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NASA Cancels Climate Studies In Thailand


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Thai Prime Minister Yingluck Shinawatra had announced on Tuesday that her Cabinet was forwarding the NASA request to use U-Tapao naval airbase to conduct atmospheric studies to Parliament for a non-voting debate for transparency following heavy criticism from the opposition and critics.!!!!! Seems like the politicians in this country have the interlectual capacity of a fried egg.

I read that when this was previously submitted to the Dem Government it had been agreed without issue, then with the change of Government the Dems changed tact and decided to oppose the plans... can anyone shed any light on this aspect? Seems strange that they would switch stances from being in power to becoming the opposition.

The Dems, as far as I understand, did not oppose the plans, merely suggested that the proposal be put to parliamentary vote to ensure open dealings. The poweres that be had ample time to do this yet were so preoccupied with getting big brother back that they missed the boat, and now they are blaming the Democrats for the unfortunate result. Very very sad !

Yingluck had endorsed the project, but retreated from approving it amid fierce criticism from the opposition, which claimed a deal had been struck allowing the NASA study in exchange for granting a US visa to Thaksin -- who lives in self-imposed exile. The Democrats also raised fears the study could compromise Thai sovereignty and impact on the country's relations with China, which is carefully watching US moves to establish further footholds in Southeast Asia. Democrat leader Abhisit Vejjajiva, who was succeeded as prime minister by Yingluck in 2010, said the government had failed to sell the benefits of the project.

Taken from the posted update in this thread. Seems a bit childish and petty to me, is it really necessary to make Thaksin the focus of everything?

This smacks of utter hypocrisy by the Dems. It's ok when they are in power and stand to "make" from the deal but when the table's are turned it suddenly becomes about Thaksin... It's about time both parties focus on what's good for the people of Thailand and stop being so self serving and obtuse. Continual bickering and mud slinging really helps only to make Thailand's democracy an international laughing stock.

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"Having lived in Africa and Asia for many years and experienced the US ways, I tend to think that this NASA project is only a foot in the door ..."

That's my point exactly. No matter what the US wants to do outside its borders, even if it's the most harmless (or helpful) thing possible, the majority of the world will be suspicious, and for good reason! If a guy goes into a village and wreaks havoc ten times, and then wants to go an eleventh time to do something good for everyone, you think the villagers are going to believe him?

Say all you want about Thailand's governmental ineptitude, but plenty of countries wouldn't even entertain the idea of the US using their air field for any reason. If it were the Dutch or the Japanese wanting to implement this whole weather observation program, do you think they would get the same response from the Thais? Hardly....

I totally agree.

It may be just be Thai government ineptitude. But it could so easily be something much more sinister and perhaps our Chinese neighbours stepping in.

Perhaps worries about spying, but unlikely. This is about researching interesting weather patterns and therefore could easily have something to do with the US military’s ongoing research and stated aim for the USAF to ‘own the weather’ by 2025. Weather weapons are not science fiction and certainly not the stuff of the tin foil hat brigade. By directing lightning using laser technology you can take out an enemy’s electronic command and control equipment, not to mention decimating enemy positions. If you can learn how to control and direct a hurricane for example you have at your disposal the force of a nuclear bomb.

If you are reading this and going ‘phoooey’ then I suggest you simply watch this History Channel video which gives a neat overview of weaponised weather and refers to the USAF objective at the end.

Edited by metisdead
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Brain dead Thai officials once again stopping progress and opportunity in their country. Are they wary of America spying on China from their country?? If America really wants to spy using the Dragon Lady (U-2) they could just use satellite or have the USAF launch from Okinawa. I believe NASA has also the SR-71 and that would be a treat to introduce into Thailand but Thai officials would probably say they have a faster aircraft and have no need for Habu (SR-71).

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Scientific community would be devasted.

Opportunity to learn for young Thai scientists gone out the window due to good old fashioned beurocracy and nationalistic agendas.

Sad day for Thailand.

not at all!!

yes, (at the surface) there was a nice weather project for all to learn from.

but come on,, cant you see the trojan horse?

there no way it was just a simple weather project.

no way do I trust it.

i'm very happy its cancelled because I am sure there was something more than meets the eye.

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This is what the US has to deal with thanks to its record of aggression and asserting itself on smaller countries. This mission was most likely in good faith and would have been beneficial to the causes of science and environmentalism, but the world is simply wary and distrustful of the US, Thailand included. I'm American, but the truth is obvious even to me.

I agree but I am not sure that the intent of the mission was to benefit science. The photo on the front page of the BKK Post showed the supposed weather plane. They used to be called U2s during the Cold War and their purpose was far from being weather data collection

So why did NASA cancel the project instead of wait 2 months to start their spying?

Shipping times. The support gear is already on a boat trans-Pacific and they allowed for a 2-month window to get Thai approvals while it was in transit.

