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Men Have To Accept Women In Non-Traditional Roles: Thai Editorial


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Men have to accept women in non-traditional roles

The Nation

BANGKOK: -- It's time for male cadets and officers in the police and armed services to get over their hang-ups and work with their female colleagues as equals

Thailand has come a long way in terms of educating people about why gender discrimination is wrong, and in reducing the number of incidences of the problem. But some female students at the police cadet school still say they feel like victims of sexual discrimination. Some of their male colleagues are uneasy about seeing female counterparts doing a job that was once reserved almost exclusively for male officers. One female police officer has said that the sexual discrimination was so severe during her time in the police force that she once considered quitting.

Female students are subject to unfair treatment when they assume a role that their male colleagues believe should be preserved for men. This is especially true if the role is considered a masculine one and involves the use of machinery or weapons. It does seem the case that some men feel uneasy about having women perform the same tasks as them. And as a result, some female cadet students feel they suffer discrimination via the "silent treatment" at the workplace.

Of course, sexual discrimination within the armed forces and the security apparatus of a country is not limited to Thailand. In fact, the unequal treatment of women behind "boot-camp doors" also happens in many Western countries. In some countries, the treatment of women is so severe that it constitutes sexual harassment. Indeed, it's hard to understand how some men believe sexual assault is a way of demonstrating male superiority over female colleagues.

Cases of sexual discrimination reported in The Nation recently have involved the silent treatment meted out by male cadets to put the pressure on their female counterparts. The report also noted that some male graduates of the Armed Forces Academies Preparatory School do not accept female cadets because they believe women have no place in their system.

One female student said about 70 per cent of male students still had a bad attitude towards female police cadets. Some of these men express their feelings clearly, for example by not stopping to salute senior females as required by regulations.

This attitude must be changed. Male students need to understand that the presence of female cadets and officers in fact promotes the efficiency of operations in their units. Female officers offer alternative attitudes and methods to complement the masculinity that dominates the police and armed services. Women bring a different perspective to difficult situations, and this can be of great benefit when a particular scenario requires something more sophisticated than brute force or intimidation.

The presence of female cadets should also promote a better and more diverse learning environment in this male-dominated world. It should be taken as an opportunity to learn about and to recognise different weakness and strengths, and how their application produces different results. This can only contribute positively to the handling of future real-life assignments.

Male cadets need to be taught to feel secure about themselves, and to know that female cadets are not a threat to their masculinity. Such insecurity can become a weakness when there's a need to accomplish a given mission. After all, law enforcement is a hard enough job without psychological problems getting in the way. And that's why the cadet school should be the place to adjust the attitudes of these male students - to help them graduate as stronger individuals, not make them weaker by allowing them to succumb to and propagate gender prejudice.

The effort to correct this attitude thus requires a top-down approach through every level. Female cadets must be treated equally and higher-ranking officers should set an example for their subordinates by ending sexual discrimination in their units.

Once these young officers realise the negative consequences of discrimination, they will be in a better position to know how to settle the kind of disputes between people they'll come across in their working lives. After all, discrimination and wrong attitudes are a source of division and violence. It is better to address the root causes of discrimination in our educational institutions and from the earliest age possible.


-- The Nation 2012-06-27

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Men and women are not equal. I do believe in equal pay for men and women when they do exactly the same job. In the western world I don’t think women have gained very much by having equality in fact they have probably lost more than they have gained. Here in Thailand if women truly want equality are they willing to give up their sin sod. Why can’t we accept that men and women are different and take advantage of the differences to the benefit of both sexes

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Here we go,... western "values" creeping into Thai society and culture.

I agree with a previous poster,... men and women are not created equal and they have their differences and difference of purpose.

For all the women's libbing and campaigning for equal rights in the west it has just wrought more havoc in the world and the pendulum of power and equality has swung perversly wide in the feminist direction.

