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British Tourist Stabbed By Illegal Tourist Bus Worker


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It appears Thailand is no longer a peaceful land of smiles but knifes and tourists stubbings / deaths.

I was initially thinking about moving there for some time but the more such news come through the less I like the idea...

it is still the land of smiles...

yes there are horrible things that happen there, but horrible things happen in every country, it is the way the authorities deal with these crimes that is the problem. i would still recomend going to thailand to anyone, i'd just say that there are do's and dont's. but they are common sense and generally the same in thailand as anywhere e.g. someone tries to rob you, you give them your stuff (if you were getting mugged in London your not going to fight back over a few quid when you know if this guy is low enough to mug you he's probably capable of worse).

please understand that this is not me trying to in anyway justify some of the terrible things that happen there; they are tradgic. i just want people to remember that every country has low lifes. for the huge majority thailand is an amazing experience...

don't not go because of a couple of horror stories

That's fine . . . but do you realize just how many tourists are actually injured or killed in the LoS every year (it's a lot)? And how many are killed or injured in other tourist destinations (it's not a lot to none)? You'll be surprised if you Google the results.

If you Google "Tourists killed" there are killings/deaths in virtually every country in the world relating to tourists. This ranges from coach crashes (yes, not just Thai drivers fall asleep at the wheel) to killings for initiation to gangs.

Thailand is like every other country, it's just that people on forums appear to be Daily Mail readers and revert to their angered from Basingstoke personna.

I've lived in Thailand on and off for the last four years, have stumbled about drunk in Bangkok, Pattaya and Patong in the early hours of the morning and have never fallen foul of the nasties many on here and other forum make out exist on every street corner. Never been stopped by the police in their insatiable hunger for tea money, have left laptop bag, phone etc on tables in bars and come back and they're still there.

If I was someone who had never been to Thailand and read this forum, I'd never visit it after the scare stories and conspiracy theorists who spout garbage on here. Yes there's been some sad news regarding tragic events, but it's no worse than anywhere else. As regards the police and their response, when they do something right it appears that they've fitted someone up who is innocent/gullible/feeble minded and only pleading guilty so his family receive money.

Blimey you've chanced your luck - long may it continue. I'm intrigued to know what your secret is. Do you A) Dress as Superman B) Are a Steven Seagal double or C) Carry a lucky rabbit's foot.

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Blimey you've chanced your luck - long may it continue. I'm intrigued to know what your secret is. Do you A) Dress as Superman cool.png Are a Steven Seagal double or C) Carry a lucky rabbit's foot.

I would guess that none of those are his 'secret'. Thailand's just not that dangerous and the odds of anything really bad happening to you are just as low as anywhere else.

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Blimey you've chanced your luck - long may it continue. I'm intrigued to know what your secret is. Do you A) Dress as Superman cool.png Are a Steven Seagal double or C) Carry a lucky rabbit's foot.

I would guess that none of those are his 'secret'. Thailand's just not that dangerous and the odds of anything really bad happening to you are just as low as anywhere else.

How can a person talk about odds without using numbers? That is incredible.

Nobody here KNOWS for certain if it is more or less dangerous in Thailand for a particular person than it is somewhere else for the same person. But, it would be great, at least, to have some (reasonably trustworthy) numbers on which to base our discussion.

Edited by PaullyW
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Blimey you've chanced your luck - long may it continue. I'm intrigued to know what your secret is. Do you A) Dress as Superman cool.png Are a Steven Seagal double or C) Carry a lucky rabbit's foot.

I would guess that none of those are his 'secret'. Thailand's just not that dangerous and the odds of anything really bad happening to you are just as low as anywhere else.

How can a person talk about odds without using numbers? That is incredible.

Nobody here KNOWS for certain if it is more or less dangerous in Thailand for a particular person than it is somewhere else for the same person. But, it would be great, at least, to have some (reasonably trustworthy) numbers on which to base our discussion.

Nobody anywhere knows if it is more or less dangerous in Thailand, as opposed to other countries, for a particular person. That information would be impossible to obtain.

We can see international trends by looking at national crime statistics for each country or related tourist specific statistics of different nationalities. I posted some earlier showing Thailand in the top ten for British tourist deaths annually... others since pointed out that due to the number of expats living here on tourist visas these are vastly inflated by natural deaths (lots of old Brits living in Thailand)...

