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Cost Of Living In Chiang Mai, Update, Summer 2012


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Well he is a fool if he can afford to treat himself but won't because it costs money even though he has it.

Or maybe he has low self esteem and thinks he dosen't deserve any thing good. In that case he needs professional help.

A cheap Charlie was described in the video on post 58. Live in a small room right across the street from a big market with continual noise. He better know what things are before they are cooked and not really care about his health. Noticed the kitchen staff in one of them playing with there hair. Also noticed at a fixed menu he said the portions weren't very big.He never even came close to the subject of medical expenses.

Have no means of transportation other than on foot or if he is willing to cheat a little bit buy a old motor bike. Did you notice the fellow in the video was waiting for donations to get a van.

Reminds me of what a agnostic friend of mine said at a funeral. No pockets on the casket.

You live in a room. It might be a nice room but it's still a room, with you and the Mrs cooped up there 24/7. You've got money, why not rent a nice house, if not for you then for the Mrs? I can't believe she wouldn't want some space from you and for herself.

You have no means of transport apart from Songtels and Tuk Tuk's. Even if you are unable to drive, why not buy a car for the Mrs so that she can have a bit of freedom and drive you to where you want to go? I believe those who shout loudest about others being 'cheap Charlies and having (in your words) low self esteem, are the real cheapo's and have a need to project this onto others. Just because you sit all day in a room and probably sleep all afternoon (I notice you never post in the afternoon), then go out for a meal to somewhere you feel 'safe' and therefore pay the higher price does not make you Mr extravagance. However, your lifestyle is your choice, but if one has to pigeon hole people the way you like to, I would say that your particular lifestyle certainly likens to that of what you always call a cheap Charlie.

Truth be known I don't really think the Mrs is the gardening type and I bought her a motor bike so she can visit her friends and help take care of her family with money I give her far more than what she was making before we met when she was working two jobs. She goes to school for which I pay to learn to do things she wants to do and has many friends she visits with. I do not chain her to a stove and a bed.

I am glad that you are interested in me enough to follow my posting patterns. But you should watch your own a little bit closer. I never heard of a Cheap Charlie until you proclaimed to be one a few years ago. Also you should read all my posts. I have never and never will said every one is a Cheap Charlie.

Yes I will take a songtell or tuk tuk to where I want to go. Some times I will walk home or some times I will walk to where I want to go. I have a wife not a servant. Perhaps you are forced to be a Cheap Charlie due to lack of funds that is one thing but it was not included in my definition of Cheap Charlie.

Are you going to the River Market for the fourth of July celebrations? Or is that another thing Cheap Charlies do not celebrate?

I said some of them might be Cheap Charlies due to low self esteem not all of them. If you took that personal you might want to look at that.

Some are cheap Charlies because they want to eave money for other people for when they die. In that respect I do put money aside for the Mrs. In case I die. At 54 I would hate to see her having to start all over again or become depended on her children. Who have good jobs because We made it possible for them to go to the school to learn the specialties that pay better wages. I don't post in the afternoons because I have other interests and being 70 I will some times take a nap. You seem to think that is wrong well so be it. I am guilty you have found out my dirty little secret. By the way it is about 2:30 in the afternoon as I post this.

In closing I have no idea where the term Cheap Charlie came from but it first inter my world through your self proclamation. You used a different avatar then. It was a while ago.

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is it still possible to retire in Chiang Mai on only $ XXX / month ??!! ( 3 digits only .... US $ )

Yes, I will try to give you some example what you can do in your budget;

budget 30,000 baht

- expenses : rent 5,000

electric 500

water 300

internet 600

telephone 400

food; 1)Thai food 2 meals a day

plus drink(some place is free) @50x2x30 = 3,000

2) Farang food 1 meal a day @200x1x30 = 6,000

transportation expense (red car @20x 4 times,

I say in average you can save cost by walking or

take red car 1 time return 20x2x30 = 1,200

buy some clothes 1,000

doctor or phamacy (reserve for small sickness) 1,000

sport (for example: go to swim everyday cost 50x30 = 1,500

entertainment (movie, exhibition, music,... for 1x week) 1,200

saving 10% 3,000

shopping (soap, shampoo,fruits, drink,...) 2,300

total expenses and saving 26,000 baht

It is mean you still have 4,000 baht over that can be save for buy some motorbike, bicycle or keep for some other expenses or extra things that you want to do/ to buy/to see.

