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Account Holders Say Money Taken From SCB Accounts: Cyber Crime


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Most of these crimes are inside jobs.

Staff sells info to crims and that's how they gain access. Proven many times in the past but its always hushed up.

I once was in the process of buying a condo in Bangkok back in 2005 from a major developer.

I was waiting for my money to transfer from my home country which took 2 days. Funny thing was, the morning my money had arrived in my scb account, the lawyer (Provided by the developer) handling the process called me to say that my money just arrived to Thailand. How did she know??? I marched down to to ratchyothin hq and they found that someone in that office had accessed my account at 8.30am so they found out the leak and the employee responsible. No privacy whatsoever so I switched to kasikorn.

About 10 years ago I lost my Bangkok Bank ATM card late on a Sunday evening. Fearing not, I thought OK I will just go to the branch tomorrow and sort it out. I was working that morning, so I went up to the Jomtien branch at lunchtime where the teller advised me that someone had withdrawn ALL the money out of the account at 9:30 that morning. She eventually told me the ATM that the withdrawal took place at (2nd rd south pattaya) and advised me I need to make a police report, however it would take the bank 30 days to issue me a copy of the transaction as it had to come from head office. So I went to the police and the branch where the withdrawal occurred and the police issued a written request to receive a copy of the ATM surveillance Video. The local manager evaded my appointment request accompanied by the police for weeks with all sorts of excuses, and eventually refused the police request for the video citing that only head office in BKK could approve that.

So after 6 weeks the branch eventually relented to the 3rd written request from the police by only allowing us to view the tape at their premises. The manager did not allow us to look at any of the rest of the tape, only a short 30 second clip they said was video of me withdrawing the money. When I challenged that due to the time on the tape and the time on the transaction being some 25 minutes different the manager said the time on the camera and the time on the computer aren't the same. I noted the other problem being also that the guy on the tape was some 20-30cm taller than me also. No this was you spruced the bank staff! But I had an ironclad Alibi being at work I said! No, case closed good bye to you and your measly 35,000 baht waved the bank staff. The police had given up and couldn't care less and the Bank staff were CLEARLY on the inside of that one, so I retreated with not knowing what to do but knowing that there had to have been some collusion from insiders to get the pin or to change the pin. Too much like hard work for these cops, and I thought I could be getting some visits from not so friendly bank associates if I made much more of it, but YES for sure you can guarantee that the Bank had no intention of supporting its customer (me) as otherwise it might be THEIR money at risk....

There is NO real security here, so be warned and careful. Changing Banks doesn't necessarily solve this either, it's their blind myopic approach to problems that is the real dilemma and it won't change soon I guess.

If there is a "blind myopic" character in this story, look no further than the nearest mirror. Pretty simple my friend, no card in hand, no pin number (you only get thee tries), no lost funds. Your cryptic reference to "Late Sunday" may get some to wonder if you new "friend" (s?) gave you a helping hand on this age old scam. May I ask, as the evening at the bar ended, and you decided to retire for the evening, was there one last ATM stop to make? Ummmm .. mystery solved.

Might be blind, might be myopic - can't be both!

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Krung Thai bank will send an SMS and email whenever my online account is logged in and whenever money is removed or added to the account, including Forex transfers.

And I never click on any link in emails from financial institutions, social networking sites or in any unrequested emails.

My ATM card is not a credit or debit card and only gets money from ATMs. I've "lost" it twice (left in the machine), but never lost any money.

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Well my ATM card was just skimmed and I am in the process of trying to get the money back. They were able to withdraw THB 900.000 from 2nd of June until the 13th of June. The card is still in my possession, but that does not really matter, because they copied the magnetic strip when I inserted the card into the ATM and the pin code they can get by using a fake keyboard. Everything look exactly as a regular atm and even professionals get caught out. It was demonstrated to me by the police. I am now in the process of trying to get the money back from TMB, but first the police needs to finish up with their investigation. I am guessing it will be a difficult process, but I will take the case to the court if necessary.

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Now that you folks are talking about this, I have recently received 2 emails supposedly sent by SCB bank about my account. Telling me to get in touch with them. I do not have an account with SCB, so they have my email address also.

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Now that you folks are talking about this, I have recently received 2 emails supposedly sent by SCB bank about my account. Telling me to get in touch with them. I do not have an account with SCB, so they have my email address also.

Unless your name was used to set up an account for the thieves to funnel all that money through!

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"Before Bt50,000 disappeared from my account, someone called me to say that the bank would need to delete my bank account because it was infected with a virus,"

LMAO @ that - a bank account with a virus... lol

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I have 3 bank accounts with 3 different banks, mainly due to the employer changing banks for depositing our pay. I've received emails from all of them that had to be bogus. I have never opened any of the emails or attachments because I have NEVER given my email address to any bank!

My question is how on earth does someone get my email address?

They don´t, they send out thousands of emails at random if they get one reply. Its cash in the bank

I have only gotten emails which concern a bank where I have an account. I don't use internet banking, so I've never given them an email account. As a matter of fact, the oldest account was opened when I didn't even have an email address. The second one was opened when I was living in another country and using an email address through that country.

It's a bit unnerving that someone has managed to connect the right banks to me and no wrong banks.

You must have left your email to someone on internet, and that someone makes money selling email adresses.
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Just checked my spam folder, and there is one in there from the 21st June claiming to be from SCB, the content says.....