The problem with all statistics is that they vary greatly from source to source and usually their is some agenda behind what the statistics are being compiled for in the first place. Generally whenever favourable statistics are shown in regard to Thailand, many will say they are inaccurate anyway...

What we can be sure of is that certain people/ attitudes are more likely to fall victim to others, no matter where they travel, and certain attitudes are more likely than others to cause confrontation in Thailand.

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Writing the below expoundings I just burned a couple lovely steaks on me grill....Oh Well...

a 16 year old did this?!

A quick history lesson about crime in Southeast Asia....not from a

book or Google. From living in this part of the world for 42 years.

Not a complete synopsis...just a very brief rant from an old SEA


In the early 70's in Thailand when the US Military was still here

one could very easily get a knife in the kidneys anywhere in the

country but most oftenly out on town near any military base.

The knife could come from a BG or a BIB or TM person...

didn't matter. Main reason for getting knifed whether one survived

or not....being condescending toward any Thai for even the smallest

of reason(s). Second reason...being an asshol_e. Patpong was also a

famous place to get knifed back then. Or shot. Soi Cowboy was

much "safer"...by a small margin.

Mid 70's in the Philippines...anywhere in the Philippines; military

base nearby or far away. Robbed or knifed or shot in a "crime

of opportunity" was a normal occurrence and still is today.

Life is cheap in the PI. Nuff said.

Mid 70's Guam, Marianas Islands....The day I arrived the car

that was bringing me to my new duty station had a 20 pound

chunk of dead coral heaved by a passing car through our the front

window and onto my lap....no real injuries...just some scrapes and

a huge bruise. The chunk of coral was weighed on a scale...that's

how I know how much it weighed...military cars got their windscreens

replaced free.

Still on Guam during the same time frame; Guam thugs would rob

Japanese tourists daily sometimes violently because of what the

Japanese did to the people of Guam during WWII. Gangs of

Guam thugs would try to beat up US Military personnel...sometimes

with success. If one lived off base it was highly advisable to have

a firearm or two in ones off base home.

Back to Thailand in the late 70's to present day....pretty much

the same crime scene however the crims were spreading out to

Koh Samui and Phuket because the influx of tourists arrivals.

This influx was primarily caused by us who were here during

the Vietnam war era and not only us in the military but also

backpackers & hippies & profiteers. Not one of us who

swore we'd never tell anybody about great LOS was ever

kept our mouths shut....but don't blame us old timers today.

Cambodia 1989 to 1999....The crime rate increased

exponentially about 2 weeks after the arrival in-country of

the UN and numerous NGO's. Knifings, shootings, grenade

tossing, nefarious roadblocks, unpaid soliders, unpaid provincial

and city police...etc...etc...all contributed. Guns & grenades

were very easy to get...so were land mines. Life was very


Indonesia....70's to present...crimes of opportunity are there

too but most involve only the "friendly" robber or devious

pickpocket. If one really pisses off a local...ricin poisoning

is very common.

Malaysia & Singapore...early 70's to present...Occasional

pickpocketing and bureaucracy BS to deal with...mainly

safe for mom & pop tourism.Many folks from these two

nations come to LOS to let their hair down. And become

victims of crime just as farang do.

Laos has crime against locals & tourists pretrty much under

control it seems. The lads will even give the intoxicated

tourista a ride back to his or her hotel when curfew starts!

I can vouch for that.

Burma....having just returned from an 80 day stint photographing

the entire nation I can verify that the crime rate, against foreigners,

is near zero or zero altogether. However this may not last as the

influx of fast cash grows each day throngs of tourists arrive.

Go there while the going is good...and cheap.

That's my 10 satang worth....hope it helps somebody.

Hi Sunshine, would love to see your photos - is that possible?

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Writing the below expoundings I just burned a couple lovely steaks on me grill....Oh Well...

a 16 year old did this?!

A quick history lesson about crime in Southeast Asia....not from a

book or Google. From living in this part of the world for 42 years.

Not a complete synopsis...just a very brief rant from an old SEA


In the early 70's in Thailand when the US Military was still here

one could very easily get a knife in the kidneys anywhere in the

country but most oftenly out on town near any military base.

