will catch on.

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We waited 3 months for doors/windows for the house. My wife dealt with it, but always an excuse for a delay. At the end when we paid up, and the boss who spoke English said to me "You be sure to tell your friends about this shop." Dripping with sarcasm I said, "Oh you can be sure we will tell our friends about you." Obviously missing my sarcasm, she thanked us profusely. As we got in the pickup, I turned to my wife and said, "I don't want our friends going through all that BS."

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I find the service in Thailand to be absolutely top-notch. One example: The gas bottle in the kitchen was empty when the wife was preparing dinner, one phone call and 10 minutes later a guy delivered a full bottle.

Another one: You have a flat tire on your motor bike, just roll it to your local mc shop and they'll drop everything they're working on for the moment and fix your flat in 15 minutes. And just to make you fell comfortable, they check and oil the chain. All this for 20 Baht. Try this in any western country.

Eggs have to be absolutely perfect, water not cold enough.... Jeeez.

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As at least one other poster noted, Thais don't complain. Complaining is the like cornerstone of getting what you want (sad but true). Every bank could start charging 50 baht to take cash out of atm' tomorrow, and Thais would just shrug their shoulders and complain to their friends about corruption.

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I'm just wondering if anyone else finds the hospitality industry & service here has gone down hill very fast in the past couple of years.

I go to many restaurants and eatery's every week and I can tell you that I have really noticed that the waiter or cook or cashier or bar staff are becoming more ignorant, lazy, unfriendly & rude day by day ....

I am not sure what it is but it's like when you go into a subway for a sandwich and you get a drink from the fridge ... you notice the drink is not cold ..in fact it's just below room temperature because the owner doesn't want to lower the setting as that costs money.

You simply advise the cashier that the drink isn't very cold ... so she looks at me like it's my fault. !

Same thing with ordering breakfast at the restaurant, I ask the waiter can the cook please make the eggs medium to hard ..not soft, not runny. The waiter finally understands after explaining it slowly and pointing to a picture ... however, the feeling I get is that the quick chat between the waiter and the cook was somehow sarcastic and the response is like you asked them to hand over there gold necklaces...

Same same when you go shopping at any reputable supermarket, they treat farang like an alien .. What ever happen to customer service in Thailand .. It doesn't exist !!

Thailand is really becoming a sad and sorry country from what I can see and this is a simple example of how thai's in the hospitality industry treat westerners ...

I consider myself to be fairly fair in being judgemental about anything as I always see two sides to any story but this is just so blatant and inexcusable.

I would be interested if others have had similar experiences....


After being here For years now I personally think its the whole attitude towards foreigners / tourists has change for the worse hence everything else follows ...

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

I am not a Thai apologist by any stretch of the imagination, but in my 10 years of observations in Thailand, atitudes of foreigners towards Thai's leaves a lot to be desired as well...whistling.gif....have observed many farangs acting like old colonials towards their "natives"...so could we say it works both ways

I would be inclined to agree with u on that point but this isn't the thread topic we are talking about and they are in the service industry so like it or lump it and they should deliver the expected service IMO...

Sent from my iPad using ThaiVisa app

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I would be inclined to agree with u on that point but this isn't the thread topic we are talking about and they are in the service industry so like it or lump it and they should deliver the expected service IMO...

But "expected" is the key word, you have to pay a premium if you want staff that have been well-trained by management that have in turn been well-trained. So if you're at the Oriental sure, and you're likely to get it.

But from an ordinary place with ordinary management, here in Thailand you shouldn't expect a lot.

Then when you do get good service, simply because that particular member of staff is in a good mood or a particularly energetic and cheerful person, you can be pleasantly surprised.

Just make sure to patronize and reward it where you see it and you're doing your part to help that paradigm evolve here.

B&Ming when you don't get it is certainly not going to have the same result.

