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Phi Phi Poisonings: Autopsy Results On Canadian Sisters ‘Inconclusive’

Lite Beer

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^ as the bodies were embalmed before leaving Thailand, I wouldn't hope for too much. We can only hope the Thai police labs are testing for a lot of different compounds.

And then that we will get full disclosure of results.


That Thai forensics team did not take sample until 5 days after discovery , possibly 7 days after death does not bode well, either.

At least that blatant mis information of food poisoning isn't going to hold water, anymore. I hope.

Re the Portuguese guy,

I have read a post that about a media " report" re a note from him being in the room proves something or,.. 'nother about his inocence or involvement but it seems the cops haven't considered it could have been slipped under the door and the the maid or more likely untrained cops first on the scene picked it up off the floor and set it on a table.

regardless, I don't think dope-date- rapers escort victims home and then don't rape them. Or had he (or they?)

The police quoted claims that no violence occured therefore no foul play is also suspect .

Wow... I don't think Canadian Team is going to find anything either. Once Thailand Embalmed the bodies... all fluids drained and replaced with a foreign substance they screwed everyone! Believe me they knew before they embalmed that the family had requested an autopsy in Canada. I think somebody in the forensics team has some explaining to do... FAST!

Bodies should have been frozen and shipped on ice, purely a fact!

There are two (2) types of Autopsy, a Coronial Autopsy and a General Autopsy. These autopsies are Coronial where there is an unexplained death/s (no Dr's Cert). In a Coronial autopsy the Coroner has the authority to conduct an examination without the written authority of the family to the extent that he deems necessary, however having said that he also has an obligation to keep the family fully informed. The coroner may also retain organs and tissues for further investigation if he believes neccessay. At the conclusion of an autopsy the coroner must return the body to the family and he has no authority to dispose of the body (unless serious public health issues) which may be cremation and no authority to embalm. The deceased must be returned to the family in as far as possible in the condition recieved. At the conclusion of the autopsy examination the coroners authority of the deceased is removed and his authority was only for medical purposes ONLY.

P.S Speaking of Australian proceedures but I am sure these are world wide including Thailand.

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Of course it was inclusive........what else would they possibly say?? This was a forgone conclusion. All we can do is wait for the results of the Canadian autopsy to hear the truth. You almost have to get a laugh out of the expertise of the Thais performing the autopsy . A poison so powerful it drops two healthy girls in their tracks, and yet they cannot find what it was.....

This is turning into an exact repeat of the Chiang Mai deaths. Absolutely pathetic.....

I think the government pretty well has the angles covered. Declare their own autopsy results as inconclusive. If the Canadian autopsy cannot find anything due to the fact that Thailand embalmed the body as well as decomposition, then case closed. If Canada comes up with a poison, then Thailand can declare it must have been done by the Portuguese men who have left. Case closed , and tourism can get back to normal...

Although given the deaths that have occurred in hotel rooms in Phi Phi, I am not sure why anyone in their right mind would go there..

Brilliant post!!! wai.gif
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Maj Gen Boontawee today took the opportunity to defend the efforts by police in their investigation into the women’s deaths. “What the foreign media have said about Thai Police ignoring the case, trying to hide the news and allowing an important witness to leave the country is not true. “I want to explain to the public that we have already done our best at every step of the investigation, but we still have yet to determine thcause of the death,” he said.

I expect their are a lot of cynical Expats going top be making rude and nasty comments about the Boys in Browns work; Never let it be said that they have not "done are best at every step of the investigation"

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I expect their are a lot of cynical Expats going top be making rude and nasty comments about the Boys in Browns work; Never let it be said that they have not "done are best at every step of the investigation"


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Of course it was inclusive........what else would they possibly say?? This was a forgone conclusion. All we can do is wait for the results of the Canadian autopsy to hear the truth. You almost have to get a laugh out of the expertise of the Thais performing the autopsy . A poison so powerful it drops two healthy girls in their tracks, and yet they cannot find what it was.....

This is turning into an exact repeat of the Chiang Mai deaths. Absolutely pathetic.....

I think the government pretty well has the angles covered. Declare their own autopsy results as inconclusive. If the Canadian autopsy cannot find anything due to the fact that Thailand embalmed the body as well as decomposition, then case closed. If Canada comes up with a poison, then Thailand can declare it must have been done by the Portuguese men who have left. Case closed , and tourism can get back to normal...

Although given the deaths that have occurred in hotel rooms in Phi Phi, I am not sure why anyone in their right mind would go there..

And when Canada says what it is, Thailand will say they are wrong.

Actually the state the bodies were in when they were shipped to Canada.... Thailand insured that "No One" was going to find anything...

Canada... Pay attention to this! As you requested to be enabled to perform an Autopsy. Thailand was made aware of this effectively before they were embalmed, never should have been. This is why morgues have refrigerated vaults, or at least everyone outside of Thailand.