The knife could come from a BG or a BIB or TM person...

didn't matter. Main reason for getting knifed whether one survived

or not....being condescending toward any Thai for even the smallest

of reason(s). Second reason...being an asshol_e. Patpong was also a

famous place to get knifed back then. Or shot. Soi Cowboy was

much "safer"...by a small margin.

Mid 70's in the Philippines...anywhere in the Philippines; military

base nearby or far away. Robbed or knifed or shot in a "crime

of opportunity" was a normal occurrence and still is today.

Life is cheap in the PI. Nuff said.

Mid 70's Guam, Marianas Islands....The day I arrived the car

that was bringing me to my new duty station had a 20 pound

chunk of dead coral heaved by a passing car through our the front

window and onto my lap....no real injuries...just some scrapes and

a huge bruise. The chunk of coral was weighed on a scale...that's

how I know how much it weighed...military cars got their windscreens

replaced free.

Still on Guam during the same time frame; Guam thugs would rob

Japanese tourists daily sometimes violently because of what the

Japanese did to the people of Guam during WWII. Gangs of

Guam thugs would try to beat up US Military personnel...sometimes

with success. If one lived off base it was highly advisable to have

a firearm or two in ones off base home.

Back to Thailand in the late 70's to present day....pretty much

the same crime scene however the crims were spreading out to

Koh Samui and Phuket because the influx of tourists arrivals.

This influx was primarily caused by us who were here during

the Vietnam war era and not only us in the military but also

backpackers & hippies & profiteers. Not one of us who

swore we'd never tell anybody about great LOS was ever

kept our mouths shut....but don't blame us old timers today.

Cambodia 1989 to 1999....The crime rate increased

exponentially about 2 weeks after the arrival in-country of

the UN and numerous NGO's. Knifings, shootings, grenade

tossing, nefarious roadblocks, unpaid soliders, unpaid provincial

and city police...etc...etc...all contributed. Guns & grenades

were very easy to get...so were land mines. Life was very


Indonesia....70's to present...crimes of opportunity are there

too but most involve only the "friendly" robber or devious

pickpocket. If one really pisses off a local...ricin poisoning

is very common.

Malaysia & Singapore...early 70's to present...Occasional

pickpocketing and bureaucracy BS to deal with...mainly

safe for mom & pop tourism.Many folks from these two

nations come to LOS to let their hair down. And become

victims of crime just as farang do.

Laos has crime against locals & tourists pretrty much under

control it seems. The lads will even give the intoxicated

tourista a ride back to his or her hotel when curfew starts!

I can vouch for that.

Burma....having just returned from an 80 day stint photographing

the entire nation I can verify that the crime rate, against foreigners,

is near zero or zero altogether. However this may not last as the

influx of fast cash grows each day throngs of tourists arrive.

Go there while the going is good...and cheap.

That's my 10 satang worth....hope it helps somebody.

Hi Sunshine, would love to see your photos - is that possible?

Rambo never carries a camera. sad.png
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For all the arguments here, one fact emerges.

In a country with unusually low IQ and EQ, poor education and rampant corruption do not be surprised if you get stabbed if you dare to question anything.

If you don't like it, go elsewhere. And that's exactly what well heeled tourists are now doing.

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I think what people need to understand is that if you get verbally aggressive, loud and swear at Thais, regardless of their position, there is a chance it will turn ugly for you. On the other hand, if you act calm and respectful and try to be discreet in a situation where you feel a need to confront somebody, chances are it will either be resolved or unresolved without any additional major problems for you.

It amazes me that people come here and have so little knowledge of the culture or simply don't have self-control. I would be just as baffled if their was a tendency for foreigners to go to the US and show the same level of disrespect to a person ... be like calling any black person they had a disagreement with the n-word. Bottom line is the results are not going to turn out well for the foreigner.

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I think what people need to understand is that if you get verbally aggressive, loud and swear at Thais, regardless of their position, there is a chance it will turn ugly for you. On the other hand, if you act calm and respectful and try to be discreet in a situation where you feel a need to confront somebody, chances are it will either be resolved or unresolved without any additional major problems for you.

It amazes me that people come here and have so little knowledge of the culture or simply don't have self-control. I would be just as baffled if their was a tendency for foreigners to go to the US and show the same level of disrespect to a person ... be like calling any black person they had a disagreement with the n-word. Bottom line is the results are not going to turn out well for the foreigner.

