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I've put in for early retirement this year, and I'm interested in Schutzhund. We have purchased 2 really good German Shepherds females, coming from excellent blood lines. We want to find someone in the Kingdom that can help train them towards Schutzhund certification.

Katja von Wendelin


Lucie von Wendelin



correct me if i am wrong but isnt this some kind of sport training,have you any experiance of owning dogs in thailand? this is not the place where you can use dogs for some kind of entertainment expecially big dogs like german sheperds.only this week i have seen one die through lack of understanding the heat and keeping the dog away from dogs that run wild and yes there are quite a few that carry all sort of diseases.


Why do you want to do Scutzhund training with them? Have you done it before? Have you had German Shepherds before? German Shepherds normally will protect their family when it is necessary. Why not just do obedience training with them? Go to a good school, with

them, but don't leave them anywhere for training, You must be trained with the dogs. Then work daily with them yourself.

If they are pups now, make sure you socialize them early, but only after they have had their shots and will be protected.. Lots of distemper around.

When you have them trained to a high standard of obedience and then if you feel they are too friendly with everyone and if they wouldn't protect you or your family, seek out a professional trainer. Not sure where you live but there are many dog trainers in Thailand.

I had 2 German Shepherd bitches living together for 13 years. This is not normally recommended, as they can fight. Always better to have a dog and a bitch. Luckily they only had 2 fights. sad.png Very hard and dangerous trying to separate them.

But too late now, so best of luck.


Why not training for Shutzhund or any other dog sport in Thailand? Of course heat and humidity needs to be taken into account, as is all other safety measures. Most dogs really enjoy it when you do activities with them, whether that is obedience training, agility, trick training, tracking, Shutzhund, playing, taking them for a long walk, or whatever.

To OP: there are several dog training schools that train for Shutzhund in BKK and surroundings. Where do you live?

My only objection are the training methods and use of choke, prong and/or e-collars. And you have to be careful with the helpers. Not all are good.

  • Like 1

why not agility or search/rescue and volunteer (if there is such a thing in thailand? seems to me that they wont have the problems boxers have with the heat and lack of being able to sniff, etc...) ; shutzhund is fine but seems kind of useless unless u will use them afterwards in something other then just the training.... working dogs like to DO STUFF; if the dogs are born and bred in thailand, they should be acclimatized well to the hat etc...


"search/rescue" Yes there is, in BKK and surroundings.

"shutzhund is fine but seems kind of useless". You could say the same of agility, freestyle, or other kinds of sport that one does for the sheer of fun and exercise. I think the secret lies in the 'fun and exercise' part, for both owner and dog. :)


I know there is an active IPO club in Thailand,pretty much the same as Schutzhund.Where are you located?


Hi, having recently lost our GSD to illness we are now looking for another one to join our family. Can you tell me where you got your dogs from and what they cost. I am having trouble finding anything but scammers who I am sure don't even have pups to sell. This has been my online experience while looking for a suitable dog. I am also very wary of puppy factories where dogs are inbred. I am very happy to pay a reasonable ammount for a good GSD.

  • 2 weeks later...

Why can't people just reply with a helpful answer? This guy wants to know where he can get his dog Schutzhund trained. If you don't know then don't reply or leave a sarcastic comment. Here you go my friend, there's a place in Hadyai in Songkla that do Schutzland training http://www.tigerlandk9.com/index.htm

Let me know how you get on, we are thinking about taking our Doberman there.


I have been active in dogsport in Canada and Europe for many years,only here in Thailand i have decided to give it a break.

Have helped a few people here with dog problems and done some bitework with protection dogs over here.

Schutzhund is a sport and it does take a lot of dedication to train a dog to a competion level and even more work to keep it there!

I find it is too hot here to do the work for both the dog and the decoy but some people do not agree.For the same reasons i do not participate in pigeon racing over here but i do have some nice birds.

