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Chuwit: PM Yingluck Should Ask Family About Gambling Den


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Allegedly, the den has been operating for 20+ years.

Pehaps some additional questions should be asked;

How does a gambling den run during multiple Democrat and military controlled governments?

How does an alleged "Thaksin" controlled gambling den operate in the Democrat stronghold of Bangkok where the governor detests all things Thaksin?

If the gambling den has been around for 20+years, then surely the Democrat regime under Abhisit, which was no friend of the Thaksin family, would have done something, since Mr. Abhisit was so "clean".

The gambling den might or might not be run by a Thaksin relative. If it is, that doesn't mean the Thaksin relative might not be one of the family outcasts.

Gambling dens in Thailand do not survive for 20 years unless there are powerful protectors and those protectors would have been around long before a man named Thaksin was elected PM.

Of course, this all assumes that there is even a gambling den. To date, Chuvit has made all sorts of accusations, yet he is never able to back it up with actual evidence.

Before, the Nation broke the story, why didn't someone go and take pictures of the valet parking, or the vehicles? Why didn't one of the Nation's journalists knock on the door and ask if there was gambling inside?

Lots of allegations, but no evidence presented.

And before anyone says, you go knock on the gambling den door, I say, Nationmedia has its own media facilities, why not run with the story, as it would have embarrassed the government had the story been substantiated.

Why why why. Who knows if its true. But nothing can be closed down unless the police close it and on past experience they don't want to as it upsets their income stream.

It's like in Pattaya were the Navy do more drug and gambling busts than the police blink.png

Sent from my GT-P1010 using Thaivisa Connect App

No they don't. The Pattaya newspapers report the busts in Sattahip which is controlled by the Navy.

And they go into pattaya as well

sent from my Wellcom A90+

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Allegedly, the den has been operating for 20+ years.

Pehaps some additional questions should be asked;

How does a gambling den run during multiple Democrat and military controlled governments?

How does an alleged "Thaksin" controlled gambling den operate in the Democrat stronghold of Bangkok where the governor detests all things Thaksin?

If the gambling den has been around for 20+years, then surely the Democrat regime under Abhisit, which was no friend of the Thaksin family, would have done something, since Mr. Abhisit was so "clean".

The gambling den might or might not be run by a Thaksin relative. If it is, that doesn't mean the Thaksin relative might not be one of the family outcasts.

Gambling dens in Thailand do not survive for 20 years unless there are powerful protectors and those protectors would have been around long before a man named Thaksin was elected PM.

Of course, this all assumes that there is even a gambling den. To date, Chuvit has made all sorts of accusations, yet he is never able to back it up with actual evidence.

Before, the Nation broke the story, why didn't someone go and take pictures of the valet parking, or the vehicles? Why didn't one of the Nation's journalists knock on the door and ask if there was gambling inside?

Lots of allegations, but no evidence presented.

And before anyone says, you go knock on the gambling den door, I say, Nationmedia has its own media facilities, why not run with the story, as it would have embarrassed the government had the story been substantiated.

Why why why. Who knows if its true. But nothing can be closed down unless the police close it and on past experience they don't want to as it upsets their income stream.

It's like in Pattaya were the Navy do more drug and gambling busts than the police blink.png

Sent from my GT-P1010 using Thaivisa Connect App

Investigative journalism is sadly lacking in this country.

Mainly because, in this country you could find yourself walking along the bottom of the Chao Phaya river wearing concrete flipflops. sick.gif

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Don't be so arrogant and pretend to know how power structures work in Thailand.

You think really think that Taksin only had power, after he became PM ??

Think again.

Pretend? 20+ years ago a military junta was in control and then the Democrats for almost 10 years straight. During that era, the Democrats ruled with a firm hand. Mr. Thaksin would neither have been in a political position to run a gambling den, nor have been the least bit interested as he was involved in more lucrative ventures. The arrogance shown is solely from you that seeks to attach every alleged improper act to Mr. Thaksin. Thailand was rife with corruption long before Mr. Thaksin arrived.