So I am a bit confused here. Thailand is a Buddhist country, where one of the tenets of the religion is to practice self control. So foreign tourists come here that are not Buddhists, and perhaps show a bit of anger at the Thai national. Then the Thai national loses control and either beats the crap out of the tourist with the help of 10 nearby taxi drivers, or shoots the tourist, or knifes the tourist. So who is acting improperly ????? I personally think the lower class Thais have had piss poured into their boots for way too long, and are ready to snap at the drop of a hat.

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Clearly a case of cultural misunderstanding

He should be grateful to the driver for not taking his wallet also, along with his credit cards. Honestly he should have given the driver a reward for looking after his belongings he was foolish enough to leave on the bus.

what cultural misunderstanding? i seems to fail to see in any.

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I think what people need to understand is that if you get verbally aggressive, loud and swear at Thais, regardless of their position, there is a chance it will turn ugly for you. On the other hand, if you act calm and respectful and try to be discreet in a situation where you feel a need to confront somebody, chances are it will either be resolved or unresolved without any additional major problems for you.

It amazes me that people come here and have so little knowledge of the culture or simply don't have self-control. I would be just as baffled if their was a tendency for foreigners to go to the US and show the same level of disrespect to a person ... be like calling any black person they had a disagreement with the n-word. Bottom line is the results are not going to turn out well for the foreigner.

So I am a bit confused here. Thailand is a Buddhist country, where one of the tenets of the religion is to practice self control. So foreign tourists come here that are not Buddhists, and perhaps show a bit of anger at the Thai national. Then the Thai national loses control and either beats the crap out of the tourist with the help of 10 nearby taxi drivers, or shoots the tourist, or knifes the tourist. So who is acting improperly ????? I personally think the lower class Thais have had piss poured into their boots for way too long, and are ready to snap at the drop of a hat.

I can see why you are confused. It is not a matter of right or wrong but rather understanding what is going to get you results you want or at least not results you don't want. You can argue until you are blue in the face about Thailand, Buddhism or anything else to try to say others are wrong but if you are lying in a hospital with a stab wound it doesn't help and probably will only help to ensure you'd find yourself with other bad results to problems. What would help is understanding and learning how we can control ourselves to prevent having ourselves end up in the hospital.

Edited by Nisa
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Surely the onus is on the traveller to learn about certain aspects of the culture of the country they are visiting? If not for reasons of being the model tourist, but at least for you own personal safety?

I'd be so thankful I managed to get my passport back, knowing the headache that will ensue. What's 100 dollars for forgetting your passport? I'd pay that in an instant. Even give it as a reward.

No one ever deserves extreme physical violence. Certainly not after being stolen from, but simply knowing the fact that getting aggressive and in the face of all SEAsians in general, could result in extreme violence, very often with a weapon as they lack the ability to overpower anyone physically, well that could save your life. Certainly if you back anyone into a corner and scare them into reacting in some way. What's the outcome going to be?

I remember, before I made my first visit here, I did a lenghty read on cultural sensitivities. Don't touch their head. Take off your shoes. Women don't approach monks or touch them. Cover up bare arms and legs in temples. And I distinctly remember, never get aggressive or lose your temper and shout as being the one they really tried to hammer home. Since I read that, I've never ever raised my voice to a Thai I don't know in anger. And very very rarely to those I do know. Some people argue it's repressing and is bad for your mental health, but hey, Thailand isn't in the West and their religion plays a large part in tempraments.

I wish this compatriot a very speedy recovery. This could have easily been avoided with a bit of Rough Guide style reading up on the place.

I'd also like to remind people of the case of the Thai BKK taxi driver that returned something like half a million baht, in cash, to a Burmese HiSo last year, that she absentmindedly left in his cab. Story here.

Human decency is alive and well in LOS.

Edited by ManInSurat
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I think what people need to understand is that if you get verbally aggressive, loud and swear at Thais, regardless of their position, there is a chance it will turn ugly for you. On the other hand, if you act calm and respectful and try to be discreet in a situation where you feel a need to confront somebody, chances are it will either be resolved or unresolved without any additional major problems for you.