All the cost that I give example can be less or a bit more but you know your budget so will not be difficult to live with 30,000 baht or less.

A good format that answers the question without the need to discuss the shape of lemons as opposed to football equipment or durian as opposed to actual food.

expenses :

rent 4,500

electric 750

water 125

internet 300

telephone 640


Thai food meal a day plus drink

(some place is free) @40x1x30 = 1,200

Farang food 4 meal a month @200 = 800

I have a small kitchen so cook my own ie

chicken breasts/ boneless pork, potato, salad, beverage = 60 baht x 30 = 1,800

breakfast – two eggs, meats of some sort, toast, coffee, juice = 60 baht x 30 = 1,800

transportation expense (red car @20x 4 times,

I say in average you can save cost by walking or

take red car 1 time return I walk as lot. = 400

buy some clothes 1,000

doctor or pharmacy (reserve for small sickness) 1,000

sport. I walk 5 – 10 Km everyday = 0

entertainment (movie, exhibition, music,... for 1x week) rarely use 200

saving – Nope, I'm retired, I spend what comes in = 0

shopping (soap, shampoo, miscellaneous,...) 500

total expenses 15,015

Add Play time (I might be old but I'm not dead yet) 8,000

Health insurance (basic, very basic) 4,000

Grand total 27,015 baht

In terms of the Canadian dollar at today's FEX = $870.00

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That said, my kids all have their own room, though for some reason they all end up in the Blue Room with my wife every night; so might as well not have bothered. (See, you need to give rooms names because after you run out of distinct functions to name them you need to go by design theme / color.)

You don't spend the night in the same room as your wife ????????????

Sometimes, but I sleep much better in my own room.

Reminds me of a friend. He married a Thai lady and when the child came from his grand parents to stay with them he insisted on sleeping in the same room with them even though my friend had built a nice big house with a room for the child. The last two years my wife and I were together we each had are own room made for a much(not munch) better relationship and we parted on friendly terms. Actually it was a freedom for me I could read late if I wanted to and I had a little TV I could watch if I wanted to.

I suspect it is done far more than people think it is. Now it dosen't matter I can sleep through her TV watching and she can sleep through my reading. Nothing on TV for me. Well maybe a little bit.

Edited by hellodolly
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My life is not perfect. Is anyone living a perfect life? But when I wake up each morning I often think how fortunate I am to be here and have my young son here with me. Sure life was cheaper when I didn't have a child. I think everyone on here who has children knows all the costs associated with having a child in Thailand; education; healthcare, etc. But I'm happy.

The costs of having a kid in Thailand ......... almost nothing.

Teenager about 1k/month

Baby about 1k/month

I have a pickup and two m/cs ...... so everyone has transport .... very cheap to run.

I walk a lot very cheap and good exercise. Wife has a motor bike. Some times think of getting a bicycle like elektrified. But I know me. If I had one I would ride it to the 7 11 300 feet away. No exercise in that and can't seem to get myself committed to the gym any more.

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In closing I have no idea where the term Cheap Charlie came from

Probably from American GIs who came to Thailand on R&R, but I would not be surprised if they also used the term in Japan and Korea.

Edited by Ulysses G.
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My life is not perfect. Is anyone living a perfect life? But when I wake up each morning I often think how fortunate I am to be here and have my young son here with me. Sure life was cheaper when I didn't have a child. I think everyone on here who has children knows all the costs associated with having a child in Thailand; education; healthcare, etc. But I'm happy.

The costs of having a kid in Thailand ......... almost nothing.