Harry Truman had a plaque on his desk that said: "The Buck stops here". Why is it the the current government of every country, including the US and Thailand blames the previous government for all it's ills. Obama keeps blaming GW, this Thai government blames Abhisit. Folks, the reason you were hired is to clean up the problems. Period. If you can't do it, get out and let someone else try. Quit blaming the previous governments. Blame yourself for your inability to get the job done. I'm through ranting now.. Peace out.

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I like Chuwit. He is Chinese/Thai and got a masters in the US. He can't be all bad. Plus my old girlfriend used to work for him. She was a clean woman. Always smelled like she just stepped out of the shower.

You obviously have good taste in women, she was probably so clean and sweet smelling because he provided daily soapy bubble baths to all his employees. He's a caring and conscientious guy.rolleyes.gif

Chuwit is not Thai/Chinese.

He is 100% pure Chinese (both parents are 100% pure Chinese).

So are his wives.

So all her children are also 100% pure Chinese.

Wonder what kind of visa he have? rolleyes.gif


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Allegedly, the den has been operating for 20+ years.

Pehaps some additional questions should be asked;

How does a gambling den run during multiple Democrat and military controlled governments?

How does an alleged "Thaksin" controlled gambling den operate in the Democrat stronghold of Bangkok where the governor detests all things Thaksin?

If the gambling den has been around for 20+years, then surely the Democrat regime under Abhisit, which was no friend of the Thaksin family, would have done something, since Mr. Abhisit was so "clean".

The gambling den might or might not be run by a Thaksin relative. If it is, that doesn't mean the Thaksin relative might not be one of the family outcasts.

Gambling dens in Thailand do not survive for 20 years unless there are powerful protectors and those protectors would have been around long before a man named Thaksin was elected PM.

Of course, this all assumes that there is even a gambling den. To date, Chuvit has made all sorts of accusations, yet he is never able to back it up with actual evidence.

Before, the Nation broke the story, why didn't someone go and take pictures of the valet parking, or the vehicles? Why didn't one of the Nation's journalists knock on the door and ask if there was gambling inside?

Lots of allegations, but no evidence presented.

And before anyone says, you go knock on the gambling den door, I say, Nationmedia has its own media facilities, why not run with the story, as it would have embarrassed the government had the story been substantiated.

Your post was just a attempt to drag the Democrats and the Army Governments down.

The following is a quote from you

"Mr. Abhisit was so "clean". You are right he was clean. And he was also not that petty to go after one person because he didn't like his relatives.

For a fellow who tries to post intelligently you sure miss the mark. Do you really think the buerocasy and all the Government officials were honest when Thaksin got thrown out. That the Army got rid of all the honest people and hired only people who were corrupt.

Wake up and smell the coffee The Army and the Democrats inherited a pack of thieves just the same as the PT has inherited them.

Do you really think those two governments were that petty that they would go looking for Thaksins relatives? The only relatives they were interested in were the ones helping Thaksin steal money from the people Here is another quote from you

"multiple Democrat and military controlled governments" You forgot to mention that they were in power for only 5 of the 20 years the den had been running. But what the heck why mention a small fact like that. It might make people think that Thaksins government had overlooked them to. We can't make him look bad now can we.

The Dem's and the Army were more interested in running a country.

You are confusing them with your current friends in Dubai power.

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Allegedly, the den has been operating for 20+ years.

Pehaps some additional questions should be asked;

How does a gambling den run during multiple Democrat and military controlled governments?

How does an alleged "Thaksin" controlled gambling den operate in the Democrat stronghold of Bangkok where the governor detests all things Thaksin?

If the gambling den has been around for 20+years, then surely the Democrat regime under Abhisit, which was no friend of the Thaksin family, would have done something, since Mr. Abhisit was so "clean".

The gambling den might or might not be run by a Thaksin relative. If it is, that doesn't mean the Thaksin relative might not be one of the family outcasts.

Gambling dens in Thailand do not survive for 20 years unless there are powerful protectors and those protectors would have been around long before a man named Thaksin was elected PM.

Of course, this all assumes that there is even a gambling den. To date, Chuvit has made all sorts of accusations, yet he is never able to back it up with actual evidence.

Before, the Nation broke the story, why didn't someone go and take pictures of the valet parking, or the vehicles? Why didn't one of the Nation's journalists knock on the door and ask if there was gambling inside?