It amazes me that people come here and have so little knowledge of the culture or simply don't have self-control. I would be just as baffled if their was a tendency for foreigners to go to the US and show the same level of disrespect to a person ... be like calling any black person they had a disagreement with the n-word. Bottom line is the results are not going to turn out well for the foreigner.

So I am a bit confused here. Thailand is a Buddhist country, where one of the tenets of the religion is to practice self control. So foreign tourists come here that are not Buddhists, and perhaps show a bit of anger at the Thai national. Then the Thai national loses control and either beats the crap out of the tourist with the help of 10 nearby taxi drivers, or shoots the tourist, or knifes the tourist. So who is acting improperly ????? I personally think the lower class Thais have had piss poured into their boots for way too long, and are ready to snap at the drop of a hat.

I can see why you are confused. It is not a matter of right or wrong but rather understanding what is going to get you results you want or at least not results you don't want. You can argue until you are blue in the face about Thailand, Buddhism or anything else to try to say others are wrong but if you are lying in a hospital with a stab wound it doesn't help and probably will only help to ensure you'd find yourself with other bad results to problems. What would help is understanding and learning how we can control ourselves to prevent having ourselves end up in the hospital.

I was being facetious about being confused. The problem here is very very simple. There is a total disconnect between the pap put out by TAT, and what actually occurs here. So the tourists come here after doing research on the culture, expect a peaceful friendly Buddhist based culture filled full of smiling people. Instead they find a whole lot of hot tempered people that see quite ready to administer a severe beating for the most minor of offenses by the tourist. Actually sort of ironic, that is unless it is you in a coma resulting from a taxi fare dispute.

So I humbly suggest either the government begin to address the social issues that seem to create such bottled up anger in Thais, or create massive punishment for crimes against tourists, since clearly attacking tourists is harming a multi-billion baht industry. Or I guess the TAT could start put warnings in their brochures. " When confronted by an angry Thai, give him whatever he wants and then beg for mercy"........

Edited by EyesWideOpen
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I think what people need to understand is that if you get verbally aggressive, loud and swear at Thais, regardless of their position, there is a chance it will turn ugly for you. On the other hand, if you act calm and respectful and try to be discreet in a situation where you feel a need to confront somebody, chances are it will either be resolved or unresolved without any additional major problems for you.

It amazes me that people come here and have so little knowledge of the culture or simply don't have self-control. I would be just as baffled if their was a tendency for foreigners to go to the US and show the same level of disrespect to a person ... be like calling any black person they had a disagreement with the n-word. Bottom line is the results are not going to turn out well for the foreigner.

So I am a bit confused here. Thailand is a Buddhist country, where one of the tenets of the religion is to practice self control. So foreign tourists come here that are not Buddhists, and perhaps show a bit of anger at the Thai national. Then the Thai national loses control and either beats the crap out of the tourist with the help of 10 nearby taxi drivers, or shoots the tourist, or knifes the tourist. So who is acting improperly ????? I personally think the lower class Thais have had piss poured into their boots for way too long, and are ready to snap at the drop of a hat.

I can see why you are confused. It is not a matter of right or wrong but rather understanding what is going to get you results you want or at least not results you don't want. You can argue until you are blue in the face about Thailand, Buddhism or anything else to try to say others are wrong but if you are lying in a hospital with a stab wound it doesn't help and probably will only help to ensure you'd find yourself with other bad results to problems. What would help is understanding and learning how we can control ourselves to prevent having ourselves end up in the hospital.

I was being facetious about being confused. The problem here is very very simple. There is a total disconnect between the pap put out by TAT, and what actually occurs here. So the tourists come here after doing research on the culture, expect a peaceful friendly Buddhist based culture filled full of smiling people. Instead they find a whole lot of hot tempered people that see quite ready to administer a severe beating for the most minor of offenses by the tourist. Actually sort of ironic, that is unless it is you in a coma resulting from a taxi fare dispute.

So I humbly suggest either the government begin to address the social issues that seem to create such bottled up anger in Thais, or create massive punishment for crimes against tourists, since clearly attacking tourists is harming a multi-billion baht industry. Or I guess the TAT could start put warnings in their brochures. " When confronted by an angry Thai, give him whatever he wants and then beg for mercy"........

With respect, I think you are confused. While there might be a whole lot going on behind the smile, the idea of there being a "whole lot of hot tempered people" and a multi-billion baht industry in "attacking tourists" is complete nonsense.