Teenager about 1k/month

Baby about 1k/month

I have a pickup and two m/cs ...... so everyone has transport .... very cheap to run.

I'm talking about the cost of education and health insurance, healthcare, etc. Not the cost of food! And my 3 y/o kid eats more than 1K THB worth of food a month!

You would be amazed at how many ex-pats don't have transportation! I never understood that one.

Wait until the kid goes to collage. You could have 8 kids a month for that much.cheesy.gif

I can't understand why people that live in the city have to have a vehicle. Then again I am not out late and have many things with in walking distance good restaurants a local market a Rimping the old city.

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well, been a learning journey indeed !

it was all in the spirit of discovery and scout-like investigation of the various costs of living in CM,

I am sure everyone will take away a useful piece of info from this thread thus far, regardless of budget,

mission accomplished, thank you all ! wai.gif

... of course members are welcome to continue their inputs and exchange opinions and facts ...

knowing is always better than not knowing, so this thread can definitely continue ....

It will probably go on long after you forgot about it and even changed your mind about moving to Chiang Mai.

Without knowing what you want and your lifestyle people can only compare it to themselves.

I used to drive a Porsche 911, only wore designer, spent without restriction and constantly traveled the world with beautiful girls.

When I think back now it seems like a period of madness. You don't need much to be happy.$1.000 pm or less can be plenty.

Elektified's life sounds like slavery to me.

I am not going to leave this thread as I check it everyday and I am so glad to have found out so much about the topic so far.

I would also like to express my sincere gratitude to all contributors who took the time to add their inputs.

I will definitely move to CM eventually, and will always be glad that TV forums exist, and the fact that it is such a wonderful means of communication and exchange of facts, as well as opinions, among the expat community in Land Of Smiles.

The creation and maintenance of this site has been a remarkable service to the expat community, and I am sure this feeling is certainly shared by everyone who has ever used this wonderful opportunity for general info or Q & A needs.

I am personally a big fan of this site and use it almost daily,

Thanks again everybody, and please keep up the good work !

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Wait until the kid goes to collage. You could have 8 kids a month for that much.cheesy.gif

I can't understand why people that live in the city have to have a vehicle. Then again I am not out late and have many things with in walking distance good restaurants a local market a Rimping the old city.

Schools, health-care and college all free. The teen is going to train as a doctor, fees all paid by government as she will sign up for the 'indentured' service for 3 years after training. Once she is trained as a doctor .... free health-care for me too.

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Wait until the kid goes to collage. You could have 8 kids a month for that much.cheesy.gif

I can't understand why people that live in the city have to have a vehicle. Then again I am not out late and have many things with in walking distance good restaurants a local market a Rimping the old city.

Schools, health-care and college all free. The teen is going to train as a doctor, fees all paid by government as she will sign up for the 'indentured' service for 3 years after training. Once she is trained as a doctor .... free health-care for me too.

But the free schools put out a bunch of dummies and the free health care is sub-standard which is why so many (even low to lower middle-class) Thais pay for health insurance so that the children can go to the good hospitals in the event they become very sick. For about 5-8K THB they get full inpatient coverage in private hospitals. Wait, haven't we had this same discussion before? This seems like a Deja vu....

I don't know about 1K per month for a teenager. I think they spend more than that on mobile top ups! The g/f's cousin is a teenager. I think he just turned 18. The aunt and uncle are dropping about 22,000 THB a month to send him to the University of Songkhla, pay for his flat, motorcycle, insurance, etc.

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But the free schools put out a bunch of dummies and the free health care is sub-standard which is why so many (even low to lower middle-class) Thais pay for health insurance so that the children can go to the good hospitals in the event they become very sick. For about 5-8K THB they get full inpatient coverage in private hospitals. Wait, haven't we had this same discussion before? This seems like a Deja vu....

Many of the 'dummies' that are produced by government schools become doctors who then treat those in the private hospitals ........

(Most Thai doctors went to government schools)

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Elektified's life sounds like slavery to me.

Because I have a kid, some animals, and other expenses? You must be joking!