Lots of allegations, but no evidence presented.

And before anyone says, you go knock on the gambling den door, I say, Nationmedia has its own media facilities, why not run with the story, as it would have embarrassed the government had the story been substantiated.

Your post was just a attempt to drag the Democrats and the Army Governments down.

The following is a quote from you

"Mr. Abhisit was so "clean". You are right he was clean. And he was also not that petty to go after one person because he didn't like his relatives.

For a fellow who tries to post intelligently you sure miss the mark. Do you really think the buerocasy and all the Government officials were honest when Thaksin got thrown out. That the Army got rid of all the honest people and hired only people who were corrupt.

Wake up and smell the coffee The Army and the Democrats inherited a pack of thieves just the same as the PT has inherited them.

Do you really think those two governments were that petty that they would go looking for Thaksins relatives? The only relatives they were interested in were the ones helping Thaksin steal money from the people Here is another quote from you

"multiple Democrat and military controlled governments" You forgot to mention that they were in power for only 5 of the 20 years the den had been running. But what the heck why mention a small fact like that. It might make people think that Thaksins government had overlooked them to. We can't make him look bad now can we.

The Dem's and the Army were more interested in running a country.

You are confusing them with your current friends in Dubai power.

You are incorrect.

Let's start with your basic math skills;

The allegation is made that the gambling den has operated for 20+ years. I'll use exactly 20 years ok 2012 - 20 = 1992

"multiple Democrat and military controlled governments" You forgot to mention that they were in power for only 5 of the 20 years the den had been running

Now let's go look at who was in power during that period and the length of their rule;

3 ½ Years - Military; 1992, 2006-2008

11 years - Democrat Party Party 1992-1995; 1997-2001, 2008-2011

31/2 + 11 = 141/2 not 5.

Now let's look at your two claims ;

"Mr. Abhisit was so "clean". You are right he was clean. And he was also not that petty to go after one person because he didn't like his relatives

Mr. Abhisit's rule was characterized by multiple corruption scandals. Do you deny that? Mr. Abhisit was more like Mr. Teflon..

Mr. Abhisit also came to power in large part because the Democrats aided and abetted the PAD's harrassment and sabotage of a democratically elected government. You have no idea if Mr. Abhisit's government did or did not go after anyone. What is known is that the Democrats declared former PM Thaksin enemy number 1 and did everything they could to get at him and that included hitting out at anyone they though was part of Mr. Thaksin's entourage.

The Dem's and the Army were more interested in running a country

Your statement speaks for itself and needs no rebuttal as its assininity is self evident.

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Unless you're claiming that all the prostitutes who were daughters of poor farmers, were there because they were forced to, your statement is somewhat lacking. Don't you think it's possible that the women were there because being a prostitute earns a lot more money than selling trinkets on the streets? Get back to reality, Thailand is a country where most people strive to get out of being poor through whatever opportunity that presents itself like corruption, drug dealing, prostitution, smuggling animals etc. We're not in fairy tail land where you can picture some rich pimp rounding up poor helpless women into prostitution. There are however, instances of under aged girls being sold for prostitution by their families, but ones that are adult have choices. So how many rampant under age brothels do you see in Thailand?

Quite clearly I wasn't but don't let that stop you rant on randomly.

I was pointing out in direct reply that Chuwit's "massage" parlours weren't the honourable Thai massage establishments that Yunla had in mind "Thai massage is an ancient profession that dates back thousands of years" and that in fact he had amassed a fortune off the backs of illegal prostitutes, a great number from the poor, rural north of the country.

I'm not sure where you are going with your under age brothels but I'll have to defer to your evidently superior knowledge on that one. Thanks for your input.

Yea if you watched the news, you might be enlightened some time, just passing on my superior knowledge to you, no need to thank me.

"Paint it however you like Yunla, Chuwit made billions of baht off the backs of the daughters of farmers, sold into prostitution."

You self righteous view that prostitutes are being exploited instead of them choosing to be there is what I'm arguing against. Chuwit was a business man, he set up a "massage" parlor because it was a big business. He opened up a place for women to work at. I don't agree with it and neither do you but don't fool yourself into thinking that they were there against their will.