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I think what people need to understand is that if you get verbally aggressive, loud and swear at Thais, regardless of their position, there is a chance it will turn ugly for you. On the other hand, if you act calm and respectful and try to be discreet in a situation where you feel a need to confront somebody, chances are it will either be resolved or unresolved without any additional major problems for you.

It amazes me that people come here and have so little knowledge of the culture or simply don't have self-control. I would be just as baffled if their was a tendency for foreigners to go to the US and show the same level of disrespect to a person ... be like calling any black person they had a disagreement with the n-word. Bottom line is the results are not going to turn out well for the foreigner.

So I am a bit confused here. Thailand is a Buddhist country, where one of the tenets of the religion is to practice self control. So foreign tourists come here that are not Buddhists, and perhaps show a bit of anger at the Thai national. Then the Thai national loses control and either beats the crap out of the tourist with the help of 10 nearby taxi drivers, or shoots the tourist, or knifes the tourist. So who is acting improperly ????? I personally think the lower class Thais have had piss poured into their boots for way too long, and are ready to snap at the drop of a hat.

I can see why you are confused. It is not a matter of right or wrong but rather understanding what is going to get you results you want or at least not results you don't want. You can argue until you are blue in the face about Thailand, Buddhism or anything else to try to say others are wrong but if you are lying in a hospital with a stab wound it doesn't help and probably will only help to ensure you'd find yourself with other bad results to problems. What would help is understanding and learning how we can control ourselves to prevent having ourselves end up in the hospital.

I was being facetious about being confused. The problem here is very very simple. There is a total disconnect between the pap put out by TAT, and what actually occurs here. So the tourists come here after doing research on the culture, expect a peaceful friendly Buddhist based culture filled full of smiling people. Instead they find a whole lot of hot tempered people that see quite ready to administer a severe beating for the most minor of offenses by the tourist. Actually sort of ironic, that is unless it is you in a coma resulting from a taxi fare dispute.

So I humbly suggest either the government begin to address the social issues that seem to create such bottled up anger in Thais, or create massive punishment for crimes against tourists, since clearly attacking tourists is harming a multi-billion baht industry. Or I guess the TAT could start put warnings in their brochures. " When confronted by an angry Thai, give him whatever he wants and then beg for mercy"........

Or people can simply do their homework when visiting a less developed nation and realize they are surely to get themselves into problems (possible severe) if they don't. Of course they could instead whine about how the government should magically be able to make violence disappear in this less developed nation while lying in a hospital bed recover from a knife wound because they thought they were visiting a magical kingdom where bad people don't exist and you can disrespect locals and their only response will be to see you as the superior foreigner.

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Nisa stop being simplistic to make a point. The gist of my post was to point out the disconnect between what people expect when they come here , and what happens. And thus to be careful and not let your guard down. So as tourists get attacked in every greater numbers, the government , and the rose colored glasses brigade here , can continue to ignore this issue to the future detriment of Thailand. Or address it. I clearly do not expect perfection in society here, nor do I expect to be knifed by a taxi guy when I protest his over charges.

Or maybe I can just move upcountry , build a two story house in the village, and live peacefully in rural paradise. Don rose colored glasses, and write posts that tourists that get stabbed in Phuket or elsewhere must have deserved it for some unknown reason.......possibly by not giving Somchai the taxi man the absolute full measure of respect he deserves..

Edited by EyesWideOpen
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So let me get this straight. A guy absently minded leaves his wallet on a minibus, some 16 year old thief steals from it and when the guy confronts the thief he should wai and be respectful cos thats 'the culture' and if this does not yield results he should just say "oh well never mind"?

The Thai huggers on this forum certainly see a different Thai culture than I do.

Thai soaps regulary show rapes, wife beatings, stealing from neighbours family etc. Nearly all soaps ive seen have weapons (guns, sticks clubs) in confrontational scenes.

Add to that stories of policemen shooting at pickup trucks because of road rage (pattaya news), stabbings in phuket, the ongoing student brawls/shootings on buses and one can see that thais lose their temper just as easily as the tourists.