You can also try www.siamcrowndog.com they are located just outside oF Bangkok and have a worldclass trainer from Holland and some very good dogs but mostly Malinois.

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The best place in Thailand for IPO (=Schutzhund) is Siam Crown Kennel. The majority of dogs training there are Malis, but there are also other breeds.

At the end of November, the Malinois Club of Thailand is hosting the first IPO-SEA Championships! Check facebook for Malinois Club of Thailand

hope this helps!

  • 3 weeks later...

Thanks for all the comments, once again this forum shows the vast array of personalities. Since posting this thread I re-applied google and it provided a wealth of information. Yes Boys, Girls, and those inbetween there is a virbrant Schutzhund IPO club, as Tasch commented on. Thanks for that Tasch! Here is the link I found for Tasch comment, "The Siam Crown team won the Thai Schutzhund/IPO National Championships".

Schutzhund was new to me, as it probably is to many of you so let me tell you why I'm thinking of engaging in it as an activity. Having a number of GSD I've seen these dogs like to work, they are even competitive amoungst themselves and more over they need activity. Running, chasing, barking, being off leash, acomplishing a new skill/task is something embedded into what they are. Yesterday I was at my breeder, Wendelin Farms, run by Christina Kaiser here is there link: http://www.wendelinfarm.com/dogs.html. Christina breeds excellent dogs mostly for those looking for Sporting, Working, or Companion GSD's. I saw how Katja, the 8 month old female loved engaging in Schutzhund training, my wife could tell you that this dog begs to be trained, literally!

I love the German Shepherd breed they are intelligent, loyal, and if raised correctly balanced in temperament.

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  • 1 month later...

I am living now 5 years in Thailand and have 4 GDS in my home. I can tell you that the heat is not a big problem if the dogs find a shadow and windy place. But they need a small pool or pond where they can go inside if its to hot. This is ok!!!

2 times the day (morning & late afternoon) we do a 4km dogwalk in the hills from pattaya. It's a nice place with ways for walking and some waterponds where my dogs go swimming every day. My dogs are only family-dogs not schutzhund because I let run they free around and this you cannot do with schutzhund. Thais are very scare about big dogs. If they see my dogs the call for help and screaming. Some run away. ;-) But this is very dangerous. A Schutzhund try to catch they and bite because they learn this. They cannot handle the different between exercixe and the real life. My dogs are come back direkt if I call. If there are workers on the fields the come close to me and just look to the people. Not more. But they all the time wait for my commands to protect my family and me.

The most K9 Centers you can forget. They want you bring your dog in and pickup him 6 weeks later. You cannot teach and learning with your dog together. This is the worst way what I saw in my life. About this we teach all self to our dogs.

I saw in your profile that you stay later in Korat. I don't know you can find a dog club in the near. You can search here:


or ask here:

German Shepherd Dog Ass. of Thailand

Herr Col.

Sukhum Sujarit D.V.M.

7 Soi Rajakru, Phaholyothin Road.,

Samsennai Phyathai

10400 Bangkok


Telefon: ++66 2793621, 6197753

Telefax: ++66 6197752

  • 2 weeks later...

I have many german shepherds which born in Thailand and Europe. I would say that heat is not a big problem for training your dog but we can manage to avoid serious injury. Dog training in Thailand, they train dog during an early hour in the morning and late afternoon to early night.

One club that they're gethering togeher and train dog every Sunday morning at Mahidol University playground in Nakornprathom. They start before sun raise and finish a few hours later.

Another active club in Bangkok is mainly train for Searching And Rescue dog. They have a training every Sunday somewhere in MRT head quarter.

If you looking for a trainer for train your dog, one active place is at K-9 Police department on Vipawadee road, Laksi District. They don't accept your dog to join with police dog team, but the trainer who is police, some of them train dog for part time job.

I personally, train my dog for schuthund sport with team in Chiangmai. MP me if you like your dog to join my team.


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