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The staff at Walmart (North America) make way higher wages then most of the service staff in Thailand. Can you imagine if we brought them over here what kind of service we could expect. Now how about paying them the 300 baht per day minimum wage.

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The staff at Walmart (North America) make way higher wages then most of the service staff in Thailand. Can you imagine if we brought them over here what kind of service we could expect. Now how about paying them the 300 baht per day minimum wage.

A good manager will have no problem selecting the right staff, training them properly and putting systems in place to ensure consistency when s/he isn't actually overseeing them.

It's not rocket science, and contrary to most IMO doesn't require "performance bonuses" and such.

You would of course be stupid to pay your wonderful staff less than market rates, and once they're better than average the minimum probably won't retain them well, unless you're business offers perks of value to them - here mostly a fun group of co-workers, low stress and the ability to chat over their favorite munchies goes a long way, much farther than simply cash IME.

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The staff at Walmart (North America) make way higher wages then most of the service staff in Thailand. Can you imagine if we brought them over here what kind of service we could expect. Now how about paying them the 300 baht per day minimum wage.

A good manager will have no problem selecting the right staff, training them properly and putting systems in place to ensure consistency when s/he isn't actually overseeing them.

It's not rocket science, and contrary to most IMO doesn't require "performance bonuses" and such.

You would of course be stupid to pay your wonderful staff less than market rates, and once they're better than average the minimum probably won't retain them well, unless you're business offers perks of value to them - here mostly a fun group of co-workers, low stress and the ability to chat over their favorite munchies goes a long way, much farther than simply cash IME.

I guess I didn't say it well because I can't see much of a connection between your posts and mine.

I was talking about what results we could expect from minimum wage earning westerners, when put in the same scenario as a Thai service industry worker.

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I guess I didn't say it well because I can't see much of a connection between your posts and mine.

I was talking about what results we could expect from minimum wage earning westerners, when put in the same scenario as a Thai service industry worker.

I read your point as - "low-end Thai staff give poor service because they are paid so little, if they were paid the B350 per hour that Walmart staff make then they would do better".

My point is that to the extent Walmart staff delivers good service, it's due more to the finely-honed and standardized training and monitoring systems in place, thanks to world-class management standards, rather than the high-for-here (pittance-for-there) wage levels.

If your point was different, please clarify.

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Well that's backwards to my thought, I was saying how would westerners do In Thailand jobs with Thai wages.

Well I think we also differ on the level of service displayed at Walmart. But I think it probably still is better overall than any large store experience you could have in Thailand

Anyhow, I'll take the fall for failure to communicate. thumbsup.gif

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Well that's backwards to my thought, I was saying how would westerners do In Thailand jobs with Thai wages.

Well I think we also differ on the level of service displayed at Walmart. But I think it probably still is better overall than any large store experience you could have in Thailand

Anyhow, I'll take the fall for failure to communicate. thumbsup.gif

Aha. Well my point still stands that the level of service is more up to management than the staff, especially in selecting/winnowing based on personality in the first place.

And I have to admit I haven't set foot in a Walmart almost on principle, just assumed that for a business to grow so phenomenally in the competitive US retail market it has to be more than just acceptable/average. I'd love to hear (from anyone) a market where the general level of customer service is better than stateside.

Most complaints from foreigners center around how fast tables get turned over and the false smiles/how are you/have a nice days. And having to tip of course 8-)

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If you don't like it here, you can move to one of these countries where your coffee will be served by a graduate student or your burgers be made by a civil engineer.


Reuters recently assigned a number of photographers to capture images of a struggling generation. The result is this series of portraits of graduates from around the world who have been unable to find work in their degree fields and have ended up in poorly paid service industry jobs. Although their current positions may be disappointing, the subjects in these photos may count themselves lucky to have any job at all -- the International Labor Organization estimates the number of people aged 15 to 24 without a job at almost 75 million. From a cook in Athens with a degree in civil engineering to a waiter in Algiers with a masters in corporate finance, these young people have spent years studying hard to compete in the 21st century, only to discover that even the most desirable qualifications mean little in a distressed global economy.