Sorry I was exaggerating. Obviously family life is very rewarding but expensive. You have to work hard to maintain it all. I just felt that this poster was not in your situation and so your information not so useful or sympathetic. No offense meant.wai.gif

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My life is not perfect. Is anyone living a perfect life? But when I wake up each morning I often think how fortunate I am to be here and have my young son here with me. Sure life was cheaper when I didn't have a child. I think everyone on here who has children knows all the costs associated with having a child in Thailand; education; healthcare, etc. But I'm happy.

The costs of having a kid in Thailand ......... almost nothing.

Teenager about 1k/month

Baby about 1k/month

LOL.. Having kids is the most expensive thing you can do in Thailand. ;)

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My life is not perfect. Is anyone living a perfect life? But when I wake up each morning I often think how fortunate I am to be here and have my young son here with me. Sure life was cheaper when I didn't have a child. I think everyone on here who has children knows all the costs associated with having a child in Thailand; education; healthcare, etc. But I'm happy.

The costs of having a kid in Thailand ......... almost nothing.

Teenager about 1k/month

Baby about 1k/month

LOL.. Having kids is the most expensive thing you can do in Thailand. wink.png

I couldn't agree with you more.wink.png

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Wait until the kid goes to collage. You could have 8 kids a month for that much.cheesy.gif

I can't understand why people that live in the city have to have a vehicle. Then again I am not out late and have many things with in walking distance good restaurants a local market a Rimping the old city.

Schools, health-care and college all free. The teen is going to train as a doctor, fees all paid by government as she will sign up for the for 3 years after training. Once she is trained as a doctor .... free health-care for me too.

'indentured' services just another way to pay. The only difference is you are not paying it. Your daughter is.

As for the availability not sure. The 19 year old is getting the money from the King for two years collage in electronics engineering. The 29 year old son with a wife and baby is getting the same course and I am paying for it.

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My life is not perfect. Is anyone living a perfect life? But when I wake up each morning I often think how fortunate I am to be here and have my young son here with me. Sure life was cheaper when I didn't have a child. I think everyone on here who has children knows all the costs associated with having a child in Thailand; education; healthcare, etc. But I'm happy.

The costs of having a kid in Thailand ......... almost nothing.

Teenager about 1k/month

Baby about 1k/month

LOL.. Having kids is the most expensive thing you can do in Thailand. wink.png

I couldn't agree with you more.wink.png

My apologies again elektrified.

But with respect, this is why I said your expenses don't apply to the OP who sounds like a single guy on a tight budget.

I don't know who said this (maybe me even) but.. "If it wasn't for women, men would still be living in caves" ???

Of course having a family and children are the main purpose of life...

Like all living entities we are compelled by nature to reproduce and it doesn't come cheaply.

Children are the most expensive,precious things to have anywhere.

If you have a child in the west, education can be free but in Thailand it might not be,if you want International standards.

This link is about USA but looks more like for Thailand..It must cost more than this surely...it sounds cheap.

They don't factor in Games and Consoles, Cell phones, Latest Fashions,Trends and Electronics, Education and College fees...etc. It's average but most parents don't want average for their offspring do they.


I see it's outdated, so maybe it's more like Thailand. But I'm sure you guys will say it's costs much more than this.

Edited by TantraMantra
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if your on a tight budget now forget it or you will become one of many sad expat forang here trying to survive on peanuts and unable to do much. Dont believe what you read here and coming here on holiday id very cheap. Living here single you need at least 50,000 baht a month so budget 80,000 for certain large increases in living expenses, Couple at least 80,000 and couple with 1 or 2 kids at least 140,000 baht and that assumes you have paid for your home outright and no debts. Do it for less and it will not be a reasonable western lifestyle but you can live, many do. TO many sad dogs here trying to get ye on half or less than these figures. But if you can manage these amounts expect a very good lifestyle with perks like maids you could never afford in west.

