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Cost Of Living In Chiang Mai, Update, Summer 2012


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"if you have to ask,.... then you can not afford it ! thumbsup.gif " .... we have all heard this saying, right ? it's from some movie I think...

then I guess I am asking because I would be on a rather tight budget to start, and would like to know what I can expect at each monthly budget levels from the very minimum to the mid and higher ranges which I am sure will be of interest ( not to me right now ) but to some high-rollers as well.

thinking of moving to CM ?

well, may be we could get some real updates on the current cost of living in 2012 Chiang Mai for Farangs.

Any and all contributions are welcome please ! .. all prices in Thai Baht of course.

we know it all depends on the individual and the preferred life style,

but perhaps we could get some examples of each, from living on a tight budget to mid-range,

since these are the group of farangs that " have to ask " - like me - ,,, and obviously need to watch budget carefully.

High-rollers never need to ask because they are sure they can afford it quite comfortably no matter what.

perhaps one could draw his/her own conclusions based on the wide array of information provided here,

PS: lead us to other threads on this same topic as well please.

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Best to come up with a standard set of common products and services, then every 6-12 months check the average prices for them. Getting to a list of items that are important for expats living in Chiang Mai will the the first fun challenge. Things that can be objectively compared; so the price of a Chang Beer at 7-11 (or a case at Makro) is a suitable item; the price of 'a pizza on Loi Kroh' less so.

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I have a Thai wife and try to get by on 60,000 baht a month some times I go over. But that is because I am not a cheap Charlie. My income is greater but I try to save for a rainy day. I would consider myself budget wise close to normal.

I have seen claims of 30,000 and 1 of 10,000. Most of the English teachers are under 30,000 baht a month. Some closer to 20,000 a month. Depends what you want. What is and is not acceptable to you. We all have different ideals. Come and stay at a low cost place and look around and see what we have to offer.

My rent all in is about 10,000 baht. I can afford more but the location and view I have are not worth trading up to a nicer place so I stay here.

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I can live on 15000 for me and my girlfriend

costof room is 5000 plus another 1000 for electricity and water(slightly cheaper actually )

As i am fussy about food we do most of our own cooking

There is an organic veggie market so you can get healthy food

plus cooking for oneself i eat more than the portians that are available outside

A normal low end Thai dish is 30-35 per portian but i normally end up eating 2 portians

2-3 times a day so my self alone if i am eating out about 200 baht

but like i said i eat in most days and organically too

A beer is between 44 -70 depending on your brand you like

and a johnny walker whisky is 770

dont even touch the Thai stuff for a couple hundred baht more you get a no bad real whisky

a few self sufficient places around CM where you can stay all in for 200 baht per day and live off the land and learn somw real skills

any questions ask


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The cost of living in Chiangmai isn't cheap compared to some other parts of Thailand.It depends where your at.i've seen prices there near the same as prices in Bangkok.The more farangs there are in an area the more things will cost.Maybe basic things are near the same but food etc,at farang type grocery stores

it cost more money.

Give ya a tip on the place.The quality of the air isn't good.

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I can live on 15000 for me and my girlfriend

costof room is 5000 plus another 1000 for electricity and water(slightly cheaper actually )

As i am fussy about food we do most of our own cooking

There is an organic veggie market so you can get healthy food

plus cooking for oneself i eat more than the portians that are available outside

A normal low end Thai dish is 30-35 per portian but i normally end up eating 2 portians

2-3 times a day so my self alone if i am eating out about 200 baht

but like i said i eat in most days and organically too

A beer is between 44 -70 depending on your brand you like

and a johnny walker whisky is 770

dont even touch the Thai stuff for a couple hundred baht more you get a no bad real whisky

a few self sufficient places around CM where you can stay all in for 200 baht per day and live off the land and learn somw real skills

any questions ask


I don't know how old you are (actually it doesn't really matter) but how could two people live in one single room??? To me that is existing; not living. My (rented) home here has 9 rooms and it is no where near big enough for 3 of us. My home that I owned in Los Angeles had 13 rooms + a garage and a guest house and it was not large enough either.