I think you in Canada deserve an explaination on why you were forced to receive the Bodies this way. Or was it just a Thai Insurance Policy?

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Tourists will keep coming to Phi Phi anyone who thinks differently is in dream land. Shame about the deaths but life goes on and this ultimately will end up as forum fodder when next unexplained death occurs.

Insensitive, needless comments help no-one, I really feel for the poor girls' family when I see thoughtless, heartless remarks like these.

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back in the 60's when mushrooms were very popular in the states many dealers would often spray mushrooms with various chemicals to make them appear to be the "real"magic mushrooms.

I assume this is the same situation as they are popular mixed in drinks and omelets in Thailand and the "real" ones are very hard to find

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Predictable, Not one top person in charge ???, sending samples to a host of departments and await results. Were they initially just wanting to know if it was drugs ?? now they said inconclusive. Looking elswhere ?? Just doesn't sound thorough enough, time wasted again maybe this is natural to find out if anyone is treading on someones toes ?? sorry but this is not the first time it's happened.

Just supposing the girls were poisoned,maybe I'm missing something here, but what motive can anyone have for poisoning them? Did they upset someone? Did they know something that could get someone into trouble? Or, could it have been accidental? If this happens again, or should I say when, the Thai authorities should get someone from the victims country to carry out a post mortem, and quickly. If they have nothing to hide, then they should not object.
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Call me cynical but has there ever been any conclusive positive findings made on post mortems' in any of these mysterious deaths in Thailand in recent times..'Inconclusive'seems to be all they ever report and that's the end of that...a pattern is there for all to see now and it don't look good to be honest!

Edited by sydneyjed
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Tourists will keep coming to Phi Phi anyone who thinks differently is in dream land. Shame about the deaths but life goes on and this ultimately will end up as forum fodder when next unexplained death occurs.

Yep, meaningless forum fodder, unless of course it is your daughters that turn up dead.

I can't think of anything less helpful to the parents than reading the posts here ... not one thing I recall having read on this thread that would be the least bit helpful or comforting to them, including my posts.

Even if they did find something there is no way they can pin it on anybody. Did you spike the girls drinks? No! End of story.

Ever heard of rubber and semen not being traceable after years?

Sorry, but I gave up! I asked for calm and serenity, but no; the nit-picking continues, so I may as well join the herd. whistling.gif


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My first post on this topic, when the initial news broke, was Thai authorities would want an 'inconclusive' result. Inconclusive is best for Thai tourism, because it's the quickest way for people (Thais and tourists) to forget about it, and get back to the business of tourist dollars. Plus, no one gets punished or sent to an 'inactive post.'

Let's hope the Canadian experts can come up with something tangible. The girls deserve it.

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Call me cynical but has there ever been any conclusive positive findings made on post mortems' in any of these mysterious deaths in Thailand in recent times..'Inconclusive'seems to be all they ever report and that's the end of that...a pattern is there for all to see now and it don't look good to be honest!

There's certainly a pattern of knifing farang to death lately. A new fad, like Song Khran water pistols??? :(


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I think this is a case of 'we had better say we found nothing, if we say we found something and the Canadian pathologist contradicts us with evidence we will look silly, so lets look less silly by saying we found nothing, that should work, right?)

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Predictable, Not one top person in charge ???, sending samples to a host of departments and await results. Were they initially just wanting to know if it was drugs ?? now they said inconclusive. Looking elswhere ?? Just doesn't sound thorough enough, time wasted again maybe this is natural to find out if anyone is treading on someones toes ?? sorry but this is not the first time it's happened.

Just supposing the girls were poisoned,maybe I'm missing something here, but what motive can anyone have for poisoning them? Did they upset someone? Did they know something that could get someone into trouble? Or, could it have been accidental? If this happens again, or should I say when, the Thai authorities should get someone from the victims country to carry out a post mortem, and quickly. If they have nothing to hide, then they should not object.


I am not saying this was used here but it gives a motive for someone to poison someone, I know technically it is drugging someone but if someone administers a bad batch then it is in effect poison.

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I have been informed by someone working in hotel management, for a major chain, that when they treat for bed bugs, they close the room for about 3 months, to avoid any chance of accidental poisoning of guests using the beds afterwards.

Seems like a new mattress would be cheaper than shutting a room down for 90 days...

true but you do not just spray the mattress,

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Of course it was inclusive........what else would they possibly say?? This was a forgone conclusion. All we can do is wait for the results of the Canadian autopsy to hear the truth. You almost have to get a laugh out of the expertise of the Thais performing the autopsy . A poison so powerful it drops two healthy girls in their tracks, and yet they cannot find what it was.....