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you go into a subway for a sandwich and you get a drink from the fridge ... you notice the drink is not cold ..in fact it's just below room temperature because the owner doesn't want to lower the setting as that costs money.

You simply advise the cashier that the drink isn't very cold ... so she looks at me like it's my fault. !

Same thing with ordering breakfast at the restaurant, I ask the waiter can the cook please make the eggs medium to hard ..not soft, not runny.

You have the silly attitude of a farang newbie. This is all just standard Thailand. Live here long enough and you get used to it and accept it like a Thai and don't even think about it. No point in upsetting yourself.

So, learn to stop being such a pussy. Drink the drink as it is, cold or not. Shut up and enjoy them dam_n eggs soft and runny if that's the way you get 'em.

Remember, when the going gets tough, the tough get going. smile.png

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I find the service in Thailand to be absolutely top-notch. One example: The gas bottle in the kitchen was empty when the wife was preparing dinner, one phone call and 10 minutes later a guy delivered a full bottle.

Another one: You have a flat tire on your motor bike, just roll it to your local mc shop and they'll drop everything they're working on for the moment and fix your flat in 15 minutes. And just to make you fell comfortable, they check and oil the chain. All this for 20 Baht. Try this in any western country.

Eggs have to be absolutely perfect, water not cold enough.... Jeeez.

for once i agree whole heatedly. regular AC maintenance. the motorcycle guys as messengers/handymen etc.

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you go into a subway for a sandwich and you get a drink from the fridge ... you notice the drink is not cold ..in fact it's just below room temperature because the owner doesn't want to lower the setting as that costs money.

You simply advise the cashier that the drink isn't very cold ... so she looks at me like it's my fault. !

Same thing with ordering breakfast at the restaurant, I ask the waiter can the cook please make the eggs medium to hard ..not soft, not runny.

You have the silly attitude of a farang newbie. This is all just standard Thailand. Live here long enough and you get used to it and accept it like a Thai and don't even think about it. No point in upsetting yourself.

So, learn to stop being such a pussy. Drink the drink as it is, cold or not. Shut up and enjoy them dam_n eggs soft and runny if that's the way you get 'em.

Remember, when the going gets tough, the tough get going. smile.png

Years ago in Thailand and I went for meals GF orders Thai, I order western food, who's food arrives first, hers of course and mine ten to 15 minutes later, not on I say, food should be served together but oh no This Thailand.

I never let it bother me now just enjoy and accept unless was in a classier place and expensive then I'd expect better.

Went to hotel pool bar once and asked for a chip sandwich, got a cheese one toasted, explained to server and got another sandwich, this time a crisp sandwich third time of asking got a chip sandwich but when checking bill was expected to pay for all 3.

Oh well an experience.TIT.

It could have happened any place.:rolleyes:

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you go into a subway for a sandwich and you get a drink from the fridge ... you notice the drink is not cold ..in fact it's just below room temperature because the owner doesn't want to lower the setting as that costs money.

You simply advise the cashier that the drink isn't very cold ... so she looks at me like it's my fault. !

Same thing with ordering breakfast at the restaurant, I ask the waiter can the cook please make the eggs medium to hard ..not soft, not runny.

You have the silly attitude of a farang newbie. This is all just standard Thailand. Live here long enough and you get used to it and accept it like a Thai and don't even think about it. No point in upsetting yourself.

So, learn to stop being such a pussy. Drink the drink as it is, cold or not. Shut up and enjoy them dam_n eggs soft and runny if that's the way you get 'em.

Remember, when the going gets tough, the tough get going. smile.png

Years ago in Thailand and I went for meals GF orders Thai, I order western food, who's food arrives first, hers of course and mine ten to 15 minutes later, not on I say, food should be served together but oh no This Thailand.

I never let it bother me now just enjoy and accept unless was in a classier place and expensive then I'd expect better.