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The cost of living in Chiangmai isn't cheap compared to some other parts of Thailand.It depends where your at.i've seen prices there near the same as prices in Bangkok.The more farangs there are in an area the more things will cost.Maybe basic things are near the same but food etc,at farang type grocery stores

it cost more money.

Give ya a tip on the place.The quality of the air isn't good.

top tip the air quality is shocking thats one reason i suggested cambodia well a certain place in cambodia that i wont reveal here

huge fish in the market 50 baht fish half the size in restuarant 150-200baht

i kg chicken breast in market 100 baht i small plate of chicken around 100g 30 baht

milk i huge carton 89 baht

i kg red rice 35 baht in market i small plate of white rice in restaurant 5-20 baht

coffee in starbucks 90 baht in aka ama the best coffee in town 35-40 baht

phone 600 baht(yes it actually does what it says as well as text

phone card 100 baht top up

water 50 cents

mineral water 15baht

great green tea 700

poncho for the rain 15baht

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I can live on 15000 for me and my girlfriend

costof room is 5000 plus another 1000 for electricity and water(slightly cheaper actually )

As i am fussy about food we do most of our own cooking

There is an organic veggie market so you can get healthy food

plus cooking for oneself i eat more than the portians that are available outside

A normal low end Thai dish is 30-35 per portian but i normally end up eating 2 portians

2-3 times a day so my self alone if i am eating out about 200 baht

but like i said i eat in most days and organically too

A beer is between 44 -70 depending on your brand you like

and a johnny walker whisky is 770

dont even touch the Thai stuff for a couple hundred baht more you get a no bad real whisky

a few self sufficient places around CM where you can stay all in for 200 baht per day and live off the land and learn somw real skills

any questions ask


I don't know how old you are (actually it doesn't really matter) but how could two people live in one single room??? To me that is existing; not living. My (rented) home here has 9 rooms and it is no where near big enough for 3 of us. My home that I owned in Los Angeles had 13 rooms + a garage and a guest house and it was not large enough either.

hahah thats a typical american saying

whenthe yanks saw Edinburgh castle they all to a person used to brag what i have a bigger garage haha

me i,m 51 and i used to live in a bigger cave with fresh water through the bACK

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I can live on 15000 for me and my girlfriend

costof room is 5000 plus another 1000 for electricity and water(slightly cheaper actually )

As i am fussy about food we do most of our own cooking

There is an organic veggie market so you can get healthy food

plus cooking for oneself i eat more than the portians that are available outside

A normal low end Thai dish is 30-35 per portian but i normally end up eating 2 portians

2-3 times a day so my self alone if i am eating out about 200 baht

but like i said i eat in most days and organically too

A beer is between 44 -70 depending on your brand you like

and a johnny walker whisky is 770

dont even touch the Thai stuff for a couple hundred baht more you get a no bad real whisky

a few self sufficient places around CM where you can stay all in for 200 baht per day and live off the land and learn somw real skills

any questions ask


I don't know how old you are (actually it doesn't really matter) but how could two people live in one single room??? To me that is existing; not living. My (rented) home here has 9 rooms and it is no where near big enough for 3 of us. My home that I owned in Los Angeles had 13 rooms + a garage and a guest house and it was not large enough either.

hahah thats a typical american saying

whenthe yanks saw Edinburgh castle they all to a person used to brag what i have a bigger garage haha

me i,m 51 and i used to live in a bigger cave with fresh water through the bACK

NOW I,M DOWNSIZING no sometimes we have her sister and her boyfriend as well as her mum and dad staying who said anthing about 2 people,sorry if you got the wrong impression

its the Thai way guess you must be in number 1 of the above bracken not quite school boy enough for bracket 3

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I have lived in Chiangmai for a very long time and your cost of living really depends on your social status and who you mix with.Basically you can divide "farangs" as you like to call yourself into three groups. There are those who live in Thailand because it is much cheaper than thier own country. They frequent bars and Pubs and eat western food and don't speak Thai. They get by on 30,000 - 50,000 baht. There is a middle group who I prefer to label as expats. They have been there a long time .Most speak some Thai. They probably eat mostly Thai food and live well in a more Asian way. They seldom go to bars or Pubs and they probably have gome good Thai freinds. They spend perhaps 40,000 - 80,000 baht a month. Then the upper group of wealthy long trem expats who have many Thai friends and spend money on good food and eat both western and Thai food. Many have permanent reisidence or even Thai citizenship. Most speak Thai A lot of them are those who have worked in Thailand and have retired many are ex public school. In this group are also many very wealthy expats whos have made Chiangmai there home but have not been so long in the country. Most would not go to Pubs or bars. Theyy lavishly entertain at their homes. They spend 80,000 to 150,000 baht a moth.

