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Music Lessons For Kids In Pattaya

Phil Conners

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My daughter would like to learn to play guitar. I checked with a couple of places, all seem very expensive (400 baht per lesson) and only 1-to-1 offered. One place suggested that there might be a 10% reduction if she brought a (paying) friend.

Any recommendations? Perhaps a place where 4-6 kids learn together. We did that when I was a kid, didn't seem to be a problem then, don't understand why it's not offerend anywhere here.

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There is a Yamaha school on the highway at the Junction of Theppasit. Dunno what they teach or how good they are. But Yamaha schools are usully fairly OK.

If your daughter is serious then maybe you should find out what style she wants to learn. Jazz is nothing like Clasical and Popular strumming is nothing like Spanish. This preference will also dictate what kind of guitar you have to buy.

I know it's probably very early to decide but she has to have a leaning toward one style of music or another no?

Or maybe she wants to fingerpick folk music but I very much doubt there will be even one person who could teach it in Pattaya.

I flatpick bluegrass and have learnt everything I know from studying with CDs and tab notation, benifit is you can study when ever you want and there is always the same sound coming out of the speakers and same tab on the written page, no different really from a face to face teacher, if she is old enough to go this route.

Elderly instruments have a gigantic collection of instruction mediums in every possible style. Maybe that could be an option if you can't find a local teacher. (search google)

Having taught many people guitar I believe that the black dots on music paper never taught any newcomer to play guitar. They need to learn by ear first, the black dot stuff and theory can come later when they are hooked on the instrument.

If any of that helped great! If I can help on anything else like advice on what guitar to buy or books to use or whatever then love to help you out.

Bin playing the rotten things for 45 years now.

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Yeah I know that 1-on-1 is more intensive than a group but I would have though that having a group would lower the cost. $400 for one lesson, not even an hour? I don't know, I think it sounds expensive. Back home I'd have gotten a whole course (year) for that price (not complaing, just comparing).

Yes I forgot to mention her age, she is 9 and just wants to learn to play guitar and become a superstar like the ones on TV. Yeah I know, but hey, there's a lot worse things she could do with her time than learn to play guitar, regardless of reason. I know the Yamaha shop you talk about. Had a look at them, same price as the others and didn't strike me as particularly serious.

I would probably prefer a female teacher to be honest :o

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