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Lemons ...... yellow and rugby ball shaped, expensive and imported

Hate to say that you're wrong. There's a lemon tree on my soi. smile.png

i have 5 in my garden but limes are easier to grow and have less tree disease I also have 8 lime bushes

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I stayed at a reasonably nice studio flat for about 3500 baht/monthly last year. So no doubt you can live very cheaply there. I only stayed for 2 months and paid through the nose for taxi tuk tuks daily(300 baht). If I had my own transport there I could easily do it on 30k.

Problem with CM is it is so dull you can't really be bothered to buy anything!

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As someone already predicted, it will be anywhere from 10k-200k baht.

I am coming to CM in September and I plan to live on something just above 30k baht. However, I am young and single guy, so I guess that could lower the need for more money. The thing is, I live my life the way I want here and still manage to save around 30% of my income. I just compared prices in CM to my city and CM is at least 20% cheaper.

On the other hand, it all depends on the lifestyle and personal preferences. For starters, I don't need a car - in fact, I don't WANT a car. I had one for a couple of years and it's just an expense I could live without, especially in small cities like CM or here where I live. I might consider renting a motorcycle in CM, but I still hope that won't be necessary as I very much like to walk.

In fact, my living standard will most likely IMPROVE once I come to CM and all that on 30k pm.

So in general, it seems that it all depends on where you come from. If you were earning like 200k baht pm in your home country and are used to driving fancy cars, playing golf on a regular basis and eating at high end restaurants, then you will definitely want to do it in CM as well. For me, all those things are just not necessary for me to be truly happy. Each to its own!

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But the free schools put out a bunch of dummies and the free health care is sub-standard which is why so many (even low to lower middle-class) Thais pay for health insurance so that the children can go to the good hospitals in the event they become very sick. For about 5-8K THB they get full inpatient coverage in private hospitals. Wait, haven't we had this same discussion before? This seems like a Deja vu....

Many of the 'dummies' that are produced by government schools become doctors who then treat those in the private hospitals ........

(Most Thai doctors went to government schools)

But the free schools put out a bunch of dummies and the free health care is sub-standard which is why so many (even low to lower middle-class) Thais pay for health insurance so that the children can go to the good hospitals in the event they become very sick. For about 5-8K THB they get full inpatient coverage in private hospitals. Wait, haven't we had this same discussion before? This seems like a Deja vu....

Many of the 'dummies' that are produced by government schools become doctors who then treat those in the private hospitals ........

(Most Thai doctors went to government schools)

total BS all doctors ive ever seen here went to university in USA or western countries but then I only use top private clinics and hospitals. I would not even send my mother in law to a government place unless its one of excellent ones which also have the ;private clinic practice behind government part. Much like UK if your lucky you can get best on NHS but to be sure you need to pay for it. Difference is here its not so expensive. In UK or USA I would have no choice 100k $ or GBP for something ere costs 10k

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All postings basically cover food, room (house), some beer/scotch and some clothing. With the exception of one comment regarding scooter it seams like nobody in Thailand has, and drive a car; no car insurance, no medical insurance, no car repairs, no pool maintenance,gasoline (petrol)prices etc... If you live in Bangkok or within the city of Pattya you are fine without personal transportation. But in CM, especially outside of CM or outside of Pattya what is the form of transportation? Nobody is talking about the car/motorcycle prices either. Are there any comments in that regard?

s/h scooter for 25k Click/air blade, insurance 300bht/year, tax 100bht/year, repairs and servicing 2k/year about 1bht/km for petrol or less.

s/h Car, I have a 20yo pickup that cost 150k, insurance 900bht/year, tax 900bht/year, repairs 8k last year, diesel about 10km for 30bht.

In CM you can rent a scooter for 100bht/day

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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But the free schools put out a bunch of dummies and the free health care is sub-standard which is why so many (even low to lower middle-class) Thais pay for health insurance so that the children can go to the good hospitals in the event they become very sick. For about 5-8K THB they get full inpatient coverage in private hospitals. Wait, haven't we had this same discussion before? This seems like a Deja vu....

