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NASA Cancels Climate Studies In Thailand


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NASA cancels climate studies in Thailand


BANGKOK, June 28 - The United States National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) cancelled its plan to conduct atmospheric studies this year following the Thai Cabinet's decision to refer the matter for deliberation in a joint sitting of Parliament.

"NASA cancelled the SEAC4RS mission, which was scheduled to begin in August 2012, due to the absence of necessary approvals by regional authorities in the timeframe necessary to support the mission's planned deployment and scientific observation window." the US space agency said in an announcement on its website.

The cancellation came after Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra had announced on Tuesday that her Cabinet was forwarding the NASA request to use U-Tapao naval airbase to conduct atmospheric studies to Parliament for a non-voting debate for transparency following heavy criticism from the opposition and critics.

The premier today declined to give any comment on the NASA cancellation.

NASA earlier said it would suspend its plan to use the airport if the Thai government did not grant a permission for its request by June 26 as the agency could not move its equipment on time for the project implementation scheduled in August and September.

The Southeast Asia Composition, Cloud, Climate Coupling Regional Study (SEAC4RS) is scheduled to take to the field in August. The campaign is being lead by Brian Toon, chair of the University of Colorado's Department of Atmospheric and Oceanic Sciences. Dr Toon is a veteran of NASA airborne campaigns, including flights to study the Antarctic ozone hole and the atmospheric effects of volcanic eruptions.

Some scientists believe that Southeast Asia is the primary place where new air is transported into the stratosphere. SEAC4RS is designed to investigate that hypothesis and provide new insights into exactly what the effects are of pollution vapours and tiny particles called aerosols that reach the stratosphere. SEAC4RS is to address issues of global concern, according to information posted on the US space agency's website.

NASA proposed to base its SEAC4RS aircraft in Thailand so that they can sample the two big meteorological drivers of the region's atmospheric circulation: the summertime monsoon circulation to the west and marine convection to the east and south that can loft emissions into the stratosphere, NASA said. (MCOT online news)


-- TNA 2012-06-28

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Congratulations to all the haters and doubters.

Explain ?.

What's to explain? The people who hated the idea of an American agency doing a research study in Thailand and the people who doubted the intentions of the 2 month study, thinking that NASA was going to spy on Thailand (as if Thailand is some advanced superpower!!) have got what they wanted: That is the project cancelled. Hysteria was caused by the demorats, always putting the political interests ahead of the nation.

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Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra had announced on Tuesday that her Cabinet was forwarding the NASA request to use U-Tapao naval airbase to conduct atmospheric studies to Parliament for a non-voting debate for transparency following heavy criticism from the opposition and critics.!!!!! Seems like the politicians in this country have the interlectual capacity of a fried egg.

I read that when this was previously submitted to the Dem Government it had been agreed without issue, then with the change of Government the Dems changed tact and decided to oppose the plans... can anyone shed any light on this aspect? Seems strange that they would switch stances from being in power to becoming the opposition.

I don't think they actually "opposed" the plan, they just wanted the current deal to be transparent.

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This is what the US has to deal with thanks to its record of aggression and asserting itself on smaller countries. This mission was most likely in good faith and would have been beneficial to the causes of science and environmentalism, but the world is simply wary and distrustful of the US, Thailand included. I'm American, but the truth is obvious even to me.

I agree but I am not sure that the intent of the mission was to benefit science. The photo on the front page of the BKK Post showed the supposed weather plane. They used to be called U2s during the Cold War and their purpose was far from being weather data collection

So why did NASA cancel the project instead of wait 2 months to start their spying?

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This is what the US has to deal with thanks to its record of aggression and asserting itself on smaller countries. This mission was most likely in good faith and would have been beneficial to the causes of science and environmentalism, but the world is simply wary and distrustful of the US, Thailand included. I'm American, but the truth is obvious even to me.

I agree but I am not sure that the intent of the mission was to benefit science. The photo on the front page of the BKK Post showed the supposed weather plane. They used to be called U2s during the Cold War and their purpose was far from being weather data collection

With the chief characteristic being that it can fly high, over weather. duh!

I would say the most likely reasons Thailand did not want this project is 1) There was no quid pro quo available from the US government, ie:Thyaksin visas or outright bribe money 2) The current administration was fearful that it's own activities might somehow come under the spotlight such as when the US shared intelligence with the last administration during the Red Shirt insurrection.

Anyway, now you know why your internet's so bad. They did the same thing when Global Crossing came calling.