Dear SCB Customer:

We regret to inform our customers and the general public that we encountered an unexpected shutdown today resulting in loss of data and financial records. You are hereby required to immediately restore and reactivate your SCB account below as inactive accounts will be terminated till further notice.

Checking the domain registration details of the link, that domain was set up on the 21st June by a bloke called Trevor living in Texas.

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Most of these crimes are inside jobs.

Staff sells info to crims and that's how they gain access. Proven many times in the past but its always hushed up.

I once was in the process of buying a condo in Bangkok back in 2005 from a major developer.

I was waiting for my money to transfer from my home country which took 2 days. Funny thing was, the morning my money had arrived in my scb account, the lawyer (Provided by the developer) handling the process called me to say that my money just arrived to Thailand. How did she know??? I marched down to to ratchyothin hq and they found that someone in that office had accessed my account at 8.30am so they found out the leak and the employee responsible. No privacy whatsoever so I switched to kasikorn.

About 10 years ago I lost my Bangkok Bank ATM card late on a Sunday evening. Fearing not, I thought OK I will just go to the branch tomorrow and sort it out. I was working that morning, so I went up to the Jomtien branch at lunchtime where the teller advised me that someone had withdrawn ALL the money out of the account at 9:30 that morning. She eventually told me the ATM that the withdrawal took place at (2nd rd south pattaya) and advised me I need to make a police report, however it would take the bank 30 days to issue me a copy of the transaction as it had to come from head office. So I went to the police and the branch where the withdrawal occurred and the police issued a written request to receive a copy of the ATM surveillance Video. The local manager evaded my appointment request accompanied by the police for weeks with all sorts of excuses, and eventually refused the police request for the video citing that only head office in BKK could approve that.

So after 6 weeks the branch eventually relented to the 3rd written request from the police by only allowing us to view the tape at their premises. The manager did not allow us to look at any of the rest of the tape, only a short 30 second clip they said was video of me withdrawing the money. When I challenged that due to the time on the tape and the time on the transaction being some 25 minutes different the manager said the time on the camera and the time on the computer aren't the same. I noted the other problem being also that the guy on the tape was some 20-30cm taller than me also. No this was you spruced the bank staff! But I had an ironclad Alibi being at work I said! No, case closed good bye to you and your measly 35,000 baht waved the bank staff. The police had given up and couldn't care less and the Bank staff were CLEARLY on the inside of that one, so I retreated with not knowing what to do but knowing that there had to have been some collusion from insiders to get the pin or to change the pin. Too much like hard work for these cops, and I thought I could be getting some visits from not so friendly bank associates if I made much more of it, but YES for sure you can guarantee that the Bank had no intention of supporting its customer (me) as otherwise it might be THEIR money at risk....

There is NO real security here, so be warned and careful. Changing Banks doesn't necessarily solve this either, it's their blind myopic approach to problems that is the real dilemma and it won't change soon I guess.

If there is a "blind myopic" character in this story, look no further than the nearest mirror. Pretty simple my friend, no card in hand, no pin number (you only get thee tries), no lost funds. Your cryptic reference to "Late Sunday" may get some to wonder if you new "friend" (s?) gave you a helping hand on this age old scam. May I ask, as the evening at the bar ended, and you decided to retire for the evening, was there one last ATM stop to make? Ummmm .. mystery solved.

Might be blind, might be myopic - can't be both!

Sure you can.

I have a friend who is legally blind.

He can see things touching his nose a bit fuzzy,

but without glasses he can't see anything but blurs after 6"or less.

With glasses he's marginal for about a meter on good days,

but that's not enough to ride a bike, let alone drive.

Walking around the room is problematic.

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Might be blind, might be myopic - can't be both!

Sure you can.

I have a friend who is legally blind.

He can see things touching his nose a bit fuzzy,

but without glasses he can't see anything but blurs after 6"or less.

With glasses he's marginal for about a meter on good days,

but that's not enough to ride a bike, let alone drive.

Walking around the room is problematic.

The description of your friend's condition sounds like an exact match for the bus driver we rode with last week, with one exception.

He didn't find driving as being problematic... for him.


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  • 2 weeks later...

clearly she got an email, about he account, then she sign in on fake website, voila, the scammer, probably from nigera, you can track his ip logged in her account and took out her money, cleaned it out as we say

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...The manager did not allow us to look at any of the rest of the tape, only a short 30 second clip they said was video of me withdrawing the money. When I challenged that due to the time on the tape and the time on the transaction being some 25 minutes different the manager said the time on the camera and the time on the computer aren't the same. I noted the other problem being also that the guy on the tape was some 20-30cm taller than me also. No this was you spruced the bank staff! But I had an ironclad Alibi being at work I said! No, case closed good bye to you and your measly 35,000 baht waved the bank staff....


There was a story in the Thai press a few days ago concerning a 60 year old disabled, wheelchair bound Thai lady, Miss Euamboon Chansama, who met with police accompanied by her lawyer, and lodged a complaint regarding 100 million Baht going missing from her account at the Pra Rama 4 branch of the Siam Commercial Bank. The money came from some land she'd sold as part of an inheritance. Apparently she's the daughter of Mr Thong Bai Chansama, former Thai national team athlete in the equestrian and shooting events. What made this case interesting and unusual, in addition to the large amount of money involved, was that the person accused of embezzling the funds is the bank manager at her branch. He's currently suspended while the matter is being investigated.


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