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I just received my packet of information for making car payments from Tisco. When I ordered the car the finance worked out to have payments of 6580 baht and this is what's written on the original paperwork. Upon delivery, there were some complications so I negotiated a small discount. I had already brought a check for the initial deposit agreed upon, so it was decided that the discount would be factored into the monthly payment, bringing it down to 6460 baht. This was written down on a separate paper by the salesperson. The payment information I received today is stating I will owe 6555 each month.

6580 - original agreed upon payment

6460 - newly agreed upon payment

6555 - Actual payment on Tisco bill

1. Is it normal for there to be a discrepancy between what was written on the order form and what Tisco will tell you is owed?

2. Is there some sort of tax or personal insurance fee that is added to the car payment making it higher than I was originally told?

It's a small discrepancy, but over the years this will add up to 5000+ baht. I'm new to owning a car in Thailand so just trying to figure out if something is wrong with my bill. I plan on having someone call Tisco tomorrow.


What kind of deposit was made large or small ??

Was it a New car ??

Was it a secondhand car ??

What extra's did you order if any ??

What insurance was it free or what ??

Did you have life insurance added as well ??

There is usually a breakdown of the calculations, check through them carefully. :)


Well its less than the original. Remove your watch, go outside onto the balcony, open a beer, take a deep breath and relax. Life is too short to worry about 5000 baht.

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Well its less than the original. Remove your watch, go outside onto the balcony, open a beer, take a deep breath and relax. Life is too short to worry about 5000 baht.


Seriously 5000 bht that's about 132 large bottles of Chang beer.w00t.gif


Not so worried about the money, more interested in paying what is rightfully owed. Some of you guys must be awfully nice, just willing to give up money that you don't owe. There are other issues involved here that caused complications when the car was delivered. The details of this do not affect my initial questions. Here's a more general question for anyone that has purchased a car with financing here:

Is it typical for the actual monthly amount owed to be slightly different than what you were quoted on the order paper work?

It is a new car, 66% deposit. All the extras were included in the price, including first year insurance. I am unsure about life insurance. I believe something was mentioned about this. Could it have been added into the Tisco bill? There is no breakdown in any of the materials I have. Tisco today said we need to contact the dealer about it. Still waiting to hear back from them.


Well its less than the original. Remove your watch, go outside onto the balcony, open a beer, take a deep breath and relax. Life is too short to worry about 5000 baht.


Seriously 5000 bht that's about 132 large bottles of Chang beer.w00t.gif

OR 150+ of Archa sick.gifcheesy.gif


Pay in accordance with the loan documents. What a salesperson writes on a piece of paper is meaningless. Unless of course it's official and signed and stamped by whoever has the authority. I doubt whether it would be the salesman.


Finally got in touch with the dealer and they said "maybe" it's life insurance. Somehow they weren't sure either though.... They said a detailed bill should be coming in the mail soon.

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