As for Chuwit, one way Thai people can repent is to do good for society and his way of doing this is to reveal illegal casinos. Whether or not he's truly practicing this, you'd have to get into his head but I don't see why you would condemn him forever.

Self Righteous? Are you looking in a mirror?! I have obviously hit a nerve here.

Ok let's play your game, no prostitutes working in prostitution are ever exploited, no poor farmers daughter has ever worked in prostitution in Thailand and they certainly don't make up the majority of sex workers here, no-one ever pays any Thai person money to provide girls to work in the sex industry, in fact working in prostitution is actually the childhood aspiration for most of these working girls in Thailand. It's their dream job, they love having sex for money, kicking most of that money back to their pimp boss, and are quite content giving "freebies" to any passing policemen that their pimp boss needs to impress/ silence.

Does that sit better with your conscience? Could you explain what relevance that actually has to any of the points raised here?! You do realise prostitution is illegal in Thailand?

As for me condemning Chuwit forever, that's your self-righteous indignation kicking in, it's not a view I have ever expressed. Again thanks for your input, hopefully you can sleep better tonight...

Edited by Ferangled
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Allegedly, the den has been operating for 20+ years.

Pehaps some additional questions should be asked;

How does a gambling den run during multiple Democrat and military controlled governments?

How does an alleged "Thaksin" controlled gambling den operate in the Democrat stronghold of Bangkok where the governor detests all things Thaksin?

If the gambling den has been around for 20+years, then surely the Democrat regime under Abhisit, which was no friend of the Thaksin family, would have done something, since Mr. Abhisit was so "clean".

The gambling den might or might not be run by a Thaksin relative. If it is, that doesn't mean the Thaksin relative might not be one of the family outcasts.

Gambling dens in Thailand do not survive for 20 years unless there are powerful protectors and those protectors would have been around long before a man named Thaksin was elected PM.

Of course, this all assumes that there is even a gambling den. To date, Chuvit has made all sorts of accusations, yet he is never able to back it up with actual evidence.

Before, the Nation broke the story, why didn't someone go and take pictures of the valet parking, or the vehicles? Why didn't one of the Nation's journalists knock on the door and ask if there was gambling inside?

Lots of allegations, but no evidence presented.

And before anyone says, you go knock on the gambling den door, I say, Nationmedia has its own media facilities, why not run with the story, as it would have embarrassed the government had the story been substantiated.

Why why why. Who knows if its true. But nothing can be closed down unless the police close it and on past experience they don't want to as it upsets their income stream.

It's like in Pattaya were the Navy do more drug and gambling busts than the police blink.png

Sent from my GT-P1010 using Thaivisa Connect App

No they don't. The Pattaya newspapers report the busts in Sattahip which is controlled by the Navy.

And they go into pattaya as well

sent from my Wellcom A90+

I thought that the navy operated the mobile drug testing bus which was why they were involved in the large scale sweeps in Pattaya.

Sent from my GT-I9100 using Thaivisa Connect App

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Allegedly, the den has been operating for 20+ years.

Pehaps some additional questions should be asked;

How does a gambling den run during multiple Democrat and military controlled governments?

How does an alleged "Thaksin" controlled gambling den operate in the Democrat stronghold of Bangkok where the governor detests all things Thaksin?

If the gambling den has been around for 20+years, then surely the Democrat regime under Abhisit, which was no friend of the Thaksin family, would have done something, since Mr. Abhisit was so "clean".

The gambling den might or might not be run by a Thaksin relative. If it is, that doesn't mean the Thaksin relative might not be one of the family outcasts.

Gambling dens in Thailand do not survive for 20 years unless there are powerful protectors and those protectors would have been around long before a man named Thaksin was elected PM.

Of course, this all assumes that there is even a gambling den. To date, Chuvit has made all sorts of accusations, yet he is never able to back it up with actual evidence.

Before, the Nation broke the story, why didn't someone go and take pictures of the valet parking, or the vehicles? Why didn't one of the Nation's journalists knock on the door and ask if there was gambling inside?

Lots of allegations, but no evidence presented.