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violin.gif Have people not really read the news or seen television before coming on Thaivisa or to Thailand? Clearly the constant whining, complaining and bad mouthing is a sure sign they have not learned much about getting on in society here. For God sake, take some responsibility for yourself. How can one say they don't expect to get knifed by a taxi driver for arguing over the fair but then in the same breadth insinuate this is a common problem????
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violin.gif Have people not really read the news or seen television before coming on Thaivisa or to Thailand? Clearly the constant whining, complaining and bad mouthing is a sure sign they have not learned much about getting on in society here. For God sake, take some responsibility for yourself. How can one say they don't expect to get knifed by a taxi driver for arguing over the fair but then in the same breadth insinuate this is a common problem????

I was actually pointing out 2 things.

1. That Thais are not the gentle dont lose our temper kind of people they claim to be.

2. Who wouldnt lose their temper if they found someone had robbed their wallet and then lied that they hadnt.

Also whilst this is Thailand and not our country, we are visitors etc... You would have thought that the Thais that deal with westerners would have learned a bit about our culture by now.

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With respect, I think you are confused. While there might be a whole lot going on behind the smile, the idea of there being a "whole lot of hot tempered people" and a multi-billion baht industry in "attacking tourists" is complete nonsense.

What .....the .....heck..... Time for some remedial courses in reading comprehension. I did not say say that "attacking tourists " was a multi-billion baht industry. Wow.....

Tourism is an important part of the Thai economy, to the point that Yingluck is making pronouncements about bumping it up to 2 trillion baht I believe. And at the same time Charlerm is making pronouncements about cracking down on gun violence, and also about cracking down on the mafia that is preying on the tourist trade. So clearly even high government officials can see there is a link between violence against tourists , and having them return.

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violin.gif Have people not really read the news or seen television before coming on Thaivisa or to Thailand? Clearly the constant whining, complaining and bad mouthing is a sure sign they have not learned much about getting on in society here. For God sake, take some responsibility for yourself. How can one say they don't expect to get knifed by a taxi driver for arguing over the fair but then in the same breadth insinuate this is a common problem????

OMG......please tell me this is a troll post............

Edited by EyesWideOpen
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With respect, I think you are confused. While there might be a whole lot going on behind the smile, the idea of there being a "whole lot of hot tempered people" and a multi-billion baht industry in "attacking tourists" is complete nonsense.

What .....the .....heck..... Time for some remedial courses in reading comprehension. I did not say say that "attacking tourists " was a multi-billion baht industry. Wow.....

Tourism is an important part of the Thai economy, to the point that Yingluck is making pronouncements about bumping it up to 2 trillion baht I believe. And at the same time Charlerm is making pronouncements about cracking down on gun violence, and also about cracking down on the mafia that is preying on the tourist trade. So clearly even high government officials can see there is a link between violence against tourists , and having them return.

Oops, yes, my eyes had glazed over and I missed the "harming"... apologies.

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violin.gif Have people not really read the news or seen television before coming on Thaivisa or to Thailand? Clearly the constant whining, complaining and bad mouthing is a sure sign they have not learned much about getting on in society here. For God sake, take some responsibility for yourself. How can one say they don't expect to get knifed by a taxi driver for arguing over the fair but then in the same breadth insinuate this is a common problem????

I was actually pointing out 2 things.

1. That Thais are not the gentle dont lose our temper kind of people they claim to be.

2. Who wouldnt lose their temper if they found someone had robbed their wallet and then lied that they hadnt.

Also whilst this is Thailand and not our country, we are visitors etc... You would have thought that the Thais that deal with westerners would have learned a bit about our culture by now.

It is attitudes like yours that will end you in trouble but hopefully if or when you get a tune up or stabbed by some locals and are lying in your hospital bed, you can be comforted by the fact you are in the right ... at least in your mind.

And thank you for sharing your investigation into all Thais' personalities and letting us know how all Thais claim something I have never heard one claim. As well, I am sure Thailand will be thankful for being able to do away with courts and trials by already having convicted the kid of stealing.

What is interesting to note is nobody would be surprised where I come from to hear about somebody ending up in the hospital for getting aggressive with somebody and calling them a thief.

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Last two passengers on the bus. That leaves only the driver and the crew. Unless, the "valuables" were stolen before the other passengers got off the bus (which is a possibility), you are very limited as to who took the stuff. If it were me, I would be pointing the finger too and raising my voice.