This is turning into an exact repeat of the Chiang Mai deaths. Absolutely pathetic.....

I think the government pretty well has the angles covered. Declare their own autopsy results as inconclusive. If the Canadian autopsy cannot find anything due to the fact that Thailand embalmed the body as well as decomposition, then case closed. If Canada comes up with a poison, then Thailand can declare it must have been done by the Portuguese men who have left. Case closed , and tourism can get back to normal...

Although given the deaths that have occurred in hotel rooms in Phi Phi, I am not sure why anyone in their right mind would go there..

Very well said! Sounds completely pathetic what the Thais offer. Probably trying hiding the proof. Can it be at all they didn't find anything?This need to be done by professional Pathologists! All we can do is spread this info around the world. But then how we can know which hotels are safe if they playing dumb since spring 2011...


that mentioned page is offline but the history of Chiang Mai's Downtown Inn


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great news for police and phi phi island : no problems, not their fault the girls died... nothing to worry, please come and spend your money... you might eventually die, we will never find out what it is, not our job

please come again (with apu accent from simpsons)

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I would be interested to know if there is a history of unexplained deaths among Thai locals on the island, consistent with a serial killer who uses rodenticide or insecticide base mixed into drinks or food. There is recent history of foreigners dying of unexplained / coveredup poisoning on the island, I would be interested to know how many locals have also died from this serial killer, if those crimes were covered up and what the rumours are. Obviously no way to know, closed-ranks and fear of official reprisals. My guess is this goes beyond protecting tourism and is protecting somebody, maybe a relative of somebody important. This is of course speculation on my part but as we have been given nothing else by the authorities, except deeply offensive official speculation that the girls were complicit by not taking care when choosing safe food (outside the hotel of course), or even that they were drug-users getting high on mushrooms pills and alcohol etc. I think the portuguese men were just out looking for dates, and also since the time of death went from estimated one day to several days from discovery, that sort of messes up the timeline too.


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If the authorities wanted to put themselves above any critisism and inferences of improper procedure, perhaps they should have considered Dr. Pornthip Rojanasunand perform the autopsies.

+ 1 - or ask her to review the post-mortem procedures and 'inconclusive' results

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I read a lot of conspiracy theories on here and comments about the police. Aresenic, illicit drugs, legal drugs etc. Look at it logically. There are three possibilities. Natural causes, accident, or deliberate. Natural causes can be ruled out as two people are involved. Accident, as a result oof them ingesting some type of toxic substance. Deliberate, either by the girls themselves or by someone else. If it is by a thrid party then what would be the motive? Talk of arsenic etc is ludicous, who would give them a lethal poison and for what purpose? People writing on here about arsenic seem to be unaware that 130 million people are affected by arsenic throughout the world just from drinking water and it is usually over a long period of time. It is used in Chinese medicine, and used to be used to treat syphilis. Unless given in large quantities it isn't a quick killer.

So, please everyone, consider the families'fellings when writing about this tragic event.

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The results are inconclusive because the Thai's want them to be inconclusive. After all the tourism industry might suffer if the cause was found to be local incompetence or worse. Shocker!!!!

The bodies were embalmed in an attempt to prevent the true cause of death being known although tissue and hair samples may prove otherwise. Were the Canadians prevented from taking samples prior to embalming? If so, why?

The Portuguese guy is just a red herring. He is not Thai, enough said.

The cops here have no interest in the matter because there is no money in it for them. I say this because I know personally that the cops in Phuket have no interest in investigating anything in which they cannot make money.

Now all please bow down and make merit to the almighty God of money bah.gif

Edit: my typing

Is it written anywhere that the bodies were embalmed? You can't do this without the expressed permission of the family, the deceased belong to the family and not the Thai authorities. You require permission to do anything (apart from a coronial autopsy) because of cultural and religous rites and as the family have requested an autopsy by canadian specialists I doubt very very much if they would have agreed to embalming.

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If the authorities wanted to put themselves above any critisism and inferences of improper procedure, perhaps they should have considered Dr. Pornthip Rojanasunand perform the autopsies.

+ 1 - or ask her to review the post-mortem procedures and 'inconclusive' results

Dr. Pornthip of the GT 2000 bomb detector fame ???? She sort of shot her credibility to pieces by accepting money from the Thai army to pimp off that worthless device as a terrific life saving device......

.I am not sure that there is ANYBODY trustworthy in the government. And do not think that opinion is held only by bitter expats on TV such as myself.. Just talk to any Thai person you know... :-)

I have a daughter myself, and cannot even imagine the pain the family is going through. First their deaths, and then the complete bullshit

" investigation" by the BIB. We who live here know the BIB are tasked with protecting the tourism business. As the father is living in Canada, he perhaps has never been to Thailand, I think he was fooled by the word police used by the BIB, and thought they would find the actual cause of death.

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