And before anyone says, you go knock on the gambling den door, I say, Nationmedia has its own media facilities, why not run with the story, as it would have embarrassed the government had the story been substantiated.

Your post was just a attempt to drag the Democrats and the Army Governments down.

The following is a quote from you

"Mr. Abhisit was so "clean". You are right he was clean. And he was also not that petty to go after one person because he didn't like his relatives.

For a fellow who tries to post intelligently you sure miss the mark. Do you really think the buerocasy and all the Government officials were honest when Thaksin got thrown out. That the Army got rid of all the honest people and hired only people who were corrupt.

Wake up and smell the coffee The Army and the Democrats inherited a pack of thieves just the same as the PT has inherited them.

Do you really think those two governments were that petty that they would go looking for Thaksins relatives? The only relatives they were interested in were the ones helping Thaksin steal money from the people Here is another quote from you

"multiple Democrat and military controlled governments" You forgot to mention that they were in power for only 5 of the 20 years the den had been running. But what the heck why mention a small fact like that. It might make people think that Thaksins government had overlooked them to. We can't make him look bad now can we.

The Dem's and the Army were more interested in running a country.

You are confusing them with your current friends in Dubai power.

You are incorrect.

Let's start with your basic math skills;

The allegation is made that the gambling den has operated for 20+ years. I'll use exactly 20 years ok 2012 - 20 = 1992

"multiple Democrat and military controlled governments" You forgot to mention that they were in power for only 5 of the 20 years the den had been running

Now let's go look at who was in power during that period and the length of their rule;

3 ½ Years - Military; 1992, 2006-2008

11 years - Democrat Party Party 1992-1995; 1997-2001, 2008-2011

31/2 + 11 = 141/2 not 5.

Now let's look at your two claims ;

"Mr. Abhisit was so "clean". You are right he was clean. And he was also not that petty to go after one person because he didn't like his relatives

Mr. Abhisit's rule was characterized by multiple corruption scandals. Do you deny that? Mr. Abhisit was more like Mr. Teflon..

Mr. Abhisit also came to power in large part because the Democrats aided and abetted the PAD's harrassment and sabotage of a democratically elected government. You have no idea if Mr. Abhisit's government did or did not go after anyone. What is known is that the Democrats declared former PM Thaksin enemy number 1 and did everything they could to get at him and that included hitting out at anyone they though was part of Mr. Thaksin's entourage.

The Dem's and the Army were more interested in running a country

Your statement speaks for itself and needs no rebuttal as its assininity is self evident.

To a died in the wool red shirt it would seem to be like that. I noticed you omitted the part of the Army and the Democrats inheriting the band of thieves. You still want every one to think they were the only Government to have corruption. You over look quite conveniently that It was not the Democrats who brought charges and convicted Thaksin. They did how ever make half hearted attempts to get him. Because in typically cowardly fashion he skipped the country does not mean he was not public enemy number one. If he was to come back and face all the charges against him you would understand. A person does not have to be convicted of a crime to be public enemy number one.

Look at the states when Dillinger was public enemy number one. He was not convicted of any crimes to merit that ranking just suspected.

Do you think that the band of crooks the army and the Democrats inherited disappeared when the PT came to power. That would be delusional thinking. But I see you don't comment on that.

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Allegedly, the den has been operating for 20+ years.

Pehaps some additional questions should be asked;

How does a gambling den run during multiple Democrat and military controlled governments?

How does an alleged "Thaksin" controlled gambling den operate in the Democrat stronghold of Bangkok where the governor detests all things Thaksin?

If the gambling den has been around for 20+years, then surely the Democrat regime under Abhisit, which was no friend of the Thaksin family, would have done something, since Mr. Abhisit was so "clean".

The gambling den might or might not be run by a Thaksin relative. If it is, that doesn't mean the Thaksin relative might not be one of the family outcasts.

Gambling dens in Thailand do not survive for 20 years unless there are powerful protectors and those protectors would have been around long before a man named Thaksin was elected PM.

Of course, this all assumes that there is even a gambling den. To date, Chuvit has made all sorts of accusations, yet he is never able to back it up with actual evidence.