So it really boils down to what type of social life you want to lead. The advantage of Chiangmai is that it is easy to fit in to what you feel at home with. .


What about all those that don't fit in your 3 groups? Not counting but more then half the expats I know don't fit. I know many expats that have lived, and saved (a tiny bit by western standards), on 25,000 to 30,000 Baht a month. And some of them have families. Just as I know families in north america that have a household income of over 3 million baht a year yet never manage to save. And many speak perfect Thai, but not that this matters.

What about the expat that does have a high income yet happily lives in a nicely cared for 4000 - 6000 Baht a month house, does not frequent the pups, and cooks most meals at home?

A friend and his wife once showed me their monthly budget of 15,000 baht a month, combined earn much more than that, yet though there house is modest they have a very active, social life and nice things. They travel often, and save over 60,000 baht a month. You won't meet them at the bars you frequent.

All of the above take several holidays afar every year, vacationing and recreating in the north often. I do.

I can make any food I desire at home and do, though making things with western ingredients does raise these cost - but it's worth it a few times a week. Seafood and other treats often too; good food and plenty of variety are why I cook. If I skipped on the western dishes, and shopped only from the markets our diet would be healthy and very affordable. Say spending about 2000 baht a week at the markets for veggies, fruit, meat, and other products; almost is all I can carry on the motorbike based over 3 market shops a week.

wise words.some people ae more sensible than others and see the real value and the variety that can be achieved here as well as back in the west

I know guys who live not exist on a food bill of 10 per week eating a variety of the best quality food you can buy that hasmt being commercialised as a health food yet

anyway this is about how much you can live on at low to middle end

15000 and up definately if you are not stupid follow thr growd of what entetainment is and isnt and what living or existing is

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I dont actually keep track, but probably have a monthly spend of about 30k baht for a young single bloke.

My share of rent and utilities in decent a house I share with another farang comes to around 6500p/m.

I tend to eat mostly thai food during the week, and splurge on western stuff on the weekend when I am out and about (tend to only hit the bar/pub on Friday and Saturday nights to watch some sport). I eat what I want when I want, and probably spend as much per month on food and drink as rent.

Add in fuel and repairs on the scooter, entertaining lady folk (not the prostitute kind), some new clothes, various household products and anything else that tickles my fancy (usually computer/gadget related) and it brings it up to roughly the 30k baht level.

I dont feel the need to keep track because my spend is less than my income and I have saved money to go on holidays whenever I have the time. I have never been good at counting my pennies or baht, and wouldn't live here if I had to watch every expenditure just to break even.

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I can live on 15000 for me and my girlfriend

costof room is 5000 plus another 1000 for electricity and water(slightly cheaper actually )

As i am fussy about food we do most of our own cooking

There is an organic veggie market so you can get healthy food

plus cooking for oneself i eat more than the portians that are available outside

A normal low end Thai dish is 30-35 per portian but i normally end up eating 2 portians

2-3 times a day so my self alone if i am eating out about 200 baht

but like i said i eat in most days and organically too

A beer is between 44 -70 depending on your brand you like

and a johnny walker whisky is 770

dont even touch the Thai stuff for a couple hundred baht more you get a no bad real whisky

a few self sufficient places around CM where you can stay all in for 200 baht per day and live off the land and learn somw real skills

any questions ask


I don't know how old you are (actually it doesn't really matter) but how could two people live in one single room??? To me that is existing; not living. My (rented) home here has 9 rooms and it is no where near big enough for 3 of us. My home that I owned in Los Angeles had 13 rooms + a garage and a guest house and it was not large enough either.

hahah thats a typical american saying

whenthe yanks saw Edinburgh castle they all to a person used to brag what i have a bigger garage haha

me i,m 51 and i used to live in a bigger cave with fresh water through the bACK

NOW I,M DOWNSIZING no sometimes we have her sister and her boyfriend as well as her mum and dad staying who said anthing about 2 people,sorry if you got the wrong impression

its the Thai way guess you must be in number 1 of the above bracken not quite school boy enough for bracket 3

I doubt if you are from the U.K. with poor English like that. Besides my friends in the U.K. have even far bigger homes.

