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My Birma Domains... Time To Bay.

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Judging from a good third of your domains dealing with singles/girls/love/brides etc. I glean you expect the country to become a major dating and mailorder bride market within the next few years.

And unless Myanmar decides to revert back to the country's old name Burma anytime soon, you're going to sit on your proudly displayed domains like on a basket of rotting durians that nobdy wants.

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How much did you pay for the domains?


looking at the number of domains, "plus a few more", i say a bundle,

hope OP can remember all the passwords for the admin and does not mind if someone registers variations such as (example)


New person-expatsclubburma.com or burma-expatsclub.com

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Besides the EPIC fail on the Burma/Myanmar thing, you also spelt tourist wrong (burmaturist.com)

Also I would imagine they will get their own suffix, like Malaysia (.co.my) and Indonesia (.co.id) etc. Here we have .co.th but it is not widely used, in those countries all websites have the country suffix.

Come on tell us, how much? cheesy.gif

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Besides the EPIC fail on the Burma/Myanmar thing, you also spelt tourist wrong (burmaturist.com)

Also I would imagine they will get their own suffix, like Malaysia (.co.my) and Indonesia (.co.id) etc. Here we have .co.th but it is not widely used, in those countries all websites have the country suffix.

Come on tell us, how much? cheesy.gif

Unless OP got a bulk discount its usually $5-$7 per domain, so few hundred$$

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Besides the EPIC fail on the Burma/Myanmar thing, you also spelt tourist wrong (burmaturist.com)

Also I would imagine they will get their own suffix, like Malaysia (.co.my) and Indonesia (.co.id) etc. Here we have .co.th but it is not widely used, in those countries all websites have the country suffix.

Come on tell us, how much? cheesy.gif

Myanmar's top level domain is ".mm"

Already many years.

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I have a rule in life that if I do something really stupid I don't post it on a public forum. That all those domain names were available should tell you something. That something is that no-one wants them.

Why didn't you get the Birma domains as well as the Burma ones? You could have cornered the market for those that can't spell.

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Firstly, all of those domains are crap, you have misspelled the English in several of them; secondly, you have inserted 's' unnecessarily (e.g. burmagirlsfinder.com instead of burmagirlfinder.com); thirdly, the country is not called Burma; and fourthly, it's going to be a very long time before the ordinary people in that country have internet access, and it's also unlikely to become a major hub for ex-pats, which you seem to be targeting with these domains. Congratulations, you have just thrown away your money. Then again, probably not even half as much money as you throw at Thai girls every single month. What were you thinking by registering crap domains for a non-existent country?

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Besides the EPIC fail on the Burma/Myanmar thing, you also spelt tourist wrong (burmaturist.com)

Actually, a burmaturist is a Burmese naturist. Note that he also registered burmanude.com. The clever devil is trying to corner the market in Burmese naturism! cheesy.gif To foil his cunning plan, I will have to register burmanudes.com as well as burmanood.com and burmanoods.com so as to also corner the market of naturists with poor spelling skills.

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Besides the EPIC fail on the Burma/Myanmar thing, you also spelt tourist wrong (burmaturist.com)

Also I would imagine they will get their own suffix, like Malaysia (.co.my) and Indonesia (.co.id) etc. Here we have .co.th but it is not widely used, in those countries all websites have the country suffix.

Come on tell us, how much? cheesy.gif

Unless OP got a bulk discount its usually $5-$7 per domain, so few hundred$$

Verisign controls .com and charge between $7-8 per domain (bulk). Most registrars now charge around $10 for a .com, though if you are a big buyer you may find it a little cheaper. The cheapest consumer price I'm able to find at this time is $9.43 for a .com, including free privacy protection.

Some registrars sell the domain at a loss first year, presumably in the hope that you will renew the domains at an inflated price for many years to follow.

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Besides the EPIC fail on the Burma/Myanmar thing, you also spelt tourist wrong (burmaturist.com)

Also I would imagine they will get their own suffix, like Malaysia (.co.my) and Indonesia (.co.id) etc. Here we have .co.th but it is not widely used, in those countries all websites have the country suffix.

Come on tell us, how much? cheesy.gif

Unless OP got a bulk discount its usually $5-$7 per domain, so few hundred$$

Verisign controls .com and charge between $7-8 per domain (bulk). Most registrars now charge around $10 for a .com, though if you are a big buyer you may find it a little cheaper. The cheapest consumer price I'm able to find at this time is $9.43 for a .com, including free privacy protection.

Some registrars sell the domain at a loss first year, presumably in the hope that you will renew the domains many years to follow.

Where is that ??

Thing is, don't they offer the cheap rego initially and then up the yearly renewals and privacy fees etc ??

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Bought my self some domain name for Burma today:


You sure you purchased them today ?

Not going to go through them all but..............


Created on: 2012-02-19 08:00:03 UTC

Expires on: 2013-02-19 08:00:03 UTC

Updated on: 2012-07-03 17:11:25 UTC

Edited by Spoonman
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Besides the EPIC fail on the Burma/Myanmar thing, you also spelt tourist wrong (burmaturist.com)

Also I would imagine they will get their own suffix, like Malaysia (.co.my) and Indonesia (.co.id) etc. Here we have .co.th but it is not widely used, in those countries all websites have the country suffix.

Come on tell us, how much? cheesy.gif

Unless OP got a bulk discount its usually $5-$7 per domain, so few hundred$$

Verisign controls .com and charge between $7-8 per domain (bulk). Most registrars now charge around $10 for a .com, though if you are a big buyer you may find it a little cheaper. The cheapest consumer price I'm able to find at this time is $9.43 for a .com, including free privacy protection.

Some registrars sell the domain at a loss first year, presumably in the hope that you will renew the domains at an inflated price for many years to follow.

i think if you search for coupon discounts you will find many for $5 or so

i registered a few with netfirms, 30% coupon discount and it was $4.95 for the first year and then jumped to $12 from memory

this is the company http://www.netfirms.com/netfirms/domain-names/

and for coupons see here https://www.google.com/webhp?rlz=1C1AVSC_enTH438TH438&sourceid=chrome-instant&ie=UTF-8#rlz=1C1AVSC_enTH438TH438&sourceid=chrome-psyapi2&ie=UTF-8&q=netfirms%20discount%20coupon%20code&bav=on.2,or.r_gc.r_pw.r_cp.r_qf.,cf.osb&fp=4fc1c984211b8d1b&biw=1366&bih=611

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Yes that's what I said, they sell you at a loss first year in the hope of recovering the loss later. That was my second line.

Samsiam, I'll send you a PM with the registrar I use.

yeah sorry i misread that partbiggrin.png

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The domains is gonna to be a GOLDMINE some day;-) I dont give a <deleted>....K about what you all say;-)

a silly question if i may, if you do not give an F, why did you make a thread?

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