Went to hotel pool bar once and asked for a chip sandwich, got a cheese one toasted, explained to server and got another sandwich, this time a crisp sandwich third time of asking got a chip sandwich but when checking bill was expected to pay for all 3.

Oh well an experience.TIT.

It could have happened any place.rolleyes.gif

It also helps to have a good sense of humor. You just gotta laugh and keep on goin'.

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you go into a subway for a sandwich and you get a drink from the fridge ... you notice the drink is not cold ..in fact it's just below room temperature because the owner doesn't want to lower the setting as that costs money.

You simply advise the cashier that the drink isn't very cold ... so she looks at me like it's my fault. !

Same thing with ordering breakfast at the restaurant, I ask the waiter can the cook please make the eggs medium to hard ..not soft, not runny.

You have the silly attitude of a farang newbie. This is all just standard Thailand. Live here long enough and you get used to it and accept it like a Thai and don't even think about it. No point in upsetting yourself.

So, learn to stop being such a pussy. Drink the drink as it is, cold or not. Shut up and enjoy them dam_n eggs soft and runny if that's the way you get 'em.

Remember, when the going gets tough, the tough get going. smile.png

Years ago in Thailand and I went for meals GF orders Thai, I order western food, who's food arrives first, hers of course and mine ten to 15 minutes later, not on I say, food should be served together but oh no This Thailand.

I never let it bother me now just enjoy and accept unless was in a classier place and expensive then I'd expect better.

Went to hotel pool bar once and asked for a chip sandwich, got a cheese one toasted, explained to server and got another sandwich, this time a crisp sandwich third time of asking got a chip sandwich but when checking bill was expected to pay for all 3.

Oh well an experience.TIT.

It could have happened any place.rolleyes.gif

It also helps to have a good sense of humor. You just gotta laugh and keep on goin'.

Grin and bear it and don't let the bug*ers grind you down.

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Went to hotel pool bar once and asked for a chip sandwich, got a cheese one toasted, explained to server and got another sandwich, this time a crisp sandwich third time of asking got a chip sandwich but when checking bill was expected to pay for all 3.

What the heck is a chip sandwich? A crisp sandwich?

I know what chips are both sides of the pond, and I believe crisps only mean what chips do stateside, but haven't heard of any of these put between pieces of bread?

And if so, with what else?

I'm genuinely curious here, not taking the piss I swear. . .

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Went to hotel pool bar once and asked for a chip sandwich, got a cheese one toasted, explained to server and got another sandwich, this time a crisp sandwich third time of asking got a chip sandwich but when checking bill was expected to pay for all 3.

What the heck is a chip sandwich? A crisp sandwich?

I know what chips are both sides of the pond, and I believe crisps only mean what chips do stateside, but haven't heard of any of these put between pieces of bread?

And if so, with what else?

I'm genuinely curious here, not taking the piss I swear. . .

Chip sandwich, fat french frys to you

Crisps are what you buy in a bag in 7/11 cheese and onion or so on.

Chip sandwich with brown sauce and a few beans..and vinegar, sarsons of course.....mmmm

You guys ever heard of British fish and chips:wacko:

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Went to hotel pool bar once and asked for a chip sandwich, got a cheese one toasted, explained to server and got another sandwich, this time a crisp sandwich third time of asking got a chip sandwich but when checking bill was expected to pay for all 3.

What the heck is a chip sandwich? A crisp sandwich?

I know what chips are both sides of the pond, and I believe crisps only mean what chips do stateside, but haven't heard of any of these put between pieces of bread?

And if so, with what else?

I'm genuinely curious here, not taking the piss I swear. . .

Chip sandwich, fat french frys to you

Crisps are what you buy in a bag in 7/11 cheese and onion or so on.

Chip sandwich with brown sauce and a few beans..and vinegar, sarsons of course.....mmmm

Chip Buttiesmile.png

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