You said you live on 15,000 (Thai Baht I assume) for you and your girlfriend and that you rent a room. Now you have a sister, her b/f, and mother and father all staying in one room. At 51 you must be rather proud of your accomplishments in life.

It's the Thai way? Sorry but I don't know any Thais that live - what, 6 people in a single room?

Sounds more like a troll...

Edited by elektrified
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The cost of living here is cheap. But the 3-500,000 Baht a month guys will be along shortly and you'll recognise them because they are shaggy and rough-haired, with trees and moss-like growth on their heads and noses. Their noses are long and they would stir with it when cooking broth or porridge. Some even have two or three heads, some only have one eye in the middle of their foreheads. Their features differ from humans with four fingers and four toes and a tail resembling that of a cow. They claim to live to be hundreds of years old, but the sunlight turns them into stone.

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This question is impossible to answer without an indication on what you deem acceptable living standards.

If you asked me to guess, I would say the average westerner (whatever that is) needs between 50-80,000b per month to maintain a comfortable lifestyle similar or better than what would be available back in their home country. I live comfortably in this bracket as do most of the people whom I associate with, mostly "longer term" expats of 30 - 40 years of age, working here (not teaching).

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]If you think, which you do that my written English is bad you should hear my spoken English,,though you guessed wrong i am from the Island that is still called the UK, for how long that is another story

I guess it must be difficult for you to get out of the maze of yer 9 roomer so havent seen a lot of Thailand,but 6 or more to a room unfortunately does happen .

Maybe you are able to help these people but are you willing

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You smell a troll

I think you hit the nail on the head there. 51 years old and having to count his cetongs. (I am sure you know the correct spelling) I wonder if he was the guy about a year ago wondering where he could turn them all in?

I do have to disagree with you about 2 in one room. It works quite well for me and the Mrs. In fact it has been a fantastic journey. Living this way you learn to respect them and trust them and being from two different cultures you learn about the other one and get to see some of the finer points in it. The rough points I have learned to over look. Except for the one if I ask a question and the answer is yes I get a grunt. Maybe that is just her and not her culture.sad.png

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You smell a troll

I think you hit the nail on the head there. 51 years old and having to count his cetongs. (I am sure you know the correct spelling) I wonder if he was the guy about a year ago wondering where he could turn them all in?

I do have to disagree with you about 2 in one room. It works quite well for me and the Mrs. In fact it has been a fantastic journey. Living this way you learn to respect them and trust them and being from two different cultures you learn about the other one and get to see some of the finer points in it. The rough points I have learned to over look. Except for the one if I ask a question and the answer is yes I get a grunt. Maybe that is just her and not her culture.sad.png

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You smell a troll

I think you hit the nail on the head there. 51 years old and having to count his cetongs. (I am sure you know the correct spelling) I wonder if he was the guy about a year ago wondering where he could turn them all in?

I do have to disagree with you about 2 in one room. It works quite well for me and the Mrs. In fact it has been a fantastic journey. Living this way you learn to respect them and trust them and being from two different cultures you learn about the other one and get to see some of the finer points in it. The rough points I have learned to over look. Except for the one if I ask a question and the answer is yes I get a grunt. Maybe that is just her and not her culture.sad.png

sorry to disapoint but no troll here

if you follow the question i have answered the question ELECTRICMAN hasnt

i have told the up to date market prices as well as eating out

anything else he wants to know he can ask

i have lived 25 years in asia and i also said better to live in cambodia

sT he number 1 problem is air quality as that will have an impact on everyones quality of life as well as budget for medical expenses