A friend of mine from Australia told me recently that the attention and comment is swinging across from "nanny state" to "petticoat state" as so many local governments, agencies and departments are now run by women and are ostensibly unbiased but in reality are part of the feminist powerplay for absolute power,.. which whenever they get it they haven't got a clue what to do next! (just look at PM's Gillard & Yingluck as shining examples)

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Here we go,... western "values" creeping into Thai society and culture.

I agree with a previous poster,... men and women are not created equal and they have their differences and difference of purpose.

For all the women's libbing and campaigning for equal rights in the west it has just wrought more havoc in the world and the pendulum of power and equality has swung perversly wide in the feminist direction.

A friend of mine from Australia told me recently that the attention and comment is swinging across from "nanny state" to "petticoat state" as so many local governments, agencies and departments are now run by women and are ostensibly unbiased but in reality are part of the feminist powerplay for absolute power,.. which whenever they get it they haven't got a clue what to do next! (just look at PM's Gillard & Yingluck as shining examples)

And who would your PM be Earth Alien?

Edited by edwinclapham
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Here's where the rubber meets the road - pretend you are an employer. You have two candidates in their mid-twenties, applying for one job; both equally qualified, one a man, the other a woman. In the REAL world, the dollar (or pound or baht or . . .) is the bottom line. The man will most likely be more stable, he can't get pregnant. The woman, though just as qualified, may decide two years down the road to start a family, which means AT LEAST two months away from the job, possibly quitting altogether. The cost of training an employee is high, and you, as the employer, want the best return on your investment as possible, hence the sway towards hiring men or paying them more for their continued loyalty.

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I refuse to accept women in all traditionally male roles. Women are simply inferior in the work performance when it comes to modelling mens' clothing. If Zoolander and Hansel were here, they'd have some harsh words to say about this article.

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In nearly ten years in Thailand, I don't think I have ever seen a female police officer. One or two behind a desk maybe but patrolling, visiting crime scenes or even directing traffic.........no.

Is it just me? Have I had my eyes closed for the last ten years?

It also appears that women have not been raised to be part of financial corruption which runs rampant,

You are wrong there. Many senior civil servants are women, a few politicians as well, and they are just as good as their male counterparts at extracting cash (allegedly)!

Edited by madmitch
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In nearly ten years in Thailand, I don't think I have ever seen a female police officer. One or two behind a desk maybe but patrolling, visiting crime scenes or even directing traffic.........no.

Is it just me? Have I had my eyes closed for the last ten years?

I don't think I've ever seen any police officer patrolling of visiting crime scenes.

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This is especially true if the role is considered a masculine one and involves the use of machinery or weapons

I don't care if its male, female, lady-boy, etc., if its THAI, it needs to stay away from "machinery or weapons"...and especially keep their ignorant rat-claws off of anything electrical...!!!!

Ignorant rat claws. What a charming turn of phrase.

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Does that mean Thai woman are taking over the traditional male occupation off doing shit all, getting drunk, singing karaoke, bossing around their husbands and work in the field of general lazzyness?

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'Starting at the top down.' Why has a female PM not raised the spectre of Child Support for abandoned women who are left holding the baby whilst the philandering father moves on to sow his seed elsewhere with impunity? Think of all the good mothers forced to abandon their baby with her mother whilst she is forced to move to Pattaya.

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Well, at least this thread hasn't been hijacked by the sort of whining expat who only came to Thailand in the first place because he was intellectually and emotionally unable to function in a society where women aspire to be treated as equals.

Oh hang on...

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Hooray women of Thailand, In America there are many women cops and they do a fantastic job too. Look at all the problems and crap this world historically has from male dominated leaders, lets let the broads screw things up for a change, or maybe they will get us through our crises. What do you fear from women having their chance? Didn't you come from a woman's womb? And you are still around!

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Does that mean Thai woman are taking over the traditional male occupation off doing shit all, getting drunk, singing karaoke, bossing around their husbands and work in the field of general lazzyness?