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This is what the US has to deal with thanks to its record of aggression and asserting itself on smaller countries. This mission was most likely in good faith and would have been beneficial to the causes of science and environmentalism, but the world is simply wary and distrustful of the US, Thailand included. I'm American, but the truth is obvious even to me.

Well I doubt that very much I think you Americans are so scared of your own government, that you are constantly fixated on the conspiracy theory that might or might not happen.

Personally i think it was due to the fact that Thailand cant make its mind up on anything. Its political process is so ancient its the one thing that is destroying this country from the inside out.

They were probably in fighting over how much they should charge the Americans for using the land. They have well and truly shot themselves in the foot this time.

The pure laziness of officials in Thailand begs belief. They are some of the worst corrupt members of government in the world today.

It will continue to be a major problem for this country until the social and political structure is dragged into the 21st century.

Wow Ouch!!! that hurt!

Edited by blueshark
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Thanks to the bravery of the Democrat Party and the resourcefulness of the People's Alliance for Democracy, the Thai people (and all us wise and loyal farang) now know the truth behind "NASA's" request for a so-called climate study center at U-Tapao: it's a facility to control the weather and cause natural disasters, granted to the US so that they can give Thaksin a US visa. It would be equivalent to surrendering Thai sovereignty to the US, and allowing them to use Thai soil to wage war against their enemies.

Source: http://prachatai.com/english/node/3275

The editors at Prachatai are red-shirt cowards who refused to show the full evidence that the PAD revealed: that prototype weather control facilities have already been used to cause untold harm to China and other allies of Thailand.

Source: http://www.manager.co.th/Politics/ViewNews.aspx?NewsID=9550000075998

When the Democrat Party allowed the US to use U-Tapao for Operation Enduring Freedom, at least that was visible to the public. But who knows what nasty secret plans the US has for this scary new super-weapon?

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Scientific community would be devasted.

Opportunity to learn for young Thai scientists gone out the window due to good old fashioned beurocracy and nationalistic agendas.

Sad day for Thailand.

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Congratulations to all the haters and doubters.

Explain ?.

What's to explain? The people who hated the idea of an American agency doing a research study in Thailand and the people who doubted the intentions of the 2 month study, thinking that NASA was going to spy on Thailand (as if Thailand is some advanced superpower!!) have got what they wanted: That is the project cancelled. Hysteria was caused by the demorats, always putting the political interests ahead of the nation.

And of course America has never attempted to use another Governmant agency to spy for it. And I thought Thailand was a Superpower...well that's what everyone here keeps telling me...have I truly been that naive all these years...I'm devastated!

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This is what the US has to deal with thanks to its record of aggression and asserting itself on smaller countries. This mission was most likely in good faith and would have been beneficial to the causes of science and environmentalism, but the world is simply wary and distrustful of the US, Thailand included. I'm American, but the truth is obvious even to me.

I agree but I am not sure that the intent of the mission was to benefit science. The photo on the front page of the BKK Post showed the supposed weather plane. They used to be called U2s during the Cold War and their purpose was far from being weather data collection

Indeed it WAS designated the U2 in it's cold war deployment. It doesn't carry all that spy in the sky crap under the new RE-2 designation.

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I agree but I am not sure that the intent of the mission was to benefit science. The photo on the front page of the BKK Post showed the supposed weather plane. They used to be called U2s during the Cold War and their purpose was far from being weather data collection

Those are not U2 aircraft they are ER-2 weather planes. They are close cousins only and for upper atmosphere weather research a very high altitude aircraft is needed. But don't let that stand in the way of another good conspiracy theory.

ScienceDaily (Nov. 24, 1998) — A NASA ER-2 aircraft set a new world altitude record for medium weight aircraft on Nov. 19, 1998, reaching 68,700 feet, almost twice the cruising altitude of most airliners.

In 1981, NASA acquired its first ER-2 aircraft. The agency obtained a second ER-2 in 1989. These airplanes replaced two Lockheed U-2 aircraft, which NASA had used to collect science data since 1971. The U-2s, and later the ER-2s, were based at NASA's Ames Research Center, Moffett Field, CA, until 1997, at which time the ER-2 aircraft and their operations moved to Dryden.

Since the program's inaugural flight on Aug. 31, 1971, NASA U-2s and ER-2s have flown over 4,000 data missions and test flights in support of scientific research conducted by scientists from NASA, other government agencies, universities and the private sector.

Science Daily

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