Some Democrats got a wild yellow-colored hair up there arse and suggested that the current government rubber-stamped the whole thing in order to secure a US visa for Thaksin. He may be a megalomaniac and despot in the making but sure as sh!t he doesn't want to go anywhere near a country that has multi-layered extradition agreements with various countries depending on the day of the week.

Come to think of it; hypothetically the government allowed NASA to operate it's SCIENTIFIC research and hypothetically Thaksin got a visa and went to Disneyland. He is hypothetically detained by US Immigration for some alledged malfeasance in Thailand. Since his government is already in place, do you think they would agree to his "extradition" to Thailand?

Edited by NanLaew
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Congratulations Yingluck and Abhisit, you have both done your best for helping your country moving forwards! Please continue this way and within 5 years Cambodia will overtake you with more than one length...

Meanwhile the students (the leaders of tomorrow) will continue to work hard on their tablet computers for reaching good results in international competitions, tourists continued being stabbed to death and yearly flooding despite a clear interdiction from the Minister of Science. And where is Chalerm?

But all this will soon be better once the constitution wil be amended and the amnesty granted for the convicted criminal Thaksin...

Amazing Thailand!

Thailand continues to move backwards, at an alarming pace. They were the 21st largest economy in the world in 2006, and are now the 25th. Give them 10 or 20 more years. Where do you think this nation of progressive genius will be? The political system is completely broken, and nearly completely dysfunctional. The ministries are run by cronies, and there is nothing even bordering on appointment by merit. There is an astonishing lack of talent at the national government level, and the same applies to the entire educational system from elementary school, through university. It is frankly astonishing, how little Thailand is accomplishing at this point in time. At the risk of sounding a little too harsh, when was the last time someone from Thailand won international recognition for a medical breakthrough, for a dance or theatre performance, for academic excellence, etc? When was the last time a Thai won a Nobel Peace Prize, or a Pulitzer, or a Peabody award?

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Scientific community would be devasted.

Opportunity to learn for young Thai scientists gone out the window due to good old fashioned beurocracy and nationalistic agendas.

Sad day for Thailand.

not at all!!

yes, (at the surface) there was a nice weather project for all to learn from.

but come on,, cant you see the trojan horse?

there no way it was just a simple weather project.

no way do I trust it.

i'm very happy its cancelled because I am sure there was something more than meets the eye.

What would that be? Give me an example?

US can spy into any neighbourhood on this planet from space. They don't need any country to base itself when spying.

Drones attacks can be coordinated from anywhere on the planet so that can't be the reason to base in pattaya.

NASA wasn't asking for a permenant move.

Thailand isn't a very strategic position in the grand scheme of things. South Korea and Japan should be the major concern for China.

It's just more nationalistic propaganda that a political party can use against another. Democrats beating the drum.

The whole notion of NASA doing a deal so Thaksin can get a visa to the us is just ridiculous.

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This is what the US has to deal with thanks to its record of aggression and asserting itself on smaller countries. This mission was most likely in good faith and would have been beneficial to the causes of science and environmentalism, but the world is simply wary and distrustful of the US, Thailand included. I'm American, but the truth is obvious even to me.

I agree but I am not sure that the intent of the mission was to benefit science. The photo on the front page of the BKK Post showed the supposed weather plane. They used to be called U2s during the Cold War and their purpose was far from being weather data collection

I have seen this airplane up close. It came to DFW Int'l Airport in Fort Worth Texas and NASA parked this very aircraft in the American Airlines hanger 3. There was no security at all. All in the hanger could walk around it up close and observe all the antennas, probes and data collection equipment. Photographic equip was not seen. Yes it use to be a U-2. Now its declassified and painted white. Now some one post that all the antennas, probes and data collection equipment is for spying on unsuspecting nations.

With no security at all around the American Airlines hangers, I am surprised Thailand (or any country) allows any plane associated with them into their borders wink.png But seriously, I have no idea what the US may have or have not been up to as it relates to this topic but wouldn't put too much into being allowed near the plane as this goes on all the time at airshows with the most modern of military planes. The only ones you will not see are the ones that have not been photographed or whose outside appearance is unknown. Certainly doesn't mean because they are known and showed that they are not up to no good covert missions that could land Thailand into problems with its neighbors.

However, I would like to think this was a peaceful science issue and through bad communications and planning, it regretfully will not come about.

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Does anyone have factual data as to when this request was made? Was it a few months ago, or August last year. If it was August last year, who was setting on the request, and why? If it was only a few months ago, than how can NASA think that any government would approve it in such a short time.

By all accounts, the initial INFORMAL request was made to, and INFORMALLY approved by the Abhisit government. It is unfortunate that people at NASA and the US Government assumed that this was now a mere formality and were unaware that the actual request for access to Thailand for their scientific endeavours would be hijacked by the yellow-shirts and Democrats and used for local political gain.