In the long run, yes.

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Does that mean Thai woman are taking over the traditional male occupation off doing shit all, getting drunk, singing karaoke, bossing around their husbands and work in the field of general lazzyness?

In the long run, yes.

Ohh dear, just hope Thaiman will do "woman" jobs, otherwise who will work in Thailand once the 2 million Burmese have returned to their country?

Suppose there are still a lot of Katoys around. I'm wondring, what does the "third gender" do, man or womans job? Just hope they don't sing karaoke.

On a brighter side, it will be like a breath of fresh air reding that a farang has been stabbed instead of hunderts of tourists suffring from karaoke trauma and commit suicide on a nightly base..

Edited by JoeLing
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Well, at least this thread hasn't been hijacked by the sort of whining expat who only came to Thailand in the first place because he was intellectually and emotionally unable to function in a society where women aspire to be treated as equals.

Oh hang on...

Having lived 20 years in a roll reversed relationship, my experience showe me, woman have a bigger problem wit that equality thing then many man. For most man it's quite normal to work and share their income with their wifes. On the other hand, a career woman feels more often then not that she had to compeete in a male dominated society and sharing her income doesn't come as natural to her then to most man.My divore turned out to be more a battle for "equality" then a simple divorce but lucky for me, the judge in the UK had realy enough of high powerd career woman playing the "poor, weeker gender" and finally I got custody of my son (althoug after nearly 4 years of legal battling he's now old enough to marry himself) and my wife hat to pay me allimonies for 5 years.So of course, I fully support equality but maybe woman need to understand, if a man stays at home, he get's the same rights as a housewife, Means we can nag our wifes and constantly tell,em what to do, we might get custody of our children and allimonies in case of divorce and most importantly, man will be able to complain of a headache when his wife wants sex,

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which whenever they get it they haven't got a clue what to do next! (just look at PM's Gillard & Yingluck as shining examples)

Yingluck was never installed as leader in order for her to be a female firebrand or an outspoken campaigner, or strong leader. Yingluck was installed specifically because she is submissive and docile and entirely unskilled in politics and debate. She was installed precisely because she is not an independently-minded political thinker, or a strong leader. She was installed to obey and not to lead. She is not Thailand's truly first female PM, she is Thailand's first female PM-by-proxy.

Eventually Thailand might have a female PM who starts her career working from the ground-up in politics and becomes PM by having a policy platform based on her years of service inside and outside politics, she might be a strong female leader and a true independent thinker as opposed to somebody who signs the papers when told to and smiles goofily at the cameras.


So you are saying you agree with the oped then?

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Western woman are great.

i believe in equal rights to,

thats why i don't open

the door for them annymore

as they can do it themself.

won't help them with bags annymore ,

won't fight for them annymore,

life's easy now just sit back and watch them go to the frontline.

but still i love my thai girl in stead because she's a she

and not a shim

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Does that mean Thai woman are taking over the traditional male occupation off doing shit all, getting drunk, singing karaoke, bossing around their husbands and work in the field of general lazzyness?

yeah , does'nt it make you angry ?, or is it envy ? us farang dudes have to work 9-10 months of the year to be able to do the same for a month !!

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Western woman are great.

i believe in equal rights to,

thats why i don't open

the door for them annymore

as they can do it themself.

won't help them with bags annymore ,

won't fight for them annymore,

life's easy now just sit back and watch them go to the frontline.

but still i love my thai girl in stead because she's a she

and not a shim

I think you're confusing equal rights with common courtesy mate.

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that said;Thailand is the most racist /xenophobic/sexist country i have ever been to, i've done most of europe , half of S.America , north africa,kenya,tanzania,india,loas,burma,cambodia,..............does anyone here disagree or can they name a worse one ??,.......look forward to any competitive candidates !wai.gif ..........anyone been to mongolia ?

Edited by osiboy
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