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Strange Mict Blocking.


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I just tried something in case it was an ISP caching error. I loaded the URL into the address bar then hit return then hit CTRL+F5 several times fast and now it comes up ok. This means a cache issue probably so try clearing your cache for your browser and try again if the above doesn't do it.

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It blocked the first time I clicked on the link, but the second time it worked fine.

Weird how at times it's blocked and at others it's not.

Clicking the above link and the page loads. Hit F5 and it loads. Hit reload and it redirects to MICT, but never loads MICT site.

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OK chaps, it's like this.

Please do not discuss methods of bypassing government blocks and please do not discuss moderation issues.

The Wiki entry is blocked for me on KSC Commercial Internet (actually True).

EDIT And it would be unwise for those who are not blocked to discuss the reasons that the government may see fit to block, if you see what I mean.

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That is on the official block list and had been for sometime. It's even blocked from mobile phones like ais.

That being said, TIT and they have a hard time getting things right.

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