I see Thais losing their rag from time to time and it is not uncommon. The argument that it is not "done" and will get you nowhere is bullsh*t. There are times when it is the only thing that works, Thai or non-Thai.

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some news...

''Because the buses are illegal, the crew will pretend the bus has broken down or make some excuse so they don't have to go all the way to Bangkok, where they might be detected.''
about 20 passengers were asked to get off.The couple also had to remove their bicycles. Amid some confusion, the bus drove off.

The couple discovered they'd left a backpack on the bus,

Many travellers have complained about having possessions and cash stolen on the route.
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After taking their two bicycles from the bus and the bus departed Mr Banks realised that he had left his wallet with cash in US dollars and his passport on the bus, and he called the bus driver to return.

The bus came back to the petrol station and Mr Banks found that his wallet had been searched by someone and his valuables were missing. He asked a bus worker and the two men quarrelled. The staff worker stabbed the tourist before fleeing by the same bus.

C''mon. His own stupidity- sorry could have been Alzheimer- had caused the problem.

Please try to be honest. How many TV members would have brought the wallet to a police station?

I guess only two out of 100............. wai.gif

Are you judging others by your own seemingly low standards?

I have found 3 wallets in my lifetime. Each has been handed either in to the police or directly to the owner fully intact.

I'd always give a wallet back to the owner, especially when having his passport details. It was a serious question.

How many people on this planet are that honest?

Guess just you and me at the moment.

And Me...

But really, you have to re-read all these posts. The majority are saying the same thing. The words you hear are like a ladies make-up. The meaning is meant to be understood from the eyes...

To translate: Hey Foreigner, please leave something for me to snatch. It is Thai way. It is our Culture! If you get pointed and confront me "I will be angery" This is because you have discraced Thai Culture and My Honor. I will resist, you may as result die.

Bullsh_t! I know many Thai. They say there is no Honor among Thieves! They are all feel Discraced because you have openly implied that they to act and think this way. You have no Right to imply! If I as a Doctor... I would remove your tongue... let you see the repercussions of your words and Actions.

If I found I had lost an item. Later found it but items had been quietly removed... I and the majority of the Thai I know, would confront you. If you took offense... it is a indication of 99% guilty. Maybe not of my items but of doing and taking advantage of someone and trying to hide behind "Our Countries Culture"

God Help you! because Buddha just referred you after you not learning ANYTHING this lifetime...

You took offense and angery at me.... Why??

Because I confront you?


Because you screw up and get caught!

Edited by davidstipek
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The lost wallet test to see how many people would return a dropped wallet on the street..... http://www.xys.org/forum/db/4/155/242.html

Thailand actually did pretty well .

Norway 100%

Denmark 100%

Singapore 90%

New Zealand 83%

Finland 80%

Scotland 80%

Australia 70%

Japan 70%

South Korea 70%

Spain 70%

Austria 70%

Sweden 70%

U.S. 67%

England 67%

India 65%

Canada 64%

France 60%

Brazil 60%

Netherlands 60%

Thailand 55%

Belgium 50%

Taiwan 50%

Malaysia 50%

Germany 45%

Portugal 45%

Argentina 44%

Russia 43%

Philippines 40%

Wales 40%

Italy 35%

Switzerland 35%

China (Hong Kong): 30%

Mexico 21%

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The lost wallet test to see how many people would return a dropped wallet on the street..... http://www.xys.org/f.../4/155/242.html

Thailand actually did pretty well .

Norway 100%

Denmark 100%

Singapore 90%

New Zealand 83%

Finland 80%

Scotland 80%

Australia 70%

Japan 70%

South Korea 70%

Spain 70%

Austria 70%

Sweden 70%

U.S. 67%

England 67%

India 65%

Canada 64%

France 60%

Brazil 60%

Netherlands 60%

Thailand 55%

Belgium 50%

Taiwan 50%

Malaysia 50%

Germany 45%

Portugal 45%

Argentina 44%

Russia 43%

Philippines 40%

Wales 40%

Italy 35%

Switzerland 35%

China (Hong Kong): 30%

Mexico 21%

Great link, some of the individual tales make for interesting reading. Would love to see a breakdown by city... I bet there are certain places that really dragged the %s down, relying on others to boost them back up to a respectable level!

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