Before, the Nation broke the story, why didn't someone go and take pictures of the valet parking, or the vehicles? Why didn't one of the Nation's journalists knock on the door and ask if there was gambling inside?

Lots of allegations, but no evidence presented.

And before anyone says, you go knock on the gambling den door, I say, Nationmedia has its own media facilities, why not run with the story, as it would have embarrassed the government had the story been substantiated.

Your post was just a attempt to drag the Democrats and the Army Governments down.

The following is a quote from you

"Mr. Abhisit was so "clean". You are right he was clean. And he was also not that petty to go after one person because he didn't like his relatives.

For a fellow who tries to post intelligently you sure miss the mark. Do you really think the buerocasy and all the Government officials were honest when Thaksin got thrown out. That the Army got rid of all the honest people and hired only people who were corrupt.

Wake up and smell the coffee The Army and the Democrats inherited a pack of thieves just the same as the PT has inherited them.

Do you really think those two governments were that petty that they would go looking for Thaksins relatives? The only relatives they were interested in were the ones helping Thaksin steal money from the people Here is another quote from you

"multiple Democrat and military controlled governments" You forgot to mention that they were in power for only 5 of the 20 years the den had been running. But what the heck why mention a small fact like that. It might make people think that Thaksins government had overlooked them to. We can't make him look bad now can we.

The Dem's and the Army were more interested in running a country.

You are confusing them with your current friends in Dubai power.

You are incorrect.

Let's start with your basic math skills;

The allegation is made that the gambling den has operated for 20+ years. I'll use exactly 20 years ok 2012 - 20 = 1992

"multiple Democrat and military controlled governments" You forgot to mention that they were in power for only 5 of the 20 years the den had been running

Now let's go look at who was in power during that period and the length of their rule;

3 ½ Years - Military; 1992, 2006-2008

11 years - Democrat Party Party 1992-1995; 1997-2001, 2008-2011

31/2 + 11 = 141/2 not 5.

Now let's look at your two claims ;

"Mr. Abhisit was so "clean". You are right he was clean. And he was also not that petty to go after one person because he didn't like his relatives

Mr. Abhisit's rule was characterized by multiple corruption scandals. Do you deny that? Mr. Abhisit was more like Mr. Teflon..

Mr. Abhisit also came to power in large part because the Democrats aided and abetted the PAD's harrassment and sabotage of a democratically elected government. You have no idea if Mr. Abhisit's government did or did not go after anyone. What is known is that the Democrats declared former PM Thaksin enemy number 1 and did everything they could to get at him and that included hitting out at anyone they though was part of Mr. Thaksin's entourage.

The Dem's and the Army were more interested in running a country

Your statement speaks for itself and needs no rebuttal as its assininity is self evident.

To a died in the wool red shirt it would seem to be like that. I noticed you omitted the part of the Army and the Democrats inheriting the band of thieves. You still want every one to think they were the only Government to have corruption. You over look quite conveniently that It was not the Democrats who brought charges and convicted Thaksin. They did how ever make half hearted attempts to get him. Because in typically cowardly fashion he skipped the country does not mean he was not public enemy number one. If he was to come back and face all the charges against him you would understand. A person does not have to be convicted of a crime to be public enemy number one.

Look at the states when Dillinger was public enemy number one. He was not convicted of any crimes to merit that ranking just suspected.

Do you think that the band of crooks the army and the Democrats inherited disappeared when the PT came to power. That would be delusional thinking. But I see you don't comment on that.

And Dillinger was killed by FBI agents although he had not been convicted of any crime. Is that acceptable to you?

Your idea of a "dyed in the wool redshirt" appears to mean anyone who does not accept your interpretation of events.It might be more appropriate to explain why the army and Democrats could do nothing about the "pack of thieves" you mentioned as justification for the Democrats failure.

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Unless the casino was in the 4 seasons or Siam Paragon then Yingluck wouldnt have a clue.............

I think its over there....post-46292-0-62164900-1341530705_thumb.j

I think we are guessing that Yingluck would not have a clue. Where with you and posts like the above we are sure.

Wouldn't it be nice sometimes to post with some relevance to the OP instead of bashing the PM of Thailand repeatedly.

Edited by kerryk
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