All Thai food is heavily sprayed so again that impacts on your cost as regards to health

see previous post where i said you can buy fresh organic food

SOAP 54 baht for 4

herbal soap 3 for 100 in walking market

lychees 50 baht in market

mangoes 20 baht kg

chillies 15 baht kg

me i grow my own

good quality linen

90 baht thai 260 baht japanese 318 poland per metre

good quality cotton for bedsheets

60 baht per metre

I also have goog quality Japanese antiques that iwant to move on if you want quality home decoration.

yes i lived in Japn for many years

First time i went with 50 pounds i my pocket and stayed for 9 months,living in a millionares mansion for 100 pond a month

so yes i am very satisfied with my life

Edited by wigantojapan
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Ah.. if this topic is just asking people their monthly spend, then that topic has been done a couple times so I can tell you the result: you get WILDLY varying numbers, enough to make the exercise completely useless. People can pretty much spend whatever they want to spend, starting as low as 20K a month all the way to 200,000K and more.

I think the only way to track the cost of living over time is to agree on an average lifestyle, make a specific budget and add in the current costs for all agreed upon items and services, and then do the whole thing again a year later.

Edited by WinnieTheKhwai
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I posted this before. You can compare any two cities. I'm not sure how accurate it is but some find it useful.

http://www.numbeo.co...ity2=Chiang Mai

Also there is a long time American CM resident on You Tube called JC....check out his videos.

His YT channel is retirecheapjc He gives advise for all budgets on living in CM...

For example this one......I hope this is allowed..

Edited by TantraMantra
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I can live on 15000 for me and my girlfriend

costof room is 5000 plus another 1000 for electricity and water(slightly cheaper actually )

As i am fussy about food we do most of our own cooking

There is an organic veggie market so you can get healthy food

plus cooking for oneself i eat more than the portians that are available outside

A normal low end Thai dish is 30-35 per portian but i normally end up eating 2 portians

2-3 times a day so my self alone if i am eating out about 200 baht

but like i said i eat in most days and organically too

A beer is between 44 -70 depending on your brand you like

and a johnny walker whisky is 770

dont even touch the Thai stuff for a couple hundred baht more you get a no bad real whisky

a few self sufficient places around CM where you can stay all in for 200 baht per day and live off the land and learn somw real skills

any questions ask


I don't know how old you are (actually it doesn't really matter) but how could two people live in one single room??? To me that is existing; not living. My (rented) home here has 9 rooms and it is no where near big enough for 3 of us. My home that I owned in Los Angeles had 13 rooms + a garage and a guest house and it was not large enough either.

Wonder what you do in your house, play hide and seek? rolleyes.gif

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what you do in your house, play hide and seek? rolleyes.gif

its not a house its one room hardly big enough for hide and seek

spin the bottle more like

even share each others clothes

oh childhood memories

back to present day living costs

muesli 189 baht a kg in tops

90 baht a bowl in restuarant

i bought 10kg with me at 1.35 a kg from blighty

yes i also took 20 kg rice to India once haha

but it was Japanese rice not fake basmati

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its not a house its one room hardly big enough for hide and seek

spin the bottle more like

even share each others clothes

Didn't realise that you stayed together with elektrified. rolleyes.gif

Edited by Semper
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hahah thats a typical american saying

whenthe yanks saw Edinburgh castle they all to a person used to brag what i have a bigger garage haha

me i,m 51 and i used to live in a bigger cave with fresh water through the bACK

Bloody Yanks. They're like Brits who get hold of some money.

Petra Ecclestone is a 22-year old fashion designer who has been described as "one of the most spoilt girls in Britain".

Earlier this year, Ecclestone's father, Formula One CEO Bernie Ecclestone, bought a £56 million home for Petra in London, who claimed it was for her five dogs.

Her new 57,000 sq ft home in Los Angeles sits on five acres and contains fourteen bedrooms and twenty-seven bathrooms. It contains special rooms dedicated to activities like wrapping presents and storing silverware, in addition to the usual luxe amenities: wine cellar, bowling alley, screening room, library, and gym.

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We talking 9 bedrooms or 9 rooms in total?

This as meaningful as comparing; how many exterior doors you have, how many cylinders in total of all the engines you own, how many bathrooms, etc etc who cares.

no mention of the rooms being a metre square

back to the topic

lemons now 10 baht for 5

were 4 baht each a few weeks ago

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