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Putting aside the science point of view

ON one hand we have someone interested in renting the hardly used airport, ie paying huge rent and most likely also creating some jobs

ON the other hand an airport slowly rotting.

After careful consideration current Thai government has decided that its rich enough and does not need any extra money, so better let the airport to decay and continue to pay for it from the tax payers money. As usual a very wise decision by this governmentwai.gifrolleyes.gif

After all, Thailand has soooooooo many secrets and secret research labs along with secret weaponsthumbsup.gif, that it can not be jeopardised.

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Does anyone have factual data as to when this request was made? Was it a few months ago, or August last year. If it was August last year, who was setting on the request, and why? If it was only a few months ago, than how can NASA think that any government would approve it in such a short time.

By all accounts, the initial INFORMAL request was made to, and INFORMALLY approved by the Abhisit government. It is unfortunate that people at NASA and the US Government assumed that this was now a mere formality and were unaware that the actual request for access to Thailand for their scientific endeavours would be hijacked by the yellow-shirts and Democrats and used for local political gain.

Well the GOVERNMENT could have approved it. I think the blame lies with all of these idiots, personally.

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I think Thailand can forget about trying to persuade Obama to visit now!

After all, if Obama came it would be in an airplane. We all know, airplanes can be used for spying!

The Thais are incedibly foolish for this, and this is what, one month after the big bilateral meeting back in the states? The Thais are biting the hand that feeds them and they should be reminded about who really needs who.

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I think it is very doubtful that this program could be postponed and done next year as suggested in one of the reports.

The NASA science budget is under increasing pressure and the allocation for this campaign was done some years ago, if the campaign does not go ahead the money will be spent on something else.

Added to that there is a possibility that the Republicans win in the November presidential election and would therefore cancel any further request.

There is a position paper from 3 right wing think tanks stating that once they have control of both congress and the white house, then they would de-fund any NASA involvement in climate science (along with planned parenthood, stem cell research, evolutionary biology and a host of other research areas that may yield results not in keeping with their ideology)

So this may not just be a golden opportunity for climate science co-operation, it may have been the last opportunity.


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The dimwits that subscribe to the theory that this was all part of a plan to get Thaksin a US visa.

Maybe they haven't quite got their heads around the US Department of State's mantra regarding a US visa.

A visa does not guarantee entry into the U.S. A visa allows a foreign citizen to travel to the U.S. port-of-entry, and the Department of Homeland Security U.S. Customs and Border Protection (CBP) immigration inspector authorizes or denies admission to the United States.

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So, based on this irresponsible response, when the next tsunami, quake or flood hits Thailand I assume the Thai government won't be calling the USA for assistance.

On a side note, if anyone is seriously delusional enough to think NASA, or the USA for that matter, gives a rat's patootee about a US visa for Thaksin in exchange for a fact-finding climate science weather program, the line forms to the right for your 1st class hydrogen airship to the sun.

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Putting aside the science point of view

ON one hand we have someone interested in renting the hardly used airport, ie paying huge rent and most likely also creating some jobs

ON the other hand an airport slowly rotting.

After careful consideration current Thai government has decided that its rich enough and does not need any extra money, so better let the airport to decay and continue to pay for it from the tax payers money. As usual a very wise decision by this governmentwai.gifrolleyes.gif

After all, Thailand has soooooooo many secrets and secret research labs along with secret weaponsthumbsup.gif, that it can not be jeopardised.

Your third sentence is total nonsense...........

The fourth does not deserve a response.

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It won't be long before Burma supasses Thailand in a whole host of areas, as has Vietnam. Thailand seems to be locked in some kind

of time warp. Perhaps their karmic gravity has frozen them in time; the Rip Van Winkle syndrome.

Also, inorder for any kind of evolutionaly change for the better in a multitude of areas, their minds like parachutes have to be open to work.

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Thailand isn't a very strategic position in the grand scheme of things. South Korea and Japan should be the major concern for China.

It's just more nationalistic propaganda that a political party can use against another. Democrats beating the drum.

Quite!!! Don't tell Thailand they are not in a very strategic position...the truth will hurt them too much...too many Thai HiSo's and certain ones with political agendas think Thailand is the center of the universe...or should I say a universe they want to keep mired in the past.

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It won't be long before Burma supasses Thailand in a whole host of areas, as has Vietnam. Thailand seems to be locked in some kind

of time warp. Perhaps their karmic gravity has frozen them in time; the Rip Van Winkle syndrome.

Also, inorder for any kind of evolutionaly change for the better in a multitude of areas, their minds like parachutes have to be open to work.

I think corruption has frozen them in time. Nobody cares about anything, only how one can bank some cash. sad.png
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