Many of the 'dummies' that are produced by government schools become doctors who then treat those in the private hospitals ........

(Most Thai doctors went to government schools)

total BS all doctors ive ever seen here went to university in USA or western countries but then I only use top private clinics and hospitals. I would not even send my mother in law to a government place unless its one of excellent ones which also have the ;private clinic practice behind government part. Much like UK if your lucky you can get best on NHS but to be sure you need to pay for it. Difference is here its not so expensive. In UK or USA I would have no choice 100k $ or GBP for something ere costs 10k

I would say 70% of the M.D.'s and Dentists I see here in C.M. studied and practiced in the USA or Europe. The only M.D. I've ever been to in Bangkok (eye doctor) studied in the USA as well.

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All postings basically cover food, room (house), some beer/scotch and some clothing. With the exception of one comment regarding scooter it seams like nobody in Thailand has, and drive a car; no car insurance, no medical insurance, no car repairs, no pool maintenance,gasoline (petrol)prices etc... If you live in Bangkok or within the city of Pattya you are fine without personal transportation. But in CM, especially outside of CM or outside of Pattya what is the form of transportation? Nobody is talking about the car/motorcycle prices either. Are there any comments in that regard?

s/h scooter for 25k Click/air blade, insurance 300bht/year, tax 100bht/year, repairs and servicing 2k/year about 1bht/km for petrol or less.

s/h Car, I have a 20yo pickup that cost 150k, insurance 900bht/year, tax 900bht/year, repairs 8k last year, diesel about 10km for 30bht.

In CM you can rent a scooter for 100bht/day

But the 900 THB per year insurance on the truck is only the government compulsory insurance that only pays up to 250K THB. You need an additional policy that covers up to 10-20 million THB in medical expenses if god forbid you hit someone and injure them. Even that is not much money per year. I think our 3rd class policy is only around 2500-2800 THB per year.

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But the 900 THB per year insurance on the truck is only the government compulsory insurance that only pays up to 250K THB. You need an additional policy that covers up to 10-20 million THB in medical expenses if god forbid you hit someone and injure them. Even that is not much money per year. I think our 3rd class policy is only around 2500-2800 THB per year.

You don't NEED any extra insurance at all ................ it's just a way to remove money from those who have too much.

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But the 900 THB per year insurance on the truck is only the government compulsory insurance that only pays up to 250K THB. You need an additional policy that covers up to 10-20 million THB in medical expenses if god forbid you hit someone and injure them. Even that is not much money per year. I think our 3rd class policy is only around 2500-2800 THB per year.

You don't NEED any extra insurance at all ................ it's just a way to remove money from those who have too much.

Nonsense. If you get into an accident and injure someone severely, the 250K compulsory will only cover a couple of days of care. What if the victim needs neurosurgery, long-term rehabilitation??? What if it is a child that you injure? Mai bpen rai??? Then a court judgment will be decided against you and you will lose everything to your name (in Thailand).

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But the 900 THB per year insurance on the truck is only the government compulsory insurance that only pays up to 250K THB. You need an additional policy that covers up to 10-20 million THB in medical expenses if god forbid you hit someone and injure them. Even that is not much money per year. I think our 3rd class policy is only around 2500-2800 THB per year.

You don't NEED any extra insurance at all ................ it's just a way to remove money from those who have too much.

Nonsense. If you get into an accident and injure someone severely, the 250K compulsory will only cover a couple of days of care. What if the victim needs neurosurgery, long-term rehabilitation??? What if it is a child that you injure? Mai bpen rai??? Then a court judgment will be decided against you and you will lose everything to your name (in Thailand).

........ which is nothing.

It's called an accident, not deliberate so no financial liability (this isn't America where everything is always someones fault).

If you have government compulsory, they can't get a judgment against you (yes, I know some Thais try and pull a fast one with gullible foreigners)

My wife is the main driver of our car, she doesn't have a driving license, so insurance won't pay out anyway.

Edited by TommoPhysicist
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